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/lit/ - Literature

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12416082 No.12416082 [Reply] [Original]

Should I stop being Catholic now?

>> No.12416093

No theological manual that contains the word "witty" on the front cover is worth your time.

>> No.12416104
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Karen Armstrong is a new age hippy boomer larping as a Catholic nun. Disregard her opinions

>> No.12416107
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>> No.12416109

Any time you’re ready

>> No.12416115
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>> No.12416116

Is this book good

>> No.12416117

/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/.

>> No.12416121

1969? How is she even alive?

>> No.12416146
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>her work focuses on the commonalities of the major religions, such as compassion and the golden rule

>> No.12416152

>1969? How is she even alive?
Imagine being this out-of-touch.

>> No.12416215

I really enjoy Karen Armstrong, I like this and 'The Case for God' specifically. Understand that she takes a light touch to these subjects, she presents a solid 'non-literal' religious message in a way that can really impact people.

As for the work itself, good at history but if you want deep theology you'll be disapointed.

>> No.12416221

>The Golden Rule
Do unto others...?

>> No.12416237

Of course she's Irish. The Irish have taken the legitimate problems with the Church in Ireland and used it as an excuse to become the most disgusting degenerates in all of Europe. No wonder the snakes are coming back, Ireland has become a mess.

>> No.12416239
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>literally judging a book by it's cover

>> No.12416245

That's between you and God, pal. There are bigger challenges to faith than the Documentary Hypothesis, and certainly there's plenty of Catholics nowadays who have wrestled with natural selection, apocrypha, archaeology, the existence of non Christian religions etc. and still pray to Jesus.

>> No.12416253

you can keep being Catholic, but only if you want to be. Don't let them catholic-guilt you, either (good luck)
Anyways, it's an okay book. Read it for what it is instead of upending your life. :D

>> No.12416262


>> No.12416334

Her biography of Mohammed is pretty bad. Tom Holland shits all over it in his book about the formation of Islam

>> No.12416363

>boomer nun who got roped into hippie mumbo-jumbo in the 60s then dropped out when the church wouldn't completely cuck itself out to modernity and the sexual revolution
Not particularly uncommon at the time

>> No.12417177

I'm not even religious, and this was my first thought.