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12404628 No.12404628 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books where you're supposed to be disgusted by the protagonist but you just end up liking him more.

Woodward spends 2/3rds of this book outlining how Trump bullies his underlings and the final 1/3rd is about how the underlings run around trying to stop Trump on signing off on destroying the economy, lol .

>> No.12404724

Trump should destroy Congress and rule the country as its king, IMO.

>> No.12404731

I doubt DJT wanted to be prez, he should've been golf player or millionaire

>> No.12404749

That's true. He wasn't supposed to win, he didn't even try that hard for most of it. The Clinton camp got him to do it because they thought they could beat him.

I hope you're joking. Don't you realize he's as much of a sellout liar as Obama. Glad they're drawing down the military presence and all, but he's just such a disaster

>> No.12404789

>I hope you're joking. Don't you realize he's as much of a sellout liar as Obama. Glad they're drawing down the military presence and all, but he's just such a disaster

How much of a loser do you have to be to a tripfag on 4chan? Yeah, he's such a "disaster," that's why the GDP growth has been so good for the past 18 months. Obama was a man that was hardly qualified to be president, who won because of the color of his skin, and who left no lasting legacy.

People hate Trump because he doesn't speak the bullshit language that politicians and everyone else is taught to speak in college.

>The Clinton camp got him to do it because they thought they could beat him.

Have you worked in campaigns? I have. They ran a bad campaign and thought they could foist an unlikable candidate on people just because she happened to not have a penis. It didn't pan out.

>> No.12404930

>I like him cuz he's rude!
He's sold you out the same as Obama sold out his supporters. But that's cool with you, just as long as he keeps being rude.

She's an awful candidate, and her polls drop the more she campaigns, so they did very little of it. (She won!) Glad the piece of shit isn't in there
>not have a penis
You may not know this, but there has never been a woman president in this county's history

>> No.12404945

How has Trump sold anyone out? Last time I checked, which is every morning while drinking coffee, he has been keeping good on every campaign promise and genuinely working, to the best of his ability, to make this country better for its citizens.

>> No.12404972
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>I'm a political junkie!

Why would you read this garbage?

>> No.12404979

Your first statement is not true. If you look at his life and public statements, its clear that he always wanted to ascend as high as he could in terms of power, he always wanted to be president. He flirted with running for a solid 20 years before finding his best shot and then he took it and smashed HRC by being a great brander and showman.

>> No.12405013

>He's sold you out the same as Obama sold out his supporters. But that's cool with you, just as long as he keeps being rude.

He's not rude by my standards or that of his supporters. I would posit that there are few similarities between Trump and Obama. One is a consummate politician who lives to please people and be what is basically political eye candy, and the other is not a politician by trade and isn't interested in whether he offends everyone or not in the course of doing what he does.

>(She won!)

Obviously not.

>You may not know this, but there has never been a woman president in this county's history

Cool dude. Guess you missed the part where I said that was her campaign's main selling point.

>> No.12405022

>reading BLUMPF BAD books
I shiggy diggy

>> No.12405123

>I don't know who Bob Woodward is

>> No.12405142
File: 71 KB, 761x750, DFW2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people in /lit/ RIGHT NOW that engage in politics

All the pepes and wojaks should have tipped me off, but holy shit this place keeps getting worse.

>> No.12406246

I voted for him cause he shitposts, and he has not sold out on shitposting you retarded bitch

>> No.12406359

You didn't start with the greeks, did you?