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12509255 No.12509255 [Reply] [Original]


What the actual fuck is this shit? Why are they talking so fast?

>> No.12509488

you wouldn't understand, it's an American thing..

>> No.12509536


The future is bleak and dystopian. The content is garbage because of the present climate along with the discourse.

>> No.12509555
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>> No.12509876

Didn't we have this before?

Leave it to muttmerica to completely turn on its head the meaning of a debate or any concept. To debate means to formulate and respond to arguments in real time and to do so cohesively, clearly and fluidly. Yet what we're seeing here is anything but those.

>> No.12510385

They only judge the amount of points you make, no whether they are coherent or logical. The faster you talk the more points you can get in. Get more points in = you win. Basically niggers ruin everything again

>> No.12510582

Does he mew?

>> No.12510591

it's called a gish gallop

>> No.12510600

No but you stink, you fucking inbred cunt. The part about you is that you have pride in yourself despite your obvious worthlessness. You're nothing, you're a disgusting mistake that wastes resources. You don't deserve anything. Nothing you've ever done is noteworthy.

>> No.12510603

love this

>> No.12510610

Holy shit is this actually what policy debate is like, like, like, like? Thank God I did Lincoln Douglas when I was in high school.

>> No.12510652 [DELETED] 


>> No.12510670


>> No.12511419
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>> No.12511605

anyone who's debated competitively will tell you that literally all live verbal debate is a joke and accomplishes nothing

>> No.12511747

ayyy where my policy/cx niggas at
man fuck progressives fuck spewing/spreading or whatever the hell they're calling now
real niggas do IEs
who here extemporaneous speaking

>> No.12511780
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>Debate team
>debate clubs
>next level, speed debating
Low IQ, bourgeois, and pseud. Adolf Hitler never was on a debate team yet was able to outwit 30 other parties because he was a good speaker and charismatic.

Benyamine Shapiro is the opposite of Hitler. Terrible speaker. Stuffy. Poor body language. Just complete shit tier. The fact that these kids look up to him, even plagiarize off him, is almost laughable.

Pro-tip, you could be entirely correct when it comes to "debating" in such confined environments, and win pats on your backs from the professors in the room for your invocation that your opponent was fallacious but it does not mean jack shit in the real world. Rhetoric and Charisma, not Debate and Contrarianism. Keep your mouth shut in the public sphere until you are 30. Learn, and refine your arguments and beliefs until then. Demolish pseuds like Benjyamine Shapiro and these kids then. They do not stand a chance in the real world against great speakers and rhetoricians.

>> No.12511965

This is what schools teach now, that if you want to win, all you have to do is point out that your opponent is either a white male, or if they aren't a white male, just say they have internalized white male sexism/homophobia/racism/whatever.

And yes, modern school debate is anything but a debate

>> No.12512324

This is a scene straight out of some dystopian fiction. Victimhood supplants reasoning as the vital part of an argument to such an extent that the actual substance of the debate becomes more of a hindrance and students are taught to speed read through arguments so they can get to the meat of the 21st century debate: character assassination. Legitimately scary.

>> No.12512689

PoFo is superior because you actually have to be able to convince the soccer moms who judge