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File: 121 KB, 900x750, ludwig-wittgenstein-3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12208537 No.12208537 [Reply] [Original]

>Be nasty rich STEMoid
>Regardless unable to crush some puss
>Instead of realizing that words can have multiple meanings and flirting is about vagueness, try hamfist LOGIC and FACTS into language until you kick the bucket.
Is this the peak of analytical philosophy?

>> No.12208560

Time to froth some milk for my frappuccino, faggot. Chop chop. Or no pennies for the tip jar.

>> No.12208561


>> No.12208595

He gave away most of his money.
Most STEM graduates I’ve met are just as hopeless as the lib arts one. No need to delineate when college as a whole is a scam.

>> No.12208628

Capitalism is a scam, the biggest pyramid scheme ever imagined. When the gig is up the rich .01% plan to implement neo-feudalism, as is obvious from their current tactics of accelerating the right towards full fascism to serve as their army of useful idiots, and their continued denial of climate change. They plan to "solve" climate change via mass genocide and authoritarian rule.

>> No.12208672

>They plan to "solve" climate change via mass genocide and authoritarian rule
sounds like a dream and I'm ready to go to sleep.

>> No.12208681

His sisters were aryanized by the nazis. This is the power of Wittgenstein.

>> No.12208698

And with any luck, we'll start with you.

>> No.12208718

>>Be nasty rich STEMoid
Wittgenstein was a serious christcuck and carried around copy of the gospel in brief.

>> No.12208751

>write Tractatus, a book of autism
>"I hereby ended philosophy"
>suddenly realise you wrote retarded tripe and everyone's laughing
>write PI, two books of even stronger autism
>"'I hereby solved philosophy"
>suddenly realise that you wrote an even more retarded book and people are feeling second-hand shame now, some guy named Deleuze is pissing himself with laughter
>start writing yet another book

>> No.12208753

you forgot the
>gets more pussy than anon ever will

>> No.12208754
File: 22 KB, 275x183, 8AF61C55-F011-441B-87EA-684C44D818F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has an uncle who is a decent political philosopher at best

>> No.12208819

He was gay you retard

>> No.12209024

you are so fucking dumb

>> No.12209032

He is right though.

>> No.12209054

he was bi

>> No.12209082

I believe in this. Captain America: Civil War, the film, may have been predictive programming for the real civil-war they are attempting to create in America.

>> No.12209090

People are going towards the right because of the policies that the elites have implemented. The mental gymnastics of marxists to fit everything into this neat little left vs right, capitalism vs socialism is laughable.

>> No.12209147

Neoliberal "elite" types are also right wing, just in less obvious way.

>> No.12209176

What? Captain America's side are clearly portrayed to be in the right. He is fighting against hegemony.

>> No.12209181

People aren’t going towards the right. Most people are walking right into the trash can of history.

>> No.12209222

stop watching jay dyer videos and go to bed

>> No.12209227

all philosophers are just incels making up elaborate excuses as to why they can't get laid, while simultaneously trying to get laid by trying to look smart.

>> No.12209306

>stop watching jay dyer videos and go to bed
kek. That guy is undoubtedly the peak of the YouTube autodidacts. So close to being intelligent, and yet so far.

>> No.12210268

Great book, even for the non-religious

>> No.12210297

> dumbass teens don't know witty was a fagcel on par with turing, or about the difference between the tractatus and investigations, apparently.

>> No.12210304
File: 6 KB, 212x238, slywitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12210397

There are plenty philosophers who “got laid” and guess what? They are the worst philosophers they shouldn’t even fall under the category of philosophers.

>> No.12210439

Not sure who that is, I came to my hypothesis independently. I'll check him out.

>> No.12210460

I just meant that I believe the concept of a "civil war", which the film embodies, was placed out into the American (and world) consciousness to subconsciously help it happen in reality's future. This is alongside all the baiting which the media is endlessly doing, be it on tv, youtube, or anywhere, to get the left and right to hate eachother as much as possible.

>> No.12210468

Based Wittgenstein never fails to make contineniggers angry

>> No.12210482

>college is scam
found the brainlet