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/lit/ - Literature

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12509551 No.12509551[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's on her stack, /lit/?

>> No.12509562

go ask some ants

>> No.12509563
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Books that spark joy

>> No.12509697

Her favourite book was a Japanese treatise on discarding possessions. She threw it away.
t. read her book

>> No.12509748

>48 books
Too many.

>> No.12509773

forgot Norwegian Wood

>> No.12509805

Needs more Kafka and biographies on Ian Curtis.

>> No.12509829

>Who Will Run the Frog Hospital?
What an awesome title

>> No.12510250
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standard acceleration stuff: Bataille, Baudrillard, Deleuze, Land. she's Woke to the real story now, but you'd never hear her talk about any of it. she's compartmentalized it all.

as would you, if you had seen what she had seen. she knows about more dirt than anyone. you guys really think Tidying Up isn't a metaphor? i thought this was the smart board.

>> No.12510292

Literally achieved zen mastery.

>> No.12510304

This is almost pathological

>> No.12510369

>Depressing literature
>Notes From Underground
Nice job completely misinterpreting it to whoever made this chart

>> No.12510384

rolled spines, mostly

>> No.12510394
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>> No.12510549
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She is literally ALWAYS smiling. I very much think that she is an empty husk inside..

>> No.12510574

Hunger was the only book I read this summer. I was impoverished and in a real dark place in my life.
Started a habit of not eating for fun/to save money. I was already skinny and then lost like 20 pounds. Haven't weighed this little since puberty, it's weird.

>> No.12510638
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Too easy.

>> No.12512037

You'v never seen her outside of promotional things though, it's default to smile for those things.

>> No.12512045

You expect her to give a dirty look to the camera or something?

>> No.12512232

I now understand waifuism.

>> No.12512347

She's a Japanese woman.

>> No.12512960

Opposite. She lives in perfect harmony with the providence of the world soul. The result of years of being a Shinto temple prostitute.

>> No.12512972

Fascist and reactionary books.

>> No.12512979

How to Suck your Westerner Husband's Penis

>> No.12513016

She triggers leftists so much. It's amazing.

>> No.12513027

0% tidy

>> No.12513116

>tidy up!

>clean your room!

>> No.12513124
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Why do they have so much angst about teaching alienated career-bots how to be women?

>> No.12513183
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>> No.12513193

culture of critique
An investigation of global policy with the Yamato Race as nucleus
Siege by james mason
the works of nick land
can life prevail?

>> No.12513206

"Reaction is oriented towards order; creating order requires virtue; virtue is a habit; habits are first established via small tasks like tidying; therefore, the most Reactionary book ever written is Kondo Marie’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing."

>> No.12513225

" Liberal mind may instinctively leap from “order” to an image of a totalitarian, regimented society, but order essentially means, simply, each aspect of a society working as it ought. In book XII, chapter 11 of the Analects Confucius is asked about government, and he says, “Let the prince be a prince, the minister a minister, the father a father, and the son a son.”

>> No.12513226

I almost saved this but then I realized it's anti-white.

>> No.12513235

I unironically believe Marie Kondo is far more subversive to "the System" than James Mason.

>> No.12513268

Marie Kondo is a Shinto mujahid waging jihad against consumerism.

>> No.12513275

give her your power

>> No.12513302

They're equally entrenched in the establishment.

>> No.12513308

Kondo. Oh, no. She is mining the establishment from inside.

>> No.12513310
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In the same way Aristophanes is anti-Greek.

>> No.12513312

She is doing more for the right than the Alt-Right and the Neo-Nazis could ever dream to do.

>> No.12513324

She is already under flak by the kikes. I will see if I can find the articles.

>> No.12513332

Leftist triggered.

>> No.12513347

>take the Kondopill
>realise buying consumer shit actually clutters your house, your mind, and your life and makes you misrable
>stop buying consumer shit in the doomed effort to create an identity and chase happiness
>capitalism collapses

>> No.12513350

If incels weren't retarded, this is what they would strive for.

>> No.12513375


>> No.12513384
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>(((capitalism))) collapses

>> No.12513402
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She is basically anudah shoah!

>> No.12513440
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I'm interested to read her book now! Is it better than SIEGE?

>> No.12513444

y'all are hell cringey

>> No.12513492

what, why?
Also fuck America for tainting something pure with their disgusting cultural imperialism

>> No.12513533
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Because she is a kamikaze pilot smashing into the aircraft carrier of consumerism at the heart of capitalism's battlefleet.

>> No.12513689
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Point me towards some of this "triggering". I don't really doubt much in this day and age, but I do doubt this

>> No.12513695

It's an incel fantasy.

>> No.12514281

What a fucking idiot you are.

>> No.12514455
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If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him

>> No.12514641

And also your parents and so forth.
The meaning is that you should divorce yourself from the identity constructs of Buddha and parents and so forth, not that any literal murder should take place.

>> No.12514862

>"only keep things that bring you enjoy"
>nip skank making consumer cucks not only not feel shame for piling up useless material possesions but reaffirming their commodity fetishism
>tfw ancap but this shits about to make me go full commie

>> No.12515414

>The lifestyle guru tries to fix America’s messy homes with her ‘if in doubt, throw it out’ spirit. And that’s precisely what Netflix should have done. Two stars.

>> No.12515436

There's an episode where this woman isn't sure if she should throw away her dress and she says something along these lines: if you're not sure, leave it aside and come back to it later, get something that you know you will keep, to hone your skills of noticing joy.
So, in doubt, you keep it, the opposite.

>> No.12515455

One thing doesn't have to do with the other

>> No.12515471

Note Kondo's smile and femininity and compare to the roasties fear and horror at being exposed as an unfeminine slob:

>> No.12516712


>> No.12516725

White people are done. Take the yellow pill and tidy up.

>> No.12516740

I may be persuaded to support socialism if I knew it would stop the cultural rot. It's too bad commies love their tattoos and pink hair.

>> No.12516791

>can you explain what does 'spark joy' mean?
lol the glares Konmari gets are hilarious

so full of incredulity and despair, you can tell they're dealing with an utterly foreign culture even before she get into the Shinto animist thing, and greets rooms or thanks inanimate objects about to turn into trash for their service

>> No.12517219

Is there a such thing as white Shintoism?

>> No.12517241

Fascist books.

>> No.12517668

>Dude just be joyful lmao
thanks, my depression is now cured and i can now go be a soulless bugman salaryman and work myself to death for profit

>> No.12517699

It exists in Hawaii for 1/50th Japanese leftovers.

>> No.12517721

There's some wisdom in acting the way you want to feel. There's even been scientific studies which show that simply forcing yourself to smile will make you happier.

>> No.12517722


>> No.12517765


How do you think she comes?

>> No.12517857

on black dick only

>> No.12518074

Literally not what she says, lol. If an object makes you feel happy, you keep it.

Quietly with her husband in missionary position, beneath the covers and with the lights off.

>> No.12518135
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Well /lit/?

>> No.12518148

You're retarded
I thought /lit/ was supposed to be smart?

>> No.12518300

>brown university


>> No.12518448

weird assymetrical face, eyes too far apart, fat
4/10 would bang and ghost afterwards

>> No.12518491

>garbage time is running out

>> No.12518501

>happily married

literally satan

>> No.12518513

>this picture of husband and wife with three kids and a dog is actually supposed to be offensive

>> No.12518531


>> No.12518548
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>> No.12518552

120 days of sodom

>> No.12518580

go back to your containment board, incels! you are trespassing

>> No.12518590

Are there any authentic traditions?

>> No.12518615


Cultural Marxist detected.

>> No.12518643

I don't think there really can be given the lack of continuity. Nips were spared both Christianity and Communism which is why their pagan past is relatively intact.

>> No.12518717
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>>tfw she will never declutter the petrified spermy from your mummified prostate
>>tfw she will never declutter the carbonized spermae from the permafrost of your prostate
>>tfw she will never declutter the dead greenland shark-like spermea from the arctic circle seabed of your prostate

>> No.12518719
File: 552 KB, 1920x1080, Doki-Doki-Literature-Club-Poem-Words-Guide-Yuri-1_feature1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is Yuri ultimately the waifu of /lit/?

>> No.12518727

She was. Now it is Marie Kondo.
BTW she is also the new queen of the Alt-Right.

>> No.12518796
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>tfw she will never declutter the shipwrecked sperma from the sheol of your prostate
>tfw she will never declutter the bog body-like sperma from the odessa catacombs of your prostate
>tfw she will never declutter the megalith of sperma from the atlantis of your prostate

>> No.12519089
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Seething white pigs galore

>> No.12519107

>tfw the fourth reich will be started by a small qt little jap lady.
I'm ready to start cleaning up the white race.

>> No.12519127
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I'd suffer with her in a cramped apartment, drinking tea and reading Russian novels with characters who also suffer, while we both avoid proper jobs and live by scraping together whatever money we can to spend on books, cheap tea and the basic food items we need.

>> No.12519176

>*splashes big glass of wine around
>*trips over one of her furbabies*

>> No.12519270

She is literally the next Hitler

>> No.12519321
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Good post. It shares many qualities with Platonism's World Soul, the practical religion of the Greek's as portrayed by Xenophon, and some with the Franciscans blessing of nature and animals; but the potential for White Shintoism is something that should actively investigated.

>> No.12519349

The Daily Stormer mentioned this concept in an article about based Kondo.

>> No.12519360

Another great contribution from the Everything is Platonism school of comparative philosophy.

>> No.12519369

Look at the carefully chosen photos, it's like they were going out of their way to convince me she's happier than them, and there's a reason for it.

>> No.12519389

They are only Platonic in as far as they are right.

>> No.12519407

It's impossible to read Plato and not see it in everything.

>> No.12519431

Stay away from edgy middle class commies rebelling against their establishment parent commies. Try and find old-school style unionist and working-class labour commies. They're rare but they're out there, and the world needs more of them.

Be the change you wish to see in the world, anon.

>> No.12519464

>Zizek analysing an episode of hers
God damn, it would be amazing.

>> No.12519486

You don't understand me. Because I don't really care about material wealth, I may be persuaded to support an inferior system of resource distribution like communism if it could be assured it will stop the cultural rot and be more traditional. Meeting up with a rare non degenerate communist isn't going to make me believe the system can do what I'm asking it to. It's not answering the question I'm asking.