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12317886 No.12317886 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>be at thrift store
>G,G,S for $2
>this is a famous book. I'll give it a shot
>20 pages in
>"That is, in menetal ability New Guineans are probably genetically superior to Westerners...."

Should I even consider finishing this book? The author states a couple pages before that that white men are basically racist and using their racist IQ tests to prove poor old darkie is dumb and stupid.

Already I can see the tone of the book saying everyone is basically equal and practically determined by sheer material outcomes, but at the same time he wants to jab at westerners because they are undoubtedly on top. New Guineans children are mentally superior to western children because wester children watch too much TV while New Guineans don't. I can't help but think that the author is a dumbass boomer.

He also thinks survival of the fitness automatically means more intelligent instead being better at adapting to change.

>> No.12317901
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>survival of the fitness

>> No.12317916

You're probably too retarded to understand it if you did not understand that he was referring to the wide variety of things Tribal people must know and react to vs westerners as his guage of child intelligence.

The book is sort of worth reading, but I understand most anthropologists have some issues with it.

>> No.12317995

survival ofthe fittest. One's fitness still makes sense though.

Yeah, but that's stupid to point out as far as superior or inferior isn't it?

He goes out of his way to say everyone sucks at what they didn't do as a child. Yeah New Guineans suck at doing western things and vice versa, but how the fuck do you make the leap that one is more mentally superior than the other?
Western kids also play more video games than New Guineans. Vidya are way more mentally involved than a lot of tv.

He wants to point out that because he's a white guy that looks stupid in the jungle, that what? Everyone white has to be? He's falling into the trap of making generalizations/anecdotal evidence of himself being a clumsy faggot like it proves anything.

Shit is just fucking frustrating because I don't understand. I thought that by this time the Bell Curve had come out and that IQ studies had normalized a lot of the bullshit. Is this not the case? Because at this point he either thinks all the predicting power of IQ is stupid when it's one of the most stable/valuable metrics we have.

He also says murders were relatively uncommon for Westerns and that diseases were historically the major cause for death while New Guineans suffer from high mortality of murders/tribal warfare. White people are some of the most warring mother fuckers that had ever lived. They never stopped killing each other. This shit just seems stupid as fuck to me. If anything White people died by tons of disease AND wars. Like how the fuck is he comparing this?

Maybe I shoulda posted this in /his/

>> No.12318083

/his/ is one of the most retarded boards on 4chan so I wouldnt bother.

Its been a whhile since I've read it, but I think you are being too relativer here.

There is no comparison between being able to play fortnight and operate an ipad, and having the ability to identify 1000 speacies of plent, and memorise 1000 pages of poetry.

>> No.12318139

Diamond is jewish and this oft-quoted passage is a reflection of the jewish anti-white theme of this oft-debunked book, wherein our success could not have possibly come from our genetic makeup and in-group selection processes, but must have been due to random environmental factors. The jew Diamond's book has been destroyed repeatedly since its release. Here is a recent notable example:


>> No.12318163

The gist of the book can be summed up in once sentence, there’s no real need to read it unless you find it entertaining.

>> No.12318672

Thank you for this. I just read this. Everything in this seems so undeniable. I don't think I'll be finishing Guns, Germs, and Steel. Sucks there isn't a legitimate writing to this subject. This blog post is basically everything.

The only wrong thing in the blog post is that the word "IQ" is in the book, but maybe it's because I happen to have one of the new versions, and Daimond just says it to call westerners racist anyways so

>> No.12318681

It's basically a literary apology for the other continent's failure to prevent colonization by Europeans.

There is an ever-present little demon in 20th century European culture that sits on our shoulders and says "Others accomplish because they are good. If you accomplish, it was chance, or some handicap your competitor incurred centuries ago that allowed you to have it over on them. You're nothing, really." This demon of feigned "objectivity", which is really a contempt for European culture and history, is how people are able to fit an egalitarian, universalist world-view into a history which clearly contradicts this.

>> No.12319682

I don't blame you. It's overrated trash. Arguably, this book sparked up a literary and academic revisionist movement that is alive and thriving to this day, as well as a slew of pop-history books meant for the masses.
This revisionist movement argues that the evils of "Euro-centrism" and "Colonialism" are responsible for most of the catastrophes in the Modern Era. Before pop-history books like this were widespread, real academics and historians tried to take a more impartial, some would say cold, stance when examining history. Nowadays, it's perfectly acceptable and it's almost expected for historians to downplay the successes or influence of European colonial powers and to exaggerate the reach of non-European peoples and cultures.

>> No.12319693

I'm glad European civilization is collapsing. I won't have to listen to them whine and complain about how they are the true victims because some jewish fellow wrote a retarded book once.

>> No.12319751

>fucking white people, cheating at being alive
I was wondering why everyone here hates it, but everyone outside of here loves it. Guess that explains it, it was recommended on a /sci/ chart and I'd hoped they were smarter than /pol/.

>> No.12319765

the problem is he put that remarkably retarded line right at the fucking start. The book isnt bad, just excise that one ridic line from your mind and realize that wtv diamondwants to believe the dramatically different environments he describes had a selective effect (not the one he would like, obv)

>> No.12319781

Western civilization is rising not collapsing. Peak collapse is not far in the rearview but enough white men see the problem now that the reversal has begun and will continue, and will result in the removal of nonwhites like you.

>> No.12319782

/mlp/ is smarter than /pol/ desu

>> No.12319796

sure thing buddy, have fun raising your half black grandkids

>> No.12319809

Only lower class whites, and a very tiny percentage of them at that, mate with negroids. You're a foreign interloper who's going back; accept your fate you unappreciative mudblood savage.

>> No.12319817

>half chinese grandkids

>> No.12319825

I don't know, /pol/ isn't regular dumb, /pol/ is disorder dumb. Like someone who can't figure out addition not because they're too stupid to comprehend it but because all the voices in their head keep shouting out random numbers.

>> No.12319849
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This post sounds like jewish projection. Cat ain't going back in the bag, schlomo.

>> No.12319862

See? Like this. /pol/ incarnate is someone with narcissistic personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, paranoid personality disorder, and autism. Everyone not on my side is a jew, everyone on my side is jewish planted controlled opposition, all evidence proving me wrong is fabricated, so on and so forth.

>> No.12319878

I was about to buy it for less than a dollar, now I'm reconsidering at bookoff. Thanks OP.

>> No.12319883

I was about to buy it for less than a dollar at bookoff, now I'm reconsidering it. Thanks OP.

Fuck I'm sleepy.

>> No.12319896
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Jews constantly project their nature onto goyim. This is part of theirnl crypsis and an entry-level JQ observation, as pic related highlights. This is also what it seems you are doing by trying to paint people who talk about jews as schizophrenic when jews are 7 times more likely to have these types of mental problems due to their inbreeding.

>> No.12319903

>I was about to buy it but i didnt btw i live in japan :^)

>> No.12319924

You're calling me a jew with no evidence because the analogy I made about people calling others jews with no evidence was suspicious? And the suspicious part was that I referenced schizophrenia and a lot of jews have schizophrenia? You're fucking with me.

>> No.12319927

Is it big in Japan? I saw it in an anime clip webm here.

>> No.12319937

Isn't Bookoff in several countries? Well, you got me.
It is. Specially in Tokyo.

>> No.12319941

>It is. Specially in Tokyo.

>> No.12319947

He wasnt calling you a Jew, he was calling you a good goy

>> No.12319950

How can you tell?

>> No.12319956

They are everywhere and they are extremely convenient and cheap. Pretty much everything cost 108 yens (around one dollar) and they always have sales or give you discount coupons.

>> No.12319964

9/10 cringe bait. Real white men have become ascetics and are ready to watch the world burn.

>> No.12319974

I wasn't calling you a jew necessarily, I was saying you were conveying a very jewish behavior. Since jews project their ideas onto goyim, as shown, you are actually more likely to be non-jewish, and to have simply absorbed and be regurgitating what you've heard jews say about people who talk about jews. Of course there's no way to tell either way but if you claim to not be jewish generally we will give you the benefit of the doubt and ask that you reform your actions and become more aware of the JQ so you stop repeating their talking points.

>> No.12319985

Maybe video game playing neets like you, but such people are inconsequential anyway.

>> No.12320018
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I argue a lot on /pol/, I know I shouldn't but I do anyway. My arguments are dismissed a lot of the time, despite having facts to back them up and sources to back up the facts. Why do they do this? They make something up. They insinuate I'm either jewish or otherwise under the control of jews and paid a lot of money for the sole purpose of lurking /pol/ and arguing with people. The facts I provide are dismissed as lies, the sources I provide are dismissed as fabrications. Many /pol/ users are, in their mind, completely infallible because any sort of fallibility to them must be a ruse put on by jews. I make a completely appropriate analogy about how ridiculous this mindset is, and immediately someone from /pol/ pops up, calls me "Schlomo" and tells me my opinions have been planted in my head by jews.

Fucking /pol/ users can't tell the difference between the Socratic method and fucking pilpul but still act like this. You're the flat earthers of politics.

>> No.12320077

Did you read the first sentence?

>> No.12320106

I'm the one who is informing you about the jewish nature of your 'people who talk about jews as schizophrenic' claim, and I've literally never posted on pol and haven't been there more than 5 times in my life. I obviously don't know what arguments you have made and what counter-arguments you have received, but you deserve some credit for engaging with the ideas.

But since you frequent places that expose you to the ideas and have assumedly absorbed at least some of them, one must in turn assume there is some mental block stopping you from grasping what is a pretty straightforward conclusion regarding the JQ. Maybe you're new to the ideas, maybe you're a nonwhite, I don't know. But my point, and all I care to help you understand here, is that the psychopathologizing of goyim who speak negatively about jews is a standard jewish critique with roots in jewish psychoanalysis and popularized by the Frankfurt School's Authoritarian Personality thesis.

In the collective minds of jews the thought process is: "if goyim hate us it can't have anything to do with us, so it must be because they are crazy."

But this is in no way a valid or logical argument.

>> No.12320109

>/pol/ is like a schizophrenic
>"jews are much more likely to be schizophrenic, schlomo, jews are always projecting"
>I'm not a jew
>"he didn't call you one"

>> No.12320118

I liked his other book “world before yesterday” much much better. He even goes as far as to state that colonialism was helpful to stop the daily bloodshed common in primitive societies. Also gives a perspective on how fucked out modern society is

>> No.12320143
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>the jewish nature of your 'people who talk about jews as schizophrenic' claim
An analogy isn't a claim you fucking moron. If you want to expose jews to people for what they are, your method is absolutely fucking terrible. You're arguing like a jew, actually. See, when a jew is confronted by a counter to their rhetoric, they resort to sophistry, "You're an anti-semite racist bigot!" for example. You, when I said that the average /pol/ user's rhetoric is flawed, resorted to sophistry by saying I've been brainwashed by jews and my opinions aren't my own without actually explaining how anything I said isn't accurate. As a matter of fact, you just posted that I am more qualified to make my statement than you were to counter it. Sort your shit out before crusading for an ethnic cleansing.

>> No.12320156

>crusading for an ethnic cleansing.
Strike two, Moshe. Nobody's doing that.

>> No.12320162

You should be.

>> No.12320170

Reddit the book

>> No.12320191

Theres one in NYC