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12460089 No.12460089 [Reply] [Original]

I'm midway through part three (about 350 pages through a 980ish page edition) and I'm wondering if I should continue if it isn't doing much for me. I feel weird about dropping it, because it's one of the most readable books I've ever read if that makes sense. It just seems to flow extremely well, and it hasn't seemed to have any filler at all so far. I know that sounds positive, but I find it so dull. There's been a few memorable moments, but overall I couldn't care less about what happens to any of the characters, which is making the dramatic interior monologues have pretty much no impact on me. And the (translated) writing does flow well, but it feels like it has no real character to it. It reminds me of Flaubert's writing in some ways but it feels much more pedestrian and forgettable. Does it noticeably improve or is Tolstoy probably just not for me? I did love The Death of Ivan Ilyich so I figured this would be great as well.

>> No.12460115

>does it get better?
Everyfucking time with this question. No. If you dont like a book then put it down. It's not the right time. Come back to it in a year. Maybe you'll have gained some perspective or appreciation. Maybe you'll be receptive. Maybe not. Life's too short to waste on books youre not invested in

>> No.12460121

I think perhaps books just aren’t your thing in general, no biggy my friend

>> No.12460143

I finished part 1 but I had to put it down as well because I am literally going through the same situation in my life right now.
I'm in love with a girl who already has a bf, and we've fucked twice behind his back. It was the best sex she's ever had. I feel like Vronksy and she's Anna.

I can't finish the story because I think it might be eerily close to how MY story is going to end and I have a hunch things get bad. Ignorance is bliss, as they say.

I just love pussy, I dont want to be guilt-tripped into ending it because it's too hard emotionally for the chick. I'm gonna read War and Peace instead.

>> No.12460173


>> No.12460177

how can you remark on writing quality if its a tarnslation. you will never get the original prose and flow

>> No.12460202

>fucking behind a Bros back
A mark of true degeneracy

>> No.12460213

You're right op, Anna Karenina isn't exceptional. But still, it's far better than the 'metaphysical' Tolstoy of Ivan Ilych.
It's also one of the few novels that probably deserve to be finished even if you don't really love them. Keep going. Good luck.

>> No.12460221

Tell me what you think the epigraph "Vengeance mine; I will repay" means at the beginning of the book. Then I'll judge how well you're reading it

>> No.12460225

this, I wish /lit/ would follow this advice more

read the things you actually like first before anything else

>> No.12460227

He doesn't know I exist, and he's a total beta faggot. Seriously, he's self-declared "bisexual" and the only reason she hasn't dumped him is because she lives at his filthy apartment rent-free

>> No.12460233

>I'm gonna read War and Peace instead.

>> No.12460261

I understand the context, man, but it still is inexcusable to help her cheat. There is deceit and manipulation taking place in this ordeal. Remember this: if she thinks it's justified to cheat on her current bf, she'll someday think it's justified to cheat on you. You don't want a woman like that, believe me.

>> No.12460280

OP may I ask what translation you are reading?

>> No.12460314

Maude's translation

>> No.12460329

I agree it wasn't exceptional. It makes for a good novela if you like that sort of genre. What I truly enjoyed was War and Peace, and having read WP and then going to Katerina, it definitely felt lack luster during its reading. I also think that Katerina kinda just focuses on the relationship dynamics, where WP provides an exciting historical backdrop (IMO) along with the relationship dynamics seen in Katerina.

>> No.12460896

Look at this list:

Every novel there is listed because of 'societal importance' or portrayal of minorities. AK is probably the only one which is listed purely for its artistic merit.

>> No.12460915


sounds like she likes losers

>> No.12460956

absolutely based.

>> No.12461298

What goes around comes around, cock-roach

>> No.12461306

This kind of advice is what leads to people reading YA shit in their 30s and 40s.

>> No.12461310

What am I supposed to do then?

>> No.12461311

>It was the best sex she's ever had
Oh honey, oh sweetie...

>> No.12461321

Don't listen to this fucking idiot lmao. "WAH LIFE'S TOO SHORT TO READ CLASSIC WORKS OF LITERATURE" Go fuck yourself with a stick you fucking donkey. There is not fucking reason you can't read this shit. You could read 1000 pages in a single day.

>> No.12461333


>> No.12461375

I put off reading Anna Karenina for a long time because I was reluctant to read a book about a woman.
I’m glad I finally read it though. The parts with Levin hunting with his dog, or even just mowing grain on his farm were so damn comfy.
Plus Vronsky was alpha as fuck - racing horses, plowing married sloots and finally going to Serbia to remove kebab or die trying.
I thouroughly enjoyed reading Anna Karenina. I just skipped the parts that were predominantly about non males.

>> No.12461604

The ending of that book is quite possibly the most gripping literature I've read. I would definitely finish it.