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12321598 No.12321598 [Reply] [Original]

Sweet reminder that there are no successful arguments against antinatalism

>> No.12321612
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>Achieving life is not the equivalent of avoiding death. Joy is not “the absence of pain,” intelligence is not “the absence of stupidity,” light is not “the absence of darkness,” an entity is not “the absence of a nonentity.” Building is not done by abstaining from demolition; centuries of sitting and waiting in such abstinence will not raise one single girder for you to abstain from demolishing.
-Ayn Rand

>> No.12321615
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>> No.12321626

I was an antinatalist for a while, then I realized that my biochemical system was just inferior to others and that my highs were not as high as theirs and my lows were lower than theirs. I’d love to believe the Schopenhauer/Buddhism/etc pill is for everyone (misery loves company, as they say), but I’ve come to understand it is a salvation only for us defective types. I still try to hit the gym, eat right, get good sleep, and so on, because that can help a lot. In the end, I’m gonna just have to exit samsara.

>> No.12321627
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>Pain is a bad thing

>> No.12321637

How someone appreciate the pain they're not subjected to if they don't exist?
Fucking stupid, unless some spinster's feelings of self-satisfaction supersede the value of life itself.
Also >>12321627
Enjoy Brave New World

>> No.12321648

I don't think you can convince someone not to have children with an argument. It's such a deeply ingrained biological drive. Most of the arguments against it are just word games (>>12321637), name-calling (>>12321615), or some sort of religious delusion (>>12321627). A person will either come to a deeper understanding of their own self-awareness through experience, or they won't. Most won't.

>> No.12321672

>-Ayn Rand
did not read

>> No.12321680
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Do recommend

>> No.12321684

Negative utilitarianism is retarded.

>> No.12321688
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>absence of pain is a good thing for a being that doesn't exist

>> No.12321691

reminder that even fucking peterson of all people beat the leading antinatalist in a debate on the topic. he couldn't even say why pain is bad

>> No.12321697

>he couldn't even say why pain is bad
You shouldn't need to.

>> No.12321699

antinatalism is aesthetically wrong.

>> No.12321702

But you have to if you want to make an argument. Why is a decrease in suffering better than an increase in happiness?

>> No.12321782

Any attempt to answer this other than assert it's an axiomatic self evidency is doing fucking wrong.

>> No.12321790

>it's an axiomatic self evidency
It's not.

>> No.12321792

Define “pain”

>> No.12321839

>muh word games
>muh religion
Antinatalists are the fucking worst debaters. What more can you expect from someone following the dumbest fucking meme ideology in existence? Well since they're so obsessed with pragmatism let me pose this to them. If you are born and you don't like your life you have an easy out. You can just kill yourself. But if you're not born you're never given a chance to decide whether you find life an endeavour worth living through or not. And given most don't kill themselves we can determine that most found something to live for.

>> No.12321884

>Innately Bad
>Innately Good

>> No.12322039

How else do you propose to validate that pain=bad?

>> No.12322086

Dumb masochists

>> No.12322102

antinatalism is a reddit ideology, what more argument do you need

>> No.12322150
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>when you agree with rand

what went wrong

>> No.12322158

am actual argument

>> No.12322218
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Maybe there's a degree of meta you don't know about her

>> No.12322263

>even fucking peterson
Wow, even Peterson? And he's like the smartest guy ever!

>> No.12322354

>You shouldn't need to.
Not an argument.

>> No.12322364

empirical evidence?

>> No.12322394

Proof that it is empirical?

>> No.12322409

Why is a decrease in suffering better than an increase in happiness?

>> No.12322565

>kill yourself
Big difference between suicide and not having kids. Not having kids doesn't hurt anyone. Suicide is often a terrible ordeal for the person before s/he dies and also for friends and family. Parents with dead kids are broken.
>inb4 no one loves you
They do
>never given a chance to decide whether you find life an endeavour worth living through
There's no unborn kid in the sky who wants to be born to check it out. You're not depriving anyone of the experience.
>given most don't kill themselves we can determine that most found something to live for
We're wired to stay alive and be optimistic; see the Pollyanna principle. There are also different standards for beginning a new life and continuing one. If you lost an arm, you'd probably keep going. If you found that your baby would be born without an arm, you'd probably abort it. (That's just an example, maybe replace the arm with something more convincing).

>> No.12322602


>> No.12322605

>suffering isn't bad
Just debunked it in 3 words

>> No.12323043

This. In 2015 there was some actual discussion taking place, now that /lit/ has been overrun with /pol/, unironic Randroids and larping Catholics it's just a shitshow.

>> No.12323050
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>> No.12323051

The fact that the vast majority of people want to continue living, and don't regret being born, is a good argument against anti-natalism.

>> No.12323074

It's not really. Vast majority of people thought owning slaves was ok and think that factory farming is ok, neither is.

>> No.12323140

It's a bit of pain before committing suicide but at the end of the day it is your decision to make.You can do it whenever you want.
>there is no one waiting to be born
Of course,but there is definitely someone hoping they are never born.
>the parents feel bad
They may also feel bad if they never had children.
>We are programmed to live
So you are programmed to find life meaningful? Not to mention an instinct is just that. You can act against it anytime.

>> No.12323145

Both of these things harm other people. You projecting your subjective experiences onto theirs is different from that. Also
>owning slaves and factory farming is wrong

>> No.12323147
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>before it pandered to me but now it doesn't WAAAH

>> No.12323161

Absence of pain, when differentiated from the presence of pleasure as in the picture, is the same thing as absence of pleasure, thus both are neutral and scenario a and b are equivalent.

>> No.12323166

Only if we accept the premise that pain is bad (it cannot be; pain's basic function is to serve life) and that pleasure is the point of life (highly debatable).

Every flavor of coolaid is fascinating, anon. Antinatal guavapeach doesnt have a corner on the market.

>> No.12323173

Sweet reminder that antinatalism is used by angry virgins to justify their lack of drive

>> No.12323177

>Absence of pain: good
>Absence of pleasure: not bad

>> No.12323184

>Absence of pain is good
>Therefore willingly making yourself paralysed from the neck down is a good thing because it reduces your pain

>> No.12323187

We're not in a position to permanently end all life everywhere right now, and it's not clear we ever will be. We could conceivably end much of current life on earth, but doing so would achieve nothing but subject countless beings to a senseless repeat of the brutal evolutionary struggle our forebears endured to get us to the point where we are just now beginning to gain power over our collective destiny. The more sophisticated life becomes, the greater its potential to influence the universe at large and thus minimize suffering in self and other. Antinatalism is about as immoral as it gets.

>> No.12323542

Vast majority of people don't have euthanasia legalized in their countries. Vast majority of people make kids accidantely because they don't pull out on time.
Vast majority of people don't publicly express they're antinatalists because the public doesn't know this exists as a philosophy, let alone accept it as an attitude

>> No.12323645

>Inflicting pain onto others is tolerable because pain isn't bad.

>> No.12323657

I thought that it was common knowledge as to the failure of DB's axiological asymmetries, I'd recommend Cabreras essay on the counterfactual approach if you haven't already read it.

>> No.12323660

Pain is not only physical, it can also be psychological. Thus paralyzing yourself from the neck down would, in my opinion, lead to more pain than pleasure.

>> No.12323676

Not to worry we can place you in a medically induced coma and then you'll have no pain at all and that would logically be the optimal state of living for the anti-Natalist

>> No.12323685

No because in the anti-Natalist moral system not only pain exists, but also its inversion; pleasure. the goal is not solely to minimize pain, but also to maximize pleasure. The latter is neglected in your example.

>> No.12323694

Absence of pleasure isn't a bad thing therefore being paralysed and comatose is the irrefutably optimal state of living for the anti-Natalist because it reduces all pain to a negligible level which is an objective good

>> No.12323705

Let's say a guy has you and another person's legs tied up. He has a gun. He says he's going to bash the other person with the butt of his gun if you don't give yourself some pain with one smack to your own face. Oh but you're antinatalist, so it's wrong to smack yourself because any pain whatsoever means nobody should be born, and he bashes you both.

>> No.12323716

Absence of pleasure is neutral - whether good nor bad - but presence of pleasure is good and thus better than the neutral state. Thus being paralyzed would not be optimal, since presence of pleasure is better than absence of pleasure.

>> No.12323717

>criteria B is maximizing pleasure
>absence of pleasure doesn't break criteria A
are you retarded or just not reading the other person? in any case, why bother posting?

>> No.12323729

The anti-Natalist states that it is better not to live at all than to suffer any form of pain and since according to the anti-Natalist life is suffering it is impossible to both have absence of pain and have pleasure at the same time so again the paralysed comatose state is objectively the most optimal state for the anti-Natalist to live in

>> No.12323745

All you have to do is pump the comatose person with serotonin, dopamine, etc. It's fairly easy to invent dystopias or horror with antinatalist ideology, like Brave New World's or Wall-E's. You could kidnap people and pump them full of good-feeling chemicals, that's ok because now they're happier.

>> No.12323746

>He says he's going to bash the other person
>he bashes you both

>> No.12323758

Paralyzation would only be good if continuing living would result in more pain than pleasure. If continuing living would result in more pleasure than pain, then continuing life would be optimal.

>> No.12323772

Sometimes you need to give the devil their due.

>> No.12323781

I don't disagree with you. I'm not an anti-Natalist myself. I just wasn't content with his way of arguing against the anti-Natalist moral system.

>> No.12324430

Why is a decrease in suffering better than an increase in happiness?

>> No.12324696

>Absence of pain

>> No.12324704

We need to spread out into the universe and convert as much matter as possible into pleasure-experiencing-machines

>> No.12324728

Why haven't you killed yourself yet? That would be the most convincing argument you can make.

>> No.12324737

>cuz it's too hard wahhhhhh >:(((

>> No.12324763
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this is such a dumb chart. by that logic spilling some coffee myself is just as bad as losing my father to cancer. good and bad are not measurements to judge the value of life accurately. just because you aren't having the time of your life every second of the day doesn't mean you have a bad life and you are just burning wick waiting for death. How can you even consider this chart to be an argument when life so much more complicated that pain or pleasure?

>> No.12324765

There are also no successful arguments for it when talking to someone who feels an inherent will to love life.

>> No.12324788

Such as?

>> No.12325408

>>owning slaves and factory farming is wrong

no point even talking to you desu. fuck off

>> No.12325418

kek this basically