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/lit/ - Literature

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12369769 No.12369769 [Reply] [Original]

>novel is about a struggling "painter" or "musician"
why do writers do this?

>> No.12369784

A combination of role playing because of self loathing and also they are writing a tediously autobiographical work and slightly tweaking it. Or else they want to satirize the arts because some bohemian fucked their girl.

>> No.12369786

>artists are important to artists
Gee who'd thunk't

>> No.12369788

Nigga they been out here romanticizin’ mental illness since the start they wildin’

>> No.12369790

I know that. Gaddis does it extremely well exploring the themes of authenticity and recognition in the Recognitions and at least JR has Jack even though Bast is more significant in the narrative (or insignificant? But more present). Its still a thin metaphor. Who do you think you're fooling, guy?

>> No.12369796

certified brainlet post

>> No.12369828

There’s a book about a struggling Austrian painter who went on to become an important figure political figure in the first half of the 20th century. Unfortunately, I can’t recall the name of the author or his book.

>> No.12369839

Why shouldn't they? Books about ordinary people, like Heller's Something Happened, just make you want to die.

>> No.12369848

shut the fuck up

>> No.12369852
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>books that aren't a thinly veiled self insert for the authors existential fears are by necessity about "ordinary" (read:not artists) people
ok retard

>> No.12369877

Not OP but it's funny to watch the pseuds of /lit/ flounder so hard to grasp the point of this simple-as-fuck thread.

>> No.12369936
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/lit/ is one of the dumbest boards. It's quite literally told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. I have been revisiting the last couple of days and remember why I stopped. For all of the pretentiousness and involuted texts about
>*hits bongs*
>dude society is about subjective power dynamics
most of these posters are idiots.

>> No.12369952
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Adolf Hitler retard
(I know, autistic reply, but im under a lot of stress and need someone to take it out on. Im sorry. I still love you anon

>> No.12369963
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Right in my style.

>> No.12369975
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>novel is about a painter so mad about a woman not really giving a shit about his paitings that he ends up killing her

>> No.12370362

Is that synopsis of real novel? If so, what is it?

>> No.12370374

Almost all of them wanted to make real art, but just couldn't hack it.

>> No.12370403

what book

>> No.12370413


>> No.12370425

One of the worst novellas I've had the misfortune of reading.

>> No.12370432

"Crap, I have no idea what to write about. Any ideas?"
"You know what they say: write what you know."
"Hey yeah, great idea!"
>Proceeds to write yet another fucking whatever about writing because he's a jackass.
"Maybe this wasn't such a hot idea after all."
>Changes all instances of 'writer' to 'painter.'
>Ships that shit to the publisher.

>> No.12370435

Gaddis spent like 30 years writing The Recognition and JR. Do you think he struggled and failed to be a painter and composer that whole time? That's actually kind of funny to imagine, he was so secretive so no one would realize that he failed at his true passions.

>> No.12370453
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>> No.12370473

If I had a penny for every girl that has told me that

>> No.12370487
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>*blocks ur path*

>> No.12370495

cringe kys

>> No.12370827

thank you

>> No.12371245
File: 186 KB, 500x376, 4gqtz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>novel is about an unemployed loser who goes to the bar too much
why do writers do this?