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12504321 No.12504321 [Reply] [Original]

Is he browsing among us?

>> No.12504329

watched that too
he overdoes it, but is it foolish?

>> No.12504331

>the uploader has not made this video available in your country
You had one job, OP.

>> No.12504334

Looks like harold bloom

>> No.12504333


>> No.12504341

Not having a VPN

>> No.12504342

where you from white boi?

>> No.12504386
File: 284 KB, 1058x1189, Screenshot_20190130-123855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking cunts at CBS

>> No.12504390

Video's streaming fine in burgerland. Did you try moving to a real country?

>> No.12504400

Just have to toss in some genderbait shit lmao fucking msm

>> No.12504419

Definitely autistic. I bet he frequents /his/

>> No.12504427

I don't look good in a bulletproof vest.

>> No.12504772

>interviews the probably most knowledgeable autist on the Internet
>brings up gender gap of all things
>cuts back
>gender was the only thing they commented on
Fuck these kikes

>> No.12504791
File: 39 KB, 700x692, 1548861572227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gender gap in biographies on the wikipedia you sperg. Also nobody uses the wage gap as a talking point anymore not even feminists because it got so btfo

>> No.12504801
File: 54 KB, 400x600, Dans-les-bras-II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This piece of shit most likely fucked up Evola's Wikipedia article.

>> No.12504879

Is this actually real? How the fuck could any human being possibly write one third of the largest encyclopedia in history?

>> No.12505865

He does it for free?

>> No.12505877


Harold Bloom has a bastard child?

>> No.12505918
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>How much money do you make off all of this


>> No.12505929

>the most prolific editor of the most widely consulted source of knowledge in the world is an anticommunist who works for border security
Wow you alt-right lords are really rebelling against the status quo, huh?

>> No.12505956
File: 25 KB, 523x301, 1538421184386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps if he was the hero who denotes the Jewish background of a myriad of prominent figures on wikipedia

>> No.12505975

>3 hours a day researching, editing

lmao that's less time than most of you spend here

>> No.12507107

>along President Trump. J.K Rowling and Kim Kardashian
Yeah all people known for the """internet"" presence" of course.

>> No.12507169

guy seems absolutely based beyond any respect. rich ancestry, devotion to wisdom for good reasons, crazy drive

>> No.12507291

I don't get the hate. This guy is an inspiration.

>selflessly devotes himself to the cultivation of knowledge, to make it available to masses at a click of a button like an internet saint

>research abilities that put some professors to shame

>Intelligently lives with his parents, avoiding the exorbitant rents of this day and age that only a fool would pay

>Is involved with his religion, participates in community life

>Knows where he came from, takes pride in his family history

>Despite not resembling another James Dean clone, isn't a bitter, infantile, self-professed incel; lives his own life

>is a productive citizen, holds down a real responsibility at a government agency

>> No.12507414

Yeah, he seems like a legend.

>> No.12507423

that's not alt-right that's literally just the regular right, you're so deep in memes that you've forgotten the kind of fucking retards that make up the majority of america

>> No.12507566

I may very well be overestimating how fringe his politics are, but we're not talking about just any "normie" here. I mean, did you take a look at the guy?
Also, in 2000+19 being an anticommunist is way more of an affirmative political position than it was when Reagan was president.

>> No.12507577

Anyways, the main thrust of my comment was to point out the idiocy in the belief that the "alt right" constitutes some challenge to the status quo.

>> No.12508723

what a based man

>> No.12508877

Wikipedia is dog shit, It is supposed to be a decentralised information platform but if you try to post something they dont like they just edit it out. Fuck those liberal moderators retards

>> No.12508896

Whats his IQ?

>> No.12508928

Is he an incel?

>> No.12508954

>women make up 20% of editors
>women make up 20% of articles
Oy vey

>> No.12508961

>dude he's fat and short obviously he's a nazi
>dude if you think the USSR was bad because of your personal experiences with it you're a nazi

>> No.12508965

Lmao triggered nazi

>> No.12508966

They actually made the unsalaried achievement of some guy about women.

>> No.12508972

anyone who edits wikipedia and doesn't hate it will view 4chan as far too unmoderated and wont be interested unless they can become a mod

>> No.12509019
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>> No.12509069

It's usually the other way around because the company will be based in shartland.

>> No.12509085

I'm not sure alt-right is even a legitimate term. It seems like a catchall for the boogeymen strawmanning of the topical mainstream. But if it really was, then I don't see how it wouldn't be counter to not only the status quo but modernity itself. Of course, it could and could not be, as the label includes a multitude of contradictory ideologies portrayed as roughly the same thing, the binary shade of 'evil', but most of them seem very much against the status quo, la. Since the things they advocate are nonexistent, dead and dying, or actively dismantled by the popular culture, state, and global economy.

>> No.12509091

He attacked the "authoritarianism" of the USSR so he's probably not alt-right.

>> No.12509102

A good portion of Wikipedia is disinformation, it's very easy to simply not cite anything and have it stay up (unedited) because it fits the correct view, or to simply select certain resources and ignore the rest. Don't think anything is exempt from this, least of all Wikipedia. Also, there are people that actively engage in various kinds of anachronistic revisionism (mainly historical but not limited to), such as those who misportray or simply make up shit about someone due to them being a woman (invariably positive), of incorrect cultural/social/political persuasion (invariably negative), or related to ongoing/recent events wherein a false narrative is in play for serious political reasons.

>> No.12509119

noticed that too

absolutely disgusting

>> No.12509156

Privately they're all thinking, this guy is such a morlock

>> No.12509191

>you have to be pro communism to be a right winger
Are you retarded

Right-Winging is mostly about conservative values

>> No.12509204

>implying communism didn't employ authoritarianism
>getting caught up in dialectics

>> No.12509269
File: 67 KB, 600x600, 1428425072929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think some fat liberal sperg worried about women's representation in wikipedia articles is "alt-right" or is the status quo you're a dumb ape nigger. Thrust yourself off some precipice.

>> No.12509424

Edited an article =/= wrote an article.

>> No.12509439

Rightards believe anybody not as retarded as them has been brainwashed.

>> No.12509480

Use Wikipedia for STEM, humanities have too many opinions.

>> No.12509485

I was thinking the same thing

>> No.12509502

He made 1.3 million edits. Assuming that he edited a different article every time, that would amount to having edited rougly 1/3 of all Wikipedia articles. Of course, this assumption is wrong, and there are most probably countless articles which he edited many hundred times.

>> No.12509928
File: 2 KB, 123x125, 1545446121776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He may be a hero for the society, but is a hopeless looser as a person. This is where the hate comes from. Society is so big that it's total shit, and so anyone who follows the society and makes something beyond his duties not for the people he values, but for the people he does not even know, is a fool. This example, where people all around the globe began to make fun of their "hero", only confirms that. This is a literal example of 'we live in society bottom text', but unironically.

>> No.12509997

A little like William Gass too, but without the hate

>> No.12510040


>> No.12510081

link me 2 wiki articles for each of the examples you gave

>> No.12510123

>this is the guy who has been forcing leftist propaganda to zoomers

>> No.12510127

>posting for free
>existing for free

>> No.12510943
File: 171 KB, 1081x1636, amerifat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they reverted muh edits on the cultural marxism article that cite blogspot posts from 2008

>> No.12511211

Damn even his parents are sick of him. He seems a classy guy, but he's one of those annoying people that bombard you with information the second you start a "conversation" with them.