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12431339 No.12431339 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: post your personality type and the writer you think fits it best

>> No.12431592
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>> No.12431905

not extroverted

>> No.12431921
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>> No.12431984
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>> No.12432045
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>> No.12432052
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>> No.12432156

>Believing in horoscopes

Enneagram and socionics are the way to go desu

>> No.12432190

This thread is going to suck because most of them will be INxx
Definitely INFP or INTP

>> No.12432258
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another ENFP here, lad
why can't xSxx make art?

>> No.12432322

This is the only correct answer

>> No.12432398

>Taking meyers briggs seriously

>> No.12432706

ENTPs are ambiverts. Also he had depression, meaning that he would obviously look like a INTP/INFP due to lowered serotonin. This nigger does a pretty good job explaining why DFW was a ENTP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbcuPEHxHjg

>> No.12432728


>> No.12432729

There are a lot of ISFP, ESTP and even ISTJ artists, it's just that they are not as valued as intuitives. Hemingway was an ESTP.

>> No.12432767

There are no good INTP writers.
I read somewhere that Knut Hamsun, Coleridge and De Quincey were INTPs, but I don't really see it. Maybe Hamsun, but he seems more like a Fi guy to me.
Maybe Kafka?

>> No.12432791

Apparently, Borges, Pynchon and Lovecraft were INTPs, as were a lot of important philosophers (Kant, Aquinas, Descartes...)

>> No.12432805
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>> No.12432812
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Sensors can't into fiction.

>> No.12432827


>> No.12432836

> not measuring with Big Five

>> No.12432875

Borges makes sense, judging from his writing but I don't know too much about his life.
Pynchon seems to be use a lot of Ne. Either he is an ENTP that dislikes journalists very much or he is an INTP that emphasizes his auxiliary function when writing.
Lovecraft also makes sense, but he is pretty bad desu.

>> No.12433280

Never read Lovecraft but thought that he was at least decent. Borges was a shut in autismo who read all days of his life about autistic stuff like the things he wrote. Never read Pynchon also.

>> No.12433693

Based. Sensors are autistic fuckheads.

>> No.12433734
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INTP and that was gonna be my guy but if i had to pick another one...

>> No.12433770

>"Dr Adorno, would you mind a personal question?". I said, "It depends on the question, but just go ahead", and she went on: "Please tell me: are you an extrovert or an introvert?". It was as if she, as a living being, already thought according to the model of multi-choice questions in questionnaires.

>> No.12434182

this, they're no better than animals

>> No.12434278

ENTJ Andrew Roberts

>> No.12434314
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>> No.12434372

Huh? You mad because your boring big five or this kike liar (((eysenck))) test dont give you this ammount of (you)'s. Fuck off to psychology general or other shithole you came from namefag.

>> No.12434391
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>> No.12434527
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>> No.12434529

Zodiac: Pieces
Born in the Year of the Monkey
Chakra: Solar Plexus Vishuddha
Karate: Purple Belt

>> No.12434566
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>> No.12434575

This. 4w5 is the truly literary personality.

>> No.12434597

Pope is too judging to be feeling. I'm searched several times on this very question.


>> No.12434611
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>> No.12434716

I'm an ENTJ, but I have no clue what kind of writer that would produce.

>> No.12434739
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>> No.12434755
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>> No.12434760
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>> No.12434962
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Newton the Virgin

>> No.12435086

how was Hemingway an S?

>> No.12435693

Nearly every story he wrote dealt with a robust sense of what is happening in front of the reader. They are all based on his concrete sensory memories in a pretty direct way (fighting in war, catching a fish, uncomfortable sex). It points very strongly to introverted sensation. The fact that he found the meaning and symbolism as a result of writing his stories and not as the foundation for his stories also shows his prioritization of S over N. As for extraverted thinking, that could be considered his motivation for a terse writing style. Encapsulating and systematizing thoughts in a way that appeals to the masses leads to an emphasis on efficiency. I believe that that is his motivation for writing tersely. Obviously the functions are far more complex than just how someone writes or what someone likes to talk about, but it's a good starting point. I've never met Hemingway, and I could not tell you his internal thought process, so take all of this with a grain of salt. Still, I hope that this is enough information to show why Hemingway is a sensor.
The dominant function is the main perspective on one's life, so find the main perspective and you will find the dominant function. This is why I believe Thomas Pynchon is an INTP, DFW is an ENTP, and Ernest Hemingway is an ISTJ. I can elaborate on Thomas Pynchon and DFW if anyone's interested.
By the way, the whole "sensors are dumb" meme is mostly memed around by people who don't understand typology. Introverted sensing (as are all introverted functions) is an extremely rich and complex function, and extraverted sensing is able to encapsulate the world in a very unique way. Mature extraverted sensors are able to make consistent useful environment-shifting actions in the world with precision and ease.

>> No.12435713
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Idk if this is his real pic, but my favorite author is Thomas ligotti and probably intp.

>> No.12436193

DH Lawrence

>> No.12436304
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>> No.12436458

I laughed.
>Fellow INTJ.

>> No.12436804

Could you elaborate on DFW being ENTP? As someone into typology but not so much celeb/author/real people typing I'm curious about your take

>> No.12436829

Wrong. That’s the common typing but he was ENFJ. Read a good description of the type alongside his ‘Confession’. It’s basically “ENFJ: the book”.

>> No.12436870
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>> No.12436994

Isn't this an explanation?

>> No.12437122
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This one or Russell

>> No.12437567
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>mfw I'm Stephen Dedalus

>> No.12437576

>being happy about having autism

>> No.12437608
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oh no it seems my autism is contagious

>> No.12437641

wtf I feel like this Type Four description is personally attacking me

>> No.12437799

great film

>> No.12438198

Sure. Well, first off, I saw the argument in this thread that Wallace is INTP because he doesn't act extraverted, and I'm going to assume that this is a question of INTP vs ENTP. Please tell me if I'm wrong in that assessment. I believe that "acting extraverted" is based on the misconception that extraverted = social and introverted = not social. Introversion/extraversion only deals with the orientation of the dominant function, and has nothing to do with how someone acts. The fact that extraverts tend to act "extraverted" is incidental to extraversion, and is not a hard and fast rule. This is especially true of Ne dominants (ENTP, ENFP), as their extraversion is mostly oriented in the realm of ideas as opposed to people or sensations. Their primary goal in life is to expand their thoughts out as far as they can. Contrast that with the Ti dominant (INTP, ISTP) whose main goal in life is to build a working system of how the world works (a theory of everything) inside their head, or the Fi dominant (INFP, ISFP), whose main goal is to build up an understanding of who they as individuals are and how they fit into the world.
A few important things to point out then: The ENTP is primarily focused at Ne on ideas and expanding those ideas. He uses his Ti system of the world to bolster those ideas up, but the main focus are the ideas themselves and not the system. The INTP is the inverse: He uses Ne to generate ideas and connections for his Ti system. If the system is at focus (for instance, in any Thomas Pynchon novel, where the ideas in the book are part of an irreducable structure of the imagined world), then the person is more likely to be INTP. However, if the ideas themselves are at focus, then you can say that the person is more likely to be ENTP. I've only read Infinite Jest, but from what I've seen, there is a strong sense of ideas over any underlying system (though that is not to say that there isn't an underlying system, there is, but it only exists as a vessel for these ideas). There are probably thousands of new ideas in Infinite Jest, and not all of them are good ideas. This is another issue of the ENTP: He finds it fairly difficult to discern good ideas from bad ideas, since he doesn't have any strong mechanism (nor interest, if he was honest with himself) to cut away bad ideas like an introvert would. These reasons are why I believe he is an extravert, despite his introverted appearance and his willingness to seclude himself from people (which could both be due more to depression than anything).

>> No.12438205

There is also the matter, though this is getting more into Socionics than MBTI, that ILEs (ENTPs) are Fi vulnerable. Fi vulnerables find difficulty understanding Fi motivations or reasoning, and they can often react strongly when they do understand. David Foster Wallace in real life had difficulty understanding people, difficulty understanding himself, and he sabotaged relationships that were valuable to him. This is very strongly in line with someone who is not able to recognize his sense of values or self, which would lend a ton of weight to ILE vs LII (equivalent to INTP).

>> No.12438217
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Fuck off literature board with your /soc/ bullshit. Pro-tip: attaching more labels to yourself doesn't make you any more interesting, you pathetic faggots.

>> No.12438803

>tfw when you realize all this Myers Briggs shit is just a shitty genre-classification technique for the most complicated and genre crossing art medium of all time

INFJ here.
Do you really think Hitler was an INFJ? I don’t care for Tolstoy.
Give me some alternatives.

>> No.12438895
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>> No.12438945

byron, lamartine, any romanticist (except german romanticism which is cancer)

>> No.12438953

This shit was concocted by two spinster dilettantes with a clit stint for Jung. Honestly don't know how it got so popular

>> No.12438972
File: 31 KB, 323x500, theyounghitleriknew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was almost definitely xnfj
context: this is just after hitler and kubizek had seen a wagner opera together, and were walking around somewhere secluded late at night. definitely read this book if you're interested in this topic. hitler was unironically the only good guy to come to power in the 20th century.
>Adolf stood before me. He took both his hands in mine and held them tight - a gesture that he had never yet made. I could feel from the pressure of his hands how moved he was. His eyes sparkled feverishly. The words did not pour from his lips with their usual easiness but burst forth harsh and passionate.
>Till then I had been convinced that my friend wanted to become an artist, a painter, or an architect. In that hour there was no question of such a thing. He was concerned with something higher, which I could not yet understand. He now spoke of a mission that he was one day to receive from our people, in order to guide them out of slavery, to the heights of freedom. Many years were to pass before I could realize what that starry hour, separated from all earthly things, had meant to my friend.