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/lit/ - Literature

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12231910 No.12231910[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There is a space alloted for one (1) (NON-BAIT) (USEFUL) meta thread, so I've waited in line for this.

I'm an unironic liberal. Picture pic related. Really. Now I'm not saying you have to agree with me, but it is fucking annoying the sheer amount of /pol/toddlers in this board. It's annoying because their thought process could almost be described as schizoparanoid, they don't have a good grasp on basic logic, or even basic reality.

I want all these "uphold muh western values" white supremacists to stop for a second and THINK, but then again, if they did that they would have human decency and not be scumbags.

Sharing a space with people who would put a bullet between the eyes of people because of their sex, ethnic group, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, etc, disgusts me to no end.

I won't go to Reddit because it's the same, but with a sprinkle of infinite idiocy. When will /lit/ mods put their ass to work and disinfect the violent rethoric from this hate-filled cesspool?

>> No.12231915

Loneliness is a gateway for extremist thoughts

>> No.12231918

I came here a leftist. Came out right-wing. Now I hate niggers and women. Please help.

>> No.12231919

Because smarmy assholes like you push us to be right-wing. You turn women against us and demonize us in every other space in real life and online.

>> No.12231937

Only high IQ individuals have the attention span for reading, so naturally the board ends up with a larger population of right wingers

>> No.12231943

>I'm an unironic liberal.
Don't come back until you've read more into actual leftism because you're only gonna embarrass yourself here

>> No.12231949

Because liberal rhetoric basically dominates every other social media platform. The format of this site makes it a good safe space paranoid/probably wrong beliefs. I'm an unironic liberal myself but I can't stand liberal rhetoric, because most liberals have absolutely no understanding of conservative values or what they actually stand for. Most of the liberals I know dismiss someone just for being conservative, and yeah that's to be expected, but then they think they have this amazing ability to change people's minds to liberal ways of thinking. It's smug, and it's just a smokescreen for bullying. If you're actually a liberal you gotta distance yourself from left wing style and left wing pathology, it's just lazy and unconstructive

>> No.12231953

Because people of option X do not magically disappear when you tell mods to get and ban them from website Y, because you don't like them, they persist or migrate somewhere else.
And they, being ostracised, have good conditions here.

>> No.12231954

Yes, this is something very prominent in this digital generation.
It goes a bit like this:

You have a social outcast, beginning either puberty or adolescence. He feels distanced from his peers, so he begins to see the social paradigm as "them" vs "us", with "us" being those "in the know", the enlightened crowd.

These kids were usually obsessed with being smarter than "them", and so would to consume internet content related to atheism.

These atheist internet personalities usually enjoyed to babble all fucking day long about how christians are delusional, and about they are dettached from reality.

This sense of "them" vs "us", and this obsession with other people being "delusional", is the perfect gateway for hating on "le SJWs", who they could easily make fun of for things like gender being separated from sex.

Continue the slippery slope until they've gone full nazi, and somehow they're christian now too.

This summary is too condensed and to talk about the whole thing I'd need to write an essay in my native language and actually talk about the millions of factors that lead to this, but that'd be the gist of it.

>> No.12231962

Most right-wingers believe in God. Atheism is a leftist meme.

>> No.12231964

>Because liberal rhetoric basically dominates every other social media platform.
not really, facebook is filled to the brim with right-wing schizos

>> No.12231965
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>> No.12231966


>> No.12231970

Most of 4chan is inbred hicks proud of their minimum wage manufacturing job somewhere in the rust belt.

lit on the other hand has a good portion of classic liberals who started with the Greeks and aren't afraid of values and truth.

>> No.12231971

Leave the place for a while. Even if 4chan is right on most things, the culture of unbounded, unapologetic rudeness and vulgarity is the opposite of normal social interaction. This place just boosts all your incel stats. Stay away

>> No.12231973
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>Sharing a space with people who would put a bullet between the eyes of people because of their sex, ethnic group, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, etc, disgusts me to no end.
Have you tried leaving?

>> No.12231974

Everything you said was ok to me until the point you start crying mods, so yeah, go back to lereddit or accept the fact any retard can post in here, is fun to mock any idiocy, from right wing to left wing, any idiology has to be mocked and humilated.

>> No.12231977

Politics are for midwits. This is a board for literature. Boh /pol/tards and people like you should fuck off.

>> No.12231978

>Because liberal rhetoric basically dominates every other social media platform
I've spent some time on Reddit. Leftism has good roots on there, but there are FAR too many gamergaters/people who make fun of anything left of Hitler because "epic sjws".

Twitter is full of feminists, but is also full of unapologetic nazis. YouTube should be renamed to Right-Wing Indoctrination for Kids.

Every website is *very* politically divided, but ultimately extremist when pulling to either side.

>> No.12231981

Not even contemporary progressivism is as cringy as classical liberalism

>> No.12231982

>outcasts are less likely to conform to the social norms
Wew, lad, that's some groundbreaking shit.

>> No.12231983

[ ] told
[ ] pwnd
[ ] rekt

>> No.12231986

I want to discuss literature. I'm making this thread because there is at least one unironic mention about "n*ggers" or "muh jews" in every damn thread.

>> No.12231988
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I don't like sharing a space with people that can't acknowledge physical and cognitive differences between genders and "races". I don't like morons like you OP because all you really care about is not offending anyone for the sake of "human decency". However, I also don't like people who say capitalism is great but have only seen it through their upper middle class lens.

In the end, both sides fight eachothers for no good reason. Both sides fight yet this is exactly what this divide and conquer tactic is used for. Until people can accept a common enemy, we will just weaken eachother out.

>> No.12231990

It doesn't sound pretty, but yeah, outcasts are more likely to be bad people.

>> No.12231991

Primo Fashy evidence right here. Thanks for proving me right.

>> No.12231992

You use the word cringy so there's no need to consider your opinion

>> No.12231996

Did you try to understand why they talk about these subjects or did you simply dismiss it as anti-semitism and racism.

>> No.12231997

>common enemy
When your ultimate enemy is the jewish people and other "undesirables", and your ultimate solution is literal genocide, I'm afraid we can't have a common enemy.

>> No.12232001

Because It's a place of irreverence and freedom. Since the modern left is the extablishment, it will only ever be the minority in here.

>> No.12232002

>(1) (NON-BAIT) (USEFUL) meta thread
well done

>> No.12232005

>he thinks its the literal jews
A lot of people do unironically talk about the JQ but it goes deeper than this. The word jew just represents the financial elite. Thats why I also posted

>> No.12232007

The establishment is capitalist. It only serves its interests. Right now, the interest of the majority of companies is to not appear right-wing.

>> No.12232008

This. Reddit sells "intelligence" as a product to smarmy 115 IQ nerds, while /pol/ sells "virtue" as a package to a bunch of anime perverts. Nobody should take either crowd too seriously.

>> No.12232009

When your one and only resort in debate is ad hominem fallacy; there indeed can't be.
See You in the streets. Come prepared.
It's be boring If It were too easy.

>> No.12232016

Why do you think the sexes and races are the same? What evidence do you have for this absurd proposition?

>> No.12232020

>ad hominem
I'm sorry mate, I don't even know you. Go make a thread on /pol/ asking "if you could kill all jews and get away with it, would you?", and report back.

>> No.12232022

The extablishment is corporatist: left wing politicians that work with multinationals to ruin the middle class; thanks to the votes of those unprepared.
90 years of Fabianism/Keynesaism made You forget How the economy is supposed to actually work.

>> No.12232028

The common enemy is the mainstream media, which is jew dominated, making it seem like the enemy are (((them))), but there are far more factors in play

>> No.12232036

/pol/ is a shitposting board, maniac, people go there to shitpost.
How many people there You think would actually hang the jews?

>> No.12232039

People like you are to blame OP
No really you are so fucking unlikable people would rather hang out with edgy posters, every other place you have sanitized to hell and back

So yeah fuck you

>> No.12232040

I don't generally say this, but you should unironically kill yourself. You aren't worth talking to, and your delusions have taken over to the point where you will not gain anything worthwhile from conversing with people you disagree with. Remove yourself in a figurative way.

>> No.12232044

>Sharing a space with people who would put a bullet between the eyes of people because of their sex, ethnic group, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, etc, disgusts me to no end.
Trolling is limited to /b/, OP.

In case you aren't trolling, see a fucking therapist immediately before you carry out some revolutionary action against innocent civilians.

>> No.12232047

>Remove yourself in a figurative way.
I would say in a "literal way". OP should genuinely literally kill himself.

>> No.12232052

Because this is literally the only place I can express myself without having to face consequences.

Reddit is for you, there people like me get banned before you have to face the discomfort of my differing opinions.

>Now I'm not saying you have to agree with me, but it is fucking annoying the sheer amount of /pol/toddlers in this board. It's annoying because their thought process could almost be described as schizoparanoid, they don't have a good grasp on basic logic, or even basic reality.
What a hypocrite you are. "You don't have to agree with my mainstream opinion but if you don't you are a retarded /pol/yard who doesn't understand basic logic".

About what?

>Sharing a space with people who would put a bullet between the eyes of people because of their sex, ethnic group, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, etc, disgusts me to no end.
Then leave, because the spooky ghost of fascism is near you, WHOO.

>I won't go to Reddit because it's the same
No, on Reddit people who disagree get banned.

>> No.12232068

I'm going for the rope as we speak.
>before you carry out some revolutionary action against innocent civilians

>> No.12232073
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The same way leftist fanatics don't see any issue to bring in hoards of immigrants into the US, a moronic /pol/ poster would say that he hates jews for reasons like pic related but it doesn't mean that he is right at all. There are many factors in this whole fucking equation. You and I can't just look at the forbes 500 CEOs, check their ancestry and if they are predominantly jewish then call it a zionist conspiracy. Also, I find it ridiculous that your proof that pol is only hatred for anything non white is a thread in which you ask if they would kill jews if they could. This is 4chan, do you sincerely expect people to be 100% genuine in their response? Have you even been through the /b/-school you fucking newfag?

>> No.12232074

>You turn women against us
*doesn't shower for a month*
*looks ugly af*
*an asshole*

>> No.12232083

>don't strawman us! d-do as I say, not as I do!
This is why we don't like you. The mass shootings will continue until morale improves.

>> No.12232084


>> No.12232088

That is a dumb image even by /pol/ standards. Liberals want billionaires, leftists don't. To a leftist a billionaire is a thief. Plus what do billionaires have to do with white privilege when half their argument is about poverty traps?

>> No.12232089

Yeah, mass shootings are cool!

>> No.12232096

Pretty much chud.

>> No.12232097

So its leftists faults you dont have a gf or suck with women? Until morale improves? Capitalism will keep crushig the human spirit until your jewish overlords can leave this planet and exploit that one. And all you will do is lick their boots on their way out.

>> No.12232098
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>mass shootings BAD!
>rounding up incels and right-wingers into camps and euthanizing them GOOD!
Your average nu-progleftist, everybody

>> No.12232101

leftists as in socialists or whatever arent really that revelant, the media, academia, and civil service are dominated by 'progressives'

>> No.12232107

>I won't go to reddit
I think you mean "I won't go back to Reedit" and i invite you to reconsider

also this isn't /lit/, fuck off retard

>> No.12232108

>>rounding up incels and right-wingers into camps and euthanizing them
I don't want this.

>> No.12232109

>>rounding up incels and right-wingers into camps and euthanizing them GOOD!
Give me one (1) reason why not? Genetic dead weight should go. All they do is play vidya and waste resouces. As far as im concerned they are less human than jews

>> No.12232110
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>proving me right
> You turn women against us

You turn women against you. Duh.

>> No.12232114

>also this isn't /lit/
... but it literally is...

>> No.12232115

I'm saying you are a caricature of a real person with sincerely developed opinions. You self-identified in the OP as being a far-left NPC, many of whom have communist or marxist tendencies. Those types of brainlets are prone to violent redistribution and destruction of public property in the name of "social justice," which is defined by them not as equality but rather preferential treatment.

I'm saying you're a loony and you're going to hurt someone, possibly yourself. Calm the fuck down.

>> No.12232117

>I don't want this.
beta as fuck. they deserve the bullet

>> No.12232118

The leftist-approved hypersexual current state of the dating/sexual market is literal sexual capitalism (see: Houllebecq). The "loser incels" you look down on and deride are the impoverished working class proles who labor and toil away for the benefit of the sexual bourgeoisie (i.e.: hypersexual leftists and women who encourage hypergamy and gynocentrism) Don't be a hypocrite, my dude.

>> No.12232119

Why do you spend this much effort on a bait post? Go read instead

>> No.12232124

Don't be a hypocrite; I can make the same meme argument that poor people are only poor because they allow themselves to be poor.

>DUDE how can you be lonely, just talk to women until they like you LMAO
>DUDE how can you be impoverished, just work until you're rich LMAO

>> No.12232129

This is /litpol/, where every mod is a marxist tranny, and WW2 was the beginning rather than the end.

>> No.12232130

>incel communism

>> No.12232132

You see OP this is how you do bait. You're just mad that there are better males around, you're afraid of them, and you should be.

>> No.12232135

So you used a bunch of memes and stereotypes to reach the conclusion that I will probably hurt someone.

>> No.12232143

>t. seething hypocritical lefties who can't stand their cognitive dissonance having a light shone on it

How is that any different than what (You) types do to us

>> No.12232146

>being a far-left NPC
I wish I lived in the world reactionaries did. Liberals aren't even close to being leftists. the differnece between a repub and a dem at this point is pretty much nothing. it's all theatrics for the idiots. The USA is a one party state

>> No.12232149
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Pls post more porn and /pol/ shitposting, this place needs to die already.

>> No.12232151

>The "loser incels" you look down on and deride are the impoverished working class proles who labor and toil away

>sexual bourgeoisie (i.e.: hypersexual leftists and women who encourage hypergamy and gynocentrism)
the fuck

>> No.12232153

pls i am not a commie
go ahead and organize incel socialism, it would be entertaining and cause a lot of butthurt

>> No.12232157

My image shows that despite being 5m in the US, they are over represented in positions of power. I am not sure how pol wouldn't like it it. It comes from biz/pol too.

The entire point of white privilege is that whites are advantaged in society. However, jews, despite being a minority do better than any other group in the US. The jewish privilege is suppressed and scape goated on the whites. Like I said, this is a big thing that a cave painting forum can't handle.

>> No.12232161
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No. I'm a girl and it is blatantly obvious when a guy is interested in me for the wrong reasons; blatantly obvious when their insecurities and projections prevent them from engaging in reality/healthy relationships, and believe me, I avoid that sort of shit like the plague. Your mentality leaks out through your actions, expressions, micro-expressions, turns of phrase, and we notice. More than you do, for sure. So perhaps take a look at the common denominator for all of your failures with relationships - and that, my friend, is you. Not to worry though, there are ways out, but you have to recognise your flaws first. If you're incapable of that, you're only ever going to have shit relationships if you have them at all.

Admitting to flaws is not a terrifying prospect; to have flaws is quite literally to be alive.

>> No.12232162

I mean, he is correct. The sexual market is 100% rigged against the average working man in favor of the privileged class.

>> No.12232166
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>So you used a bunch of memes and stereotypes to reach the conclusion that I will probably hurt someone.
No. I used your own words and image in the OP. Read them again.

>I'm an unironic liberal. Picture pic related. Really.
>"you are not welcome here"
>"literally shaking rn"
>"oh boy"
>"you do realize"
>"Sharing a space with people who would put a bullet between the eyes of people because of their sex, ethnic etc etc..."
Take stock of your presumptions, kiddo. Nobody is threatening to put a bullet in you. Nobody has threatened your life.
>inb4 but why would i hurt someone
Defense of your own life stands up in court for use of lethal force. I'm saying if you were smarter you might use your misconceptions as justification for shooting some innocent rally-goer. Like one of these goons might.

>> No.12232167

What a failure of a board.

>> No.12232168

Postmodern outrage is not an argument, lefty/pol/ tranny. How can you pretend to be morally opposed to "1% of the world controls 90% of the wealth!" and simultaneously revel and celebrate the fact that 20% of males are fucking 80% of women

And yet women literally consider 80% of all men to be too flawed to even consider dating. Again: don't be a hypocrite.

>> No.12232169

This is not how /lit/ is. Yeah we hate niggers and roasties from time to time but nothing on the level of /pol/.

>> No.12232174

>No. I'm a girl
sure you are, tranny

>> No.12232175

I'm fairly moderate IRL. I use this place as a testing ground for the more extreme ideas. It's always good to let people speak their minds.

>> No.12232176

The reason leftists don't care about jews is because a billionaire is a billionaire. Doesn't matter the colour.

>> No.12232177

Theres a pretty big difference between right-wingers and /pol/tards OP. There are plenty of intelligent conservatives across the whole spectrum you can have a decent conversation with in quieter threads.

The issue is with /pol/tards contaminating /lit/. You'll notice you never see "RED-PILL ME ON JEAN BODIN" or "LET'S HAVE A DISCUSSION ABOUT POST-NOMOS SCHMITT". Only right-wing figures that appear in /pol/ memes get posted here again and again.

It's always the exact same tired shit - drooling hicks who think reading the Wikipedia page on Evola makes them an esoteric hitlerist or whatever. Just incredibly mind-numbing.

>> No.12232183

>I'm a girl
Could you post your feet with timestamp?

>> No.12232184

Shut the fuck up roastie. Don't ever start your dumb fuck posts with "im a girl btw" without posting tits.

>> No.12232188

>Give me one (1) reason why not?
Because incels aren't genetic dead weight and pretty much any society realizes that. The mentally proficient incels go into the sciences and the rest is put into the army where they either die or emerge as Chads.

>> No.12232189

You aren’t a liberal you’re a progressive. I’m a liberal.


>> No.12232192

>women literally consider 80% of all men to be too flawed to even consider dating
eh not quite, the 80% thing refers to the men they find 'unattractive' but we often see women dating men they dont really think are hot

>> No.12232193

I despise "redpill me on x" It is lierally just a brainlet saying "im too dumb to google so explain this to me in simple terms."

>> No.12232195

There isn't a single intelligent conservative, they are all literally braindead.

>> No.12232197

I'll bite your wonderful post. What flavor of liberal?

>> No.12232198

Liberalism fundamentally is a leftist field of thought. It seeks to liberate the individual from traditional hierarchy and order. Liberals may not be as redistributionist as you'd like them to be, but on a fundamental level a liberal is a challenge to the traditional underpinnings of right wing thought (albeit not a very good one at this point).

>> No.12232200

>The mentally proficient incels
That's like seeing people in wheel chairs who can walk. There are not smart incels otherwise they wouldn't be incels. They get the wall. It's that simple.

>> No.12232207
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I was raised liberal and I fell completely into the group that Ted Kacynski identifies as the "over-socialized left". I was miserable, depressed, a self-defeatist, and basically (though I wouldn't have admitted it back then) extremely envious of success. I saw people who succeeded and they almost never obeyed the very rigid morality and world-view that the left champions. Especially if you are a white guy such as myself, you have to adopt a self-hating personality to fit in. However, when you see successful white men who aren't self hating, your envy manifests into outrage at them. I was also an extreme incel back then because under a leftist paradigm, being forward with women is sexual harassment.

As soon as I separated myself from that toxic ideology and began doing "right-wing" things like improving myself and taking my own problems and deficiencies into my own hands I began getting what I wanted. As I started achieving milestones I wanted to, I stop being such a hateful and resentful person. Once I adopted a world view that emphasizes personal responsibility and liberty, I gained much more confidence and I no longer had any problem with talking to, and getting women.

If you want to be a loser, then fine continue being a leftist that blames others for your own dissatisfaction. But if you want to find fulfillment and happiness, then your best bet is to abandon any sort of toxic leftist notions.

>> No.12232209

That still doesn't invalidate or disprove the simple fact that women will take 80% of any sample size of men and immediately discount them outright as being too flawed (read: too unattractive) to be worthwhile. I don't see how you can reconcile being okay with that with your nu brand of "fuk kapitalism" prog-lib opinions and tendencies (especially re: "muh equality" and "muh humanism").

>> No.12232212

>There are not smart incels
this is just ridiculous, go look at the stats for how many college grads are virgins

>> No.12232215

That's fucking wrong you idiot. Just look at Bill Gates, George Soros, Warren Buffet, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos. Out of the 5, you can definitely tell that some of them are doing great things for the world meanwhile others deserve to rot and die for the things they have done and caused and the way that they acquired their capital.

Please buy my bags.

Yes, then they cheat with Chad two years later.

>> No.12232218

But historically that is entirely wrong...

See for example Newton, or many other mathematicians. In fact the mathematics/physics department at your local University has probably the highest concentration of incels in your area.

>> No.12232219

im not a prog though, i was just clarifying about the 80% thing. Women arent literally dating 20% of men, that number refers more to the hookup culture dynamics

>> No.12232223

There are no intelligent conservatives. There are plenty of intelligent right wingers, but anyone who wishes to conserve the modern world and the dying beast that is the enlightenment west is not intelligent.

>> No.12232226


Went to /his/ for the first time to evade /pol/tards on /v/, but that is full of them too discusing races and "hitler was wright" and shit.

>> No.12232230

>on /v/
fuck off

>> No.12232231

Whiggers need to be dealt with.

>> No.12232233


Also, pls buy my XRP and SALT, the bags are making my shoulders much stronger than I ever expected

>> No.12232234

The fact that you unironically use terms like 'chad', incel etc. says a lot

You are literally just repeating memetic buzzwords in a robotic manner - this is why no one takes you seriously.

>> No.12232235
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>Women arent literally dating 20% of men, that number refers more to the hookup culture dynamics
There really isn't a solidly defined difference between "hooking up" and "dating" in a post-tinder world, especially when it comes to the "top 20%" of men and 80% of women who worship them.

>> No.12232239

based and redbulled. This sentiment right here is the cure for the extreme paranoia and persecution complex in the OP.

>> No.12232242

I'm pretty happy myself and with the things I'm achieving.

>> No.12232250

*pretty happy with myself

>> No.12232251

>"right-wing" things like improving myself
I can't even imagine how bullied you got in highschool. plus being a brainlet probably didn't help.

>Especially if you are a white guy such as myself, you have to adopt a self-hating personality to fit in.
You guys are so beta it is absurd. Such a fucking victim complex. Holy fuck im white and go to a lefty university and its pretty fucking easy to fit in if your not a sperg.

Fuck. i know you. You balding glass eyed fuck. Have fun justifying why your jewish overlords can fuck you over your whole life. As long as yoi have distractions it makes it ok doesn't it.?

>> No.12232252

I swear to zeus this entire thread has got to be a reddit brigade come to shit on a peaceful corner of 4chan.

>> No.12232254
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>And yet women literally consider 80% of all men to be too flawed to even consider dating. Again: don't be a hypocrite.

Sure, sure, pal. Believe what makes you miserable, if it makes you want to kill yourself. I wonder how many women live up to your no doubt obscenely realistic standards, hmm, Mr-I-Like-The-Word-"hypocrite"??


Exactly the kind of rabid fuckboys that would send my radar screaming.

>> No.12232255

Stop being retarded, I use memes because people understand them. Instead of incel and Chad I could write 20 words describing them Everytime I speak of that concept.

>> No.12232258

Posts like this are exemplary of why people think /pol/tards are morons. You are literally just repeating a word you heard someone else say.

Do you actually know what a Whig is, beyond the Wikipedia page? Could you explain to me the defining features of Whig history, in all it's different stages, or why you think a historical term from over two centuries ago still carries any really meaning as a label in today's nomenclature?

>> No.12232259

nice reddit spacing, tranny

>> No.12232260

We're stuck in this hole together. You can try and ignore that you're in here with us, but ultimately there isn't really much to be done about it until you accept where you are and accept what needs to be done to change that.

>> No.12232261

>Stop being retarded, I use memes because people understand them
Words work better than memes and don't rot your brain

>> No.12232262

All these people who jump screaming everytime someone says they're a girl prove how filled to the brim 4chan is with incels.

>> No.12232265

>I wonder how many women live up to your no doubt obscenely realistic standards
So "treat me like a human being" is an "obscenely realistic standard" now?
Oh, nice. Thanks for being the epitome of everything I'm talking about and thanks for proving me right.

>> No.12232266

>its pretty fucking easy to fit in if your not a sperg.
Well, if you are unironic Antifa maybe.

Not him by the way, but your post is highly retarded.

>> No.12232267
File: 1.41 MB, 1366x768, 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>h-he called me reddit!!

>> No.12232268

Can't imagine why girls don't like you

>> No.12232269

'whig history' is the idea that society is progressing forward in some mysterious hard to way define, and was popularized on the internet far right by Moldbug, who compared it to divine providence.

>> No.12232270

Wow, people in 4chan have leftist opinions.

>> No.12232275

Nigger, if this is what your gripe is then I'm sorry to tell you that you just can't recognize shitposting when you see it.

>> No.12232276

I honestly don't believe you could. By using vaguely defined memes and buzzwords you avoid actually having to make an argument which could be challenged.

>> No.12232282

Im a socialist but despise liberals more than /pol/ tier right winger could. If you don't like the culture of this site then fuck off back to twitter and a host of other mainstream social media platforms that support your milquetoast ideology and boring corporate cuckold opinions.

>> No.12232285
File: 77 KB, 752x688, 13315219_10206496514882283_4877879649073247576_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're such an incel you can't even comprehend sentences

nice, 10/10

you just demonstrated your finely honed projection abilities. hire yourself out to some cinemas dude, you'd make bare cash

>> No.12232288

>m-mods pls ban the evil nazis!!!

>> No.12232289

>Well, if you are unironic Antifa maybe.
you fucking beta orbiter. "oh suffering is me". Biggest fucking victim complex. Lay off the sjw ownage compilations and try talking to someone. And your monthly patreon donation for ben shapiro? Cancel it and spend it on a book.

>> No.12232290

do you really not get what those words mean? incel= cant get sex, chad= gets sex with a variety of attractive women very easily

the former are like 15% of the population, the latter 5% or something

>> No.12232293

I don't get how people fall for OP's shitty fucking bait. /lit/ truly can't recognize shitposting for shit.
Go lurk on /tv/ and /sp/ for a couple of weeks, you dorks.

>> No.12232296

>Im a socialist but despise liberals more than /pol/ tier right winger could
This. No one hates liberals more than leftists.

>> No.12232298

*tips fedora and nods in agreement* my liberalist

>> No.12232299

I'm sure they do. They're typically intelligent and can express themselves without using a wojak s.o.y. meme or being a parody of a real person's opinions. turn off MSNBC if you want to join humanity.

>> No.12232301

kiss my nigger asshole. itll cure you brotha

>> No.12232307

Get the fuck away from me you pleb. I'm a liberalismist.

>> No.12232313

Well, this is 4channel.org now.

>> No.12232314

Not an argument. I never enumerated or announced what my "obscenely unrealistic standards" are/were until you made your chiding and presumptuous post.
>p-projection! you stupid incel!
Because I said "my standards are that women treat me like a human being"? You really are hellbent on proving me right with your posts, aren't you?

>> No.12232317

We 4channel now

>> No.12232321

Where did I even mention that I suffer, I really don't, please actually read what I wrote.

This is absolutely ridiculous, no, I have never watched an SJW ownage compilation nor would I even think about donating to some Jewish conservative retard.

>Cancel it and spend it on a book.
I do that...

Now, actually address what I said, after you projected some ridiculous nonsense about me.

>> No.12232327
File: 3.98 MB, 407x218, 1543977331424.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carefully observe the frames of this Graphics Interchange Format moving image.

>> No.12232337

So sex is the basis for basically your entire world view? What defines a person is how easily they get sex or not?

>> No.12232340

>You guys are so beta it is absurd. Such a fucking victim complex.
Discrimination against whites is literally the law of the land right now you gigantic mong.

>> No.12232346

>By using vaguely defined memes and buzzwords
That's the entirety of humanities.

>> No.12232347

i dont really use those words except in 'the virgin x and the chad y' because its funny, but it's clear what they mean, and they refer to the sexual market, not to 'defining who you are'

>> No.12232351

If you had ever read any serious book you would know that people in the humanities spend an excruciating amount of time defining their terms. There is literally an entire field of philosophy devoted resolving issues surrounding the meanings of words.

>> No.12232360

>Now, actually address what I said,
Please address my careful collection of buzzords my good sir. My answer is no. Now mr Goldstein needs another lambo so you need to put in more overtime

>> No.12232361

Defining Chad and Incel has been done with just as much care and probably significantly more.

>> No.12232362

doesnt really change that 'structural racism' or 'patriarchy' mean almost nothing, and they go into apoplectic rage if you suggest that disparate impact and different outcomoes are due to different average behavior or ability

>> No.12232364


>> No.12232367

>doesnt really change that 'structural racism' or 'patriarchy' mean almost nothing
But they do...

>> No.12232369

I agree that their funny - but my point is the more and more you use them the more they rot your brain.

>> No.12232373

>Have fun justifying why your jewish overlords

Your assumption that just because I reject the left that I'm an anti-semite is absurd. My roommate is jewish and most (not some, MOST) of my friends are jewish (Im Christian though). Your whole post was just straw-manning me.

>> No.12232375

they mean a hell of a lot less than IQ does, and the humanities just love calling iq pseudoscience while talking about 'structural racism'

>> No.12232380

not that anon but: no. "patriarchy" would still be exactly what it is now if it were full of women. imagining that simply because some men are successful that women should be as well does not follow. railing against a patriarchy is women demanding equality of outcome. and that is not a fair system for anyone, not for people who earned their success, and not for those who would adopt theirs without effort.

>> No.12232382

No, IQ doesn't mean anything, is a test tailored to (surprise!) western whites.

>> No.12232387

who's baiting who itt

>> No.12232389

>railing against a patriarchy is women demanding equality of outcome
were the women in japan who were denied in to medical school because they were women victims of patriarchy?

>> No.12232391

and "structural racism" is just that: a stereotype that has proved itself true.

>> No.12232396

That's what happens when you make a thread against the nazi hivemind on 4chan.org.

>> No.12232397

> is a test tailored to (surprise!) western whites.
A test which some non white groups seem to succeed significantly above whites?
What a shitty tailoring, I had hoped our white supremacists University professors could have done a better job...

>> No.12232398

The wagie is confused when his slavery is pointed out

>> No.12232399

that's why east asians do better on it right
just like they do better in everything else
just like they have larger average skulls

Let's ignore a century of reproducible data in favor of...'structural racism', that highly empirical concept with so much backing it up

>> No.12232400

>implying they were victims at all
maybe they should have made better choices.

and i don't give a damn about japan. nuke it again.

>> No.12232404

>nuke it again
What a scumbag you are.

>> No.12232405

Hey, I am pretty sure that I am the only Nazi here and nobody agrees with me.

>> No.12232408

>maybe they should have made better choices.
how does that relate to them being denied?

>> No.12232409

>>12231910 >>12231915 >>12231918 >>12231919 >>12231937 >>12231943 >>12231949 >>12231953 >>12231954 >>12231962 >>12231964 >>12231965 >>12231966 >>12231970 >>12231971 >>12231973 >>12231974 >>12231977 >>12231978 >>12231981 >>12231982 >>12231983 >>12231986 >>12231988 >>12231990 >>12231991 >>12231992 >>12231996 >>12231997 >>12232001 >>12232002 >>12232005 >>12232007 >>12232008 >>12232009 >>12232016 >>12232020 >>12232022 >>12232028 >>12232036 >>12232039 >>12232040 >>12232044 >>12232047 >>12232052 >>12232068 >>12232073 >>12232074 >>12232083 >>12232084 >>12232088 >>12232089 >>12232096 >>12232097 >>12232098 >>12232101 >>12232107 >>12232108 >>12232109 >>12232110 >>12232114 >>12232115 >>12232117 >>12232118 >>12232119 >>12232124 >>12232129 >>12232130 >>12232132 >>12232135 >>12232143 >>12232146 >>12232149 >>12232151 >>12232153 >>12232157 >>12232161 >>12232162 >>12232166 >>12232167 >>12232168 >>12232169 >>12232174 >>12232175 >>12232176 >>12232177 >>12232183 >>12232184 >>12232188 >>12232189 >>12232192 >>12232193 >>12232195 >>12232197 >>12232198 >>12232198 >>12232200 >>12232207 >>12232209 >>12232212 >>12232215 >>12232218 >>12232219 >>12232223 >>12232226 >>12232230 >>12232231 >>12232233 >>12232234 >>12232235 >>12232239 >>12232242 >>12232250 >>12232251 >>12232252 >>12232254 >>12232255 >>12232258 >>12232259 >>12232260 >>12232261 >>12232262 >>12232265 >>12232266 >>12232267 >>12232268 >>12232269 >>12232270 >>12232275 >>12232276 >>12232282 >>12232285 >>12232288 >>12232289 >>12232290 >>12232293 >>12232296 >>12232298 >>12232299 >>12232301 >>12232307 >>12232313 >>12232314 >>12232317 >>12232321 >>12232327 >>12232337 >>12232340 >>12232346 >>12232347 >>12232351 >>12232360 >>12232361 >>12232362 >>12232364 >>12232367 >>12232369 >>12232373 >>12232375 >>12232380 >>12232382 >>12232387 >>12232389 >>12232391 >>12232396 >>12232397 >>12232398 >>12232399 >>12232400
all me btw

>> No.12232412

Reconsider your opinions on everything.

>> No.12232413

I haven't worked a single day of my life, stop projecting.

>> No.12232416

no, i just don't care about japan. their problems are not my problems. or our problems. they are a homogeneous, strongly conservative society that disdains foreign influence. japan is irrelevant when talking about american ills, and you should have known that when you brought it up.

>> No.12232417

I like how the mere presence of dissenting views makes you think it is a hivemend. This is called a 'debate' anon. Youll notice there are two sides that dont agree with each other, and they are offering arguments

I realize this may be a sort of alien phenomenon to you, and the fact that not every single person is saying the same thing means that it is in fact a Nazi hivemind in your warped mind

>> No.12232418

Actually debate me on the issues.
Also, 50% of my views are ironic.

>> No.12232422
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>> No.12232423

read what you quoted, then read what you asked. do this ten times.

now: equality of outcome is not something women or anyone are owed

>> No.12232432

You seem very fond of giving out (You)'s.

>> No.12232438

thanks haha

>> No.12232439

>'structural racism', that highly empirical concept with so much backing it up
There is VERY much backing it up, sweety.

>> No.12232440

It's like talking to a bot that collected all the youtube comments from his videos. Don't @ again until you have an original thought that isn't from JP or a rich jew

>> No.12232442
File: 215 KB, 871x859, 1543589505813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bait?

>> No.12232444

Im sure

>> No.12232445

>all the liberal projection in here

>> No.12232447

Queen slay

>> No.12232454

>There is VERY much backing it up, sweety.
Ironically, I as a "racist", want this to be true. But it really isn't.

>> No.12232458

Technically, it's against global rules to have racism out of /b/. Jannies do nothing with /pol/. That said, I'd say this site is more right wing than many others because the right is being pushed out of those spaces faster than the left. The right isn't going to just disappear from the internet, you can't just remove half of the political spectrum, especially not from the internet.

>> No.12232459

wow good argument i'm btfo forever, help me bros

>> No.12232461

>I as a racist want this to be true
Did you know that you're a bad person and you should feel bad?

>> No.12232468

If you at least understood what "tits or gtfo" means maybe I would take your roastie opinion seriously.

>> No.12232471

According to your retarded ideas of what is bad which we stopped caring about years ago

>> No.12232474

Good god. All the right-wing trolls, chuds, and russian bots spewing hateful rethoric in here...
Why don't you go back to the Kremlin to report back to Putin?

>> No.12232475

OP what exactly do you consider to be western values? It seems as if you believe that to be a synonym for nefarious behavior. It’s hard for me to take something like that seriously because it’s almost always presented in such a histrionic way but I’m genuinely curious what you mean. If you’re saying that the West is centered around things like slavery, the worst excesses of capitalism, and colonialism I’d have to respectfully disagree. Yes, blind nationalism is something that should indeed be challenged and we have much to make up for but to reduce the values of millions of people down to historical sins is just dishonest. In fact it’s hard for me not to point out that the worst aspects of capitalism that leftists point out like the atomization of society and the deterioration of communal bonds effect your thinking here; many on the right are very quick to point out that materialism is bad in a spiritual context and use their faith as their community glue so to speak. Yes there are hypocrites everywhere but seeing that isn’t as insightful as one might think.

So please tell us what you think western values are and what makes them wrong/bad.

>> No.12232476

Yes, I know. I live in a very anti fascists neighborhood and am reminded of that every day, but somehow I don't.

>> No.12232477

>Did you know that you're a bad person and you should feel bad?
not that anon but can you explain why?

don't you have a race? don't you have a person interest in their doing well? if not, why not?

>> No.12232479

yeah 4chan is so unknown for being abrasive and using slurs, it must be russian bots

>> No.12232488


>> No.12232489
File: 99 KB, 750x1334, 1534119812462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao at all the libtards itt

>> No.12232494

Being a good or bad person is about how you treat the people you know in daily lif, especially your close friends and family. It has nothing at all to with bullshit political terms like "racism". I know good and bad people on the far left and far right

>> No.12232495

"Bait, shill, bait!", cried the russian bot.

>> No.12232500

what subreddit are you guys from? i'm sick of the /pol/tier nonsense and want a nice place to talk about theory

>> No.12232501

This. I found myself on your exact same situation some years back, and this supposedly "hateful" right-wing ideology is what made a better and happier person.

>> No.12232502

>implying girls dont like me
What's your reasoning for this? I don't ask girls to show their tits irl to prove that they are a girl. It is quite obvious that they are. The reason why women start their posts with "im a girl btw teehee" is to get the usual attention that their vagina gives them irl. So show your tits or gtfo.

>> No.12232506

>The reason why women start their posts with "im a girl btw teehee" is to get the usual attention that their vagina gives them irl
Hot take anon, did you get this info from an incel /pol/ image?
Spoiler alert: you did.

>> No.12232508

Late stage capitalism is the subreddit for us honest intellectuals not swayed by right wing rhetoric.

>> No.12232511

I don't get the "oof" thing. Do women say this a lot? I don't know anyone who uses "oof".

>> No.12232512


When I still came here regularly, a year or two ago, /lit/ was full of well-spoken Christians and Marxists. /pol/yps And liberals didn't even bother posting. It's all gone downhill in the last year or so. Dunno what happened.

>> No.12232514

I prefer r/ChapoTrapHouse t b h.

>> No.12232515
File: 142 KB, 1050x741, 1540123101590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything right on the political spectrum is muh /pol/
This here is where you out yourself as the plebbiter you are, 4chan has always been someone right-of-spectrum simply because its a site that values free speech above even profit something that both moot and hiroshimoot has said themselves. Its also an objective fact that libniggers can't handle muh bad language and getting bullied without being thrown into a depression and retreated to a "safe space". All in all, end your life.

>> No.12232516



>> No.12232517

Umm sweetie, no it is quite obvious duuuh. What's /pol/ guys ~~ i'm a girl!!

>> No.12232520


>> No.12232523

The presidential election happened.

>> No.12232526

4chan is full of nazis because it's full of trolls, outcasts and incels, not because the site values "muh free speech".
>Its also an objective fact that libniggers can't handle muh bad language and getting bullied without being thrown into a depression and retreated to a "safe space"
>end your life
Going for the rope as we speak.

>> No.12232529

post a left wing site that doesnt heavily censor

>> No.12232535

That is literally just basic 4chan culture, maybe you should familiarise yourself with it before complaining in about it on 4chan.
I swear to god, reddit raiders are getting lazier by the day.

>> No.12232536

No site is left-wing. This we know as true.

>> No.12232537

Ngl, LINK and XRP are shitcoins. XRP will moon hard though. SALT is pretty good.

>> No.12232539

your subreddits and sites dedicated to socialism or anarchism arent left wing?

>> No.12232549

They're left-wing because they're dedicated to that.
When it's free for all, the right-wing arises. Now, this isn't because "free speech is right-wing and lefties censor everything lol safe spaces lololollol" but because trolls, outcasts and incels are left to run free with their extremist rethoric.

>> No.12232552

Literal opposite on my end

>> No.12232555

youre just stating the same thing- left wing people can,t even argue properly with 'trolls and outcasts'

>> No.12232563

They can go on and on even when presented with all the evidence against their delusional paranoid reality in the world.

>> No.12232572

Well at least there is the possibiity that the evidence gets presented- on your sites if evidence contrary to your views gets presented it is deleted

>> No.12232577

Because they're dedicated to leftism, mate. Try to do the same in a site dedicated to right-wing worldviews. Say, try to present actual facts in r/the_donald.

>> No.12232579

The funny thing is that raid attempts cause leftists to lose goodwill here, rather than change board culture in slightest. Besides, /lit/ is a bad target. Plenty of people here are left-leaning already, so a better strategy would be good faith participation in the threads (especially the ones that deal with theory)

>> No.12232587

you can say whatever you like on pol for example

>> No.12232591

Because this site hosts people of all opinions. Why should the mods cater to your specific whims?
You are using your pseudo-moralistic grandstanding to try and whitewash the world into conforming with your utopian vision. Guess what? People here enjoy debating/insulting people with differing opinions without being immediately silenced. They are not going to stop saying something because you drop your monocle in your wine glass and clutch your pearls to your chest.
All of these "right wingers" and racists and "incels" come here because they are not immediately silenced. If you actually read any of the threads with extremist/reactionary rhetoric in the op you would realize that a good half of the responses are opposed.
You desire this place to be bleached to match the political and social tone you are comfortable with. The people here will not stand for that, and it upsets you that you are not getting your way. Newsflash: nobody here is trying to sell you anything, and as a result nobody cares about your opinion. I am assuming you are a woman so I would guess that that is a disturbing concept for you.
I am deliberately ignoring your blatant strawmanning, btw.
2/10 for getting me to reply.

>> No.12232595

I'm not particularly right wing but I prefer the online company of right wingers to left wingers. That's mainly because I find it hard to tolerate the preening and posturing in left wing forums. When a 4chan right winger expresses their hatred and contempt for people who aren't like them, they know they're doing something they'll be judged for and marginalized for in most places. When a left winger from the rest of the internet expresses hatred and contempt for people not like them, they expect praise and back-pats, and they usually get them. It's sickening.

>> No.12232596

>Liberalism and leftism is so shitty it needs to import right leaning cultures to even get the birth rate to a reasonable level


>> No.12232600

/pol/ is free for all. When I'm talking about a site "dedicated" to left or right-wing, I mean that it is literally in their name/rules. /leftypol/ is dedicated to leftism, /pol/ technically is just "politically incorrect".

>> No.12232605

literally impossible

>> No.12232607

pol is called 'politically incorrect' a term associated with the Right, and it is clearly a right wing board, but you can go there and offer left wing talking points as much as you want

>> No.12232608

بایسد اند ردپیلد

>> No.12232614

You came in rightwing and came out a leftist and now you love niggers and women? How does that happen?

>> No.12232624

There is nothing wrong with racism.

>> No.12232625

>When a left winger from the rest of the internet expresses hatred and contempt for people not like them, they expect praise and back-pats, and they usually get them.
Left-wingers get endlessly shitted on for their opinions everyday. To put an easy and recent example. Do you know what happened with some dude named JelloApocalypse?

>> No.12232634

>Left-wingers get endlessly shitted on for their opinions everyday.
you have to live in a fantasy world lad. academia, hollywood, fuck even corporations like Google, they all constantly promote left wing stuff and shit on anything right wing

>> No.12232636
File: 30 KB, 534x388, 1459825295308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you're quite right, it wasn't an argument, however, the thing you missed is that it wasn't supposed to be.

>"obscenely unrealistic standards"
That's not what I said. I said "obscenely realistic". Have you ever heard of sarcasm? Oxymorons? No?

>Because I said "my standards are that women treat me like a human being"

You only said that after the fact.. it doesn't mean anything lmao nice platitude though

>> No.12232655

>Left-wingers get endlessly shitted on for their opinions everyday.
Everyone who expresses his political opinion gets shit on, that's like saying 1+1=2.

>Do you know what happened with some dude named JelloApocalypse?
Nobody cared about his politics, they were annoyed at him forcing down some of it through his audiences throats.
Remember what happened to JonTron when he was against mass migration?
Or what is currently happening to PewDiePie over some edgy jokes?

>> No.12232663

I am >>12232595
Like I said I don't have many right wing beliefs, but it's very clear to me that being left wing makes the phenomenon I'm describing invisible to you. You think it's normal and expect it, so you notice the occasional case when it doesn't turn out that way. I mean, if you're OP, you literally came here to ask the mods to put their ass to work to silence the people you disagree with. It's abundantly clear that you, like most left wingers online, have no experience with being silenced yourself, except perhaps in cases where you didn't tow the left's party line carefully enough for the forum you're on.

>> No.12232672

>Or what is currently happening to PewDiePie over some edgy jokes?
Yes, that he's now misteriously a 4chan/alt-right sweetheart.

>> No.12232681

I used to be full fascist, gas the kikes, deport the niggers, build a white ethnostate, up until a year and some months ago.

>> No.12232689

Did you mean to reply to me?

No, /pol/ jumps on everything, they don't really care about him.

>> No.12232690

Meant to reply to >>12232655

>> No.12232699

I hope ironically, that is legitimately beyond incoherent.

>> No.12232705

Well that's pretty extreme, so I'm not sure how you could have failed to notice that people don't question the basic humanity or right to speak of left wing posters the way they would question yours. If that were limited to people who advocate genocide I might even find the disparity acceptable, but even moderately right wing positions face this problem. Maybe it's just the hypocrisy I find galling, I'd hang out with leftists all day if they weren't so damn convinced they have an unassailable moral high ground in every area.

>> No.12232706

im always curious about what makes people reach that state. Like i am well aware of all the pol topics, but i have never thought that i wanted a white ethnostate. When i look around at the white people around me, they can go fuck themselves for the most part. The fact that jews and blacks have antisocial effects on society doesnt make me feel a connection with other whites, it just adds other people to the list of 'fuck tehse guys'

when it comes down to it i care about people i actually know irl, who are not all white. average IQ scores doesnt change shit

>> No.12232711

It is The Annotated /pol/, Revised and Unabridged, Fifth Anniversary Edition.

>> No.12232719

Well, /pol/ should be taken satirically, at least in so far as you shouldn't mix people's opinions together.

>> No.12232733

When you're on social media where you have an account or reputation to maintain, there is an incentive to jump on bandwagons and popular opinion (contemporary leftist thought) and a negative opinion to say or do anything else outside of the popular opinion.

On sites like 4chan where the aspect of identity is removed, you're free to be more honest, and sometimes people find themselves here, and what they really believe. It doesn't always result in right-wing extremism, but they're never the same as the person who talks like your pic related (unironically saying things like "bigotry" or "PoC")

>> No.12232738

>it doesn't mean anything lmao nice platitude though
Not an argument. You're seething because I don't fit into your preconceived strawman notion of who you think I am.

>> No.12232739

Huh. I go on 4chan everyday and still unironically say things like "bigotry" or "PoC".

>> No.12232742

Retards respond to it.

>> No.12232744

since i have you here, why have you guys turned the word 'bigotry', which means 'not accepting of other people's opinions' into 'has racist or sexist or etcist opinions'

>> No.12232745

no you weren't, stop larping

>> No.12232746

You haven't found yourself yet.

>> No.12232757

Youre a fag then and should drop an anvil on your head

>> No.12232764

Because someone who is racist/sexist/somethingist is someone who either consciously or subconsciously has a prejudice towards people different than them.

>> No.12232769
File: 109 KB, 800x420, leftist-screaming256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't go to Reddit because it's the same, but with a sprinkle of infinite idiocy. When will /lit/ mods put their ass to work and disinfect the violent rethoric from this hate-filled cesspool?

>> No.12232775

This post almost seems too easy to make fun of.
>I want all these "insert derogatory slang for opponents political standpoint" to stop for a second and THINK
This is the go-to catchphrase for any person mildly or more interested in politics that conform to their ideology not because of critical thinking, but because they've been taught that it's the right thing to do. Don't do that. Articulate what they're (as in those supporting the ideology you're in disagreement with) wrong about, just encouraging them to "THINK FOR ONE SECOND" is below you.

>Sharing a space with people who would put a bullet between the eyes of people because of their sex, ethnic group, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, etc, disgusts me to no end.
Sharing a space with people who would put a bullet between the eyes of people because of their opinion disgusts me to no end.
See the irony?

>When will /lit/ mods put their ass to work and disinfect the violent rethoric from this hate-filled cesspool?
Do what? Censor anyone the "liberals" disagree with because they can't successfully argue for their own sake?

You're a meme.

>> No.12232794


Knowingly or unknowingly, you're still holding onto someone else's idea of who you should be and how you should talk or think.
Perhaps unconsciously you're afraid of your post history here somehow being leaked and being associated with your real identity, so you want to make sure you say all the right buzzwords to signal that you were still one of the "good guys" engaging in groupthink, despite posting here.

You don't always become right wing here, but you definitely drop the bandwagon shit. It just takes time. I would assume that you came here straight from reddit and haven't been here nearly as long as you want to claim you have.

>> No.12232796

>Because someone who is racist/sexist/somethingist is someone who either consciously or subconsciously has a prejudice towards people different than them
How can you write this with a straight face and not see the irony? The most bigoted people in the world are today's extreme liberals. They entirely incompetent of even listening to anything other than their own ideology.

>> No.12232797

how's that new asshole feeling, OP? breezy?

>> No.12232800

yeah but that's not opinions is it? That's judging somebody based on race, which might be backed up on statistics(or not but either way)

it's not the same as refusing to accept different opinions

for example shouldnt the non-bigot technically say 'i tolerate both racist and antiracist opinions'

>> No.12232812

If you want others to stop for a moment and uncritically think like you, you must first stop for a moment and think uncritically think like others.
Try to understand their fears and desires without degenerating into hateful parody.
If this is difficult for you, then understand that you still operate in the same mode of violent rhetoric that you seek to "disinfect".

>> No.12232813

Asshole feeling bretty good :DD.

But seriously. I don't see the irony, because I don't want to kill a section of the populace. Many, albeit not all, /pol/ types do.

>> No.12232820
File: 247 KB, 980x727, 354928033205018c46397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 in 10 threads on this board are bait threads

fuck jannies

>> No.12232821

Go to Hell.

>> No.12232824


Kek you are consumed by ideology

>> No.12232837
File: 29 KB, 377x412, noooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread will end and OP will not be any smarter or more willing to criticize the opinions she borrowed from MSNBC

>> No.12232840

>self-described liberals telling people to "wake up and THINK"
>thinking that you are anything but an object of derision on both the right and the left
>thinking that every racist wants to slaughter all other races when we all know that the definition of "racism" does not imply that in any way (see Japan)

>> No.12232847

I'm not a right winger but I can tolerate the ideas of right wingers much more in an image board format than I can anywhere else. Maybe that has something to do with it, the chan culture just allows for it. It also allows for shit you see on /r9k/ and /lgbt/ though so it's not exactly inherently political and doesn't map on to truth.

Also, /lit/ is one of the more leftist boards, or at least non-liberal.

>> No.12232848

What part of OP's post suggested to you that that was ever a possibility?

>> No.12232852

What are you on about? I just used it as "etc"

>> No.12232860

It's "he".