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12521356 No.12521356[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books on sexual celibacy and nofap? Just broke my 4 day streak.

>> No.12521392

you are a "Nothingposter". what goes on in your head is the philosophical equivalent to celery, and it saddens me that I can see this through so little communication between us

>> No.12521418

i acknowledge this as a legitimate concern, but have you considered that one ought to follow a path merely because one ought to ?

>> No.12521424

also, hah, i Think you are ridiculing the general sentiment of the messages posted here. Surely the outrageousness of your attached animation doesn't aid your cause

>> No.12521425

Talk about pretentious lol

>> No.12521430

A life of controlling my desires is my path

>> No.12521453

Try something like confession and do try to forget that a faceless message on the intranet told you to do so. It should help offer a bit of social pressure to your goals

>> No.12521455


a good asessment

>> No.12521461

oh c'mon, what's wrong with the guy who posted the original message. Don't insult his intelligence just because he chose to share a struggle which you either do or should share in, as a card-carrying patron of this forum online

>> No.12521462

>wants to practice sexual celibacy
>uploads a jezebel picture

>> No.12521465

I do agree.

>> No.12521466

Chasteposters already explained everything. You obviously didn't follow the advice to have posted that image.

>> No.12521474

it's a gif

>> No.12521478

120 Days of Sodom
Kama Sutra

>> No.12521491

Doesn't matter what it is. It's too sexually explicit from the thumbnail alone. If you tolerate having this image saved, tolerate uploading it, tolerate watching it through, then it's no wonder that you can hardly last 4 days.

>> No.12521518
File: 19 KB, 747x517, 1547839221826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have actually become chaste. Don't masturbate habitually anymore. Have only had one or two relapses over the last year or so. Have gone from daily porn user to zero porn use. It can be done, but you need to be disciplined, not simply in resisting the urge, but in living in a way that does not create the urge, because contrary to the Freudian view of sexuality that most people hold today, sexual release is not necessary for psychological health unless you live in a way that creates that build up of a sexual pressure. First tip, don't post jezebel gifs. Honestly, not sure why you even have those on your computer if you want to give up porn. Delete all porn (even the softest) off your computer now. Next step, the moment a sexual thought comes to mind, immediately think of something else. It'll be hard at first, but with time it become habit. Next step, when you see pretty girls in public, train yourself not to look. In fact, train yourself to notice yourself noticing attractive girls and immediately looking away when you notice that desire to look in you. It might seem pointless, but looking at girls actually estranges you from them. Beauty requires distance, so that rapacious need to look at every and any girl as though she were the last you were ever going to see in fact cuts you off from ever appreciating the beauty of women. Think of it this way: by giving up indulging in pointless and unsatisfying leering, you will grow to be a man who can actually enjoy the fullness of sexual union if and when you find yourself in a loving relationship with a woman.

>> No.12521538

Explain to me why chastity at this level is a good thing and not a reactionary overcorrection from our hypersexualized modern lives?

>> No.12521767

What about intimacy, though? I have noticed that more than sexual pleasure, I crave for a romantic relationship. I keep daydreaming about having a girlfriend, and make up some dumb story about how I have a good life. I end up doing this subconsciously, and it has become more and more frequent. These delusions have become so much worse that they are affecting my everyday life.

>> No.12521917

not the guy you're replying to but I agree with what he says... kinda.
>"the moment a sexual thought comes to mind, immediately think of something else"
is a bit off imo. I think it's more like "the moment a sexual thought comes to mind, address it realistically, take a good honest look at the desire, think about the most virtuous way you can fulfil that desire".

No fap was good for me because masturbation is a distraction. JP blah blah "what is it preventing you from doing". But it's just one of many distractions and you have to seriously address them all.

I haven't made myself cum in like a year and I've been in the loving, romantic relationship that I so badly desired for the last 8 months.

>> No.12521924

kek, looks like Jesus is raising an eyebrow saying 'I no rite?'

>> No.12521929
File: 62 KB, 1064x542, chrome_2019-02-02_11-12-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12521938

So the solution to your obsessive porn addiction is trying to convert to the other extreme?
Masturbation and sexual intercourse are good things, porn is bad and corrupts your mind. As you'll go more time without it even if you fail sometimes, it becomes easier. I recommend trying to masturbate with no external stimulation, it's hard at first because excessive consumption of porn makes everything looks boring and forces you to looking for novel and weirder fetishes, but if you manage it feels way better, releases tension and doesn't waste too much time.
Cut your screen time drastically and enrich your personal and social life, find a new hobby, whatever. I recommend practicing hatha yoga and meditation, if you persist with a routine it will highly benefit your ability to be calm and attentive.
Most importantly, don't feel any shame or guilt because of your sexual needs or buy into this retarded chastity meme of larping christfag incels. This way of thinking belongs to the middle ages. Awareness and moderation is the key.

>> No.12521940

I enjoyed reading that thank you

>> No.12521944

Anti-porn books should help. Try:

Getting Off by Robert Jensen
Only Words by Catharine MacKinnon
Men Possessing Women by Andrea Dworkin

Watching radical feminist anti-porn content will also scare you off using porn. Here's a good place to start::




>> No.12521950

how do i essplain to my girlfriend i wanna be celibate till imma famous author??

>> No.12521954

Get an asexual gf

t. asexual dude with an asexual gf who spoils me and whose parents love me

>> No.12521964

>masturbation is good
peak söy

>> No.12522040

How do you know that she's not cheating on you?

>> No.12522056

Because she lives at home with her parents and is either with them, or me, or at work. Not every woman is a slut like your mom, Anon.

>> No.12522071

Middle ground fallacy.

>> No.12522075

Man, you really take offense at everything. I was only curious because I am in a similar kind of a situation.

>> No.12522087

Not other guy guy but calm your tits. It's goddam 4channel, don't expect babytalk and don't be offended by a yo mama joke. cunt

>> No.12522331

Celery actually tastes really disgusting and bitter, it doesnt taste like nothing

>> No.12522362

Imagine being this deluded