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/lit/ - Literature

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12349220 No.12349220 [Reply] [Original]

why does this board move so fast now? i miss slow /lit/.

>> No.12349231

If you block the dumb threads it will go back to normal. There are a couple ofjoke threads doing the rounds atm.
How's yokohama going?

>> No.12350391

Crossboarders and ADHD PewDiePie fans.

>> No.12350412

Nah it's still pretty slow. I can sit down and read a book by the time it would take for somebody to reply to me.

>> No.12350456

dumb lesbian robot

>> No.12351743

/lit/ has seen ~33% increase in posing rate in less than 2 years, with the trend only seeming to be going up. Population is going up, but quality is going down.

>> No.12351753

Finished yet?

>> No.12351756

Slight increase from the Reddit crosspost

>> No.12351761


>> No.12351765

Fill me in on this?

>> No.12351776


I think it's been like this for two years. It does feel a lot faster compared to around 2014 though

Personally I don't see it as a bad thing. I'm glad zoomers are interested in learning and more people want to read literature and philosophy :^)

>> No.12351778

Time to move to /lit/ on infinity chan

>> No.12351789

We were crossosted on Reddit because of our 2018 top books chart

>> No.12351803
File: 31 KB, 399x400, 2016_10_25_23_57_219610_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mostly. Ironic that a year or two ago when we had half a dozen Peterson and Evola threads at any given time the board was overall in a better state and you could easily filter most of the shit. Now you have vedditors, poledditors, random 9gag-esque edgelords and ebin underage trolles being retarded in every other thread.

>> No.12351819

>zoomers are interested in learning
People who are interested in learning don't generally spend time discussing video game streamers and posting garbage a la "DAE X is le most patrician book/author/language/philosophy/religion"?

>> No.12351824

Don't be cheeky.

>> No.12351860

And I looked >>12347468 and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.

>> No.12351867
File: 499 KB, 500x213, pipe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"DAE X is le most patrician book/author/language/philosophy/religion"?
In the end, is this not an extremely reductive account of the literary canon defenders and academic philosophy?

>> No.12351881

Even people who post inna infinity /lit/ admit they mostly just stay here.

>> No.12351897

I see it too.

This might work

>> No.12351914
File: 186 KB, 794x556, lit post rate graph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12351937

What happened in those dips?

>> No.12351953

presumably an error in collecting data/the site going down for a day. I got the graph from someone on /qa/.

>> No.12351976

People were busy actually reading.

>> No.12351981
File: 11 KB, 360x360, 1544597928615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fucking Behead all Satans fag is there.
At this point it's safe to assume that that there is no where on the internet that is safe. Maybe I should just join that shifty Freistadt site. Looks like a LARP though.

>> No.12351992


It's not LARPING (ie, Live Action Role Play) if it's an internet website you stupid doofus

>> No.12352030


>The fucking Behead all Satans fag is there.


>> No.12352036

literally just came to /lit/ from /biz/, holy shit this board is actually somehow worse
Honestly thought /lit/ was supposed to be at least somewhat intelligent, you'd think that about people who actually read. But it seems more like a /pol/ 2.0 board.

>> No.12352046

Spend more than a few minutes. It has its moments.

>> No.12352063

There are some nice, very helpful people here. I hope they know who they are <3

>> No.12352077


>> No.12352078

it has worsened after the elections and peterson. this used to be a more intelligent and left leaning board.

>> No.12352085

we're better than /his/ at least

>> No.12352152

>just came from /biz/
>why is it bad
Because of you and your ilk. Go back to your epic pink wojak shitcoin subreddit.

>> No.12352173


I don't think the people here who made posts worth reading are gone, just that there are more crossposters to sift through to see them.

>> No.12352178

Me too, old friend, me too.

>> No.12352194

I second this motion.

>> No.12352199

Where do you find this data?

>> No.12352209

We don't actually read though.

>> No.12352214

he said he got it from an anon on /qa/
read the thread retard

>> No.12352241

>read the thread retard


>> No.12352247

>not 7chan
Never gonna make it

>> No.12352271

t. newfag

>> No.12352282

only there for /smg/, don't care about the shitcoin threads

>> No.12352332

Pewdiepie started his book review in January 2018.

>> No.12352427


Funny that sages is even an option. I don't see that word at all anymore.

>> No.12352462

it wasn't nearly this bad just a few months ago, makes me want to kill myself now

>> No.12352471

he relentlessly shills his shit writing here

>> No.12352564

/lit/ died years ago. Like 2014 is probably still being generous.
t. visiting from /k/

>> No.12352675

If I see one more "I want to talk about my life but I'm to smart for /r9k/ - Books for this feel?" thread I will crush a grape in anger.

>> No.12352695
File: 139 KB, 500x980, 1546151671396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are like 8 years late senpai. ITT newfags general.

>> No.12352701
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>> No.12352711
File: 92 KB, 549x542, 1328160482096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I have this humorous /lit/ meme from 2011 right here.

>> No.12352718

/pol/ and /v/ influx

>> No.12353161
File: 121 KB, 514x630, leme it BAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orange Man Bad, grandpa?

>> No.12353925

Crossboarders aren't necessarily the problem. It's the newfags

T. Oldfag crossboarder.

>> No.12353933

a lot of /pol/tards trying to "self improve" are coming over

>> No.12354568

dumb and CUTE lesbian robot

>> No.12354685

it's grown a lot in the last 18 months. threads 404 way faster.. after 6 hours now. i remember it taking them a few days at least

/trv/ moves faster too. i think a few days now to 404 and used to be a week+

and just casually reading /lit/ i see a lot more shitposting. i blame reddit memes for making 4chan popular in general. 14 year olds greentext with their million followers. it's popular culture.

>> No.12354706

Yeah it seems to be mostly low effort posters coming over from /mu/ and other boards. The frequency of "What is the book version of ____?" and "Should I read this?" threads has increased by a fucking thousand. And every thread has a mandatory first twenty posts of lowest-effort, Reddit style, most obvious shitpost/joke posting.

I don't mind shitposting or board culture at all if it has any fucking effort behind it but the white noise on the board has gone way up. I have a theory that the younger you are, the more likely you are to visualize 4chan as a generic social media site where you have to shout to be heard and most people are simply disconnectedly shouting low effort "I know this meme XDDD I'll participate in this meme too" into the void, with no expectation of response or dialogue. They're "commenting" on things, not talking.

>> No.12354739

This, people who care more about social and political issues than literature are swarming the board. Instead of talking about books, they're talking about the people who wrote them.

>> No.12355067


>> No.12355919

Not really, no.

>> No.12355943

saging used to be a great way to enjoy a shitshow without promoting it, it's probably the thing I miss the most.

>> No.12355950

dumb and CUTE lesbian robot that I wanna hug

>> No.12355965

/lit/ is accelerating

>> No.12356065

Whatever bad thing happens, I blame Redditors. Get off my lawn, little faggots.

>> No.12356073

/lit/ is shit

>> No.12356147

It still works, it just doesn't show that you saged

>> No.12356919

it's because retards keep posting "just bought x, thoughts?" "what should I read" "where do i start with/how do I read x" and people respond to those threads instead of ignoring them.

>> No.12357007
