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12368320 No.12368320 [Reply] [Original]

>"I've read parts of it."

>> No.12368380

I think we’ve all fallen back on this sentence from time to time.

>> No.12368412

this, I am a slow reader (like retard slow but I'm not a retard) and I cannot possibly say "yes" to 90% of the times someone says "have you read..." and I wanna keep the conversation going cos they are interesting book people and it is very gratifying to talk to them, so I just fall back on this.

Pro tip, say "yes but a long time ago so don't I might not remember x part/so you'll have to jog my memory"

>> No.12368999

I've read parts of Tipitaka. Any problem?

>> No.12369028

>I started it once 4 years ago but dropped it before the second chapter

>> No.12369031

Learning curve:
Frustration: don't know any names or terms mentioned
Rapid growth: begin to know more and more names and terms by reading introduction and summary of books
Plateau: know the names without interest to actually study one author

>> No.12369039

>"I have read the introduction on the flap

>> No.12369052

>I don't discuss, cite or even mention an author without reading one of his book back to back

>> No.12369055

>"I've only read parts of it but-"

>> No.12369063

Why are you using quotation marks AND a quotation arrow?

>> No.12369068

>I've read parts of the Wikipedia article.

>> No.12369072

>I have used google search to read the passages that mentioned the related parts

>> No.12369081
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>Have flipped through while taking a shit.
Still say I read parts of War And Peace, but have as of yet to find those missing pages from the day of the squirts.

>> No.12369413

"I haven't quite gotten around to it yet"

"It's on my list"

>> No.12369541

this is genuinely what i do though, i just read chapters that seem interesting

>> No.12369709

kek, how to get over this?

>> No.12369724


i havent read a bookor listened to any new music in like 3 years but im generally aware of the names of shit so i can talk lots LOL

>> No.12370590

At the university, sometimes the teacher would assign parts of a book. we would go to the photocopy machine guy and pirate parts of the book. We did this with Genealogy of Moral.

>> No.12370719

I usually start out strong then get bored and stop reading half way through.
Half of my bookshelf still has the little scrap paper bookmarks from where I gave up.

>> No.12371476

I just read every other page because more often than not books are 50% filler and I can easily fill in the blanks between pages.

>> No.12371542

>having people you can talk to about books

>> No.12371621

Fucking this.
I do this a lot with my university teachers, its a great way to get to know them and expand your knowledge a bit more on what to read or not.

>> No.12371638

I always say that "yes, i've read" and then we go on about it and discuss the book. The truth is, i only download audiobooks and when i can't find them i use the Microsoft Edge text to speech. I haven't read a book for 4 or 5 years.

>> No.12371681

Why haven't you?

>> No.12371701

>take class on early American literature
>the only novels/novellas we read in full are Edgar Huntly and Benito Cereno
>we only read sections from Uncle Tom's Cabin
>we don't read The Scarlet Letter at all
>we don't read Moby-Dick at all
>we only read several poems from Leaves of Grass plus a modern non-fiction book analyzing Whitman's poems
>even though there's a focus on diversity, we don't read any of the slave narratives in full nor do we read Black Hawk's autobiography
worst class I ever took

>> No.12371755
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>friend says he's read karl marx and loves gommunism
>ask him why
>he says "cos i just don't understand why i have to work to survive!"
>realise he never read marx

>> No.12371777

>take class
>expect it to be anything other than political rubbish on behalf of the faggot teacher or modern flavour of the month swill
School almost made me hate history and reading until I dove into it on my own outside of school

>> No.12371830
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>"It's on my list"
Sh-shut up.

>> No.12371857

>"I saw that at Borders!"
>"I love reading."
>"It's so loooooong :3"

>> No.12371880

I really like how you were willing to go for diversity and they still went bellow your personal standards. It's almost like a fully new greentext adventure.

>> No.12371897
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i listened to the audio book on x2 speed

>> No.12371919
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>"I've only read the last sentence of the book."

>> No.12371929

Underrated post lol

>> No.12372016
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>I've read the cover.

>> No.12372076

>if the cover is shit its not worth reading
Absolutley based and redpilled outlook

>> No.12372138


>> No.12372191


im an incredibly unmotivated person

i realised recently that i like the idea of music and literature more than i do than the actual substance matter itself. same for most things in my life, i love talking about stuff i guess. that, paired with my really low attention span means that i couldnt read a book if i tried. maybe i have some sort of cognitive dysfunction, or maybe this is is just the result of social media, shortform news, or a culture of instant gratification. either way its something im working on.

>> No.12372198
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>I read about it on the internet

>> No.12372295
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>>"It's so loooooong :3"
>it's 300 pages

>> No.12372404

I wish all books were <300 pages

>> No.12372448


What is the Bible?

>> No.12373533

Huh saying the honest thing really does sound better in this case. I will try to say this from now on

>> No.12373579

this, i dont think theres any shame in it. i usually say "no but im familiar with it" which is usually just the truth, i.e. i read a wiki summary and saw people discuss it online somewhere. it might seem slippery but thats because youre excreting slime to make the social interaction go smoother

>> No.12373592

Hello me

>> No.12373600

ive only ever read books for enjoyment outside of school. infact if im forced to read it i don't read it at all

>> No.12373610

Why would you lie to people ever? Why do people lie? In ancient Persia lying to nobility was punishable with death.

>> No.12373655

>sperg authour can't get his point across in 300 pages

>> No.12373731

Frogposters should get shot to death