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/lit/ - Literature

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12503394 No.12503394 [Reply] [Original]

this may sound like bait but it's a serious question. a lot of my favourite writers were nazi sympathisers during their lifetime. i know most edgy kids on here would find no problem in that, but i honestly am not able to wrap my head around supporting something as disgusting as that, and if someone i knew in real life had political views like those of, say, pic related, i'd immediately get as far away as possible from that person. yet many writers i really enjoy had these views and liking them almost feels wrong.
how do i accept this?

>> No.12503426
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what's disgusting about national socialism?

>> No.12503431

As long as their political views didn't influence their fiction, it's totally fine

>> No.12503433

Maybe try being a little egocentric in your view of politics? If you weren’t there, how can you judge them for their decisions? I know that all those movies and video games taught you history was black and white, but that’s not really the case.

>> No.12503436

Maybe ask yourself why many smart philosophers supported what we view today as extreme positions.
Then rationalise and explain why you are against said positions without invoking pathos.

>> No.12503445

Autism: the post. Slit your wrists.

>> No.12503456


>> No.12503457

Most of those replies are completely reasonable. Why are you being a faggot?

>> No.12503460

You have to consider that:

- The extent of the nasty deeds the nazis had done and would keep doing was little known.
- The Weimar Republic was really horrible. Anything sounded better than it at first.

>> No.12503471

I mean its not like the commies were a much better alternative back in the day. Think in context you fucking woman

>> No.12503473

You can agree with parts of an ideology without agreeing with all of it. Opponents of any ideology will always latch on to the most objectionable extremes.

I don't know a lot about that particular period, but I'd imagine that the public face of Nazism had some reasonable sounding ideas and that, for example, the stuff that Mengele was doing wasn't widely known.

>> No.12503480

Well sometimes we might like an authors work, but might not like that author as a person. And that’s fine.

Writing is writing, you can’t control who wrote your favourite pieces of literature. And that doesn’t mean you have to like the author as a person. Not all authors were and are good people, but some still wrote some good stuff. If you admire just the writing itself then I don’t see a problem.

That’s my opinion on this, hope it helps :)

>> No.12503484

Postmodernity is in part a reaction to the fact that the totality of western thought, and social "progress" from the 18th century onward, ultimately produced a great deal of atrocities, not limited to the "holocaust". So you are asking a big question OP and I suggest you read up on this whole postmodernism thing.

>> No.12503486
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the responses were actually pretty reasonable, except for >>12503426 (go back to /pol/). you should reconsider whose wrists should be slit

>> No.12503583

Is Knot Ham son any good by the way?

>> No.12504564

Go back to plebbit

>> No.12504581
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>> No.12504591

lmao’ing at your spinelessness, when i was an edgy stirnerite daoist anarch all of my friends were crypto fash nazis for years and it did nothing but desensitize me to tribalism and encourage empathy

>> No.12504598

perhaps consider they knew something you don't

>> No.12504602

These anons are right. >>12503394 Stop being such an emotional narcissist and engage with the material on an intellectual level.
Nice non-argument, faggot.

>> No.12504607

This is what I was gonna ask.
>no answer from OP
case closed

>> No.12504615

>many of my favorite writers felt this way and the political leaders were in their 40s
>edgy kids
No John, you are the kids

>> No.12504622

>i know most edgy kids on here
I don't think it's all that edgy anymore. In fact, the edgelords think that national socialism is cucking because it doesn't want to eradicate all foreign races from this planet.
I think that genocidal rage stems from circumcision.

>> No.12504637

They lost and were then made into a shatan by the media industrial complexes of both West and East. I'm not memeing, regardless of "truth" they are no longer a viable position that can be defended because what they were was not and what they are said to have been was a shadow with a face and is death. You cannot uproot the shibboleth. Don't fuck corpses; make life while wearing masks.

>> No.12504643

>I think that genocidal rage stems from circumcision.
You heard it here folks, the jews have to be stopped

>> No.12504647


>> No.12504652

desu mate their views are far more in line with the vast majority of human history than our modern progressive assumptions are. to deny anyone with similar cultural/philosophical views to them would be to deny humanity itself, you'd have to take offense every time you read the greeks or medievals or even any modern non-westerners

>> No.12505019

Pretty much this. Nobody cares about Greeks who preached ethnonationalism and eugenics. We still read them, some are taught in schools. Nazis?
>m-muh 6 gorillion!
Nazism was a logical turn of the history, a return to Plato's idealism after the defeat of Colonial and Post-Colonial materialism. Germany and Italy lost, we got another dose of senseless materialism that will result in utter chaos.

>> No.12505062

they were examined for the Nuremberg Trials

>> No.12505088

The Nazis were materialists. Well the ones who ran it into the ground. The Thule group was incredibly based however.

>> No.12505307

Typically I don't give half a rat's ass about an author's politics. The only things that will turn me off of a writer are extremely poor writing or an expressed hatred for their readers (if you hate your customers you shouldn't be in the business).

>> No.12505323
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congratulations, you have a working, logical brain. Too bad your emotional side is heavily manipulated by propaganda so you're still in denial and have disgust for truth.

>> No.12505747

The whole Nazi state was after the Aryan ideal of the nation, I can't say they were materialist. Well, you can't be NOT material in the industrial age, but still.

>> No.12505783

>views they hold deeply in their minds don't influence products of their minds
why do liberals cope like this? you probably don't realize how racial or antiegalitarian the work you like even is

>> No.12505820

>this may sound like bait
Yes it does, and it probably is. Fuck off.

>> No.12506036

Also Americans who dropped nuclear bombs and Muslims who have practiced genocide for 14 centuries.

>> No.12506055
File: 53 KB, 500x315, Hitler on the good side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Nazis were materialists.
Were they?

>> No.12506065

>muh two shitty nukes
>russia explodes two nuclear reactors in two weeks while helping us bombs the atmosphere to kingdom come
>japan still poisoning the world with radiation

>> No.12506092
File: 59 KB, 700x904, Carl-Schmitt-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all depends on how useful/brilliant the Nazi writers are. That's why Heidegger and Carl Schmitt are both still cited in their respective fields; they're simply too important to those fields to be ignored. In the same way, a brilliant German prose writer can't simply be overlooked because he sympathized with the Nazis.

On the other hand, shitty writers shouldn't be read simply because they're Nazis. That actually is an edgy thing to do.

>> No.12506157
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The national socialists represented a change in world-view, one which despised decadence and apathy and held virtues such as honor, glory, and the pursuit of truth as the highest. Any scholarly individual in his proper mind would support such things, as opposed to what the 'free' nations were proposing.

>> No.12506231

You’re literally making a liberal argument right here. Obsessing over the politics of a writer is basically par for the course in liberal universities.

>> No.12506270
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go back to r/cuck

>> No.12506276 [DELETED] 


>> No.12506282

>n-no u

>> No.12506283

Liberals and NPCs be like:
>It's okay that author has communist sympathies.
>Moral outrage when author is nazi sympathizer.

>> No.12506287

you mum

>> No.12506298

>>muh two shitty nukes
>>russia explodes two nuclear reactors in two weeks while helping us bombs the atmosphere to kingdom come
It's not the nuclear that I have a problem with. It's the civilian (and especially Christian) casualties.

>> No.12506339

First you should get a comprehensive understanding about the Nazi's, what they stood for, what they did. Not what the media has said, the truth.

Then take some time to sit down and think about it, think critically. Don't be afraid to like someones thoughts/ideas because they killed someone, its not a reflection on you.

Another thing to be aware of in your search, consider how others would have felt, both parties and why one party acted the way they did, think of the motivations behind their actions.

>> No.12506396
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>> No.12506411

This. I've rejected the mainstream media and did my own research, and surprisingly, i ended up finding that it confirms my pre established beliefs.

>> No.12506446

I think it's okay if it bother you, but it is definitely anachronistic; as long as the Nazism has nothing to do with their writing - like Hamsun's - then what's the problem?
Also, why does no one ask this kind of question in relation to communism? Sartre's communism lasted even after he found out about the Holodomor. I would say this is more disgusting than the Nazi equivalent - jews aren't worth more than anyone else.
If it bothers you, then almost every writer from the 19th Century and older must also bother you. What I would advise is that you learn a bit about the Nazis, and why it attracted so many Germans (not people with German citizenship, but the German diaspora), and other Europeans - note, it has little to do with aryans and jews.

>> No.12506461


>> No.12506463

"Muh Holodomor"
If you think that famine was anybody's fault but the Kulak's then you're retarded

>> No.12506471

go back and kys

>> No.12506476

"Muh Holocaust"
If you think the Holocaust was anybody's fault but the Jews then you're retarded

>> No.12506479

>The national socialists represented a change in world-view, one which despised decadence and apathy and held virtues such as honor, glory, and the pursuit of truth as the highest.

Cool, when the genocide and invading start?

>> No.12506502

Genocide and conquest are noble pursuits, the idea that the NSDAP was honorable or virtuous is contemptible though

>> No.12506514

How Kulaks caused Holodomor -
>Hoarding food
>Refusing to feed their neighbours
>Stupid acts of inhumane resistance to collectivisation

How the Jews caused the Holocaust
>They didn't

Basically, you're gay

>> No.12506553

lol I swear tankies are all mentally stunted psychopaths

>> No.12506577
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This is the most reasonable post in the thread

>> No.12506612

>The kulaks caused the holodomor
It's almost like some forced the collectivization of food. Who the hell wants to give up there fucking food it's bullshit. This is why private property rights are non negotiable in any society

>> No.12506641

shit tier bait

>> No.12506644



hahaha false flagging OP got destroyed in this thread.

>> No.12506687

This is impossible. Politics are an aesthetic choice just like anything else. Even if their work doesn't express the ideas it will express its aesthetic.

>> No.12506729

what they do is something different, where if not explicitly told that the author had wrongthink they probably wouldn't see any problems with a work and would probably even passively sympathize with most of the sentiments contained therein. then when they find out an author they like has political preferences that they have an emotional knee-jerk reaction to but only really have a cloudy a priori understanding of, they cope, without realizing that they probably would basically agree with their political sentiment until an epithet like "nazi" or "racist" is attached to it. this is the cope that op is engaging in.

>> No.12506819

half this board sucks martin heideggars dick

>> No.12506822
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>> No.12506879

nazis killed almost exclusively white people

>> No.12506910


>> No.12506913

/lit/: the good /pol/

>> No.12506922
File: 29 KB, 720x720, 1449621206768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait didn't he have a candle-in-the-window house during the underground railroad?

or was that martin HIDENIGGER

>> No.12507179

Realize that not all nazi supporters were black/white portrayals of evil and many joined/supported the party for pragmatic reasons, opportunistic reasons, nationalistic reasons, etc. etc.

The situation in Germany at the time was a very complicated one and drawing a blanket of ire amongst the majority of those in the party simple doesn't hold up if you examine their lives in detail.

>> No.12507198

you can get a feel of knut's reactionary retardism bubbling up in growth of soil. mars a mediocre book to make it less than.

>> No.12507211

Lol desu I'd join just so I could buy guns and so I wouldn't be killed

>> No.12507342

You losers remind me of /r/atheism too much. Kill more people and maybe I'll upgrade you thugs to jihadists.

>> No.12507355


>> No.12507363

have you read anything of his apart from hunger, pleb?

>> No.12507418

Holy shit the leftard cope is unfathomable

>> No.12507591

childhood is idolizing the allies, adulthood is realizing the axis makes more sense

>> No.12507657

better than that which came before it

>> No.12509159

It killed more "white" than any jews conspiracy and its materialistic end goal was the extermination of most eastern european people. They also wrecked europe' economy and allowed the mutt to become number one even faster.

This did accelerate the creation fo Israel though so that was pretty based.

>> No.12509165
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Nah I like eating food.

>> No.12509197

are you denying the Holocaust right now you piece of shit?

>> No.12509223

>pre-Great Depression had more food than an recovering economy
truly ebin.

>> No.12509262

Unironically, what's wrong with being a national socialist? Why is it morally wrong to be one? Why is it socially accepted to be a socialist but not natsoc? Is it because the atrocities nazis committed? If so, don't you think the atrocities committed in the name of socialism are just as bad, if not worse? They are just the same, uniting a people under a common goal with a common enemy, except one of them continues to live on in mainstream politics to this day but now hides behind a veil of moral high-ground.

I mean sure, liking Hitler is immoral, that's the equivalent of supporting the act of orchestrating a genocide. You shouldn't be able to preach Stalin publicly either, but people do, and get away with it. However, all of these intellectuals and artists that were nazi sympathizers didn't orchestrate a genocide, they supported what they believed to be a force of uniting people under a common goal. They didn't kill anyone, they probably weren't even aware of the genocide taking place. How are you supposed to punish them for that?

People are so susceptible..

>> No.12509266

You sound like a slightly dislikable character from a Gaddis novel.

>> No.12509271

>recovering economy
Yeah, let's not mention the autistic sum of money invested into the military or the failure that were the volks products, nor the bizarre and random trading restricting germany forced on foreign trader.

>> No.12509292

Most of the WW2 authors i enjoy were nazi sympathizers, a few were commies and none were radical centrists. Get out of the pavlovian conditioning and enjoy literature

>> No.12509447
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Get over it. Who cares. You're a fan of their work, doesn't mean you have to subscribe to their political beliefs. This thread is pointless.

>> No.12509465

The normalfag of the soul

>> No.12509471

politics are are everywhere and reflective of everything. good writers sometimes have good political sympathy, like in your case. maybe ask yourself: "if nazi sympathizers were/are good people, maybe social nationalism isn't bad?", but I guess most of you are bluepilled anyways...

>> No.12509513

I suspect this is bait. Assuming you're not German, I can only think of Pound and Celine, besides pic related, when it comes to good pro-Nazi writers.

>> No.12509525

Post-modern leftists who choose to ignore Heidegger are ridiculous and should not be taken seriously

>> No.12509552

You have been brainwashed into believing that something earthly can be the definition of evil. A mature and mentally independent person would be able to acknowledge that some of his favorite authors were nazi sympathizers, look at it in context (for example, you could consider that they hadn't seen the entire picture and perhaps they were not literally Hitler) and enjoy the virtues of their works regardless. Perhaps if your ideas resonate with those of a nazi sympathizer, you could consider that Nazism isn't the 100% unadulterated evil that you always thought. And this is coming from someone who doesn't agree ideologically with Nazism.

>> No.12509878

Rebatet, Chardonne and Brasillach were three top tier writers that were more than just sympathetic to the nazis, there are also a lot of great french authors who looked kindly upon fascism

>> No.12509893


>> No.12510570

Sorry, downvote don't exist here.