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12485228 No.12485228 [Reply] [Original]

Should an ascetic retreat from the modern world, or participate in it while not becoming attached?

>> No.12485238

It's incumbent on us to offset the flood of 3-4 billion 70-IQ Africans expected to appear before 2100, so you should puruse the latter option while having many kids and then switch to the former option near one's end of life or at least once your kids have moved out and gotten their own jobs and places to live

>> No.12485241

What do you want, Anon?

>> No.12485255

What if a family isn't a possibility?

A more natural, simple life sounds ideal, but I'm a son of my times so obviously some disaffected urbanite is gonna romanticize nature, maybe it's not where I am but who I am

>> No.12485284

I've been living in an 'ascetic retreat' for a few years - well, not a complete retreat, I mean I teach in a small high school in a shitty small town, and by "small" I mean that I'm the smartest person in town, and if it doesn't make sense to you just keep in mind that I'm the average anon. Anyway it felt great during a few years and it definitely helped me a lot, that is, in terms of reading books, reaching some kind of comfort, eating good food instead of shit, being happy every morning, sparing some money, etc. Now I'm getting bored because I hardly ever meet interesting people, and I'm probably gonna move in a year or two, going back to any big city, back to civilization.
Retreat is good. Perhaps it's not made to last forever, but whatever. It's not something you would immediately regret, unless you're an empty farthead, which probably isn't the case because you wouldn't be wondering, to begin with.

>> No.12485373

To retreat at such a critical moment would be cowardice of the highest order. This is a war for the soul of man.

>> No.12485424

Actually what inspired this thread, thanks

Thanks for posting anon, this is how I'm thinking I'd end up, comfortable and happy for a bit and then itching for human contact. Is there nothing you can do to alleviate the boredom? Is nature just not doing it anymore? I don't know what you routine is but I'd always be exercising, too

>> No.12486503

What's the use, whether you retreat from life or try to spread your ideas to others. Nothing seems to stick. Every attempt to reach something higher dissipates in the air and you find yourself yet again buried in quicksand.

>> No.12486793

Become a whaler or blue ice crab Fisher.

>> No.12486823

Do good for your younger siblings and relatives.

>> No.12486837

Whatever you do, you should break routine often or you'll go mad.

>> No.12486875

>Is there nothing you can do to alleviate the boredom?
Books have been extremely useful
>I don't know what you routine is but I'd always be exercising, too
That's definitely right.

Anyway I frankly believe that it should be possible, even easy, to spend a few years isolated without getting bored
Reminds me of a short story by Stefan Zweig that was called 'Twilight' (downfall of a marquise) - the girl is sent away by the king, goes back to her manor in Normandy, and realizes she can't live without lying and flirting everyday