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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 74 KB, 993x768, 5wntvqga8q321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12427162 No.12427162 [Reply] [Original]

She said that she doesn't read novels because she can never relate to them.

Is this a pleb or based opinion?

>> No.12427170


>> No.12427177

I never understood those people, why they need to relate to every single protagonist?

>> No.12427181

Based. Fiction is useless.

>> No.12427198

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.12427323

my waifu

>> No.12427340


>> No.12427411


How do you think she comes?

>> No.12427415


>> No.12427419


>> No.12427437

>to truly appreciate how pewdiepie changed alfsvoid's vagina, one must appreciate...

>> No.12427451
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>"resonance" which he attributes in a particular meaning to scholar Northrop Frye. According to Frye, resonance is when "a particular statement in a particular context acquires a universal significance." Whether it be a literary character like Hamlet or a country like Greece, objects can obtain larger significance because of the context in which we understand them. They gain a larger significance than their physical nature suggests, precisely because they become metaphors. Hamlet becomes a metaphor for "brooding indecisiveness," whereas Athens becomes a metaphor for "intellectual excellence".

People read for different reasons. I respect her decision to consume ethically.

>> No.12427468

Strictly from anal

>> No.12427483

Some people don’t listen to music. They just have no ear for it.
Alph (is it Alf? I don’t recall) can’t get into the idea of a fake story with people she doesn’t know or maybe even like. They’re usually boing types, but don’t hold it against them

>> No.12427536

>Alph (is it Alf? I don’t recall) can’t get into the idea of a fake story with people she doesn’t know or maybe even like
imagine being thid much of a soulless NPC

>> No.12427548

I can relate to most people I read about, but sometimes they are just too far, and make it painful to be me.

>> No.12427559

Yeah yeah yeah. You usually make fun of them for being “STEM” leave the video game memes out of it please

>> No.12427568
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i am reminded of that episode of peepshow when mark first meets dobbie and one of the first thoughts he has of her is that she is 'oddly attractive' which kind of how i feel about this void character, where regardless of how interesting and generous she is with her attention i will be, like mark, incapable of appreciating any thing offered to me and instead obsess over my chances with laying her and wondering who, exactly, would be condescending to whom in that scenario

>> No.12427596

based because all protagonists have the false narrative of being great.
even when their lives suck they have a book written in their favor.

>> No.12427623

she's either autistic, psycho/sociopathic or another millennial fuckup raised on the internet with the attention span of a goldfish

>> No.12427628

Sounds more based than you. Who have to turn to the opinions of 4chan to make your own.

>> No.12427630


>> No.12427659

dobdobilina was best girl

>> No.12427686
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Maybe she's talking about her female friends absolutely horrid chicklit?

>> No.12427688

heaving, her soft breasts brushing downward, gallons of milk gushing from her well-formed pink lozenge down her shapely thighs and into the mouth of this submissive lit catechumen

>> No.12427702

i knew her before the pewdiepie shout-out, just wanted you all to know that

>> No.12427711 [DELETED] 

She sounds like her hymen is fully intact :P

>> No.12427764

It’s an idea which suits her and her broad nature, so based.

I’ve been watching Alf since the beginning days and gotta say she’s far too much of a materialistic/rationalist type for fiction. She’s got no truck for fantasy or anything that’s not cadenced in it’s reasoning.

Possibly my favorite youtuber right now.

>> No.12427773

She doesn't. She is as incapable of orgasm as she is of being moved by literary fiction.

>> No.12427812

That is because she hasn't met me. I would make it my mission to make her come every day and keep her satisfied.

>> No.12427836

Not enjoying narratives featuring people's emotions and struggles is a sign of autism, and I'm not even kidding.

>> No.12427929

If you're a slave to your appetitive soul. Some of us ride our chariots in higher circuits. Keep grazing on empty calorie novels if you want.

>> No.12427987


>> No.12427998

She has horrific taste - her favorite poet is Charles Bukowski.

>> No.12428024
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Honestly, it's kind of weird.

Christopher Hitchens mentioned in his memoir that he didn't understand what it was that made him good at writing prose but his friend Salman Rushdie or Martin Amis good at writing fiction. He compared it to musical ability, you either had it or you don't.

That said, Hitchens did say he enjoyed fiction though, even if he couldn't write it himself so I don't know what's going on with Alf here.

>> No.12428047

I read literature for the plot :)

"That character would NEVER do that in real life, this book sucks."

It kept me on the edge of my seat!

>> No.12428072


She looks like a public cum rag

>> No.12428093

and thats a good thing

>> No.12428110


>> No.12428126
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you got your dick in the dobs?

>> No.12428143

Scrunching up her face and gritting her teeth, squeals like she’s getting shanked with an ice pick

>> No.12428367

link to one of her vids? I'm not up on all the latest e celebs

>> No.12428375


>> No.12428412

She’s a young and intelligent student of a particular field. Give her a break

And yet autists are also supposed to be big nerds for fictional universes. I donno what autism is anymore. We’re all supposed to be at least a little bit now according to officials. I’m suspicious.

>> No.12428919

same people that need female/poc/fat/etc charecters in every media they consume or else it's no good.

>> No.12428935

>tfw people go on and on about how great the office (uk) was, but the 30 percent of peep show that was set in their office is better in every way.

>> No.12428953

What's her problem? Is her head too big or her body too small?

>> No.12428985

You're one of my least favorite people here, but I have to agree with you this time.

>> No.12428997

that's definitely a yikes

>> No.12429248

Lost all my respect

>> No.12429299

She's a pleb. Good literature is relatable on a universal level.

>> No.12429361

I already said my piece. Get your own name.

>> No.12429384

How about you get rid of your name you faggot

>> No.12429435

The « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » is universal. Not one persons own private icon.

>> No.12429455
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Is that Clairo's mom?

>> No.12429465
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>> No.12429568

She’s just too much of an individual. None of those characters are remotely like her or say anything about her life. Now you tell me what she is...

>> No.12429865

Honestly I hear more about white dudes getting butthurt than POC or women about diversity or lack thereof.

>> No.12429872

>Muted :)
No faggot, take them down, fight back

>> No.12429929

what's wrong with bukowski? honest question, i've only ever seen excerpts

>> No.12430093


>> No.12430167

Reading for relatability is absolutely useless.

>> No.12430168

Video evidence. My blood will not boil without heat!

>> No.12430178
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nothing wrong per se, he's just a bad favourite when you consider all poetry ever

>> No.12430186
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>> No.12430204


there are worse things than
being alone
but it often takes decades
to realize this
and most often
when you do
it's too late
and there's nothing worse
too late.

>> No.12430244
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who is this? Everyone in the thread ias talking like she is popular, but nobody is saying what her channel name is. I feel left out

>> No.12430278

Lindsay Ellis / The Nostalgia Chick

>> No.12430331


This. She is literally autistic.

>> No.12430419

Pleb as all fuck.

>> No.12430474


>> No.12430479

alfsvoid on youtube
it took a while to figure out, her channel doesn't even look interesting at a glance.

>> No.12430502

What do other Anons think the point of reading fiction is? I personally think it's about experiencing a world through the protagonist's eyes while staying far enough to understand the mechanisms that govern why the protagonist is going through what they're going through.

All of my favorite novels have unrelatable characters, and that's what makes them good.

>> No.12430768

HOLY FUCKING RETARD. Most of the time its white guys refusing to read or delve into any art form that doesn't revolve around a straight white male.

>> No.12430788

How new are you? Don't respond to tripfags.

>> No.12430794

I have a similar problem, which is that most literature makes me feel very alienated. On top of that there are certain styles of writing that I cannot stomach. The novel that I can actually have a pleasant experience reading is quite rare.

>> No.12430799

To feel something because you're incapable of emotionally connecting to the outside world and can only derive that enjoyment from your own internal world, through which you perceive the contents of the book.

>> No.12430838

Just like your dead mother in your dreams.

>> No.12430865

>resonance is when "a particular statement in a particular context acquires a universal significance." Whether it be a literary character like Hamlet or a country like Greece, objects can obtain larger significance because of the context in which we understand them. They gain a larger significance than their physical nature suggests, precisely because they become metaphors. Hamlet becomes a metaphor for "brooding indecisiveness," whereas Athens becomes a metaphor for "intellectual excellence".
You really think she's referring to this inverse relationship between contextual specificity and universal significance? Or is she just saying muh dead white males?

>> No.12430908

>Hey /lit/ are there any books that a loser like me might relate to?
>"Yeah read this"
>Books is advertised as being about alienation, etc.; decide to read it
>Protagonist fucks lots of women, gets married, has friends
>Every time
It would be nice to relate to a book every once in a while, I admit.

>> No.12430914

wanked 3 times the first time i watched the dryhump scene with dobby in the storeroom

>> No.12430919

So I watched her vid on soul. Does she just paraphrase books and ideas?

>> No.12430921

who cares about some whore?

>> No.12430927 [DELETED] 

It would be boring as hell and difficult to support a story. Read green text or poetry. Or look at paintings.

>> No.12430938

Thank you for this post. I always had this intuition so I'm happy there is a formal explanation for it. Particular the one about Greece. I remember reading Guenon and his critique of modern Greece which is essentially Socrates and later and how moderns love to think they descend from them and it didn't sit well with me or him

>> No.12430948

What does she read then?

>> No.12430954


>> No.12430998

its an uninteresting channel, she does not voice anything you haven't read before, its strictly for basic shitters like >>12427764

>> No.12431178


>alfsvoid found found herself squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.

>> No.12431864

based bc she's a girl

>> No.12431908

Alf is a rare female tuber, in fact, she is the only female I regulary watch because her content actually has some substance to it, that and she’s my waifu (althhough she could pass as androgynous) teehee

>> No.12431923

Ikr? What kind of fucking narcissist do you have to be to not at least empathize with the main character of a novel?

>> No.12432030

Very quietly, in an unsatisfying way for the man who had to put in a lot of work to make it happen.

>> No.12432046
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I wouldn't begin to question the extent of her thoughts on this particular question until I asked her. Then I would decide if here opinion was shallow or not and then move on to politics. But we'd have to be in pol for that.

>> No.12432205
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>female """"""""""""""""""philosopher"""""""""""""""""""

>> No.12432272

who are you quoting?

>> No.12432297
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>> No.12432331

kind of. a novel is a conversation w the author

>> No.12432338

"I talk about philosophy" and "I'm a philosopher" are not the same

>> No.12433256

smug pleb

>> No.12433281

I'm a faggot

>> No.12433481

Out of someone else's consciousness, you can extract shared feelings of dignity, honor, virtue, etc. Things that go beyond emotion or psychology, which have the ability to steady your own character. People who say fiction has no value must not contemplate such things as their own character. Or it could be that they have no character, and simply bounce between their impulses day after day, unable to fathom the serenity of reticence and discipline, nor the reprieve of being honorable among degenerates. That said, I appreciate actual stories, with characters of transcendence and powerful heroics, not the "bad-ass" lesbians and pitiful blacks of today's fiction.

>> No.12433519
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How can women live with themselves when their sole purpose in life is to be attractive so they spend hours every week and thousands of dollars every year on cosmetics, and yet they consistently get btfo by men who aren't even trying and on top of being prettier are also leagues above them mentally as well?
pic related. makes op's hag look like the busted dog that she is.

>> No.12433527

they laugh at you

>> No.12433575

pewdiepie mentioned her recently

>> No.12433590

Sweet Alf, sun of my heart,
In voice, thou will find,
The songs of a delicate meadowlark
Never before begotten, never far from my mind

Thine hair of autumn leaves,
Draped as soft velvet,
O, whose distance bereaves,
Wears such a bronzed helmet

Thine face, which chokes my throat
With florid marble beauty,
The roseate flush sends me in throes,
And begs my mind lewdly

Alas, before me you are not,
The corporeal beauty,
Who's heart is all I sought.

>> No.12433616


>> No.12433634

they hated Jesus because he was right.
Women spend all their lives trying to look good and then Clark Gable walks in and usurps they're entire life investment.
If you look after yourself from 25-45 and are moderately handsome you can practically live both male and female lives.

>> No.12433767
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Women are the niggers of gender

>> No.12433786

that guy looks pretty low test, do you have the gay anon? sounds like you do.

>> No.12433836

I knew a Iranian kid in my class who was like that. He was a big guy

He only read stuff like science

>> No.12433858

Self insertion is for fucking LOSERS

>> No.12434195

well yeah, they're called citations. she's an academic

>> No.12434201

i fucking hate arthoes like her, they´re shallow as fuck

>> No.12434217

only what relates to her work

>> No.12434268

id suckle her toes if you know what i mean

>> No.12434274


How can anyone take this cunt seriously?
>I used to be a left-wing thinker
>Only watched TYT
>Turned onto right-wing politics after watching Ben Shapiro videos (at age 23)

>> No.12434315

She’s not an “arthoe” she reads game theory.
Don’t barge into a thread like this without at least a decent joke, you sullen sake of manure

Young and dumb. I could turn her

>> No.12434327

>game theory
name one(1) less arthoe form of mathematics

>> No.12434380


>> No.12434386

couldn't think of one huh

>> No.12434429
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>> No.12434435


>> No.12434443

The whole thread is about her complete lack of artistic awareness or taste. Idiot

>> No.12434466

no u

>> No.12434476

An art thot is a culture, it doesn't just mean you like the arts.

>> No.12434483

find me one piece of "art" that doesn't revolve around a straight white male
i'll wait

>> No.12434494

You are an idiot

>> No.12434509

>inb4 epic idiosyncratic definition of art

>> No.12434547

oh wow you must be some big smarty knowing everything about Hegel and Eppicetus, I’m so shook that you’ve flexed your petty intelligence on a fucking anime board.

I’d literally fuck your wife and break your jaw if you said this to me in person.

>> No.12434598

Madame Bovary

>> No.12434614

Smart chick. Discovered her because of this thread.

>> No.12434616

grug no liek smarrt peepol
grug smash

>> No.12434620

it's a subculture just like goths. It got the name "art" because a lot of the early trend setters went to art school.

>> No.12434634

She looks like she fucks black men.

>> No.12434660

Its like furies, juggalo's and a-sexuals...I'll believe them when I see them. Up until then, as far as I'm concerned, they're internet meemees

>> No.12434838

>look mom, i said it again!

>> No.12434866

Creative expression is the ultimate redpill

Consuming it without inward reflection is abhorrent

And that's all the philosophy you need

>> No.12435016

If they’re not girls into art, or art courses, they’re not in your subculture category.

She looks like she doesn’t even masturbate, even though she likes girls.

>> No.12435294


>> No.12435308

Many girls are asexuals without even really realising it.

>> No.12435318

Posting her feet like that was really nice of her I think. Why be mad about it.

>> No.12435353

>Madame Bovary
More like "Ma Damn Ovaries" lmao.

>> No.12435364

Only men can be asexual, all women are pansexual and would fuck animals if even barely allowed.

>> No.12435371

Both genders are obsessed with dicks.

>> No.12435385

Borges would be proud.

>> No.12435401

literally everyone likes music

>> No.12435492

I tend to agree with you, but "feelings of dignity, honor, virtue" are fully within the scope of psychology, and not beyond it.

>> No.12435499

Mathematics used to be considered one of the liberal arts. Pure mathematics requires at very east imagination, intuition and a aesthetical sense.

>> No.12435508

Most of petrarchian poetry revolves around women.

>> No.12435520

Yeah, she was being so generous.

>> No.12435528

I doubt there's such a thing as "asexual". But I believe that there are more low-sexed women than men.

Many men have a lust-hate for women, unfortunately.

Whole lotta bisexuals out there.

Non-musical people are weird.

That's nice, but it's the "M" in STEM

>> No.12435545

>it has 'art' in it so liberal arts are art

>> No.12435608


>> No.12435869

>seething nigger projecting
normal people dont give a damn whos in the art they consume, they just want to experience
simps and fags like yerself are the ones who are the cringola yuckolaz here

>> No.12435887

What is the context of "relate" in this statement? Is she saying that she only would read a novel about a person whose life is materially like hers? That if she can't approve of a character's or artist's perceived morality, she won't read the novel? Is she saying that she psycho-physiologically lacks the capacity for empathy?

What in the fuck are you trying to communicate, boy?

>> No.12435891

if normal means average then yeah normal people care about who's in the art they consume. why good-looking actors are paid so much. most read just for story (sadly)

>> No.12435892

enlighten me, to what things do you refer?

>> No.12435899

Can anyone else see this girl getting Blacked?

>> No.12435905

Have you watched a video of hers yet?
She's low sexed, possible hasn't had any even.

>> No.12435911

Sounds ripe for a Blacking to me

>> No.12435928 [SPOILER] 
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Reminder: women are all the same. No exception.

>> No.12436001

>All women don't like 4chan trolls
>No exceptions
Probably right.

>> No.12436047

>kiss my ass 4chan
lmao based

>> No.12436051
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Ontologicool > this whore

>> No.12436105
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>bit time model
true, we probably won't reach higher than her

>> No.12436136


Like a thief in the night.

>> No.12436756

Wrong caption.

>> No.12436789

Not reading novels is based, but her reason is pleb. Anyway, it’s absurd to wonder if a woman is based. The answer will never be yes.

>> No.12436814

somebody just read No Longer Human.

>> No.12436831
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>> No.12436849
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>> No.12436855
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>> No.12436859

I hate niggers! Hhahaha

>> No.12436862
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Pay attention to me!!!!!

Did you know Im a lezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzbian!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????

>> No.12436869
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isnt;t she suchhha san inspiratartion???????????????

>> No.12436903


these reviews though

>> No.12436917

Get the fuck out of my thread, fashy

Go watch ContraPoints

>> No.12436952

pewdiepie's waifu literally

>> No.12436959

Im a lesbian. Isn't that cool? Aren't I interesting?

Pls. Respond.

>> No.12436974

>please don't touch my heal babe.

>> No.12436981

Shut up. Pay attention to ME.

>> No.12436998
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>production > consumption
protestant values repackaged

>> No.12437024

fuck your filter

>> No.12437445

>recommend you a mentally ill YouTuber
Go read a book, retard.

>> No.12437496

i don't think butterfly can recover at this point

>> No.12437499

>caring about youtubers
This is an adult site

>> No.12437525

I know a guy who never listens to music

>> No.12437552

nick mullen said in his blog that he doesn't. it's rare but there are people like this. it's probably related to anhedonia or something.

>> No.12437558

iirc nabokov didn't.

>> No.12437561

It's a patrician opinion. She is a female in 2019. She is a God, for all practical purposes. Worshipped by half the population. She never had to work. She gets unlimited attention.

>> No.12437573

It's sometimes a pleb opinion but not inherently so. Typically, it's cope for plebs who want to read anything challenging (note: when they say they don't read fiction, they always make an exception for sci-fi/fantasy/etc. but they still won't read Anna Karenina). I've heard some intelligent people also say this, though. I suppose it's just an idiosyncrasy they have.

>> No.12437577
File: 1018 KB, 1033x1422, 1364122047_deleuze-parnet1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also seldom read fiction, not because I can't relate to the characters, that doesn't sound like an inconvenience to me at all. I don't read them because fiction is fucking boring.

No book of fiction ever moved me as much as The Phenomenology or Ego and Its Own. The works who come close are - guess it - the ones with deep philosophical undertones, but they are still unable to propel you into ecstatic actualization like the real thing does.

>> No.12437585

I hear people say this all the time, but I'll never understand it. You watch movies, right?

>> No.12437603

i went to her insta expecting more and realized i was baited
fuck you

>> No.12437616

They get their fiction fix from netflix and pornography.

>> No.12437634

>because fiction is fucking boring.
You don't have the right to post Deleuze along with your shitty pleb opinion, shut the fuck up

>> No.12437697

movies are passive
reading is active

>> No.12437727

>movies are passive
That's what happens when you watch capeshit and other bad movies 99% of the time, you fucking brainlet pseud.

>> No.12437846

Easily solved by writing a small essay after watching each film.

>> No.12437856


>> No.12437870

Source? I don't see much of this problem.

>> No.12437873

you messed w the wrong anon my friend i'm a film aficionado

that turns what should be entertainment into solemn intellectual task

>> No.12438009

Neither, it's an attention-getting strategy.

>> No.12438058

She also says in the video

>Up until I was 20, I wasn't really into politics

And at 18, I was already into Kissinger and knee deep in Balkan politics. Honestly, her adoration of Peterson was kind of a dead giveaway of her lack of political nuance.

>> No.12438080

.>Up until I was 20, I wasn't really into politics
this is actually impressive
i wish more teenagers stayed away from politics