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/lit/ - Literature

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12345603 No.12345603 [Reply] [Original]

What a fucking chore to read

>> No.12345712

A girl stood before him in midstream, alone and still, gazing out to sea. She seemed like one whom magic had changed into the likeness of a strange and beautiful seabird. Her long slender bare legs were delicate as a crane's and pure save where an emerald trail of seaweed had fashioned itself as a sign upon the flesh. Her thighs, fuller and soft-hued as ivory, were bared almost to the hips, where the white fringes of her drawers were like feathering of soft white down. Her slate-blue skirts were kilted boldly about her waist and dovetailed behind her. Her bosom was as a bird's, soft and slight, slight and soft as the breast of some dark-plumaged dove. But her long fair hair was girlish: and girlish, and touched with the wonder of mortal beauty, her face.Then, gayclad, lightclad, BRAPP

>> No.12345721
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>There was a moo cow

>> No.12345727 [DELETED] 

Try Dubliners and also possibly being older than 20.

>> No.12346208

I'm putting off finishing this as we speak. Absolutely boring and pathetic. It also doesn't help that I read Blood Meridian just before.

>> No.12346219

This. Dubliners is objectively a more entertaining read, but there's more to be appreciated in & taken from Portrait.

>> No.12346225

If you think that's a chore (it isn't, it can be read in 2 hours) try Ulysses!

>> No.12346237

I keked

>> No.12346267

... you guys are seriously lower than avid king/rowling readers

>> No.12346280 [DELETED] 

A chore, really? I find it very comfy.

>> No.12346281

Ugh episode 14 is just dragging on being intentionally pompous

>> No.12346370
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>> No.12346377 [DELETED] 

I tried to read Portrait in high school, got nowhere. Picked it up 5 or 6 years later and really enjoyed it.

>> No.12346499

It's always upsetting when literary elitists insult others for not praising something they consider great. Why not, instead of perpetuating a hivemind here, let everyone share their own, personal opinions without being rebuked for doing so?

You are only damaging the discourse by proceeding inversely.

>> No.12346504

>at certain instants her eyes seemed about to trust him but he had waited in vain. She passed now dancing lightly acros his memory as she had been that night at the carnival ball, her white dress a little lifted, a white spray nodding in her hair. She danced lightly in the round. She was dancing towards him and, as she came, her eyes were a little averted and a faint glow was on her cheek. At the pause in the chain of hands her hand had lain in his an instant, a soft merchandise.

Always loved that section. I copied sentences out of portrait many times.

>> No.12346660

much of it is tedious. corncob irish politics/white identity politics, christard crap, etc.

some good bits but pretty mediocre overall

>> No.12347114

The OP put no effort into this besides stating his opinion

>> No.12347223

I'm reading this right now and am at the part where I get to be preached at for pages upon pages about how shitty hell is. How trite.

>> No.12347232 [DELETED] 

Try to figure out why a great towering figure like James Joyce would include such a chapter.

>> No.12347265

He needed to fill some pages so he went down to the church and plagiarized that week's sermon?

>> No.12347295

“Get him Hemingway!”

>> No.12347306
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This is you.

>> No.12347384

I find Joyce to be shallow and pedantic

>> No.12347419

>spends 10 pages prattling on about how hell is infinitely horrible and unbearable and about how inconceivably long "eternity" is
>on the very next page says, " To retrieve the consequences of that sin the Only Begotten Son of God came down to earth (sic), lived and suffered and died a most painful death, hanging for three hours on the cross.
>hanging for three hours
>three hours
Ohhh noooooo, this is so sad! Three whole hours? :(
So when I die, having sinned, I get eternal damnation, but when Jesus died for ALL our sins he only got three hours under the hot sun with some bloody wrists and ankles? Wow I definitely owe my life to Jesus now! Thanks bro! Also I thought we're all god's children so why should I care that jesus was the "Only Begotten Son of God"

>> No.12347427

Joyce wasn't trying to convert anyone to Catholicism.

>> No.12347461

Doesn't excuse wasting well over a dozen pages on idiotic, unoriginal sermons.

>> No.12347484

Congratulations, you feel the same way Joyce felt about Catholicism.

>> No.12347538

I don't feel that way about Catholicism in general. I feel that way about Joyce's writing.

>> No.12347667

this fucking spaz hahahahaha

>> No.12347674

/pol/ reddit newfag detected

>> No.12348164

I'm pretty sure retards like these are the breed of browsing /lit/ and watching pewdiepie.
In my time there was not one poster that found portrait hard and even atheists loved it, specially the sermon part. This is the fucking third time today I've read that about portrait

>> No.12348185

Face it broski, it's just a bad book.

>> No.12348218

calm down chad

>> No.12348224

I keep picking it up.

Sometimes I love it. More often I hate it.

Dubliners is excellent.

I often try to remind myself that I am free to like and dislike whatever I want, and so are others, and what others like and dislike is not necessarily any sort of a slight against me. I try not to feel obliged to like something because it is considered 'great', or vice versa; that's blinkered thinking.

>> No.12348412

It's not a hard book. It's a boring book.

>> No.12349321

>I'm so smart and sensitive
>muh religion
>muh 50 page sermon
>muh daddy
>muh country
>I'm so sad for no reason now
>fuck all that, I'm better than anyone else
>not me tho
Joyce is a hack. At least the prose was good.

>> No.12350414

>He felt cold and then a little hot: and he could see the names printed on the cocks. That was a very queer thing.

What did this brainlet mean by this? A very queer thing lmao

>> No.12351359

Literally the best part

>> No.12351375

I agree; it was the only bit that felt like a slog.

>> No.12351459

By a country mile.
You deserve to go there.

>> No.12351578

Unrelated, but does anyone know what happened to semicolonanon? Absolute legend he was, but I haven't seen him in a while.

>> No.12352200

Good job it doesn't exist :^)

>> No.12352218

My first try I failed at this part, second try it became my favorite section of the book

>> No.12352228

based. keep posting this to spite portraitfags

>> No.12352252

seriously. after reading Ulysses, this seemed like the deadliest bore in the known universe. dunno why the fuck they have anyone read it in school. i'd be put off Joyce forever.

>> No.12352310

Fuck off

>> No.12352374

I find your reply to be shallow and pedantic

>> No.12352425

>be creator of the entire universe
>all powerful, all knowing
>humans rebelled against you
>they will never understand what its like to be the supreme creator
>come down from heaven and make yourself into a human to see what its like for them because you love them
>live 30 years as a human (which is nothing to God)
>have to eat, sleep, use the bathroom, things the creator of the universe shouldnt have to do
>but do it anyway because you love your creation
>eventually prophecy time comes
>get mocked, scourged, beaten, nailed to a cross (the most painful and humiliating execution in the roman empire)
>hanging on the cross with all the sins of the world
>know that anon is going to make this stupid post 2000 years into the future whining about his own sin like as if he's entitled to heaven
>still die for his sins anyway cause you love him

>> No.12352602

based God

>> No.12353386

I remember browsing this board years ago and seeing this book universally loved. I finally got around to reading it and now it's my absolute favorite book. I have no idea what has happened to this board, but it's a very sad thing to witness.

>> No.12353425

>>humans rebelled against you
lol no. Some naive bitch who literally knew nothing outside of running around the jungle naked and eating fruit was tricked and manipulated by one of the most powerful angels of heaven (and we are told that all angels are much greater than mere humans in every possible way). We deserve to be punished tho rite? What do you mean she wasn't able to withstand the shapeshifting prince of fucking darkness himself!? So punish us God! It's not like you and your shitty angels just should have done a better of job of preventing fucking Satan from getting into Eden in the first place, especially since you KNEW he was coming. :)

>> No.12353441

>now it's my absolute favorite book
brainlet fag

>> No.12353550

Its not necessary to type "this is you" when posting a brainlet wojak

>> No.12353565
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>This is what demiurge apologists actually believe

>> No.12353584

Absolutely based, dude. We need more guys like you on /lit/, to BTFO the TorahLARPers. I'm putting together a team - of sane-minded intellectuals, who can debase Semitic superstitions without resorting to Fedoraism - from this post, you seem like quite the guy for the job. You in, friend?

>> No.12353591
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Lets ride.

>> No.12353605
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>Traumatic parochial indoctrination isn't the cornerstone of his personality

>> No.12353616
File: 59 KB, 441x539, 1402030062915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based gnostic poster

>> No.12353659

Fucking zoomer retards, every one of you.

>>12347419 especially is thick as pig shit and almost certainly underage.

>> No.12353667
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>> No.12353710

The mech seems like an obvious choice to me over a pretty lame helicopter.

>> No.12353720
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yeah, there ya go. good job

>> No.12353729
File: 72 KB, 1380x735, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

refute my posts then. pick one and refute it. :)

>> No.12353730
File: 94 KB, 1180x590, 160627_ARTS_Angels-00-Angel.jpg.CROP.original-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember Jesus still loves you all and it's not too late. there's always a chance for repentance. God awaits our will to be cleansed. Whether sufficient help is efficacious or inefficatious depends on the will of to whom it is given. Graces are made efficacious by the consent of the human will.

>> No.12354024
File: 130 KB, 1000x460, joyce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see that even google knows who the most based Joyce is. She's even an author.

>> No.12354082
File: 400 KB, 1635x2048, vatican-john-paul-ii-bio-boxjpeg-0d324_s1635x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok well first of all the snake in Eden isnt actually satan
second of all, Adam, Eve, and the snake were all to blame and punished for what happened in Eden.
The snake deceived Eve, and was cursed to crawl on its belly, and it was prophesied that the seed of the woman (Eve's descendants, specifically Mary and Jesus) would have enmity with the snake and crush its head while it bruises their heel. This is further explained with Mary and Jesus being the new Adam and Eve, where Mary reverses the consequences of Eve's disobedience with her obedience to God, and Jesus is the new Adam, since Adam brought sin and death to mankind, and Jesus Christ brings salvation and eternal life, the former being brought from Adam's disobedience to God, the latter being brought from Christ's obedience as a human
>The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit. The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual. The first man was of the dust of the earth, the second man from heaven. As was the earthly man, so are those who are of the earth; and as is the man from heaven, so also are those who are of heaven. And just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven, 1 Corinthians 15:45-49
Eve was at fault for falling for the snake's deceit and disobeying God, and she was punished by having to endure pain in childbirth. Adam was at fault for disobeying God as well, and going along with his wife's sin rather than correcting her, and his punishment was having to eat food from the dirt, as well as death (not death on the spot though, eventual death, as Adam and Eve were immortal before the Fall, because our souls are immortal)
Your post reeks of entitlement and ignorance. You obviously don't know anything about religion or theology outside the basic stuff everybody knows, yet you criticize it like as if your idiotic shitpost could tear down 2000 years of theology and scholasticism. Do you have any other childish criticisms I need to correct, or are you finished embarrassing yourself?

>> No.12354097
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weve all seen mitchell and webb too, anon

>> No.12354117

Don't know what you're talking about, I'm just reiterating Catholic doctrine

>> No.12354137

>Your post reeks of entitlement and ignorance. You obviously don't know anything about religion or theology outside the basic stuff everybody knows, yet you criticize it like as if your idiotic shitpost could tear down 2000 years of theology and scholasticism. Do you have any other childish criticisms I need to correct, or are you finished embarrassing yourself?


>> No.12354161

I havent seen this until now, but I guess since I said "entitlement" and "2000 years" my post is null then

>> No.12354864

Eve was still just a naive bitch who was manipulated into sin. Adam's sin was only committed out of love for Eve (which should be a mitigating factor) and it didn't really matter at that point because Eve had already fucked up. Of course the snake was punished. Lines 3-12 of your post have nothing to do with this discussion.
>Your post reeks of entitlement and ignorance. You obviously don't know anything about religion or theology outside the basic stuff everybody knows, yet you criticize it like as if your idiotic shitpost could tear down 2000 years of theology and scholasticism. Do you have any other childish criticisms I need to correct, or are you finished embarrassing yourself?
oh.. I see.. you're a theology major... I'm so sorry.

>> No.12354891


>> No.12355180

>being this proud of being such a faggot
Not him but you're kinda pathetic. Your posts refute themselves really.

>> No.12356039

Lmao what a shitty book

>> No.12356967
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>> No.12356976


>> No.12357010

There is a doctrine called "original sin". It teaches that we are all descendants of Adam and Eve, and because of their first sin, we are now stuck with a nature that inherently leads us to sin. We are born with the urge to sin. That's why we get punished. We are born separated from God and if you dont repent your sins and baptize yourself you will go to Hell, because Hell is just separation from God. Remember, God doesn't send you to Hell, you send yourself to Hell.

>> No.12357061
File: 21 KB, 200x304, Questionable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be creator of the entire universe
>all powerful, all knowing
>come down from heaven and make yourself into a human to see what its like for them

>> No.12357276


>> No.12357315

why do joyce fags get triggered so easily?

>> No.12357331

>he actually responded

>> No.12357351

thanks for the (you), I have 29 ITT now.

>> No.12357396

Portrait isn't a 10/10 but it does have its moments.

The part where he goes into the principal's office to demand justice was great and the part where the kids lift him up on their shoulders is a genuinely powerful moment.
And a lot of people hate the whole fire and brimstones sermon, but I think it's truly amazing how Joyce was able to find 739 different ways to say "You're all going to hell."

Chapter V is a fucking trainwreck though. The book should have ended when Stephen had his epiphany on the beach.

>> No.12357473

Your mythology is the most-atrocious thing I have ever-read. You don't even seem to understand that the first mention of original sin is by Paul, in Romans 5:12. You guys literally believe anything written in your scriptures, few Christians actually exercise their discernment and question whether Jesus even has relation to Genesis at all. You just accept the theology-package which the Church hands to you, and go straight to work on rationalizing it. There is no questioning from you, nor independent opinions. Obey and be saved, or dissent and thereby die.

>> No.12357863

I liked when Stephen goes to the dean's office and says that he was the one who cheated on the test, but unbeknownst to him, Cecil had already told the headmaster that the real offender was Matt Damon. The dean tells Stephen and Cecil that they should have reported the offense, but absolves them and Matt Damon is expelled. As Stephen leaves the headmaster's office, he sees Matt Damon leaving the school. Matt Damon says that he will be accepted to Harvard anyway and that years later everybody will have forgotten about his cheating at school, while Stephen will still just be a Jew. "And you'll still be a prick," Stephen replies, destroying Matt Damon. I l

>> No.12357972

aw did babby read nietzsche for the first time

>> No.12357981
File: 29 KB, 361x446, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you develop the concept of "reading Nietzsche for the first time produces stupidity"?

Please share your secret understanding

>> No.12358922

Here's a (you) anon.

The sad little faggot in this thread creaming himself over all the replies to his stupidity (which I hope is feigned) will neck himself soon enough when he realizes how much effort he's gone to for such little reward.

>> No.12359000

>The feelings excited by improper art are kinetic, desire or loathing. Desire urges us to possess, to go to something; loathing urges us to abandon, to go from something. The arts which excite them, pornographical or didactic, are therefore improper arts. The esthetic emotion (I used the general term) is therefore static. The mind is arrested and raised above desire and loathing.

Is he right /lit/?

>> No.12359476

Yes and no.

>> No.12359653

read John, dummy

>> No.12359711

What about his post is in any way Nietzschean?

>> No.12359770

Gonna start this tomorrow. What makes it so bad? Is it parodical of Marx's work of the same name?

>> No.12359804

John 1:29 is not the same as original sin, if that's what you're referencing. That could simply mean that Jesus "forgives people's sins", like he was recorded to do.

>> No.12360847


>> No.12360866

The lightninglike wit that cracked his ass so hard and hot he panicposted that dumb whiney garbage.

>> No.12360881


>> No.12360989

I read a book of annotations along side this one and boy was it worth it. I got so much out of this book. You need to buckle up bucko

>> No.12361733

What did you get out of it for instance?

>> No.12361749 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the replies guys. Hope you're doing well

>> No.12361751

Thanks for the replies guys. Hope you're doing well

>> No.12362043

amazing thread we're having here, lads
*braap* oops, haha

>> No.12362063
File: 61 KB, 398x350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That JAAJ is a dick. You think your ego fantasies are out of control? Start imagining yourself as the Caesar of literature. Too bad he kept writing and became Nero.

>> No.12362400

>hmmm nora my dear...