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File: 44 KB, 822x548, NOV17_SOUTHEY_PETERSON_POST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12424812 No.12424812[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12424821


>> No.12424829


>> No.12424837


>> No.12424838


>> No.12424839


>> No.12424840


>> No.12424848


>> No.12424854
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>> No.12424856


>> No.12424857

Pynchon's better

>> No.12424873


>> No.12424877


>> No.12424883


>> No.12424887


>> No.12424889

SO JUNG HAD THIS GREAT IDEA if every person ate their own shit -now here's the bloody thing about eating your own bloody shit IT'S CHAOS and that's bloody terrifying and that.. is the belly of the beast.. The consumption of one's own feces is representative of the cannibalistic chaos of post-modernism so then what do you do when you're face to face with this terrifying shit eating dragon? lobsters are well known autophagyists and we're like 90% lobster DNA so you know that really tells you something and that's the bloody thing about Sam Harris, that he has better hair than I do it.. it.. well depends first on what you mean by lobster it's like what solzhenitsyn always said “now Sam Harris is a jew, and they're cold blooded too just like lobsters” you see.. thats what Hitler got right, he wasn't crazy it also totally depends on what you mean by crazy Not washing your penis? Now thats crazy. I have thought about this quandary for a long time, particularly in regards to Jung; for thirty years I've been ruminating on the best way to wash your penis and I haven't thought about anything else AND THE 20TH CENTURY TAUGHT US THAT LESSON PRETTY BLOODY WELL If you wanna conquer your shadow; really grind your heel into the bloody groin of the bitch. Clean your penis and respect the Chaos Lobster. It's in the book of Genesis.
There's postmodernism to fight; and ya bloody better accept it. the jews are older than trees, man! like, god, it's so sad! It reminds me of Pinocchio *sniff* a-and how he just wanted t-*wheeze*to be a boy well that's just the bloody thing! So when we really get to explore these ideas we realize really... we arent the ones cleaning the penis... IT CLEANS US! AND THAT's the BLOODY THING, it's like, you don't KNOW anything for CERTAIN - DO YOU? Whaat do you think you are smarter than Socrates? It's like, YOU ARE NOT SMARTER THAN SOCRATES AND YOU DO NOT KNOW EVERYTHING, you might not even know ANYTHING. But people act like they know things all the time, and that's totalitarianism. It's like, wash your penis, read the Bible, YOU ARE NOT SMARTER THAN THE BIBLE, ok? So POSTCULTURAL NEOMODERNIST MARXISM IS KILLING US ALLL, we wuz lobstaz an shieeet CLEAN YOUR FUCKING ROOM AND THATS THE BLOODY THING RIGHT? YOU MUST SAVE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS FROM CHAOS LIKE PINNOCHIO SAVED HIS FATHER FROM THE DEEPS. GEPETTO IS IN THE BELLY OF THE BEAST AND THAT IS NOT A PLACE YOU WANT TO BE. SO WHEN YOU FINALLY TRIUMPH AND SLAY THE DRAGON OF CHAOS THEN YOU ASK YOURSELF “WELL WHAT NOW” AND ITS LIKE RIGHT TAHTS A BLOODY GOOD QUESTION. BUT YOU MUST NOT GIVE IN TO THE POSTMODERNNEOMARXISTS and furthermore AND THAT'S THE THING ABOUT DOMINANCE HIERARCHIES, THEY'RE BLOODY ROUGH, BUT THEY'RE NECESSARY, AND IF YOU DON'T HAVE A CERTAIN PROCLIVITY TOWARDS DANGEROUSNESS WELL, SEE HOW FAR YOU GET WITH THAT BUCKO. And let me tell you, it was cold up in Canada AND THAT'S THE BLOODY THING ABOUT WASHING YOUR PENIS,

>> No.12424899
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this man is a genius... haven't read a book in years but now I'm listening to all his lectures

>> No.12424900

IT'S A BLOODY EXTERNALISATION OF YOUR INNER WORLD MAN, AND THAT'S SERIOUS. HOW CAN YOU EXPECT TO CHANGE THE WORLD IF YOU CAN'T GET YOUR OWN BLOODY PENIS INTO ORDER So cold in fact that the nazis, in all their manical and pathological hatred wouldn't dare brave it. And *eyes begin to redden* I have been thinking, and trying to *pause while putting hand on left side of face* try to *ehem excuse me* trying to really sort things out in regards to a question I have been mulling over in my head for decades. *whipes a tear* If Nazi germany and Communist Russia just engaged in rough and tumble play instead of enveloping our world in chaos for those year, and the poor jews man, those bloody 6 million. who know what could have happend, its like, things might have gone a whole lot better.
Beef and water and beef and water and beef and water and beef and water and beef and water and beef and water and beef and water and beef and water and beef and water and salt
the scientific literature is very clear about this. Now I want to be careful before wading into this quagmire because--and let's get one thing straight, bucko--I pharse my words carefully. VERY carefully. Well, imagine something roughly approximating fully conscious paralysis for 8 hours every night and you'll have an idea what it's like to contend with apple cider. and thats the thing about phrasing your words carefully man, thats the logos, and that's no bloody joke

>> No.12424909

i find it funny that most /lit/ despises him just because he say "postmodern cultural marxism", i mean what a petty excuse to hate him

>> No.12424921

mocking him != hating him
I personally agree with much of what he says, I just find some of his cult like followers terribly annoying.

>> No.12424922

It's more because he uses slimy snake words like "postmodern cultural marxism" to fool rubes and whip them into a tard rage that /lit/ hates him

>> No.12424923

No it's because he throws out word salads, that which when deconstructed, has no value, and is just filler to prob make himself think he knows what hes talking about, I like his psychology stuff, but he needs to cut it with the smart guy act, people can tell if you know what you're talking about if you just seem well articulate and well spoken.

>> No.12424939

He's like a walking fortune cookie of worthless aphorisms and deepities.

>> No.12424949
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>> No.12424954

>don't disagree with my internet daddy!

>> No.12424963

Can someone post the pic with the obese guy not listening to his mom when she tells him to clean his room.
But them listening when Jordy says it

>> No.12425006

I think his overall impact regarding free speech and left wing indoctrination on universities is very good.

-stance for free speech
-gets people to read Dosto
-gets man children from single mother households to man up and not to turn into underground man
-interesting bible lectures
-great articulation, succeeds in communicating academic concepts to non academic people

-cult like followers
-paid personality tests, self authoring, he rides the gravy train (which is kind of understandable)
-merely puts old concepts together and reinvents them rather than coming up with something completely new

>> No.12425021

>merely puts old concepts together and reinvents them rather than coming up with something completely new
That’s every post-Aristotle philosopher though.

>> No.12425026


>> No.12425036
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>> No.12425073

First balanced, non-spergy criticism of him I've seen on /lit/

He's definitely into those things for the money but I don't think he makes out that he isn't. As for the followers, it's the same with anyone. He's quite mainstream and has a large fanbase which inevitably means more brainlet cultists.

As long as you ignore the clickbait videos on YouTube about him "CALMLY DISMANTLING" some feminist, he has some decent content. The bible lectures included in that.

>> No.12425074

for Christianity, against SJWs, great sophist, good self-help books, motivates people to clean their rooms
pseudo-science, pseudo-philosophy, pseudo-linguistic, pseudo-history, malicious intentions, brain-dead cult

>> No.12425123

>malicious intentions

like what?

>> No.12425138

Well he’s a proponent of liberalism, so he’s neither reactionary-left or reactionary-right. Some people who view liberalism as doomed see this as the equivalent of trying to bail out the Titanic with a bucket instead of just getting on a lifeboat. I’m not sure if I agree but that’s the gist of it.

>> No.12425140


>> No.12425146

Thats objectively true tho

>> No.12425175

I like some of the videos where he talks about Jung.

>> No.12425199


>> No.12425216

I've reached a point where I hear people imitate Kermit the frog, and all I hear is Jordan Peterson.


>> No.12425242

He misrepresents the spirit of common law and academic freedom, potentially out of ignorance, to further his reactionary delusions, wouldn't necessarily call that good.

>> No.12425256

>He misrepresents the spirit of common law and academic freedom
How so?

>> No.12425261

underrated post

>> No.12425274

Good analysis, anon. Also for an alleged centrist, I doubt he has ever disagreed with the libertarian stance on any given topic.

>> No.12425276

The entire compelled speech thing that got him famous in the first place for starters.

>> No.12425281
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>> No.12425288

but it has nothing to do with compelled speech and common law has safeguards against soulless application of a law that was put into place primarily for bureaucratic and border control reasons.

>> No.12425292

>-stance for free speech
Unless you happened to have spoken to a white nationalist while working in a journalistic capacity.

>> No.12425304

If you can be punished for not using certain kind of spee h, it's compelled speech

>> No.12425305


>> No.12425312

but you wont because that's not how common law works.

>> No.12425315
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oh and as a Waterloo alum myself, WLU is a party school lmao

>> No.12425384


Which is more than can be said about most of you.

>> No.12425403
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also more than can be said for any petersonite as well :P

>> No.12425411 [DELETED] 

Read all the comments linked here:

>> No.12425430

>resisting compelled speech
>violates the spirit of common law
No, he was reminding the fascist Canadian state of the sanctity of human rights.

>> No.12425436

I mean by conflating the two he makes it abundantly clear that he has no clue what either actually is. He's a clueless intellectual ironically, the very sort of person the right wing claims to despise, but he panders to them.

>> No.12425455

lol, seriously. Peterson might be one of the most important intellectual of this century

>> No.12425460

But that compelled speech law that he was so vehemently against was in the spirit of respecting individual expression by recognizing an individual's choice to identify by their own gender on a national bureaucratic level. The only speech that it's truly interested in compelling is on the national bureaucratic level. You don't have to agree with it, but it's not the work of the nefarious feminazis and zionists

>> No.12425468

um excuse me sweaty but last I checked that term has a highly specific technical meaning of "group of people I don't like/disagree with". Grow up.

>> No.12425472

>it's just a little bit of infringement of speech!
You don't know what you're talking about. That law was not about respecting individual expression. It was about criminalizing speech and making a new class of fabulous citizens who have unequal protection under the law.

>> No.12425484

It's not though it's more about not getting a stick up your ass because you don't pass at the border

>> No.12425490

This made my morning
Thanks anon

>> No.12425510

That's not accurate.

>> No.12425542


>> No.12425555

It actually is accurate. You would not be prosecuted for mis-identifying an Arab, or a Jew, or an Anglo, or a Chinese person. You WOULD be prosecuted for mis-identifying a woman who identifies as a man or vice versa.

That is the definition of unequal protection under the law. You should stay out of arguments until you learn to think.

>> No.12425560

sure if you ignore all the legal context surrounding that.

>> No.12425563

Searching "Peterson C-16 bill" I found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/9s7og5/jordan_peterson_is_still_lying_about_bill_c16/

I don't know how accurate it is, just thought the post was extensive, so shared here.

I don't like Peterson personally for some of his pseudo-historical and pseudo-scientific claims.

>> No.12425608

The entire man is pseudo- that's the problem

>> No.12425633

He has explained -severals time- that he know that mix should be impossible.
But yeah better keep repeating what you hear on /lit/ without bothering to check.

>> No.12425649

>there's a whole subbreddit about hating peterson

Anyway he already debated some law guy about this, the only counterargument the guy came up with was "you won't go to jail" to which JP answered "what if I don't pay the fine". Or something like that.

>> No.12425653

internet dad defense force assemble!

>> No.12425675


Goals of Bill C-16

Bill C-16 amends the Canadian Human Rights Act to include gender identity and expression as prohibited grounds of discrimination regarding employment, housing, goods/services, etc. (where it wasn't already covered by provincial laws[1]). These protections already existed for race, origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, disability, and pardoned convictions. It added gender identity and expression to that list.
Furthermore, it amends the Canadian Criminal Code to include gender identity and expression in the definition of possible hate crimes. Hate crimes also include "hate speech", which has been found by the Supreme Court of Canada to mean speech that encourages violence. It does not include misgendering, racial slurs, slurs against people's sexual orientation, etc., in private speech.
Therefore, Bill C-16 can only be understood as an intrusion on people's rights to the same extent that the Human Rights Act and Criminal Code already were.
Bill C-16 became law on June 19, 2017.

Results of Bill C-16:

Since then, teaching assistant Lindsay Shepherd was threatened by her supervising professor Nathan Rambukkana as being in violation of C-16. Rambukkana appears to have been wrong[2] and so nothing came from it. However, the threat itself was used as evidence that Peterson was correct all along. Ironically, if the people against C-16 hadn't been so successful at spreading their misinformation, this instance of "I told you so!" would have been less likely to have happened; people on both sides of the issue have been guilty of understanding the bill as it's been framed by Peterson instead of actual lawyers.
After almost a year, Jordan Peterson has not so much been looked at by the Human Rights Commission, let alone gone to jail and become a martyr. He had a whole thing about a hunger strike[3] and everything. Besides reading the laws themselves, there is no greater evidence for how unfounded his "fears" were than this.

The Canadian Bar Association's official statement on Bill C-16[4] and the relevant sections of the Human Rights Act[5] and Criminal Code[6] themselves.

[1] - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_rights_in_Canada#LGBT_Discrimination_Table
[2] - http://nationalpost.com/news/politics/what-the-wilfried-laurier-professors-got-wrong-about-bill-c-16-and-gender-identity-discrimination
[3] - https://youtu.be/WQ-M5MgqVOo
[4] - https://www.cba.org/CMSPages/GetFile.aspx?guid=be34d5a4-8850-40a0-beea-432eeb762d7f
[5] - http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/h-6/page-1.html#h-3
[6] - http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/page-73.html#h-93

>> No.12425679

You're likely not going to get fined unless you're say a border guard who rejects a tranny at the border because their passport has the gender they identify as. You don't have to agree with this, but it isn't zionist funded white genocide.

>> No.12425716
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>in private speech.

>> No.12425727
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based retard

>> No.12425735

nothing wrong with lying and inducing hysteria among ~the right~ to kickstart your career as a self-help book writer and media personality

>> No.12425739


>> No.12425742

What do you think they consider private speech, dumb tranny
Clearly an intentionally nebulous term

>> No.12425753


>> No.12425757

well good thing common law accounts for flexibility in interpretation :)

>> No.12425776

I'm not a /pol/tard but as far as I've heard the HRT is just a garbage organisation all around.

>Bill C-16 amends the Canadian Human Rights Act to include gender identity and expression

Yeah so that include pronoun

Here's the thing though, as Peterson said it recognizes non-existant biological gender. This mean that its the equivalent of legaly penalizing not playing along with a child pretending to be a pirate. It also pretend actual gender, gender identities and expressions are unrelated when its completly false.

>> No.12425785


>but daddy said

>> No.12426130

I'd like a Peterson impersonator to do this on vocaroo, I need a laugh. Any takers?

>> No.12426178

too lazy to post it for you though

>> No.12426196
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>> No.12426205


>> No.12426209

>oh no a WHOLE subreddit

>> No.12426210

Why is /lit/ one of the most braindead boards on here?

>> No.12426218

but me want say nigger

>> No.12426353

Careful, not so loud. Joe Rogan might hear and jizz himself.

>> No.12426363

Peterson is toxic and dangerous as he gives incels more confidence which makes it very risky to be around men as a woman

>> No.12426476

sure a whole lot of /pol/ lurkers on /lit/

>> No.12426499

Good post. I am the anon you replied to. So you're telling me speech in Canada was not free to begin with. I knew this already, as I've had friends in Canada for decades. I stand by my original post here: >>12425430

>>resisting compelled speech
>>violates the spirit of common law
>No, he was reminding the fascist Canadian state of the sanctity of human rights.

>> No.12426506

oh you were being serious? lol

>> No.12426513
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>MOOOOOOOOOOOOM it's my right to call people nigger trannies !!!

>> No.12426566

Yes. Speech should not be infringed, except where it creates the potential for immanent harm (as in yelling fire in a place that could cause injuries in a stampede).

Free speech. What a crazy idea, right?

It is my right not to go to jail for saying things. That is where you and I are different, leaf.

>> No.12426568

this is /pol/ for smart people sweaty

>> No.12426573

yup this goes into my cringe collection

>> No.12426580

Adding to this: you are forgetting that free speech in the US is a natural right, expressly guaranteed by the Constitution. It is not given by the document, but rather protected by it. It is a right that comes from God and cannot be denied by a just government.

Canada does not understand this. It's no wonder you don't understand my argument.

>> No.12426591
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>yup this goes into my cringe collection

>> No.12426592
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Don't be a whiny pussy about things you don't like.

>> No.12426597

>Yes. Speech should not be infringed, except where it creates the potential for immanent harm
which is exactly what hate speech laws in Canada are for. No one cares what bullshit you spew with your incel buddies

>It is my right not to go to jail for saying things
Wow congratulations on contradicting yourself right off the bat. Why are all alt-right weenies such intellectual powerhouses?

>> No.12426599

is this the flag of /x/?

>> No.12426606
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>muh jeezus

>> No.12426609

hurting some mental patient's fee-fees does not qualify as immanent harm, you absolute spongebrained mongrel

>> No.12426612
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don't shitpost outside of your containment board :)

>> No.12426614

the founders were deists, you fucking troglodyte-headed waste of human organs

that means no jeezus, retard

>> No.12426618

>hurting some mental patient's fee-fees does not qualify as immanent harm
ergo c-16 isn't actually curtailing freedom of expression, keep up.

>> No.12426635

you are misusing the word expression, you complete baboon.

"hate speech" is a hate crime, and gender has been added to the list of possible victims under the law. C-16 very literally did curtail freedom to say what you want (expression). why are you so dumb.

>> No.12426636

>hating on a person so much you form a forum just for that

I truly wonder why Peterson is bothering these people so much

>> No.12426645

yes, but hate speech is just speech leading to the real potential of personal harm as understood by our charter of rights and freedoms, something you yourself said was unacceptable here>>12426566

>> No.12426652

because he's a rabble rousing moron

>> No.12426656

except the immanent harm of hurting some psychological trainwreck's feelings is not a public concern, and arguably not any real harm at all.

>inb4 words are violence
I am disgusted with your reasoning.

>> No.12426658

Except the Tribunal define gender as whatever the fuck one person want hence this law can potentially punish you for refusing to go along some crazy bastard delusion.

On top of that tranny are still objectively whatever sex they were born as and recpgnizing this is important for potential medical assistance, sport participation or biological science.

>> No.12426661

>violent, harmful trannie discrimination doesn't exist

lol okay

>> No.12426664

Well yeah that's why they formed this subreddit I'm asking WHY they're getting angry

>> No.12426665

>except the immanent harm of hurting some psychological trainwreck's feelings is not a public concern

so then it's not covered by bill c-16 my triggered snowflake :)

>> No.12426671

because he won't stop rabble rousing durrr

>> No.12426673

we are talking about speech. you are moving the goalposts to include discrimination now, and further "harmful discrimination."

face it. C-16 and Canada's speech laws in general do not qualify as free speech. Every single Canadian lives in a shithole at the mercy of whatever mental patient decides to call himself.

>> No.12426676

Well you're posting in a similar thread right now

>> No.12426686

because bill c-16 is only concerned with discrimination you dense idiot

>> No.12426692

I despise him because he's a tool

Also because his whole book is about "Look inward, stop trying to criticize or improve society, accept that others might know more than you" and then his whole live persona is ranting endlessly about how kids' movies and transgender people are destroying society.

He's just a boomer with boomer memes about how he's "being silenced" and "kids these days!!". He belongs in a nursing home

>> No.12426693

Well to my understanding, hate speech is legal-speech that's liable to cause a breech of peace, injury, etc.
Why does it matter if you do not participate in hate speech?

>> No.12426695

well enjoy your dystopia i guess.

>> No.12426700


>> No.12426705

>you are forgetting that free speech in the US is a natural right
>cannot be denied by a just government.

Every country has limitation to freedom of speech, even the USA.

It is the job of each society itself to decide what those limitations should be. The US system of going pretty all out and going close to almost allowing everything is good in that people always can recall those rules to stop people from taking away their rights. On the other hand it may be understandable why a country like Germany has an interest in stopping people from denying the holocaust.

To me personally the entire debatte is a very fine line between limiting citizens rights and allowing people to openly stir up violence against someone else. It is sadly a debatte that can never be finally settled with a perfect solution.


>> No.12426712

yeah sure sucks living in a country that doesn't consider violent discrimination deserving of protected speech status :)

>> No.12426714

Are you delusional?

>> No.12426723

Are you okay anon? You sound like you're having a stroke

If you wanted to fight transger discrimination you could make it illegal to repeteadly misgender someone suffering from gender dysphoria. That's a lot better than defining gender as "what you believe yourself to be" and then forcing everyone to go along with it.

The law is just bad.

>> No.12426730

Insults insults insults.

>> No.12426736
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Postmodern Marxists, everyone, cheerfully installing the foundations for fascism north of the border.

>> No.12426739
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I'd be more worried about your e-daddy than some loser anon 2bh

>> No.12426746
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>> No.12426759

>peterson saying "people miss having families" is rabble-rousing

lmao jesus christ the neoliberal pseudo-left is so neutered they take any standards or values at all as fascism

>> No.12426768

You can't deny this is a slippery slope, anon. Speech (and presumably writing) is criminalized. You are not allowed to express impolitic thoughts. Groupthink is the government approved normal, handed over to corporations.

If you need me I'll be at the gulag.

>> No.12426776

good thing we have common law courts to prevent this sort of thing :)

>> No.12426778

There is nothing like Post-Morden NeoMarxist, are you that delusional?

>> No.12426787

families still exist last I checked...

>> No.12426798
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>courts create slippery slope
>hey anon that's fucked up tho
>it's okay anon courts will protect us

>> No.12426799

These guys are citing Peterson for defense, baka. Is this our new low /lit/?

>> No.12426825

you sound like a lawyer with a firm understanding of the legal system

>> No.12426828
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>Peterson would have fizzled out and expended his 15 minutes of fame ages ago, if it weren't for people turning "whining about Peterson" into a self-renewing internet cottage industry
>because of this, everyone on the planet now knows about him

>> No.12426833

>we can't attack his arguments so we'll just bring up that one time he told an exagerated story

I'm happy he told that though at the time I was sufffering from a rather bad skin disease and it showed me that it was because of my health. He really helped me with his story.

You're still gotta be judged by their tribunal and lose before going before the common law court. At least that's what happen with that comedian who made that edgy joke about some dying kid.

>> No.12426834

As much as I hate Peterson, i can't disagree here, though it's more MSM than the internet that's at fault

>> No.12426857

The problem with his argument is that not even the courts treat bills as the final say in something explicitly because of all the doom n' gloom scenarios all the petersonites come up with. But of course instead of constructively building on an arguably good faith attempt at curbing discrimination he, potentially out of ignorance, ignores legal context and appeals to and stokes a fanbase of emotional, irrational ignorance in the name of progress which is the truly sickening thing here.

>> No.12426873

Huh I thought people on 4chan would love this guy.

>> No.12426876

>constructively building on an arguably good faith attempt at curbing discrimination
Unconstitutional legislation that ominously impinges on free speech is not in good faith, and even if it were, concerned citizens like Peterson not only have no obligation to be magnanimously patient with the government in passing bills like this, they have the CONTRARY obligation to be incredibly, even excessively diligent about anything that might even be an impingement on essential rights and freedoms. It is the duty of the citizenry to be informed about their rights and to speak up whenever they even have an inkling those rights are threatened.

Peterson, and many others, think the bill has ambiguous implications. They did exactly what they should do.

>> No.12426899

Good thing it isn't unconstitutional then lol

>anything that might even be an impingement on essential rights and freedoms.
>waaaaah jannies banned me because i said the n-word!!!


>> No.12426901

When you enter in democracy , you have to loose some rights, so that harm may not be caused to other members of the society and peace remains, like not drink driving, burning fire in the middle of streets, not touching others inappropriately, kicking babies, not entering other's house, making bombs - most of these rights are provided to us by nature(we are free to do these if we were not restricted by law), but democracy rejects it. It is the price you pay to enter democracy.

>> No.12426935
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>It is the price you pay to enter democracy.

or society

>> No.12426938


>> No.12426941

>The problem with his argument is that not even the courts treat bills as the final say in something explicitly because of all the doom n' gloom scenarios all the petersonites come up with

The problem is that the law itself is garbage. I already proposed something far more reasonable and that actualy acomplish what C-16 seek to do without making trans seems like loon with hundred of genders.

>ignores legal context
He already debated a bunch of legal people on that and I doubt you know more than that. Their opposition to his arguments were meek at best.

>> No.12426943

I am aware. Other anon laid it out nicely, it is a compromise. Any school kid knows this. My disagreement is that speech should never be traded away because of someone's discomfort. Not discrimination, mind you, but merely addressing them how they want to be addressed is not democracy, and it tramples on our ancient protected rights.

>> No.12426953

Again this bill force you to go along with the delusional since it has a terribly wrong definition of gender. Will you actually address that?

>> No.12426957 [DELETED] 

>immanent harm (as in yelling fire in a place that could cause injuries in a stampede)
Oh boy, hate speech can cause a lot of harm ,just imagine a group of muslims following your mom and calling her white whore and other slurs. I bet that it would be mentally taxing for her, she even might even remain terrified to go outside for few weeks. They are not causing any imminent harm, they are just using their right to free speech.
>speech in Canada was not free to begin with
The same applies to you

>> No.12426994

You proposed exactly what C-16 already does, ignorance is not an argument.

>He already debated a bunch of legal people on that and I doubt you know more than that.
>says the guy turning to a CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST for legal advice.
you people...lol

>> No.12427004

>tfw you see someone defending free speech and feel a small amount of hope for humanity

thanks free speech bros

First: the opinion which it is attempted to suppress by authority may possibly be true. Those who desire to suppress it, of course deny its truth; but they are not infallible. They have no authority to decide the question for all mankind, and exclude every other person from the means of judging. To refuse a hearing to an opinion, because they are sure that it is false, is to assume that their certainty is the same thing as absolute certainty. All silencing of discussion is an assumption of infallibility. Its condemnation may be allowed to rest on this common argument, not the worse for being common.

There is the greatest difference between presuming an opinion to be true, because, with every opportunity for contesting it, it has not been refuted, and assuming its truth for the purpose of not permitting its refutation. Complete liberty of contradicting and disproving our opinion, is the very condition which justifies us in assuming its truth for purposes of action; and on no other terms can a being with human faculties have any rational assurance of being right.

>> No.12427007

>you proposed exactly what C-16 does

Where does C-16 mention gender dysphoria? I fail to see where I'm recognizing anything beyond male and female as gender.

>says the guy turning to a CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST for legal advice
But he managed to win his arguments with those legal dudes why shouldn't you listen to him?

>> No.12427053

oh you're just upset that the law doesn't consider it a mental illness like you think it should, okay.

>But he managed to win his arguments with those legal dudes why shouldn't you listen to him?
>I saw a debate on youtube and I really think that settles it
haha, just stop or better yet just link to it so I can laugh :)

>> No.12427088

>I fail to see where I'm recognizing anything beyond male and female as gender.
I fail to see any god beyond Jesus, and I hate that people are allowed to worship anyone else.
>It is a right that comes from God
>It is my right not to go to jail for saying things.
My freedom to religion is restricted that was given to me by my God, because I am not allowed to vandalize Buddhist monasteries and Hindu temples.

>> No.12427111

To clarify the last statement, the statement look absurd so is your argument. No one is stopping you from speaking in general, the law only restricts hate speech.

>> No.12427135

>oh you're just upset that the law doesn't consider it a mental illness like you think it should, okay

Well either you're thinking your something that doesn't exist which sound delusional or you suffer from gender disphoria which is litteraly defined as a mental illness.
What are you trying to argue?

>I saw a debate on youtube and I really think that settles it

I'll take over arguing with some random asshat on /lit/.

I think the legal guy interject toward the end but he just get swated aside.

>> No.12427144

Wait >>12427088 wasn't bait?

>> No.12427155

both the posts are by me, I am clarifying myself

>> No.12427178

>human rights.
except the government has compelled individuals in religious families to get blood transfusions against the will of the parents, so that "human" better be special and that "right" better represent itself as a good for all instead of a good for your indulgence. This aint the USA Bill'o'rights land of the free and you are not a lobbyist for the charter anyhow. This is canadian provincial law, with specificity erradicated by a technological flaw in the internet.

>> No.12427186

You make it sound as if C-16 makes it so that you end up in big time bubba jail if you fail to acknowledge someone as an attack helicopter or something. That's the problem with Peterson's argument, he is able to identify certain issues but ignores (perhaps willfully) context and stirs up a bunch of empty, ignorant fear. And when you point out the irrationality of his complaints you get branded a postmodern neo marxist as if that actually meant something.

That's what's wrong with Peterson he LACKS RIGOR

>> No.12427244
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>> No.12427283

>refuse to call someone xir
>gets fined
>refuse to pay the fine
>get sent to jail and have my money taken by force

>That's the problem with Peterson's argument, he is able to identify certain issues but ignores (perhaps willfully) context

Ah yes what context? The one where a bunch of retards are trying to redefine biology through ideological lense?

>> No.12427313

>Ah yes what context?

The context that prevents your fantasy situation where you'll get fined just because you pissed off a tranny

>> No.12427335


oh i guess its okay then if they dont throw you in maximum security for saying the bad word

>> No.12427337

they do, its just for fun

>> No.12427362

It's been 3 years since he came up with the word cultural marxism and still NO mention of habermas. The time makes this mocking really reasonable.

>> No.12427366

But the law allow them to attack you for misgendering them. You're the one saying its to protect them.

Look at that gay cake guy in the US his trial was biased. Imagine canada

>> No.12427384

You can be sued for insulting someone in every democratic country of the world.

>> No.12427392

>But the law allow them to attack you for misgendering them.


>> No.12427403

Yeah but can you be sued for refusing to call someone xher? That's the issue you numbnut you can be attacked for that. Yes it has verry little chance to happen but that's not a reason to keep a shitty law like that.

>> No.12427422

>the law allow them to attack you for misgendering them
For misgendering them repeatedly,it is not like by genuine mistake if you call someone something else, there will be lawsuit against you. But if you do harass people and bully them , the you deserved to pay the fine and be in a fucking jail you piece of shit.

>> No.12427436 [DELETED] 

Yes, if I refuse call your mom straight women and call her gay whore, I can be sued.

>> No.12427446

Alright I badly expressed myself. My point IS that the definition of gender included with this law is complete bullshit and force you to go along with potential crazy people. No matter how improbable this sound it is what this law allow.

Will you finally respond to this?

>> No.12427467


>> No.12427485


Absolutely amazing.

>> No.12427504

If I repeatedly call your dad gay, I can be sued for mental harassment and bullying.
(considering he is straight)

>> No.12427544


Yeah but no one is a Xherian.You're either a male or a female (and maybe, rarely, some kind of freak inbetween) and those facts will then influence a bunch of other things, like your physic, your interest, your sexual orientation and so on.

You shouldn't be able to sue for something that doesn't exist.

>> No.12427602

The law doesn't force you to interact with mentally ill trannies if you don't want

>> No.12427607

LOL, are you trying to say lesbian , gay , transgender people don't exist , are you living under rock?
No matter what you or I believe, such people exists.

>> No.12427626

haven't laughed that hard in a long time

>> No.12427714
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>> No.12427808

oh great anon my boss saw this and now I am arrested wtf

>> No.12428573


>> No.12429003

he didn't come up with the term you retard

>> No.12429156

I despise him because the worse than useless at tackling the actual philosophically corrupt threat postmodernism actually is because he misdefines it. I also despise him because I'm a Randfag and he's Jungian mystic.

>> No.12429180

JP is the fox news of psychiatry. He's just the flip side of AIDS-liberal tier retardation, his core beliefs are the same as any other mainstream center rightwinger.

>> No.12429188

Yes, you're right. 4chan is one single person.
All of our posts are made by the same person.
Fuck off to Reddit you nigger-loving piece of shit.

>> No.12429193

Jung would've hated this little anglo faggot.

>> No.12429204

He's just not redpilled on the Jews. That's it. He's a boomer who bought the propaganda. At this point he's got to know that unless he just didn't even read the copy of 200 Years Together he was given on camera that one time.
So he's just being a coward about this one topic. My suspicion is someone very close to him is a Jew

>> No.12429205

Yeah this is more or less my experience with every Jordan Peterson lecture I've watched. I go in trying to hear a learned opinion about a certain topic and not even 5 seconds into the video I have no idea what he's even talking about anymore

>> No.12429229

Just to inform anyone scrolling through this thread, maleness is actually defined by having a y chromosome and femaleness is defined by the lack thereof. So next time some tranny tries to say "but what about xxy, or xyy, haha didn't think of that, did ya?!", you now know that both of those combinations result in a male :)