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/lit/ - Literature

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12296835 No.12296835[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>LITerature board
>flooded with threads about politics, religion, and philosophy
get this boring pleb shit off my board go on /his/

>> No.12296838

Nonfiction is still literature.

>> No.12296842


>> No.12296860

no one here talks about the books though. anyway the primary purpose of this board is to talk about novela, poetry, short stories, plays, etc. move to /his/ or make a /phil/ board or something no one here talks about literature.

>> No.12296875

I agree

>> No.12296902

Because the point of most relevant nonfiction books are to convey a philosophical, political and/or religious point

>> No.12296923

if you cannot talk about a specific work make you thread on /his/

>> No.12297403
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>novela, poetry, short stories, plays, etc

>> No.12297421

>literature board
>full of drawings of frogs

>> No.12297424

Isn't that what pretty much everything boils down to, just in a more aestheticized form? Maybe throw in sex in there to

>> No.12297471
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The politically possessed are little more than mindless automatons spreading the word of their gods. It's like that fungus which infects ants and controls their movements by hijacking their senses and desires, forcing them to climb to a high spot before the fungus bursts out of their heads and scatters it's spores onto as large an area as possible. Ideology does the same thing, burying deep into to person's mind and fundamentally altering the frames upon which they see the world. Then, like the poor ant, they move to a particular hobby or interest and the political ideology within them bursts out, infesting their interpretation and comments on everything. Little can be done about it, as not even they are in control.

>> No.12297473

Not in the narrow sense, concerning literature as an art form.

>> No.12297556
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It's time for you to leave

>> No.12297569

>Discussing philosophy on /his/
No thanks, at least here I have the off-chance of speaking with someone that knows what they are talking about

>> No.12297573

>make a /phil/ board or something no one here talks about literature.
I agree with this.

>> No.12297581


>> No.12297588

Not enough traffic

>> No.12297592

>make a /phil/ board or something

Please someone make this happen....either that or we get a Litmk2 for discussion of actual literature

>> No.12297695

So? /po/ is still a board. /lit/ slowing down again would be the best thing for this board, it’s so fast these days.

>> No.12297713

no one is stopping YOU from talking about literature.


you mean you want anons to make content for you to read, and only about what you like. nah get fucked mate.

>> No.12297718

make a literature thread and you may get 5 replies at most.
make a "philosophy" (aka political or religious bait thread) thread and watch it hit the bump limit.

>> No.12297738

There's maybe 10 threads about philosophy tops in the whole catalog. A couple of those are shitposts that would not be there if we had actual moderation, and some of them are veering into theology. I don't think that the problem of this board is that it's being flooded by philosophy threads that don't allow space for literature discussion, rather that the average post is really low quality.

If we're talking about thinly veiled political threads then yeah they don't belong to /lit/, but they already have their own containment boards.

>> No.12297762

Honestly I feel like a board exclusively about literature is too small. I think it is better if it's just the corner of 4chan where the average IQ is at least 2 points higher, desu.

Religion and philosophy is accepted de facto, but I'd like to see it materialized de jure.

>> No.12297859
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You are the cancer killing this board

>> No.12297874

I fricking love that fungus. There're a couple of them that feed on different plants and insects and they all look so pretty.

>> No.12297884

I'd like a board that reads enough to know why Stanford would have a problem with current IQ test results, and that you don't like books. Book reading is the watershed that keeps this place from being 99% gullible pseuds. We only need about 70% to keep sales of IJ up. You are surplus to requirements.

>> No.12298214

Talking about philosophy and theology implies reading. Or at least in big dick board /lit/ (as it's *supposed* to be), but the amount of retards that don't read and yet come here everyday is mesmerizing.

>> No.12298326

Great post

>> No.12298365

>Talking about philosophy and theology implies reading
But doesn't require it, that's the problem.

>> No.12298809

Fuck I feel so hot at the moment, like I'm burning up.

>> No.12298874

Politics, religion, and philosophy were discussed on /lit/ before you came here, why should they cease being discussed just because of you?
The anons of /lit/ decide what the primary purposes of /lit/ are, and they want to discuss the above topics.

>> No.12299183

because they made a new fucking board just for you turds but you didn't fuck off like you were supposed to

>> No.12299233

what's there to say about a book? either you liked it or not, that's it

>> No.12299235

Discuss plot, characters, themes, writing etc.
Other boards focused on fictional stories manage to have threads filled with discussion on fiction so I don't see why /lit/ can't maintain discussion of fictional stories.

>> No.12299242

For real.
/his/ is absolutely awful for philosophy discussion. Only /sp/ is worse for that.

>> No.12299257

New board sucks like everyone predicted it would. Why the fuck do you think moot didn’t make it?

>> No.12299261

>reading for the plot and characters
ok, now i understand who are we dealing with here

>> No.12299277

>conveniently leaving out "themes, writing" immediately afterwards
good reading comprehension, retard.

>> No.12299285
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>> No.12299296
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>purpose of this board is to talk about novela, poetry, short stories, plays, etc

>> No.12299759

So the board is intended solely to discuss fairy tales, and any topic remotely good must go to the board which most frequent meme is Anna Frank pregnant?

>> No.12299770

so they don't even have their own memes? just steal from /mu/?

>> No.12299785

Then talk about the book you stupid fuck!
Then make a /Phil/ board dumbfuck
Gtfo cunt
This is damn true.
Newfags getting memed hard and falling for the bait is ruining the board
Self-help, inceldom, "wordly" shitposting belongs in /pol/ and /his/
Then gtfo to /b/ and rant there faggot
Gtfo faggot cunt
Go make a new board
Yes maggot

>> No.12299793

you have to go back

>> No.12299806

lol Why should I fuck off just because hiro said so?
Religion, philosophy, and politics will continue to be discussed on /lit/, regardless of how you want /lit/ to be.

>> No.12299816

>anon has forgotten the philofags are the ones who read
Do you want to get reported for the philosophical argument you didn't know Shelley was making?

>> No.12299832

This would be the absolute worst thing to happen. A huge part of what make /lit/ such a good philosophy board is that the /lit/ label filters out people who aren't willing to read shit, and so there's a much higher proportion of actually educated discussion on issues. A /phil/ would just advertise itself to every kind of idiot who thinks they can philosophize.

>> No.12299838

the philosophy might even be ok if it weren't all just fascist "philosophy"

>> No.12299839

it would be just 4channel /pol/

>> No.12299845

fascism doesn't exist

>> No.12299854

/his/ is just a shitposting board ruined by /lib/ and /ptg/ basedboys. The jannies delete anything interesting there.
We have to stick together or they will ruin this board as well.

>> No.12299861

Eat shit and die, you subhuman waste of air

>> No.12299878

You can't require it. It's impossible.

>> No.12299899

>/lib/ and /ptg/
what's that?

>> No.12299901

Liberal soibois and trump redditors

>> No.12299957

all the boards are just different flavours of /pol/

>> No.12299974

Lol baby got mad. Cunt fuck lol

>> No.12299994

Why the fuck didn't moot delete /pol/? WHY? One final act that would have improved the quality of the site and saved it from the invasion that was to come, and moot didn't delete /pol/. It's fucking disgraceful.

>> No.12300004

nigger what

>> No.12300013

Better that they just stay there and only occasionally leak out, than to infect everyplace totally.

>> No.12300071

/pol/ is already on every board spreading its shit. If moot deleted /pol/ then the resultinf turmoil would only last a week before the idiots got bored and moved on to other sites.

>> No.12300135

it's a meme word, it means nothing

>> No.12300140

you have highly moderated forums if that's what you want

>> No.12300143
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