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/lit/ - Literature

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12483769 No.12483769[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some /lit/ approved movies and/or shows?

>> No.12483774

Reading Rainbow

>> No.12483796


>> No.12483799

Home Alone 2

>> No.12483804

Boss Nigger

>> No.12483805

It's just released as Boss now.

>> No.12483813
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I'm saying picrel but really it's Monkey Dust

>> No.12483816

TV is literally for retards fuck off

>> No.12483821

Yes, and Mouse Trap is /our/ board game

>> No.12483829

Any /lit/ approved breakfast cereal?

>> No.12483833

lucky charms

>> No.12483840
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>> No.12483841

What about the theme?

>> No.12483907

I can't not be retarded all the time

>> No.12483937

Neon genesis evangelion

>> No.12484017
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>> No.12484024

i wont admit publicly but i wanna see that new picard star trek series if its good

>> No.12484098

Movies are not TV, retard

>> No.12484190

He didn't say they were. You can look up strawmanning yourself.

>> No.12484309

Name a better kino than Barry Lyndon.

Pro tip: literally impossible.

>> No.12484328

Badlands or Days of Heaven

>> No.12484348

good lit movie here

>> No.12484354


Better Call Saul is kino. Also The Lives of Others.

>> No.12484370
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anything in the criterion collection

>> No.12484371

movie in op is better than Barry Lyndon

>> No.12484393

Pokémon and Naruto

>> No.12484398

You don’t need our approval to watch tv idiot, we’re not your dad.

>> No.12484402

you can tell any movie pre 2000 had snippets of the writers philosophy and had longer scenes and dialogue to show this, now i don't know what the fuck has happened.

>> No.12484404

Movies are long TV shows with more pretension. TV and cinema are for passive, retarded people.

They are literally the opposite of literature, which usurps the internal voice and creates an antagonistic and dynamic dialogue between the self and other selves.

Film is a great stream of soft serve ice cream and candy pieces squirted into the ears of the unthinking and the retarded.

I think it is less embarassing to shit oneself out of laziness than it is to willingly allow some completely inane assemblage of images and audio to penetrate you senses as if you were a cheap whore without any sense of self direction, as if prone to bending over before the stinking phallic propositions of whomever Hollywood or NBC or Netflix has lately chartered to beguile you.

Film is for retards. TV is for retards.

I cannot think of anything more stupid than watching images and audio unfold on a screen.

I think it is far more intelligent to stick your finger in your nose and look out the window, or even at a wall, than to allow your mind to be consumed and violated by a show or a movie.

I have more respect for thumb twiddling than I have for people who watch shows or movies.

Please go away.

>> No.12484405

12 angry men
7 Samurai
Usual suspects
The Wire
Mr. Robot

>> No.12484409

>Mr. Robot
ugh... uhhh....... grrhrh? blleeh?

>> No.12484411

Very good post

>> No.12484426
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Anything made by this man

>> No.12484446

By far the weakest on my list. I just wanted something to round off the list. It’s /lit/ in that you think there’s a plot but there isn’t and it wastes all its time describing things, developing characters for no reason.

>> No.12484462

Its still as beautiful as ever

>> No.12484464

So you've never actively watched a movie? Its not our fault you only passively enjoy things outside of literature.

>> No.12484477

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice

>> No.12484494
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Ma Nuit chez Maud

>> No.12484500

imagine being so thoroughly convinced by your own philosophical shortcomings that you spend this much time writing it up for an off-topic thread only to look like a hypocrite for not being well-read

>> No.12484501

Hannibal and Dark are two shows that stuck with me.

>> No.12484503

well its usually young ones who are passionate have we not forgotten?

>> No.12484514

12 Angry Humans has a special place in my head, personally for me. It turned me on to black and also white filmography, like mister Charlie Chaplin's and mister Buster Keaton's, as so The Great Dictator is as well on my special list of flicks. I dare say, it's worth watching 12 Angry Men.

>> No.12484521

DO NOT summon Griffithposter

>> No.12484523

Eric Rohmer is based. This movie captures so many topics that are frequently discussed on this board.

>> No.12484552
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Oof. There are some incredible plays and films. The idea you are expressing is utterly retarded. It's a different medium, even though both share that they are usually being 'written' at some point.
I don't know about /lit/ films, but here are some works that will inspire:
>anything french new wave cinema
>any fassbinder film (black and white works are my favs)
>early Ingmar Bergman
>any Michael Haneke
>lars von trier. His last film somewhat suggests that concentration camps were the highest work of art, pretty much something straight out of a 4chan post.
>Werner Herzog for documentaries
>orson wells did a fun version of the trial
>Robert Bresson 'journal d'un cure de champagne' - /lit/ knows
>jean luc godar
>Wong Kar-Wai if you like neon Hong Kong
>Satoshi Kon if you a weeb

There is so much more. Just watch this if you are bored right now:

and check out

>pic unrelated

>> No.12484560

Andrei Rublev
The Passion of Joan of Arc
Bicycle Thieves
Citizen Kane
Il Gattopardo
La Dolce Vita
La Notte
The Searchers
A Man Escaped
Naked Childhood
The Conformist
McCabe & Mrs. Miller
Apocalypse Now
The Duellists
Das Boot
Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
Black Narcissus
Raging Bull

>> No.12484568

I just hate movies and shows. I hate them. I can't stand having to watch them and I get irritated when people I know talk about them.

I think, to be honest, that I'm rather ADD and can't have my attention held by something so passive. So movies and shows have always annoyed the hell out of me, and it's a great pleasure to try and express with a drop of venom how much I hate them.

I went to watch a sci fi movie starring Tom Cruise with friends a few years ago and it was absolutely painful. It seemed like it went for for 7 hours.

I tried Kubrick, David Lynch and Gaspar Noe, and those are much better than more mainstream movies, but I couldnt watch any of them in one sitting.

Watching anything on TV for more than 20 minutes is really uncomfortable and irritating to me, and the post youre replying to contains some of the thoughts I have when I end up doing so.

>> No.12484570
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Mfw i've already seen all these

>> No.12484578
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so you are literally retarded and shit posting in thread thats not for you? tripfags i swear

>> No.12484582

I mean, all of them are pretty mainstream, but they're a good introduction point for those who want to dig deeper.

>> No.12484587

Yes I am retarded

>> No.12484593
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theres the door

>> No.12484606

based pseud

>> No.12484614

I am too retarded to use a door. You are stuck with me, and I with you.

>> No.12484683


>> No.12484684

One of these is not like the others

>> No.12484844


>> No.12484886

One of my favorites as well. Hiroshima mon amour is good too, written by Duras. And Jonas qui aura 25 ans en l'an 2000 as well by Alain Tanner, written by none other than John Berger, who did the Ways of Seeing program.

>> No.12484915

Oh no

Ozu and Bresson are better then Griffith

>> No.12484973
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thanks for the laugh anon

>> No.12485049

Pretty sure he's dead, thank god.

>> No.12485057
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The films of John Ford

>> No.12485067
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>early Ingmar Bergman
Implying Bergman's final proper film wasn't one of his absolute best.

>> No.12485139

arthouse/foreign films, american films from the 1970s, classic hollywood films, films from the silent era. try tspdt's top 1000 list or jonathan rosenbaum's top 100. sample the filmographies of all the great directors (kurosawa, ozu, bergman, bunuel, tarkovsky, hitchcock, welles, murnau, chaplin, etc., etc., etc.).

for tv series, there are a number of miniseries of high artistic merit. the decalogue, heimat, fanny and alexander, scenes from a marriage, lonesome dove.

a lot of classic anthologies (the twilight zone, the outer lights, alfred hitchcock presents) could be considered /lit/ in a literal sense in that they're sometimes based on the short stories of famous sci-fi/horror/mystery writers. ray bradburry and richard matteson both wrote episodes for the twilight zone. the producers of the twilight zone even acquired the rights to the french adaptation of ambrose bierce's an occurrence at owl creek bridge and aired it as part of the series with serling's narration.

the sopranos is still the greatest american tv series of all-time. don't believe people who say that the wire or breaking bad are better. there are actually a lot of literary references in the sopranos. dostoevsky even gets a shootout:


>> No.12485147

it's hilarious that you're acting this snooty when you don't even have the patience to sit through kubrick or lynch. movies even capeshit watching redditors are capable of enjoying. lmao

>> No.12485153

In answering a fawining, slobbering reporter on exactly * how * he filmed a famous, epic scene in one of his westerns Ford responded, with characteristic terseness: "With a camera."

>> No.12485156
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Most of these


>> No.12485160

Reddit tier humor

>> No.12485165

there's only 3 or 4 good directors nowadays. Imagine the 60s where you could go watch the latest Fellini or Satyajit Ray or Bergman. Amazing.

>> No.12485166

Hannibal was enjoying until you realized they needed to come up with a new serial killer making macrame out of their victims every week and it started feeling forced.
Dark was one of the most beautifully shot series I've ever seen but I gave up halfway through because the very talented director also wrote it, and he is not a very talented writer. It was one of the most boringly written series I've ever watched. The director needs to hire a writer, and then we might have something worth talking about.

>> No.12485168
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Seething 4Ch*Nner

>> No.12485247


great recs anon

>> No.12485280

>All films have something to do with either Hollywood, NBC, or Netflix

>> No.12485414

hannibal is one of the stupidest fucking shows i've ever seen. it took me two attempts just to get through the first episode, and i couldn't any further, it was so dumb. the psychology is laughable. will graham literally has autism superpowers. they claim that because he has aspergers, he's an "empath" who can identify with anyone, including serial killers. isn't the whole thing with aspergers that they don't have a theory of mind? lmao. later, when he's checking out the crime scene where a girl was murdered, he's trying to explain to the lead investigator why the killer doesn't rape his victims, and he goes into the whole thing about how "he could think that is vulgar" and he's a "sensitive serial killer". in reality, basically all serial killers' motives are psychosexual. they have fucked up brains that associated sex with death. this is literally just how they cum.

>> No.12485464

>claims Hannibal is pseudo-psychology.
>proceeds to spew pseudo-psychology.

It doens't redeem Hannibal, but you're no better.

>> No.12485472

Mike Leigh's naked
Un homme qui dort

>> No.12485477
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One of the best tv show's, "lit-wise," is Scenes from a Marriage by Bergman

>> No.12485524

diary of a country priest

>> No.12485535

Dark is overrated garbage, the krauts can't make movies for shit, their only good works were under soviet control

>> No.12485536

Cornflakes with salt
No milk

>> No.12485545

there was only 3 or 4 good directors in the 60s (and bergman & ray weren't one of them)

>> No.12485550

Kieslowski’s Three Colors trilogy, especially Blue

>> No.12485551
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>he is too stupid to understand pictures and kino-art.

What a shame.

>> No.12485558

The Matrix trilogy.

>> No.12485563

one of the biggest meme in /tv/ and you don't know it, cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12485564

What is the movie about David Foster Wallace called?

>> No.12485565

Only 1. 2 and 3 were shit, or at least they sacrificed the philosophical message for action. I feel like they should've just ended it at 1.

>> No.12485578

you know he hated the jews?

>> No.12485584

Based tripfag

>> No.12485589

welles, ford and renoir are fantastic

i'm deeply suspicious of the unanimity people have about this
i don’t believe that anybody can have taste so catholic that he genuinely likes welles AND tarkovsky (AND bergman, christ)

>> No.12485596

Quality rant

>> No.12485598

Everything by Edward Yang

>> No.12485604

in case of Bresson, Mouchette is also good
girl is cutie

>> No.12485608

Hi rebbit

>> No.12485618

I don't know why I thought I didn't have to say this.
You will die in your sleep tonight if you say anything about the first Matrix being the best and/or the other two being unneccessary.

>> No.12485620

It allegedly had a noticable effect on the divorce rates in Sweden.


>> No.12485623

Reminds me of this, you might like to try:

>> No.12485624

7 samurai and the wire is not a reddit

>> No.12485629

what part is pseudo-psychology? i'm not pretending to be an expert, but as far as i know, nothing i said is controversial.

>> No.12485650

i swear to god i hate people like you. you're talking about one out of close to a thousand films, many of which are among the greatest ever made. yeah they included a blockbuster to make some money to keep their business going. who cares? name a company with a better catalog who consistently puts out quality releases at their level. you can't.

oh and i don't want to hear you bring up the rock because the rock owns.

>> No.12485655
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Why does a Japanese cop memorise jose ortega y gasset quotes

>> No.12485671
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This + Zazie dans le métro is basically as good as film gets

>> No.12485676


>> No.12485678


>> No.12485691

>Films by Bergman, Fellini, Antonioni, Bresson, Dreyer, Bunuel, Kurosawa, Ozu, Mizoguchi, Pasolini, Chaplin, Keaton, Hitchcock, Wilder, Ford, Hawks, Cronenberg, Clouzot, classics, foreign, cult films, you name it
>B-b-but they released Armageddon, so they're a maymay!!!1

you people will be contrarian about anything

>> No.12485694
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off thymeself

>> No.12485700
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>name a company with a better catalog who consistently puts out quality releases at their level. you can't.

>> No.12485703

explain what? why they have four of tarkovsky's best films? he's widely considered to be one of the greatest and most influential directors of all time. why wouldn't they include him?

>> No.12485714
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Start with the americans and russians, omit the Germans like Gassbinder and Herzog, they are memes. The only true great asian director was Mizoguchi, Ozu or, honk kong stuff and the taiwanese like >>12485598 who is basically an Antonioni wannabe are memes. Finish with the italians.

>> No.12485720

Antonioni is in itself a meme.
Also Kurosawa and Kobayashi are at least partially worth watching.

>> No.12485725

You're fucking retarded m8. Explain how the second and third are good and if your argument is good I might just consider staying in this hellhole of a world with you in it.

>> No.12485733

because he's bad

>> No.12485734
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>Yang an Antonioni wannabe
>posts pietrangeli
>literally the biggest Antonioni wannabe ever
what did you mean by this

>> No.12485741

down by law

>> No.12485759
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lmao. literally one of the worst companies.

>> No.12485763

lol. why is tarkovsky bad?

>> No.12485766



True Detective, Season 1,

Secondhand Lions

>> No.12485772


oh, and Girl Interrupted

>> No.12485775
File: 19 KB, 197x197, tumblr_oq4vp2Hkc11vua2npo2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, not so fast Morty. You heard Caitlyn Jenner, we’ve got acceptance to achieve Morty. Just you and me, and sometimes the president, and sometimes the supreme court but NEVER the legislature! You wanna know why Morty? Because they FEAR me.
>OK, take it easy, Rick! Th-that's dark.
Oh it gets darker Morty... Welcome to the darkest year of our adventures. First thing that’s different, no more representative government Morty. They threatened to vote against me in Congress, so I made your Congressman and the Senate go away...
>Ohhh fuck...
I repla-burp-ced them both with the defacto-platform of the progressives, AND the democrats.
>Oh man...
The left wouldn’t have accepted me if I wasn't an oppressed minority. So now you know the REAL reason I need everyone to know what's going on inside my bedroom!
>Oh man.
And if you tell your Congressman or Senator I said any of this, I’ll DENY it.
>You'll deny it...
And they’ll take my side, because I’m in the hierarchy of intersectionality, Morty. And now you’re gonna have to do whatever I say, Morty, FOREVER! A-and I-I’ll go out date cis-gender people, without telling them, Morty.
>Wh-what are you talking about?
Because that’s, that's what this is all about Morty!
Th-that’s my one arm man. I’m not driven by equality
Morty, that was FAKE!
I-I’m driven by pronoun microagressions those, misgendering lawsuits.
I want "Them" pronouns, Morty.
That’s my supreme court Morty!
>What the Hell?
If it takes 9 justices, I WANT MY ACCEPTANCE,
>What're you talking about Rick?
>What're you talking about?
>What is that?!
>What are you talking about?!

>> No.12485826


>> No.12485841
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the company who finally finished & released orson welles' last film

>> No.12485844

Micheal Snow's Wavelength is the only true /lit/ film

>> No.12485871

Damn I didn't know about this

>> No.12485887

>film is bad because I'm too much of a zoomer to sit still for 90 minutes
Jesus Christ, get off this board forever

>> No.12485977

It was something, wasn’t it.

>omit Kurosawa
Fucking ridiculous

>> No.12486027

the same reasons bergman is. he has not particular talent for filmmaking, only behaving sufficiently like a great artist to gull the gullible.

>> No.12486040

There is literally nothing wrong with taking inspiration from other directors

>> No.12486045

it's fantastic

>> No.12486058

weak bait

>> No.12486069
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Based daisiesposter

>> No.12486128

it happens to be true

>> No.12486131

400 blows

>> No.12486155

who are your top directors anon?

>> No.12486165

You wouldn't have heard of them

>> No.12486176

it's okay I have google

>> No.12486203

welles, renoir, ford, and cocteau. these boys won't lead you astray

>> No.12486212

AKA what your mom gave last night

>> No.12486222
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Anything of Kieslowski

>> No.12486228

Welles? wow so obscure anon. how did you ever hear of John Ford lmao

>> No.12486244

based polish tv theology

>> No.12486245

>>12486165 wasn't me, i never said they were obscure

>> No.12486249


>> No.12486263

Very based

>> No.12486268

>Welles? wow so obscure anon. how did you ever hear of John Ford lmao

this is what it looks like when a pleb puts on a patrician mask

>> No.12486312

I should hope not
are you trying to say Welles and Ford aren't obscure? if anon just like Welles and Ford that's fine, they were alright. Welles was overrated but he made some good films; Ford is just classic film Americana.

>> No.12486320

*are obscure

>> No.12486362

anything by
>d.w. griffith
at least as far as entry level film

>> No.12486365

He's saying that people who use obscurity as a barometer for quality are plebs pretending to be patrician.

>> No.12486374

I was assuming it was this anon, faggot

>> No.12486383

take out Malick, looks good

>> No.12486389

>take out Malick
Fuck you, don't ever reply to my posts again

>> No.12486411

when I found out Malick had a philosophy degree I lost all creative heart, as I myself have that same degree; am I destined to produce the same pretentious dreck that he did?

>> No.12486489

There's also Haneke

>> No.12486571

welles isn't overrated, in this century i'd say he's received something less than his due; the truly constructive man, the crucified artist, almost alone among the sound directors as one whose style is immediately recognizable after three minutes of film. the violence and charm of orson welles makes him a poet.

ford is a poet as well. a comedian. not for women, of course, but for men, welles himself said. with ford at his best, you get a sense of what the earth is made of

>> No.12486581

Even if no one watches Citizen Kane they all put it on their top 10 list because you just have to in America

>> No.12486595

East of Eden

>> No.12486603

Why do you find it pretentious? Which of his films do you find pretentious?

>> No.12486613

if the brotherhood of critics finds it expedient to look for arguments against kane, which is a witness and a testimony to art and nothing else, we will have to watch the grotesque spectacle of the lilliputians attacking gulliver.

>> No.12486615
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make way, cinemalets

>> No.12486618

I couldn't even finish Tree of Life

>> No.12486620

you didn't graduate from harvard and you haven't translated any great works, so don't worry

>> No.12486626

A Boy and His Dog

>> No.12486682

You're just gonna stand there and defend tiny furniture?

>> No.12486692

But that's the most intelligible ones out of the ones made in the last decade. It might just be that you're a brainlet.

>> No.12486725

Troll 2

>> No.12486726

intelligibility can easily scale with pretentiousness
fucking Eraserhead is less pretentious than Malick

>> No.12486730

non-cinema, over-reliance on the theatrical instead of the cinematic
non-cinema, over-reliance on the theatrical instead of the cinematic
>lars von trier
of low cinematic and artistic value, over-relience on a poor spastic cinematic style which ultimately denies it any real substance. An ultimately empty flimmaker and artist.

>> No.12486736

you failed to pass the pleb filter sorry

>> No.12486739

Some Bergman was alright but Von Trier is literally garbage. I don't even think about Fassbender

>> No.12486742
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>Tree of Life
>pleb filter
fuckin' lmao

>> No.12486767

Why did you find it pretentious then? Elaborate.

>> No.12486779

>un chien andalou
just admit that you're a pretentious pseud yourself and didn't get malick

>> No.12486783

>orson wells did a fun version of the trial
did you forget he also made the 3 greatest shakespeare films ever

>> No.12486787

>you just don't get it
you do remember all of hollywood jerking him of right? it's like the capeshit equivalent of art house films

>> No.12486796

What the fuck is up with all the trips on /lit/ now

>> No.12486805

not an argument
shoo shoo pseud

>> No.12486807

>People don't realize this is bait
fix the spacing next time, then it would've been more convincing. You almost got the perfect shot, but you slightly crossed the line and gave away your chance.

>> No.12486816

Just filter them all, they never contribute anything worthwhile anyways

>> No.12486826

'you didn't get it' isn't an argument if the film has all the depth of gold leaf. it's not even the deepest film starring Brad Pitt

>> No.12486872

if you don't like fassbinder, you are a fucking pleb who has never read any Brecht

>> No.12486902

i don't like brecht

>> No.12486966
File: 73 KB, 1000x563, Macbeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this Movie is so good I can even express my happines that this movie exist. It matches the orginal play perfectly , they are literally quoting Shakespeare the whole time.
For the best experience try to read the book while listening to the Soundtrack.

>> No.12487002

this looks horrible mate

>> No.12487020

it isn't

>> No.12487062

>no Kaufman
>no Linklater
eh, anon

>> No.12487074

The less american hacks you watch the better

>> No.12487081
File: 79 KB, 429x300, arcand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent movie for philosophers and masturbators

>> No.12487090

oh no no no

out of all people who were omitted from the list you pick this dreck

>> No.12487104

Worst taste ITT

>> No.12487125

Mr Nobody

>> No.12487153

>ooh look compassion started with Dinosaurs see it all means something we are all connected with love and dinosaurs and nature

>> No.12487167

well memed

>> No.12487192

>malick is pretentious because of a 20 second scene

>> No.12487204
File: 118 KB, 1000x625, sacrifice-andrei-tarkovsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anyone else think the Sacrifice was dogshit compared to earlier Tarkovsky?

>> No.12487306


>> No.12487327

What metrics do you use for this judgment?

>> No.12487328

This is pretty good. Easily in top 10 Bergman.

>> No.12487338

Tarkovsky pretty much only cared about Bergman's opinion and he was great. Shitting on Bergman is tryhard psued tier bullshit. Go watch your Goddard and leave film to actual humans.

>> No.12487393
File: 58 KB, 900x392, 6a00e5523026f58834014e884f1a65970d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It felt like he wanted to make an Ingmar Bergman film and ended up making a fanfiction instead. The opening scene where they were quoting Nietzsche came off stilted (even for Tarkovsky), and the ending, while technically very impressive, resembled Benny Hill more than it did a tragedy. The best scene in the movie was when he redid the Solaris shot with the witch. Also, the mute kid quoting John at the end made me cringe; that's like something I would write.

>> No.12487415

based Bergman defender
he was the real deal, even if he did tend to make the same movie over and over

>> No.12487455

is that slint?

>> No.12487479


>> No.12487497

tarkovsky was horrible (by your leave)

>> No.12487515

nope, a /lit/ breakfast is:
coffe+milk+honey, rusks+butter+jam, orange juice.
while watching the news

>> No.12487527

American Beauty
Synecdoche, New York
The Dreamers
Kill Your Darlings
Last Tango In Paris

>> No.12487538

my screenplay will be

>> No.12487558


>> No.12487592
File: 5 KB, 239x211, 1509440940985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know /tv/ memes
>cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12487614

disgusting skinny fat carb addicted metabolic syndrome herd animal

>> No.12487617
File: 13 KB, 182x268, MV5BNDcwMjI2NDc2OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjQzOTMyMQ@@._V1_UY268_CR4,0,182,268_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiarostami is incredible. This and Close-Up are probably top 100 movies of all time.

>> No.12487673

Close-Up was pretentious clap trap. Kiraostami is terrible when he becomes self-involved (the second/third of the trilogy) or faux naif (the first of the trilogy). Taste of Cherry is the only alright thing he's made. The rest of it belongs in the trash, especially Certified Copy.

Bergman is a lesser Strindberg and Tarkovsky is trash. This board makes /tv/ look patrician.

>> No.12487866

no mine

>> No.12488145

short black coffee, single vodka shot, cigarette

>> No.12488261

>watching the news

>> No.12488338

or Zanussi

>> No.12488341

I just rewatch Bresson and Antonioni now. I feel like there’s not much in films for me.

>> No.12488363

yes I will post the list

>Powell and Presburger
>Pajeet Ray
>70's Coppola


>> No.12488391

Not entirely sure what a /lit/ approved film would entail. If it's simply a film which has literary qualities, then there's an enormous amount to choose from. If we're talking about films that are of high quality, then you'd have to look in particular at the silent-era and early sound films to see the best that cinema has to offer. There are films and filmmakers which are worth checking out after that period, but cinema - both arthouse and commercial - has lost its way since then.

>> No.12488414

Imagine reading shakespeare instead of watching it

>> No.12488415

Cyrano de Bergerac (1950)

>> No.12488426

>Close-Up was pretentious clap trap
Why is it that people with terrible opinions think "pretension" is any more valid of a criticism than "boring". If you really think Close-Up is a superficial film maybe you should watch it again.

>> No.12488665

die pedo filth

>> No.12488931

Was going to post this. Best TV show ever. Also Bresson and Dreyer

>> No.12488945
File: 177 KB, 1200x630, 16-dougie-twin-peaks-statue.w1200.h630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12488956

>American Beauty

>> No.12489164

High Noon

>> No.12489176

everything on that list is horrible

>> No.12489796

alphabits ffs people

>> No.12489807

Ivan the Terrible
Orpheus, in fact, anything by Cocteau
Anything from Truffaut

>> No.12489838

that retarded kid's voiceover ruined days of heaven for me

>> No.12489858

Too psued to understand peak Soviet cinema

>> No.12489882

>the ending resembled Benny Hill
disturbingly accurate

>> No.12489898

samurai jack
>gotta get back

>> No.12489912

So what do you consider non entry-level?

>> No.12489963

Probably just shit no one has heard of. I have a buddy who assumes obscurity means quality when regarding film. Its like those people who only listen to bands no one has heard of.

>> No.12490011

Yeah, that's what I was expecting.
>muh entry-level
No normie npc knows any of those directors.
They are popular amongst people into film because they are GOOD. Yes, popular usually equals mediocore, but only when referring to REALLY popular shit.
You can call it "entry-level", but think about the utter faggots who claim they're "into film" because they watched pulp fiction, and know who martin scorsese is

>> No.12490060

