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/lit/ - Literature

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12391203 No.12391203 [Reply] [Original]

why can i only manage to read one chapter of any book in a sitting? i started reading blood meridian around christmas and i'm only just over halfway through it.

>> No.12391205

because you're shlongloving brainlet

>> No.12391207

because you're flabbergasting brainlet

>> No.12391219
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Because your attention span has been fried by mindless internet surfing. The key to sitting down and reading for extended periods is to remove any frivolous distractions. The internet full of attention grabbing images which drain your concentration levels. You're constantly jumping from one hit of dopamine to another.
I'm hopping off now. Just came to make a thread.
>t. just finished 2 books today

>> No.12391241

just take your time and try to read a little bit longer at a time

>> No.12391278

Meming aside there's some truth to this. Reading is like a muscle you have to train, and even if you're only doing one chapter per session, keeping at it regularly will make it easier.

>> No.12391689

i'm 18 and was basically like BORN on the internet bro and like i just finished Infinite jest which i started by the way on JANUARY FRICKEN FIRST YO
so uh basically your little like "science" theory or whatever can suck my world wide web surfing DICK if you know what i mean

>> No.12391700

Try reading Moby-Dick

>> No.12391871

desu >>12391219 has a point. but the prose in blood meridian is pretty hard to follow. no idea wy people praise it so much. I could only take in 1 chapter at a time of that book too. and I'll admit I groaned a bit when i found out ht enext chapter I was reading was 20 pages.

Try this. the audio book is uploaded to youtube. try playing the audio book version at a faster speed and following along with it in your book. and then read chapter summaries afterwards.

>> No.12391875

i have a copy that i'm planning to read next. it's gonna take me the rest of my life

>> No.12392016

Dumb fuck, Blood Meredian is not for a feeble cuck like you

>> No.12392042

but places like /lit/ are perfect for big brained assholes like yourself.

>> No.12392056

Find the books you don't want to put down

>> No.12392171

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, my man

>> No.12392190

If you're a retard that has destroyed their own patience then read books with normal prose and engaging plots to start with.

Reading is a skill and must be actively worked on

>> No.12392313

I wish i was able to read one whole chapter in one sitting.