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12324517 No.12324517 [Reply] [Original]

Let's be clear here: there was only one genocide worthy of title "genocide." ALL others were merely targeted massacres. If you can't figure out which one I'm talking about, I'll help you out: the Holocaust.
The Holocaust happened. It's not debatable. 6,000,000 Jewish men, women and children were ruthlessly murdered for no reason other than bigotry.
If you deny that this was the worst(and only) genocide in history, you deserve to have done to you the same things that were done to those 6 million innocent people, who's only crime was being born into a certain ethnicity (which doesn't exist, but that's a topic for later).
So go on, keep comparing these petty murders to the ultimate crime ever committed in human history.
I don't often like to wish harm on people, but I think you DO deserve to get punched, fucking bigot.

>> No.12324532

Oh, I forgot. Post essential Holocaust literature, lest we forget.

>> No.12324551

>still falling for zionist propaganda

>> No.12324566

Every year we celebrate the holocoaster even though it never happened.

>> No.12324570

Say that to faces of the 6 million before they were gassed, ass.

>> No.12324587

check out "If This Is a Man" by Primo Levi if you want a holocaust story that's not just a predictable tearjerker
don't tell me you didn't catch onto OP's bait / irony?

>> No.12324589

Prove it. Literally every single academic worth their weight knows it happened. When I history has there ever been an event on the same scale that was proven to be fabricated? You have to be literally retarded to think it didn't happen.
Derailing bigots as usual

>> No.12324599

Thanks, pal. At least someone here knows well literature. It's really crazy to know that some people actually, LITERALLY, think the Holocaust didn't happen. It's fucking 2019 for God's sake.

>> No.12324607

damn, I can't tell if you're being ironic or not
perhaps you don't even know yourself

>> No.12324608

Zoomer already stopped caring, they openly joke about Hitler without a sense of stigma attached to it. By 2030, the world will have forgotten about it.

>> No.12324677

I hope they never have to experience what those innocent souls did. Maybe they deserve it, though.
What's there to be ironic about when it comes to the Holocaust? Why the fuck would anyone joke about this? I realize people do, but what kind of sick/evil person enjoys making fun of the death of 6 million innocent people?

>> No.12324732

>what kind of sick/evil person enjoys making fun of the death of 6 million innocent people?
the average 4chan user for example

but edgy humour is popular outside of this place too, just look at 9/11 jokes

>> No.12324745

The fact that you'd compare the magnitude of the Holocaust to 9/11 really shows how far gone the average person is, not even 4chan users specifically

>> No.12324746

>Book portrays Jews as rats

>> No.12324770

7 BILLION even when you really think about it

>> No.12324771

joking about people's deaths is always edgy, regardless if it was one death or millions

also the longer ago it happened, the less edgy it is apparently

>> No.12324780

>Let's be clear here: there was only one genocide

>> No.12324784

>Let's be clear here: there was only one genocide worthy of title "genocide."

Ok this is bait

>> No.12324798

why hasn't israel recognized the armenian genocide? is there some sort of genocide monopoly they don't want to share with others?

>> No.12324802

If the holocaust happened it is the ultimate macabre use of bureaucracy and industry in the service of death. Well, maybe not I suppose we do the same to farm animals every day but we get something material out of that.

If the holocaust didn't happen it is the ultimate body horror of western civilization. Literally everything most people believe about politics and history would be inverted.

>> No.12324813

wow what an obnoxious OP

also a weak list

required shoah lit:

life with a star
badenheim 1939

and other non-jewish accounts of concentration camps:

this way for the gas ladies and gentleman
if this is a man

>> No.12324822

Actually I am surprised there isnt any alt-history novels where the world is just like it is but the holocaust never happened and it is a great lie for whatever reason.

>> No.12324823

> "If This Is a Man" by Primo Levi
This is pretty good

>> No.12324845

Not so surprising, it would simply be a waste of time. You realize this by the time you grow up.

>> No.12324869

Because Israel is a crypto-fascist ethno-state.

Daily reminder that Israel does not in any way represent the Jewish people. Diasporic Jewish critique of Israel is constant, from ultra-orthodox Neturei Karta to secular Jewish leftists.

>> No.12324880

>6 million
Get with the times, Hans. It’s actually more like 12 million since they underestimated the horror. Modern scholars have revised their estimates. You showed your bid by using the old figures.

>> No.12324881

Anon this a good bait.

>> No.12324894

>Believing Allied atrocity propaganda
>1945+ 74

lel fuck off, Yid.

>> No.12324909

chad israeli nationalists VS subversive internationalist jewish diaspora

>> No.12324910
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OP you disgust me. Six million Jews died? Are you kidding me? The consensus is that the nazis (of which Drumpf is absolutely one) slaughtered just under 20million Jews. How dare you try and erase them from history. We will never forget, and we must always ask for their forgiveness.

>> No.12324933

>Because Israel is a crypto-fascist ethno-state.
God I wish I lived in the same world you do. Because here in real world Tel-Aviv we have only sudanese migrants and gays.

>> No.12324941

It probably include all non-jews related victims. The title is just bait and you're falling for it, either because you're retarded or because you want to spread your shitty outrage.

>> No.12324951

No it isnt you absolute clown

>> No.12324969

Wow Tel Aviv is a cosmopolitan city, what a surprise. Try going literally anywhere else.

Also lots of gays love ethnic crypto-fascism, I don't see what sexuality has to do with anything.

>> No.12324974

sick reasoning bro

>> No.12324976
File: 82 KB, 638x359, holocaust-victims-15-20-million-1-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up and get off this website. You're nazi hatred isn't welcome here. 20 million JEWS were butchered at the hands of the nazis. Why do white supremacists and racists try and pretend like this isn't the case?

>> No.12324982

and yet it is in fact yourself who has fallen for the bait

>> No.12324986

The antisemitism on here is disgusting. Israel is our greatest ally in the whole world.

>> No.12324993

Guess I did. I'll go hang myself.

>> No.12324997

Anyone read Man's Search For Meaning? Been ignoring it because of the dumb title but it's been recommended to me a few times now.

>> No.12325082

The pain cries out doubly when it remembers (((you))).

>> No.12325111
File: 171 KB, 966x1024, 96216515-05D5-4EC1-8608-962B3B199300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow they upped the figures to 20 million? I respect the nazis even more now, god europe would alreadt be destroyed if Hitler hadn’t bought us all some time.

>> No.12325121

If the holocaust didn’t happen, then it should have.

>> No.12325131

I'm reading King Leopold's Ghost, about the Congo atrocities of the 1890s, and it's making me hate Belgians even more than Nazis. Rough estimates guess at 10 million dead thanks to the avarice of one man. At least the Nazis had ideological fears about the people they were exterminating and could make a self-defense argument.

>> No.12325133

And the Holodomores? 16 million ethnic europeans dead?

>> No.12325134

German engineering IS best after all *sips*

>> No.12325162

Most of Primo Levi's work, including the non-holocaust stuff, should definitely be given a fair look
He is a great writer with a rare depth

>> No.12325370

Anyone know why American middle/high schools are obsessed with holocaust books?

>> No.12325501
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Stop trying to detract from the 20million

>> No.12325788


>> No.12326839

>democratic ethno-state
>does not represent its ruling ethnos
Yeah, nah.

>> No.12326880
File: 235 KB, 750x747, 33C3A70A0C3F47F68A0C11196EF1F933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a bunch of German ASSHOLES decided it was a good idea to kill all those Jews for NO GOOD REASON what so ever. We need to punish the German people for what they did.

>> No.12327395

I read it in high school. It’s at the very least an excellent firsthand account of the Holocaust. I’m not sure how it would vibe with my current understanding of philosophy though, 13 or 14 years later.

I’d recommend it though. I liked it a lot better than Maus.

>> No.12327531

You know they don’t even use that number any more? The specific claims kept changing due to lack of evidence, and whatever the lowered figure is now, it includes way more people who died of disease and starvation after the supplies to ran out, than intentional killings. “Remember the 6 million” is a meme used to mock this fact, even if millions did die due to targeted extermination, which is a quesitonable claim. You shouldn’t keep throwing that number around if you want to be taken seriously.

The gas claimed to kill Jews was there in massive amounts, according to official sources, because most of it was used to prevent the spread of typhus which killed more Jews than anything else.

Your sweet little Anne Frank died in a hospital, not by a Nazi bullet.

There used to be more claims about death camps backed up with the same unsubstrantiated but vitriolic moral outrage, just as there used to be claims of electrocution chambers and human soap that were called out for the absurdities they were.

But the remaining claims about gassing now refer exclusively to locations that were captured by Soviets, who admittedly “reconstructed” gas chambers that don’t make any structural sense.

Anyway, if this was the most horrific human tragedy of all time (you seem really confused about numbers if you think that’s the case), why do all Holocaust movies have admitted factual inaccuracies in them to make them more dramatic?

Why have old Jews admitted to making up stories or passing on stories they heard but couldn’t verify “to keep the memory alive” instead of just sticking to the truth?

Sorry, it’s really fun to just rattle these things off and let anyone who’s curious look into it for themselves.

Anyway, look for David Cole’s documentary on YouTube if you want to hear it from a nice Jewish boy.

>> No.12327588

>it includes way more people who died of disease and starvation after the supplies
Because those people were intentionally killed. Allied prisoners didn't suffer these casulties.
>You shouldn’t keep throwing that number around if you want to be taken seriously.
You shouldn't be claiming the number is wrong, if you want to be taken seriously.
>The gas claimed to kill Jews was there in massive amounts, according to official sources, because most of it was used to prevent the spread of typhus which killed more Jews than anything else.
Carbon monoxide? Or deodorized Hydrogen cyanide?
>Your sweet little Anne Frank died in a hospital, not by a Nazi bullet.
A death that would be prevented if not for persecution.
>human soap
Nazis made soaps of human fat, that is documented by physical evidence.
>why do all Holocaust movies have admitted factual inaccuracies in them to make them more dramatic?
All movies do that.
>Why have old Jews admitted to making up stories or passing on stories they heard but couldn’t verify “to keep the memory alive” instead of just sticking to the truth?
Oral history is valuable, or are you going to denounce Solzhenitsin's work too?
>anyone who’s curious look into it for themselves
So you can confirm it's all bullshit.

tl;dr stop being a mutt

>> No.12327842

It’s excellent, it’s more about resilience and reframing your outlook during bad times in your life than anything else, really. Plus it’s a pretty short read.

>> No.12327852

>still falling for /pol/bait

>> No.12327853

Love how the 6 mil figure is all people talk about when an additional 6 million non-jews were killed too

>> No.12327859
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The Zionists are trying to wipe us out, but InshaAllah we will survive, even without the help of the First World and our own Arab brothers who’ve whored themselves out to the Zionists.


>> No.12327865
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>> No.12327867
File: 76 KB, 403x817, IronPill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong image lmao

>> No.12328993

Wait, do people here unironically believe the Holocaust never happened? I thought it was just an attempt to be edgy. God damn it guys, this doesn’t look good for us. You’re no better than the commies who deny the Holodomor.

>> No.12329008

Today I bought the book about the soap girl. She's worth less than a dollar.

>> No.12329014

No their main goal was to colonize the east to form a country that could stand on equal ground with the US. Of course colonization would involve the removale of the weaker races. Either read Mein Kampf or Wage of Destruction.

>> No.12329409

To indoctrinate us with white/nationalist guilt:

>> No.12329412

Based and redpilled. Islam is Chaotic Evil, (((they))) are Lawful Evil.

>> No.12329604

Stop falling for retarded propaganda, when Leopold took control of the Congo, the country was under the control of the Arabs, who bought huge amounts of slaves there. Slaves in Africa were not randomly captured or born slaves, they were all prisoners of war. The demand for slaves strongly encouraged interethnic wars.
So when Leopold took control of the country, it was a huge battle field, so he created a national army (in which ethnicities were no longer important) and waged war against those who did not want to stop slavery. The myth of the cut hands comes from the fact that the soldiers had to collect the hands of their victims, the prove that they used their bullets efficiently, because at first the Congolese soldiers, who were not well trained, were just firing at random.
Leopold organised and hosted in Brussels the "Brussels Conference Act of 1890", with many other countries, to implement measure to end slavery in Africa and in the Ottoman Empire.
In 1904 and 1905, an independent commission was created (the "Commission d'enquête sur les exactions commises dans l'État indépendant du Congo") to investigate if the Congolese were wrongly treated. It found that no Congolese had his hands cut (« Jamais le Blanc n’a infligé ou fait infliger, à titre de châtiment, pour manquement dans les prestations ou pour toute autre cause, pareilles mutilations à des indigènes vivants »).
Furthermore, rubber was only harvested in a very small part of the Congo, and only during a few years. And only 175 Europeans were in charge of it.
There is no way to measure the population that the Congo had at the time, but if it is consistant with the countries around it, there probably weren't 10 million people living in Congo at the time.
However, there was a drastic reduction of population in Congo between 1890 and 1910 (but no precise numbers), which was probably due to diseases (Congo has always had lots of very deadly diseases).
Some atrocities did however happen, several villages were wiped out because their production of rubber was insufficient (a few thousand people were killed, not 10 million). But the culprits were tried. The conditions in which the Congolese had to work were very bad, but not far worse than the conditions in Europe.

For further information, I suggest the reading of
> Jean Stengers, “Congo : mythes et réalités”
But it was probably never translated, as it isn't sensationalism and such books don't sell as well since there not full of lies.

>> No.12329649

This is what /pol/ threads wish they could be. Trolls trolling trolls and credible sources; not schizo boomer Q posting idiots shouting into the void as if they're members of a twitch chat.

>> No.12330193

>Nazis made soaps of human fat, that is documented by physical evidence.
Wasn't this a wartime myth perpetuated about the German army since WW1?

>> No.12330229

That was a different iteration of the myth. The soap thing is based on actual German experiment with making soap from human fat. They made one batch, find out it's not economical and abandoned the idea. I don't even see why is that a big deal, Huns were suffering shortage of fats and tried to get some from the corpses they were making.

>> No.12330404
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