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12284232 No.12284232 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about manipulative women?

>> No.12284245


>> No.12284248


>> No.12284249

that's a nice looking foot

>> No.12284267

stealth foot fetish thread. nice OP

>> No.12284271

what is this out of interest

>> No.12284325

The Oriental scene in 'if on a winter nights a traveler' is pretty hot desu

>> No.12284342

The Bell Jar

>> No.12284361

Oh no! It couldn't be farther from the truth. It doesn't have anything to do with superiority over our feet, it's about the aesthetics which engage our hormones because meh we're hardwired to like all those feminine grooves and curves!

>> No.12284368

its fake
worshipping is misspelt

>> No.12284373

The majority of the women in The Brothers Karamazov are manipulative.

>> No.12284549

Came here to post this. Since OP is a cuck and a foot fetishist he'll love Tanizaki.
>be ancient nip
>write fap material about your fetish
>worshipped as a literary icon for 100 years
Must have been a great time to be alive.

>> No.12285036
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>> No.12285057

My diary

>> No.12285067

It's the American spelling. Google it.

(Not defending Ameritards.)

>> No.12285072

This, desu

>> No.12285084

I’m a footfag but those feet don’t appeal to me. Too crude and skeletal. I’m also gay. Men’s feet in general have a softer, more graceful touch to them imo, contrary to expectation. They don’t get all disfigured by fucking heels! Even the most pampered girl strains and contorts her feet regularly, producing weird heel and toe alignments.

>> No.12285099

a literal footfag

>> No.12285112

>boys fantasize about fucking me
>therefore power
How do women make these logical leaps?

>> No.12285165

What shit tier feet.
As someone who is a connoisseur of the scrumptious little treat that is the feet of females, as someone who has beat off at least twice daily for the last decade and half to cei sph step-sibling/real-sibling feet pov joi vids, I can say with informed certainty that those feet are absolute trash.
She should be embarrassed, not proud.
Why, when compared to say, the angelic cocoons that are Eva Green's dainty little slipper-dippers, her feet are trash.
Observe how the little toe is pressed at such a rude angle into the adjacent toe, and how that toe curls like a vulture with scoliosis under the one adjoining it. Absolute disgusting. To make no mention of the complete lack of arch in her soles and the ultimately stubby nature of the entire foot. And those heels are as bland as tofu. Just terrible. No character or sensuality to them at all.
Not even rose-tinted nail polish could salvage these piggies.

>> No.12285178

Ok now this is based

>> No.12285211

Thank you

>> No.12285294
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>Eva Green
this is just untenable mate

>> No.12285448

Jesus, those are some godlike feet.

>> No.12285483


Sure about that? Most men seem entirely oblivious to foot hygiene: soles like barnacles, salaciously long pointer toes, dried blood under nail beds, etc., etc.

>> No.12285492

>dried blood under nail beds

>> No.12285493

Okay, this is epic

>> No.12285689

>ITT footfags

>> No.12285835

Can any feetfanatics that have congregated in this rare thread made for them please describe to me, in a well-arti ulated post, what makes you fancy human feet? I don't have the attraction, but want to better understand it.

>> No.12285848
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You will never understand. You either have it in you or you're doomed to miss out on the greatest joy in life.

>> No.12285878

Take your normal attraction to the different nice curves and soft parts of a woman and extend it to feet. Footfags like looking at feet curves the same way you like looking at a girl's thighs and ass meet, and a girl's foot being soft is similar to a boob or ass jiggling in that it's somehow inherently feminine and nice. A footfag can explain why feet are feminine/graceful/dainty to you as much as you can explain to a gay guy why the way a woman's thigh fat tapering into her crotch and asscheeks is nice. It just is, it's feminine and soft.

A lot of people are into femdom also, and interacting with feet is an effective symbol of being beneath someone or worshiping them. Being able to worship a feminine but "lowest" part of a woman, when your fetish is worshiping femininity, has an internal logic to it.

Some guys also like smells, including a subset of guys who like really bad smells. For most guys the smell is just like musk, again a kind of expression or emanation of the girl's femininity. For the really bad smell guys I'm not as sure, but for some it's a submission thing and for some it's a "girl being dirty and taboo" thing I think.

>> No.12285906

Well, a pair like OP's are certainly lovely, wonderfully dainty and worthy of being held and appreciated. I appreciate feet as a feature of beauty, but no different than any other part of the body. The only appealing aspect of them to me is that I'm submissive and would therefore love to service a woman by massaging the undersides of her feet and kissing the skin on top, me her servant and she my Lady. But beyond that, I cannot see them as something fetish-worthy. They are dirty, after all, relative to other body parts, and are also a hit-or-miss in prettiness, with most being somewhat grotesque and few having the elegance found frequently in other features.

>> No.12285918
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>> No.12285940

>be girl
>don't wear torture devices as shoes
>feet aren't disfigured
checkm8 footliteralfag

>> No.12285945

Hating men is almost always caused by hating one self, so of course he is a dirty ape projecting.

>> No.12285958

Thanks for the response, anon. I better understand now, especially the aspect of submissiveness and worshipping a woman, which I greatly desire to do. I don't have a specific fixation with feet though, only to worship a woman in the general sense. I have a Mommy-complex, anon. Is something wrong with me? My greatest dream in life is to have a Mommy GF, just the two of us and nothing else in the world, who treats me like a little boy and lets me love her like my Mommy. Is that bad, anon? You seem mature and intelligent, can you please tell me if I have any chance of obtaining my fantasy in reality? Or am I merely a failure of a male? :(

>> No.12285999

>this anally ruptured over the truth

>> No.12286003

Is that dylan roof?

>> No.12286010



>> No.12286063

That applies to all the parts of the body...boobs and pussy can be ugly and grotesque too, hit or miss. Yet, you will say that you love boobs and pussy, no? Same for feet, there's ugly ones, and then there's feet like in OP's pic. Obviously no one fetishizes ugly ones. Also, I wouldn't even call it a fetish, just appreciating a beautiful part of a woman. Would you also say that a man attracted to boobs, ass and pussy has a fetish? It's just normal thing

>> No.12286071
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>> No.12286132

Mommy fetish seems pretty common these days but I can definitely tell you that women will find it harder to get into than more straightforward kinks like "yo I want to lick your feet sometimes." I have known girls who indulged that fetish in long term relationships, so you can definitely do it if it's your thing. Most women are incredibly tolerant about men being into weird shit because they are simply used to it.

But I think the mistake most fetish guys make is acting like it's their identity or like they have to find a girl with a matching identity, as if that exists. There are no "mommy gfs," there are just women who would date you and then indulge your mommy shit. As with any other form of sexuality, if you as a person seem to be primarily ABOUT your sexual interests, most women will just assume you're a horny retard and not be attracted to you. Most women are not super interested in sex upfront the way men are, and those that are, don't need to dally around with average dudes who have obscure fetishes. They can go get cartoonishly attractive men to fuck them any time. If you say "I have a mommy fetish" to a woman before she's already into you, it's as good as saying, "I, random average guy you can pick from among billions, see you primarily as a vehicle for indulging my maid catgirl costume fetish." It's going to neutralize your one chance of getting with her, which is her developing feelings for you first.

I'm sure there are exceptions to this rule. Sometimes you can get lucky and hook up with a woman based on shared fetishes. But that's hard and there's a lot of competition for it. Bottom line, I think you should treat your fetishes as fetishes, and treat fetishes as sex, and always ask yourself, Is declaring my sexual interests useful or appropriate in this situation?

I am into weird shit too but I don't "identify" as a submissive. That being said it's definitely a much harder life for guys who have more elaborate fetishes. Mine are much easier to hide or pass off as minor kinks, but you have a more specific thing. You have to find ways to integrate that into a healthy romantic/sex life. Don't become the /r9k/ guys who chat online about wanting to be in a 24/7 mommydom relationship for years while secretly hoping you'll stumble upon some perfect girl. Remember, even if the latter exists, you're competing for her with all the other retards on that forum.

>> No.12286135

Yes, but I personally consider the feet to be less frequently appealing than other parts.

Please don't be mean to me. If there's something wrong with me, explain it to me.

>> No.12286192

Fuck off fag

>> No.12286236
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What in the world is a mommy fetish? Do you want her to bake you cookies and change your diaper or what?

>> No.12286326

You, friend, are an absolutely kind anon to give me such a lengthy response. I appreciate it so much, anon. But if I may add more details to my story, I don't seek out a Mommy as a sexual-fetish, but as a relationship-dynamic. I do not want to engage in sexual activities with my Mommy GF, only to be loved by her as a Mommy to her little boy, in a purely Platonic fashion. Does this change anything? Are there any girls out there, in your imagining, that would desire to play such a role? Any who, just as I desire to be the little boy, desire to be the Mommy to one? Am I broken, to even want such a thing? Have I failed to reach a normal malehood,, but am stunted in littleboydom? But everything you said registers clear, and I never pursue this fantasy anywhere online, only in my mind, though one day hopefully in real-life too.
You can tell me of your own wishes too anon, and I'll try to help you if I can.

Baking me cookies would be something otherworldly to me, which I would be unable to repay my enjoyment to her for. But no diapers, anon. Just me, a little boy, and my Mommy, who loves me and lets me love her. And nothing else exists in this world but us. She takes care of me in the manner of a Mommy, and I take care of her and worship her as a little boy would. Think shotacon, but without anything sexual.

>> No.12286338

imagine a dominant man with a female partner that finds joy in his company, admires him and looks for advice from him. And then he fucks her.
Now switch the genders.
It's not rocket science.

>> No.12286341

my diary desu

>> No.12286392
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>> No.12286568

Gone girl

>> No.12286576

Venus in furs

>> No.12286857

Esther Vilar's "The Manipulated Man".

>> No.12286872
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Footfags are worse than furries at this point. We really should ban foot fetishism. Any pajeetish behavior in general should be considered a crime in a western society.

>> No.12286876

fuck off furry

>> No.12286902

I disagree with your opinion

>> No.12286904

I said they are worse than furries, meaning that furfags are still pretty fucking awful. I'm not a furry. Furries rape animals. I don't believe anyone with decent morals would be a furry, thus all furfags condone raping animals. What makes footfags worse than animal rapists you then ask? Well. They cause even more harm because of how much they spread their disgusting fetish around and in a seemingly harmless fashion like op, as if getting turned on by feet wasn't fucking gay and pathetic. Fick niggers, fuck kikes and fuck pajeets

>> No.12286911

why are you so upset on christmas

>> No.12287171

Michael chrichton-Disclosure

>> No.12287577

I’m a footfag and I’ve never been interested in the being dominated or worshiping le goddess feet or whatever the fuck. On the contrary, it’s always been about the vulnerability and nakedness of the barefoot person, the foot is one of the most sensitive parts of the body after all. I think they’re beautiful and I’ll massage a cute boy’s feet but none of this wow I am going to service your divine soles!! shit. I’d be more titillated in watching them squirm from the mix of pleasure and ticklishness of the massage.

>> No.12288271

Underrated prophetic post.

>> No.12288274

Just go outside

>> No.12288287
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>i'm not into that weird shit like LE GODDESS MAY I WORSHIP YOU haha I'm a normal guy and I say normal things, I just want a cute boy who squirms and writhes under my ticklish touch, o how I long to stroke the tender soles of a moistened naif as he delights in the adroitness of my digits dancing upon his .....

>> No.12288334

u r a retard

>> No.12288420

Mmm... I’m getting turned on...

>> No.12288778
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>Eva Green's dainty little slipper-dippers

>> No.12288783

Sincerely I don't think it can't be explained. You either find feet sexy as fuck or don't.

>> No.12288792

yeah its aesthetic. like some people like picasso some don't. and tits are rembrandt because everyone in the world likes rembrandt

>> No.12288793

(not the anons you're replying to)
There *is* something wrong with you, but that's okay. I think everyone has a shot at being loved in the current times.

If I were you I'd try to get rid of my attraction for all things mommy, but don't ask me how. I wasn't able to get rid of my footfaggotry, after all

>> No.12288796


I don't particularly have a fetish, but those look like nice feet to me. I think its that women's feet even look cuter than mens.

>> No.12288804

How can you even be this homosexual?

>> No.12288810

i'm at the point where i like feet in porn but not in real life

>> No.12288813

You'd lick even the most ugly feet if you had the opportunity (I just know you haven't licked any feet yet), now imagine those.

>> No.12289302

Fuck off furries/street shitters

>> No.12289568

:( okay anon. I guess I'll try to. but I don't know if I can.

>> No.12289929

Take your meds, m8

>> No.12290035

Point Counterpoint. It's a roman a clef and very obvious which one is Huxley's ex. A lot of other female manipulators in the work too. And for the footfags, Huxley's exgf shows off her displeasure with her pedicure to Huxley's self insert in one of the most awkward scenes in literary history.

>> No.12290184

I wish being a footfag was a more obvious ailment like being a furry so you fags could be shamed openly in the streets

>> No.12290191

Why do people have such a problem with foot fetishists? I have to listen to normies yap about tits and ass all the time but it doesn't make me angry.

>> No.12290369

>when she goes on a big rant about how you should be honored to worship her feet so you pin her down and start tickling

>> No.12290876

>tfw my gf playfully puts her feet on my face after getting out of the shower and asks for a massage
>tfw Im not into feet

>> No.12290881

I DEMAND you to explain feet NOW.

>> No.12291013

The Open Window, Hector Hugh Munro.

>> No.12291478

They're sexy. I like sucking on toes. I like licking soles. I like smelling feet. I like to massage them. I like footjobs. I like tickling them.

What do you need to know, exactly?

>> No.12292164

Why do we like to call our girls "baby" or like pinching their bottoms? Same reason we like to cradle their legs and feet in our arms and massage / kiss them. Feet are reminiscent of our earliest years, they're a sensual part of our bodies as infants and we eventually learn how to navigate the world with them. A cute pair of girl's feet is reminiscent of those days, and guys with a healthy sexuality always prefer women and the parts of women that make them feel childish, playful and ultimately free.

>> No.12292352

lmao cope obsession with lower extremities is due to lack of socialization with girls of the same age when young and hence the only features immediately apparent from the opposite gender is the looming lower limbs of mommy

>> No.12292370

The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar

>> No.12292434

In all of Dosto's body of work desu. He was based and blackpilled.

>> No.12292509

what if I have a huge fetish for lavishly dining out, hugging, playing with and picking up homely, smart, busty girls?

I have only been able to fulfil 2/3's of these criteria in my life, it existed for a mere minute and I honestly should've shot myself once I got home, I was 17 and my life (24 now) has been shit since then (which each self-improvement... good habit each day just equates to another cope).
I don't care about being loved back, I just want to objectify a woman and share the finer things with her. Like a rich fuck in the 50s would his tentative wife.

>> No.12292556


>> No.12292621
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I don't get it either, I just know that I like them

>> No.12292623

So who are the left-wingers and right-wingers? Lefties have a foot fetish and nufascists want a mommy?

>> No.12292632

you’ve constructed a reality of yourself based on extravagance and dream girls, which is not a fetish. that’s why any attempt at self-improvement is merely a cope because you’re stuck in a limbo between both realities. you wanna fuck yourself.
>implying we walk as infants and not crawl
>implying our memory of using our feet won’t be recent
retarded footfag.

>> No.12292717
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Hangover Square

>> No.12292952


>> No.12293015

Over what, exactly?

>> No.12293167

there’s nothing healthy about obsession with feet

>> No.12293178
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What did Megan Boyle mean by this?

>> No.12293190

I think you misread the narrator anon. Craven House is closer to OP

>> No.12293199
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also Cain’s Double Indemnity and The Postman Always Rings Twice. Any Raymond Chandler. Pretty much the whole noir genre

>> No.12293213

Not that anon but there just isnt anything sexual about them. They're so innocuous, almost too innocuous to constitute a fetish. Like being into ball crushing or whatever is related to procreation, but feet are just kind of there

>> No.12293239

For many people there are connotations of domination, but for nearly all, foot fetishes are a "miswiring" of the brain that causes people to associate feet with genitals. No shit look it up

>> No.12293243

i knew she's a kike hahaha why is it always fucking kikes

>> No.12293271

Oh shit I have a highly related story
>be me, senior in high school on class trip
>long ride, like 8 hours
>Early summer so it's hot out
>two cute girls in the very back seat start giggling
>look back
>They're fondling eachother's toes and soles
>One had been wearing sandals and I'm pretty sure the other was wearing shoes and socks most of the day
>Going on about how good it feels to touch eachother's feet

Also earlier that year one of the girls sat on the floor next to me to play a board game and took off her sandals. "Oh sorry guys if my feet smell. Do my feet smell?"
Then she proceeded to lifetime her leg by her ankle and bury her nose in her toes right there in front of me.
The second girl mentioned on multiple occasions that she has nice feet and likes to have them touched, too.

>> No.12293286
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or is it?

>> No.12293331








>> No.12293348
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What's going on in this th-

>> No.12293370

Non-footfags exhibit pathological behaviour. Notice their perpetual anger, their idiotic incredulity . No other fetish seems to inspire such devoted hatred, it is not only that “they don’t get it”, but that for some reason they believe that no one should “get it”, they must crusade against it. It is bizarre. All kinds off odd and abject bedroom rituals get a free pass, and yet partialism for a part of the human body, something on literally almost every single person, inspires obsessive, unbridled antipathy. Perhaps the rage is because other people’s healthy desires reminds the anti-footfag of how they are alienated from their own bodies. It is probably a very Western prejudice, an affliction of modernity (even a century ago I notice in proper bourgeois literature references to “pretty” or “handsome” feet, not something that would appear in today’s literature without the connotation of fetishism). Feet are kept out of sight and out of mind. And keeping them bundled up tight in shoes all day is what is responsible for most of their unpleasant characteristics—infection, odour, misshaping; meaning that when the shoes finally do come off most people, presented with their neglected feet, associate them with disgust... the feet themselves are unfairly blamed rather than the conditions forced upon them. Notice the completely disproportionate commodity fetishism built around shoes. I’ve had some “people” remark to me that they prefer the gaudy design of designer label sneakers over the limb you wear them on. Is there a more rotten, insectoid, consumerist and anti-human attitude than that? Preferring literally cheaply made industrial fibre, cynically marketed, a fad, over flesh and skin of an anatomical marvel which has served us for tens of millennia. I am happy that I am not deprived of the capacity to appreciate any part of our physiology (to loathe it, chronically and universally, in fact!) that I love the human form entire, I love hands and I love feet, I truly enjoy it from head to toe, without exception.

>> No.12293385

t. closet homosexual who thinks traps aren't gay

>> No.12293423

refer to>>12293331
homosexual closet case

>> No.12293439

I’m a literal homosexual footfag, so I don’t care. It doesn’t have anything to do with submission for me though. If you must know I’m aroused by shit like tying people up, taking their shoes off, tickling, whipping and otherwise torturing their feet.

>> No.12293452

It's just a poor connection

>> No.12293455

I agree. Good thing I'm not obsessed and nothing about my original post suggested I was.

>> No.12293464

>I’m a literal homosexual footfag

>> No.12293466

That’s simply a hypothesis, not studied or verified much. It would explain feet as the centre of particularly sensual pleasure, but the attraction to other people’s feet, certain social connotation stuff. You could say they’re extensions but it’s too complex to reduce it down to a single theory, especially one that hasn’t even been tested much. It’s interesting but not proven.

>> No.12293478

right, but it's eons more likely than latent homosexuality.

>> No.12293486

Regardless of that, they see the foot as phallic and almost all foot fetish pornography involves some form of licking, sucking, smelling, being crushed by feet and so on..
It's completely different to sucking or licking your girlfriends foot in the heat of the moment during intercourse or something like that.

They want to be dominated by the phallic 'object', and like the OP states they want to 'worship' the foot in probably the majority of cases. The foot, which is the lowest part on the human body that treads in dirt and has been a symbol of submission for X thousand years, etc.

Is it? Might be the same 'faulty wiring' that causes gays to see penis as attractive too. It's phallic and in some ways of a similar shape. Feet carry you as the penis carries 'you' in the sense of your bloodline and DNA which is passed on (which doesn't happen if you are a homosexual). Really makes u think

>> No.12293496 [SPOILER] 
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>Regardless of that, they see the foot as phallic and almost all foot fetish pornography involves some form of licking, sucking, smelling, being crushed by feet and so on..
I already told you I'm a literal faggot and the foot is not phallic for me! If anything it is more VAGINAL as a PASSIVE recipient of sensations inflicted upon it by me, the sadistic DOMINATOR.

Here's some non-cuck HETEROSEXUXAL foot fetish porn.

>> No.12293499

>tumblr porn
Reported to the fbi and facebook.

>> No.12293504

It doesn't matter what YOU personally think. No one gives a fuck nor is anyone talking about YOU personally. Fuck off brainlet

>> No.12293512
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Mad bitch?? The fact of the matter is I represent a GIAnt POPULATION... and to prove it I am tracing your IP, we're gonna come over, tie you down and make your little piggies squirm for days on end...

>> No.12293523
File: 1.50 MB, 176x156, tumblr_nwxt2d0vLR1t53kjlo4_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bring out the beast...

>> No.12293524

Sure thing freakazoid

>> No.12293527

stop it tony

>> No.12293536

Is that a dude? Absolutely degenerate.

>> No.12293543

she is a proper woman, doing that to a dude

>> No.12293567

This. Looks French. I prefer Slav and Germanic feet. Much thicker and less bony-looking. Like pawgs as feet.

>> No.12293572

Great taste, I'm the same brother.

>> No.12293749

I want you to know, that my dick just got really hard.

>> No.12293847

Congrats OP, this has been the best thread on lit since the days of semicolon anon

>> No.12294161

Well, you're not wrong. Sometimes I doubt it's even romantic, I just would rather live my days out around those types of people. I guess if I saw myself as a better person around these people I would probably want to fuck myself more. I hardly see what's so bad about it, most men just want sex, all I'm looking for is an abundance of meaningless conversations with pretty faces. Day by day I can feel myself turning into J.D Salinger that's for sure. I don't care what philosophical land-mine dodging there is, youthfulness is a virtue.

>> No.12294252

That was a weird movie.

>> No.12294530

>Ctrl+F Vanity Fair
>0 hits
If this wasn't a foot thread I would've been so fucking disappointed in you /lit/

>> No.12294533

>unironically using a Freud explanation

>> No.12294539

I'm a footfag, but
>tie you down and make your little piggies squirm for days on end
You can stop now.

>> No.12294546

>foot fetishes are a "miswiring" of the brain
Retarded explanation is retarded. Feet are processed in the same area as the genitals for everyone, but not everyone has a foot fetish. And how do you explain the literally millions of other fetishes that exist?

>> No.12294581


>> No.12294584

Good God. I can almost see the homosexuality flowing through your fingers as you type out this schizo shit.

>> No.12294596

Best post in the whole thread.

>> No.12294658
File: 177 KB, 1000x1000, c6b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he cute

>> No.12295257

Available as the obvious to anyone unafflicted by the autistic spectrum, the default state of women immediately outside the male gaze is to return to a default rapture of lesbian foot buffet, becoming immediately Sapphic and manically paraphilic, all pleasure systems bleating in their throats an abiding craving for those most feminine and unnaturally beautiful wiggling dainties. The astute observer of lesbians will observe the veteran munchers, the leather eaters, their feet are almost always unadorned with polish or glaze but for maybe a remnant tattoo. They know well this natural footward proclivity of the sexually liberated woman who finds herself in exclusively female company: if she's to have any hope of getting her minge munched to satisfaction, she's going to spruce up her vag with some labial cosmetics and leave her feet flesh tone, in the hopes of over-riding the foot fetish insanity that predominates lesbian orgy dynamics.

With metronomic inevitability a naturally determined quora of assembled women will suddenly, now free of all men, dive, bolt as if under barrage and fleeing to a foxhole, the nearest shod tootsies that look fetching, knowing they are competing with other ravenous possessed footsluts, grabbing ahold and then tossing behind them, the flats, sandals, heels and sneakers previously hiding the steamy warm treats driving them this mad, the air suddenly crisscrossing parabolas of tumbling shoes, and that some knock into the women, none seem to mind and all smile if they ever wince from the impact. There's a graceful Sapphic Judo to sweeping an ambiguously consenting woman off her feet and onto her butt and, almost always, reclining in submission. Most every woman has these graceful martial moves programmed deep in the most soulful and sexual portions of her brain that come especially alive in these rare moments where brutish, disgusting men finally depart and women's truest natures: generosity, femininity, insatiability, blooms briefly again, bursting from an uncertain oasis recessed under layers of obligation and survival instinct, now yanking off socks and remnant shoes, and caressing their faces, gracing their cheeks and tips of their noses with the soles of their supine partners like they were sampling a luxuriously soft silk. With noises familial to a pious devouring of boiled shellfish, the lesbian foot buffet commences, the default state of women since prehistory, since they wandered and gathered in sexually-defined bands of huntresses and their doting concubines, and learned to tend to each others battered feet under bonfire and moonlight.

>> No.12295657

>I personally consider the feet to be less frequently appealing than other parts.
yeah foot fetish sometimes coincides with sub tenancies

>> No.12295672

Did you write this? It's absolutely incredible. You should save this, if you haven't already, but then again if you wrote this your talent is with you always and you could pen passages like these at anytime. Either way, terrificly written. A thread like this doesn't deserve a comment like yours.

>> No.12295674


>> No.12295699

pajeets like navels and underarms more than feet bro

>> No.12295738

it's only cute when girls play with other girls feet

>> No.12296043


I think this is a part of this series:

>To truly appreciate how Tao Lin changed Megan Boyle's vagina, one must appreciate the incredible endurance and stamina Lin brings to the bedroom. Where average males deliver a hundred to two hundred thrusts per copulation, Tao Lin exceeds 10,000 in around a half hour period. Megan Boyle's beef never had a chance. Her dainty veal slices were transformed by the hot crucible of Lin's locomotive hips pummeling and drubbing and smashing her beef until it grew as swollen and gnarled as a wrestler's ear. Lin must have marveled over time as he watched her beef blossom with each subsequent sexcapade until Megan was bashful about shorts and skirts and came to prefer yoga pants, which allowed her to tape and tuck her vajayjay jerky. Like an Earth boring machine grinding bedrock, Lin bored into Boyle to free her from herself, to give her the aesthetic charms of a wounded war veteran. Megan would grow to love her beef, to be proud of it. She liked that Tao had made the beef, that it was his muscular jackhammering that turned her bushy peach into a frizzy-headed split pomegranate

>Women's rampant self-destructive sexual behavior is fast tracking the evolution of drug resistant diseases. Even if their snizzes have been vaccinated against the latest strains of beef rot, the doting betas licking their creviced holes doom themselves with each letter they trace with their thirsty tongues, whether atop her slackened sphincter or her effluent-rich canal. Imagine if a small subset of wine drinkers ruined, turning certain bottles into biological weapons that you were socially obligated to drink. That's what hypergamous harlots have done with their cockscapading and phallic fanfare. Women's bioweapon baginas are now more divisive and destructive than cigarettes. I can't make sense of how absurd a situation it is, but that's what we're living through.

>Roasties honestly believe that 90 days of not getting their poonanies pummeled by pugilistic penises returns them to virginity, so I always take a woman's profession to virginity with a grain of salt. Women are generally virgins to the extent that their class and status affords them surgeons and cosmetic routines that mask the anatomical signs of sluthood. Capably talented surgeons can trim enough beef and barnacles from a Mandingo-mauled minge to make her seem identical to actual virgins. The pornography industry subsidized the cosmetic and surgical techniques needed to reconstruct battered vaginas and made the technologies and training needed to trim beef curtains widely available. In an afternoon, an unrepentant roastie harlot can have her .50 cal exit-wound of a vagina stitched and soldered back into a delicate petite peach of a pussy. The modern vagina is entirely a medical invention.

>> No.12296236


I forgot about some of these.

>> No.12296288

Anon plz I can only get so hard

>> No.12296750

>Best post in the whole thread.
*Baste post in the whole thread

>> No.12297668

Torrents of Spring is literally the best netorare book ever written.

>> No.12298099

Nice effortpost
But I think the mistake most fetish guys make is acting like it's their identity or like they have to find a girl with a matching identity, as if that exists
Spot fucking on. Too many idiots attempt this. This is why I still browse /lit/ occasionally. The people here are pretentious as fuck but occasionally you get a really insightful post like this one.

>> No.12298103

I formatted this like a retard but you get the idea

>> No.12298131

Weirdest combination I ever expected

>> No.12298132

Since you wrote in all caps retards will write you off right away, but that's actually a spot on analysis of how my fetishes developed

>> No.12298141

Admiration of women's feet can be found in the Song of Solomon as well as in book of Judith. It's been the default position for thousands of years

>> No.12298142

what if i'm so hetero that i suck on a foot while fucking to keep myself from nutting too quick

>> No.12298155

I know. I've posted it before and several people have said the exact same thing.
Sucking on your girls toes during intercourse isn't included. That's a heat of the moment thing. It's not the same. If you're doing it to last longer then it's like imagining some disaster or something during intercourse

>> No.12298713
File: 508 KB, 1203x2000, 53846lpr_3773ced30daa97e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon knows.

>> No.12299447

I find them pretty awkward and will purposefully look away, like I would any beautiful woman who is clearly only looking for attention.

>> No.12299480

How is Blackpill different from Redpill?

>> No.12300301

The fact that you're a faggot doesn't make the rest of us gay, unlike what others would like to believe

>> No.12300376

I swear classic paintings are the best porn around.

>> No.12300553
File: 29 KB, 314x500, thekey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Tanizaki's The Key. Any recommendations for a book with strong footfag themes without all the miserable cuck shit?

>> No.12300676
File: 308 KB, 1051x816, 1524006174813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's alot of technical craft in getting it correct so to speak