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File: 47 KB, 674x1024, Basic-Economics-674x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12194549 No.12194549 [Reply] [Original]

Which book turned you away from socialism/communism?

>> No.12194568

jordan peterson xD

>> No.12194570

The more books I read the closer I get towards anarchism

>> No.12194586

you don't need books, just an IQ of more than 80.

>> No.12194610

harry potter

>> No.12194630

I was never a communist because I'm not a fucking loser in life that has to leech off others.

>> No.12194696

t. loser in life that has to leech of others

>> No.12194850

When I was a teen I read Thomas Sowell and was a staunch capitalist. But the older I get, the more I work, the closer I drift towards socialism.

>> No.12194855 [DELETED] 

Communism? The Road to Serfdom

Haven’t been turned off socialism yet though

>> No.12194864

Virgin Communism
Normie Capitalism
Chad Mercantilism

>> No.12194919

Mein Kampf

>> No.12195005
File: 26 KB, 295x475, in defense of global capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Johan Norberg's "In Defence of Global Capitalism". Read it in my native language for lulz when I was teenager after marinading my brain with Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky, America Vera-Zavala and Michael Moore for a few years. "No way someone could actually defend global capitalism LOL let's loan this and laugh at it". Elegant, terse, to the point and utterly devastating rebuke of socialist/commie/anarchist alter-globalisation movement of 00's.

This is best read right after reading No Logo, then alongside No Logo. Norberg uses comparative, quantitative and qualitative analysis while Klein uses emotional appeal and anecdotal cases, then fit those into her narrative. This book opened my eyes to how stupid, deceitful, dishonest and shallow lefties arguments really are. I haven't seen a single redeeming argument from the left to this day. It's always the same drivel based on dishonest emotional manipulation. Gradually I became to hate them.

>> No.12195007

My first pay stub.

>> No.12195013

The more I read, the more I'm pro-communism. Plato is basically Stalin.

>> No.12195026

Severe brain damage, watching Steven Crowder on Youtube and reading TD.

>> No.12195035

anarchism is for braindead teens,

you should be going in the opposite direction

>> No.12195038

Why not read some history instead? That also cures people from communism and socialism. It's easy to become moron if you only read moronic books. Step out of your self-imposed mental asylum for a few months.

>> No.12195043

when you realised your boss deserved your labour value

>> No.12195044

How about you an hero, American

>> No.12195058

Took several books, the one in your image is awesome. Thomas Sowell has a nice way of articulating complex ideas. He'll also make you feel like a retard if you have shit ideas of how the economy is supposed to work. Good humbling read.

>> No.12195102

Why wouldn't you want to learn from history? Because it steps on your ideological sensitivities and you know it? So you remain willingly ignorant. That's even worse than being an utter moron.

>> No.12195801
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This one is pretty good. It covers everything from the knowledge problem, to how socialism destroys the environment, ruins healthcare, and hobbles innovation. It even has something to say about the nouveau socialist "mixed economy" advocates.

>> No.12195962
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This plus an undergrad degree in History

>> No.12196177

wow, that sounds really interesting. mind telling me more about that time marx personally strangled eleventy gorillion ukrainian babies to death with his bare hands?

>> No.12196293

I can't imagine anything worse than global capitalism. LIterally anything would be better.

>> No.12196310

There is something very wrong with leftist mind.

Then you should absolutely read Norberg's book to challenge that.

>> No.12196329

>Then you should absolutely read Norberg's book to challenge that.
I don't need to read it. Global capitalism neccesitates the destruction of plurality in culutre, religion, race, language etc. The only possible outcome is modern America imposing its rot on the rest of the world. And I can't imagine anything worse than that.

>> No.12196331

What is socialism, and what is capitalism?

>> No.12196336

Don't you feel embarrassed thinking like this?

>> No.12196338

You're going to have to be a bit more specific anon

>> No.12196342

isn't the road to serfdom a warning against the centralised keynesian welfare states that capital was generating?

communism involves stateless society

>> No.12196343

I never required a lot of turning away from communism. I went through a brief spell of being interested in it in my late teens which faded. But I found Camus' The Rebel matched up nicely with my own criticisms of communism.

>> No.12196344

I believe in autonomous forms of government. If a society deems convenient literally fucking anything then they can do it.

>> No.12196345

Can you give some examples of the arguments that changed your mind before I read it?

>> No.12196351

Your post is incredibly cliche. It's the same shit you see people spewing on 4chan and twitter all the time. Don't you feel bad being this unoriginal?

>> No.12196360

Sure, he should be embarrassed for not reducing the entire human experience down to commerce--the only thing that really matters in the end. Right, my fellow goyim?

>> No.12196364

Nothing. I'm well-versed in economics as well before anyone starts memeing me, you're a 120 iq brainlet if you think understanding how the capitalist economy functions "refutes" socialism, let alone absolves capitalism of its numerous atrocities. But it doesn't matter, you guys won and now the biosphere is going to collapse as the capitalists continue to extract every last drop of profit from everything that was once good and beautiful in this world. Your stupidity and the retardation of the marxist-leninists has doomed us. I hope you're happy.

>> No.12196369

>Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky, America Vera-Zavala and Michael Moore
christ, no surprise you were so easily swayed. hint: little good leftism has ever come out of north america

>to how socialism destroys the environment
you're thinking of capitalism, with its endless drive to accumulate, produce, and grow

>nouveau socialist "mixed economy" advocates
mixed economy in practice means a slightly softened capitalism

not many people itt know this, my friend

>> No.12196370

It's also pretty cliche to suggest that the Earth is round, that doesn't make it wrong. Your idea that "originality" is of any worth whatsoever shows how utterly stupid you are to be honest senpai.

>> No.12196383

>christ, no surprise you were so easily swayed. hint: little good leftism has ever come out of north america
Do you have any recommendations of good leftists to read?

>> No.12196391

Georges Sorel is breddy gud

>> No.12196399

Yes but you have to remember the average political discussion on this board is composed primarily of /pol/ retards who think that hillary clinton is a communist

>> No.12196401
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>> No.12196417
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I still like libsocs though. Just barely.

>> No.12196421

It's more generally filled with underage strawmanning fsvgots from Reddit, tumble, and resetera who keep forgetting to lie about their age everywhere blaming the containment board for anytime they come across a right wing opinion in 4chan

>> No.12196427

Lucien Van der Welt, Rudolph Rocker, and Bookchin are all good reads

>> No.12196430

you have to go back

>> No.12196431

>Little good leftists have come from America
That's just totally false though. Anyone who believes this is a moron of the highest calibre

>> No.12196433

>implying this is a lefty board
oh i am laffin

>> No.12196439

Marx's capital by itslef

>> No.12196440

Been here since 09 m8, before you newfags complaining about muh /pol/ boogeyman it was muh /b/ boogeyman. Just shut the fuck up and read the FAQ. There are no board identities beyond shitposting and cancerous tripfagging

You have no idea how stupid you are when you claim that an entire board is monolithic on an anonymous chan based forum you absolute monkey

>> No.12196445
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>you should be going in the opposite direction

>> No.12196448

>i love waging

>> No.12196450
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>thinking stateless communism is even remotely possibe

>> No.12196453

Better than starving desu

>> No.12196454

>waste all your time on the coputer
Do you even do something productive beyond perpetuate yourself and your basics incstints?

>> No.12196466

Getting a job and buying property did it.

>> No.12196467

Basic knowledge of history turned me off of Communism, but socialism I remain lukewarm on. While I do not have strong faith in its viability, the goal of improving the life of the many via the proper distribution of existing resources is a noble one.

>> No.12196476

Personally I like my leftism to be reasonably relevant to modern western capitalism. Please understand that this list will betray my biases.
In the (mostly) political/social sphere:
Ralph Miliband
Laclau + Mouffe
in (mostly) economics:
David Harvey
Wolfgang Streeck
Paul Mason

Good regular publications are the new left review, the socialist register, and capital and class.


I said north america, plenty has come from south america. north has some exceptions, feel free to list a few if you'd care to

communism is stateless, please read its opening paragraph on wikipedia.

>> No.12196478
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 1543898924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no hope. Just look at this thread. Everyone in this thread is a complete mongoloid and yet also somehow more intelligent than 95% of the population. Meaningful change will never occur and all you swine will keep shitposting with glee about how the status quo is actually good even as the environment collapses and the last shreds of authentic human life are commodified and sold back to the oblivious normies, which you'll laugh at and mock and proclaim your superiority to, all while consuming the same shit just marketed differently. What a wretched world.

>> No.12196489

Attitudes like yours are why the world is not yet a good place.

>> No.12196490

>communism is stateless, please read its opening paragraph on wikipedia.
Yes I know that, you fucking autist. I was mocking the idea of statelessness

>> No.12196491

Justify your statement.

>> No.12196502
File: 74 KB, 880x698, Venezuela-Cuba Plan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You obviously need pic related.

>> No.12196513

absolutely not true, the world is a bad place because it's full of shitheads. that anon's pessimism is wellfounded and to call it the source of the world's problems is completely retarded

>> No.12196516

Giving up on any possibility of the world becoming a better place prevents you from causing any positive change. This attitude, when spread over large groups of people, causes perpetual misery as people lament the poor state of the world while crying about how there is no hope to improve. You, individually, are not the problem. You are just one small part of it.

>> No.12196525

I'll agree that claiming it is the sole cause is false, that was hyperbole on my part. However, I still argue that it is a contributing factor. See >>12196516

>> No.12196530

Fuck off. We are literally mere DECADES away from environmental catastrophe and the vast majority of people are still REEEEEEing about how communism is bad and we need to uphold capitalism. It is absolutely inconceivable that even the rich and technologically advanced west can become carbon neutral in that timeframe, let alone the rest of the world. We're so fucked it's not even funny.

>> No.12196535

do you seriously think communism is viable and would even help the problem?
also how do you know we're decades from environmental catastrophe?

>> No.12196545

dont you have to get back to making someone else rich?

>> No.12196561

Bookchin, Chomsky, Daniel De Leon, a lot of the Beatniks, Albert and Lucy Parsons. The United States was a major contributors to both anarchistic and syndicalist movements internationally. Galleani moved here for a reason

That's not insignificant at all

>> No.12196566

Atlas shrugged
>can't believe I'm the 1st one to mention it

>> No.12196569

>do you seriously think communism is viable and would even help the problem?
I'm not a communist and I'm not going to devolve this into a fight about leftist ideologies. The fact of the matter is that the global economy is killing the earth. I care about stopping that, use whatever system you want to accomplish it.
>also how do you know we're decades from environmental catastrophe?
It's the scientific consensus. The IPCC report is good and everyone should read it

>> No.12196571

Terrible book.

>> No.12196578

Extremely underated for the most retarded reasons imaginable , and i despise Ayn Rand

>> No.12196590

You absolutely need to read it precisely because you are stuck on leftist simpleton mindset of "all good things = socialism, all bad things = capitalism".

Global capitalism has drastically reduced not only absolute poverty (to such extent that definition of it has been ramped upwards twice yet it's still way lower than before), but also income rift between first, second and third world. Global GDP share of first world was much higher in 80's than is now. All this is evident now (China's special economic zones and India's opening since 90's as prime go-to pointers), but it wasn't evident then. Klein & other leftist mudminds were and are still stuck on muh exploitation muh sweatshops, never looking at larger picture, like I said, just appeal to emotion and anecdotes shoved to fit their pre-existing narrative.

>christ, no surprise you were so easily swayed. hint: little good leftism has ever come out of north america
All leftist arguments with some connection to real world are like what I described, or highly theoretical philosophical exercises with no connection to reality. I have no interest in latter since results of its applications have been devastating without a single exception, and former type is total horse shit to anyone who is willing to listen to arguments from other side which are way more solid. There is no value whatsoever to any leftist thought.

>> No.12196601


T. Venezuelan.

>> No.12196604

You didn't get communism/socialism though. Just some extreme welfare state run by crazy shitskins like chavez.

>> No.12196608

that happens every time self-proclaimed commies get ahold of a country

>> No.12196610


In other words, socialism.

>> No.12196614
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>> No.12196631
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>> No.12196633

>you are stuck on leftist simpleton mindset of "all good things = socialism, all bad things = capitalism".
I'm neither a socialist nor a capitalist. My whole worldview is a rejection of the materialistic box that both socialism and capitalism are stuck in. Some of us think there is more to the world than production of good and generation of capital

>> No.12196634

Kek hust kek

>> No.12196637

"A group of people agree, therefore it's true."

>> No.12196638


>Chávez, a declared marxist.
>Absolute control of the economy.
>Admired the Cuban/Soviet model.
>Control of the media.
>Applied exactly the same policies that turned to shit every country in which it was a tried.
>But not a socialist.

Even though I lived 20 years under chavism, thanks for the explanation. Where did you read it?

>> No.12196647

Do you think Venezuelas refusal to cooperate with American/ZOG foreign policy was a part of the current problem? It's funny how the few countries that are outside of America's financial influence (Syria, Iran, Venezuela) attract so many problems

>> No.12196655

Fine. But at least get smart about that materialist part.

>> No.12196663

Max Stirner and Ayn Rand
>muh ancap is a meme

>> No.12196667

Yes, environmental catastrophe is inevitable. Nothing we do will avoid it. It is not, however, the end. Rather than mourning preemptively for a non-existent apocalypse, it would be better to focus on how people can adapt to survive the change as best we can.

>> No.12196680

Do you even understand the meaning of buzzwords you parrot? /pol/ now, just like /b/ then, is an entry point board with highest concentration of pubbie retards and underage fags. There's no "boogie-man" - it's simply the reality that both of those boards are responsible for cancer spreading elsewhere. Except /pol/ also equips it with additional baggage of schizophrenic shit and "red pills".
>oh no no no stop generalizing hashtag not all polyps
Neck yourself, triple nigger. Post-2008 always-newfags must only lurk forevermore.

>> No.12196690

It is a meme. Anarchism is always a meme.

>> No.12196707
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Problem of economic calculation coming through

>> No.12196721


>> No.12196723


>> No.12196728


The first review here by Natasha seems to btfo the book.

>> No.12196734

>alt right e-celebs which most of them haven't aported nothing of value to economics
unironically kys

>> No.12196735

>Absolute control of the economy
>Admired the Cuban/Soviet model
Do you know what socialism is?

>> No.12196742

I don't think anyone needs a fucking book to tell them global poverty's gone down

>> No.12196743

Room temperature IQ Chap Trap House fans could btfo global capitalism lmao

>> No.12196745


>> No.12196759

The CIA turned me away from capitalism. If that system is so great why does the CIA need to destory countries to feed it?

>> No.12196770

>pol/ now, just like /b/ then, is an entry point board with highest concentration of pubbie retards and underage fags
Except /a/, /pol/, /v/, /b/, and /tv/ have always been the most popular boards you dumb nigger. So youve been here longer than 09 but you've beeen too autistic to figure out the point of having different boards and no usernames?

Well, I guess you definitely are an oldfag then because that's some of the most intense autism possible

>> No.12196773
File: 100 KB, 498x460, 1480611256595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To every socialist, it always goes like this
>good things = socialism
>bad things = not socialism
Hence, because all self-proclaimed socialist experiments with proclaimed intention to build communism went to deep shit, it was never real socialism, while simultaneously they do tremendous mental gymnastics to claim countries such as Denmark that have never declared themselves socialist or even to be striving towards socialism, because lots of good things in such places. Leftism is a severe mental illness.

>> No.12196780

>absolute control of the economy


>> No.12196783

>There's no "boogie-man" - it's simply the reality that both of those boards are responsible for cancer spreading elsewhere
Newfags are going to newfag no matter how they heard of this place first and /pol/ has the same traffic as /v/ and /tv/ for multiple different reasons besides whatever faggotry you think you poser scum

>> No.12196788

Define socialism and communism please.

>> No.12196789


>> No.12196792

things I don't like so bad

>> No.12196804

Socialism is the workers owning the means of production. Communism is the abolition of private property in favor of a stateless society.

>> No.12196806

human nature

>> No.12196808

>stateless society.
what did they mean by this exactly

>> No.12196813

Quixotic utopianism , anon.

>> No.12196823

No hierarchies

>> No.12196826

Capitalism is as equally degenerate as Communism, and Socialism is egalitarian nonsense.

>> No.12196835

Impossible and illogical

>> No.12196840

Everyone working happily together and giving needy people what they need from all that prosperity in delusional fuckwit commie theory.

Roving warlords pillaging, killing, enslaving and raping in historically proven practice.

>> No.12196843

I know but that is what the mean by statelessness

>> No.12196848

Italian here. In high school my philosophy teacher came into class the day after elections with her left fist held high and yelled "I VOTED [COMMUNIST PARTY]"
I didn't have much political consciousness at the time (I still don't) but that made me cringe

>> No.12196856

You have to balanceout her dumb choice by voting for CasaPound next time.

>> No.12196874

>spends his free time watching anime

>> No.12196879

tumblr posts
I became nazbol

>> No.12196882

Gross, average fascists have single digit IQ
I vote M5S. At least they make an effort to stay uncorrupt.

>> No.12196883
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>> No.12196891

>weak on immigration
>plebeian democracy

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12196897

This is one of the most Reddit threads in /lit/ history.

>> No.12196908

buttblasted commie

>> No.12196922

I don't like them but they're the least shitty party

>>weak on immigration
it's ok we have Salvini

>> No.12196926

but there are two instances of 'nigger' itt

>> No.12196929

this is one of the most /lit/ replies in reddit history

>> No.12197449

This. Socialism throuroughly BTFO'd as far back at the 1920's

>> No.12197483

>But the older I get, the more I work, the closer I drift towards socialism
said no one

>> No.12197600

I actually know one such case. Was libertarian studying STEM field, but failed to get even undergrad degree in 6 years time, dropped out and converted to far-left socialism overnight. Suddenly, after his own personal failure, society owed him.

>> No.12197793

I know someone slightly similar - worked with him during high school summers, and remained friends for sometime after
>naturally gifted through public highschool - pretty right wing/capitalist at this time
>doesn't necessarily need to work hard to achieve perfect grades, excellent SAT
>full ride in CS to top 40 US university, not necessarily an amazing school, but pretty damn good for a full ride
>takes it pretty easy by his own account and mutual friends' accounts
>still achieves decent grades, but not as high as others, or as he would have liked
>post graduation summer - slightly starts to blame capitalism for failure to "reward" those with such "high quality", especially URM - stems from the fact he still doesn't have employment
>blames "the system" and slightly blames Catholicism (he was raised Catholic)
>resolves to attend grad school in AI at top 10 institution
>doesn't fully commit to academics (by own admission) - ends up switching to easier grad degree in CS
>focuses more on participating in "the arts" instead of his degree
>performs poorly, academically speaking
>squeaks by and graduates
>still can't find a job
>his fury against "the system" exacerbates throughout all his own academic mistakes
>100% socialist/commie now

>> No.12197969

Ordered, got anything else? I can recommend Peter Zeihan for geopolitics.

>> No.12198209

>Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, John Oliver, Sam Harris, Richard Spencer
>alt right
Are you actually fucking retarded?

>> No.12198256
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Not really, it's very throughout and in that sense unique and quite sufficient. Norberg's "När människan skapade världen" is also excellent and more historical take on subject... oh wait, actually, pic related is excellent and does about same job. It describes how economic interaction between human groups built current global trade network, starting from stone age, and how those who failed to participate stagnated and often disappeared in puff. University reading that reads like popsci, excellent.

I also read basic university economics textbook and actually tried to once more to see if left could persuade me by reading Stiglitz' "Price of Inequality" (could not). I actually recommend reading leftist pulp from time to time, after some basic economics, In Defense and Human Web it only serves to induce cringe.

Lately I'm interested what causes leftism in the first place beyond childish naivety (like I was when I was literally 12) and am reading into totalitarianism and history of socialism. There is something very disturbing about seemingly smart socialist people over 30, let alone boomer commies who never let go of their commie radicalism despite witnessing first-hand collapse of East-Bloc and what ruin it was in. For that, Robert Lifton's "Thought Reform and Psychology of Totalism" is very good.

>> No.12198275

none, my parents were communists and I lost my teenage years inside the party, by 20 I was completely sick of it all. Worst kind of manipulators and hypocrites I ever met.
I did read Animal Farm though

>> No.12198411

The only correct answer

>> No.12198477
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Market Socialism coming through.

>> No.12198482

George Orwell was a socialist and said every word he ever wrote was for socialism.

>> No.12198516

Americans shouldnt be allowed to post here

>> No.12198532

"it's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism"
Don't bother, we are a failed species and capital will suck the life out of earth before we do something about it

>> No.12198538


Nothing. I'm not a retard. Anarcho-communism is the future, if we have one at all due to climate change.

>> No.12198565

Bold assumption

>> No.12198577

I read the Book of Mormon and got saved

>> No.12198608

I actually am struggling to understand how studying history could make you support capitalism and the nation state.

>> No.12198632

>The goal of cultural critique in the Kali-Yuga is to reinforce and substantiate the suspicion of suspicious individuals and to encourage their discreet disengagement from the irreversible death trip, the great Death March, whose increasing visibility is beginning to transform their insistent surmise into somber, casual or bemused certitude. And because what we face is not a constellation of vexing ‘problems’ but an inevitable, providential and ultimately illusory cosmic situation, which means, stated bluntly, that there is no possibility of successful ameliorative intervention, no ‘solutions’ will be proposed.
-Marty Glass, Yuga: An Anatomy of Our Fate-

>> No.12198737
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>In Defence of Jewish International Finance
You got bluepilled

>> No.12198813

I am old, anon, I read the predictions of an impending ice age, then that Manhattan would be underwater this year. Neither has happened yet. I know one thing, though, CO2 is not a pollutant, and these attempts to suppress our use of fossil fuels through things like coercive taxation (as in France) are just a means to send our Industry to China where REAL pollution, like heavy metals and SO2, pours out of factories worked by virtual slaves... But the French are resisting, and the world is watching! Interesting times, anon!

>> No.12198856
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As if the climate never changed? Climate change is part of an inevitable cycle, humans cannot mitigate it, they must adapt, as they always have.

>> No.12198879

Be strong Anon, we can't let these Ghouls win

>> No.12198915

and I'm struggling to understand if you're being serious

>> No.12199104

That'll do it.

>> No.12199149

>Norberg uses comparative, quantitative and qualitative analysis
garbage in garbage out

>> No.12199154

>Yes, environmental catastrophe is inevitable.
No it's not
>Nothing we do will avoid it.
Nothing YOU do will avoid it because you're a pro-capitalist. You're incapable of stopping catastrophe the same way a bird can't read.

>> No.12199157

this is the average 4chan cappie, basic economics + libertarian pop econ books

>> No.12199162
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*rejects class warfare*

>> No.12199166

Marx was right about so much but wrong about where the future was headed, we're going to Cyberpunk Neo-feudalism

>> No.12199184

>CO2 is not a pollutant,
based retard

>> No.12199228

First grade mathematics.

>> No.12199306

Said me. I was serious. Renting myself to someone who makes several times what I earn despite working less is simply immoral. The company could run without him just fine.

>> No.12199384

Retard. The whole point of the problem of economic calculation is to show that market socialism can't work

>> No.12199408

the more I read, the more of a Monarchist I become

>> No.12199410

This man is amazing and I've only read 3 of his books (currently reading 4th). What a genius, and how forgotten. First time when I had the feeling of 'I wish this guy was alive to answer questions now'. Completely rewired my thinking in the sense that I had already leaned and thought the way he he thinks, but he is far more intelligent and systematic compared to my high school drop out white trash brain that was just stumbling in the dark.

>> No.12199414

find a better job you fucking retard

>> No.12199427

>high school drop out white trash
No wonder you're such an impressionable cretin

>> No.12199432

There's nothing wrong with any of this. Society can make room for the underperforming ones (me). That it does not do so is not because of impossibility but because we think modern civil society is the only acceptable form of social organisation.

Cause it's that easy, fuckface.

>> No.12199433

I'm stupid as fuck yeah I know, I didn't understand socialism and I deserve to be gulagged when Kamala Harris gets elected.

>> No.12199435

i LOVE thomas sowell. real history of slavery is amazing

>> No.12199444

Because every time some "Utopia" prattling simpleton gains power to implement his ideology, it inevitably turns to shit.

>> No.12199448

But this is a new phenomenon. And nationalism/capitalism are not the natural state of affairs preceding totalitarian ideologies. They come about at around the same time when totalitarian ideologies have such sway.

>> No.12199461

I’m basically a communist. Capitalism is cancer. AMA

>> No.12199468

Have Communists even gotten over Ricardo, if not they're basically retarded capitalists. Of course immediate post-Marx commies and marxists ignored his economic foundation completely because it was rotten.

>> No.12199539

firsto posto besto posto

>> No.12199654

just go green, grandpa. the proles are lost, now we need to save the world

>> No.12199665

Death only knocks sometimes, the debut novel by A. Wyatt Mann

>> No.12199679
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, capitalism-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Blocks socialism's path*

>> No.12199691

>after marinading my brain with Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky, America Vera-Zavala and Michael Moore for a few years. "No way someone could actually defend global capitalism LOL let's loan
Did you set out to read the weakest leftist thinkers by choice?

>> No.12199706

Well that's not exactly true and if you lived there you must understand the economy had no more "absolute control" than in say the Scandinavian countries... most of the bad signs under Chavez was the really bad cronyism in the oil industry... Venezuela had a lower tax rate than in fucking America fyi

>> No.12199710

>Friedrich Hayek-person who thinks hitler was marxist socialist

>> No.12199717
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Marx was right about history but by spelling it out he broke it. 20th century socialism was an authoritarian failure despite the many marxists that opposed authoritarianism, and in the 21st capital has become unstoppable. The end of mankind is closer than the end of capitalism.There are no brakes on this train and we're speeding toward a fucking wall.
Eat, drink, and be merry. Nothing can be done.

>> No.12199725

and he prefer liberal dictatorship instead democratic government lacking liberalism

>> No.12199740

The USSR was the highest hope for humanity and it was ruined by revisionists. True socialism exists and it's what Stalin wanted to do.

>> No.12199750

Glad to hear it.

>> No.12199762

>as they always have
Nah things often die out, and humans will too. There's just gonna be very little pleasantries until that final hour.

>> No.12199797
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duh imbeCile

>> No.12199836

Yeah, likely, which very much implies lefties skipped basic economics entirely because they are still lefties.

Let's look at hatemail from leftists now....

>every type of analysis is garbage because it doesn't support my retarded ideology
the post

>does not do so
social security exists, maybe you want forced labour camps instead?

>most prominent leftist intellectuals of era were weak
at least we can agree on that

He's swedish.

>> No.12199847

I'll keep that in mind. Enjoy your forced labour to death, it's for common good, don't be bourgeois now comrade.

>> No.12199860

>Society can make room for underperforming ones (me)
Sounds like you may suffer from his same issue. The guy was someone naturally talented who let his gift go to waste, and then blamed others for no longer elevating him as "intelligent/gifted", instead of fixing his work ethic and temporal commitment. It is a classic example of diverting blame from yourself to others/government. Unironically, this guy, who is ~3 years older than me, redpilled me into committing myself completely in my latter undergrad years, allowing me to have the inverse trajectory of his. It got me into a pretty top tier US medical school, so I'm thankful that I was able to extrapolate something from his excuses and deflected blame. That being said, I can say one thing optimistic for you: it's never too late to change, anon. Best of luck.

>> No.12199862

There's little difference between forced labour in a camp and forced labour in a minimum wage job. Essentially, neither give you any reason to stay alive. Also I don't know why anyone takes Naomi Klein seriously and Michael Moore is not an intellectual.

>> No.12199877

Then kill yourself.

>> No.12199880

I might :)

>> No.12199881

Good. One commie fuckwit less.

>> No.12199884

Weber and Pareto.

>> No.12199895

Good suggestions, thanks. I'm a recovering leftie (albeit, not socialist level) who's starting to come around to how wrong I was (only mid-20s so not so bad I guess).

>> No.12199925
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pragmatic socialism/authoritarian centrism/sino-fascism is the most efficient system on earth and outcompeting both socialist and liberal economies.

western humanism was a break on capitalism, not a throttle.

>> No.12199930

tru dat

>> No.12199964
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We will see how it survives the Apple Cart Man first. Trump has his boot on the neck of Huawei and Treasury itching to blow its head off. That's disregarding how utterly leveraged Chinese stocks and housing markets are (technically if USA starts killing Chinese banks we can start picking funeral songs for China)

> western humanism was a break on capitalism, not a throttle.
Western Liberalism came up with laissez faires capitalism which definitely was not a break, but I agree in the 21st and latter half of 20th century snese with you.

>> No.12200032

there is a reasonable goodwill review saying that the book uses a lot of cherry picked statistics. what do you think?

>> No.12200062

This. The next recession will make it clear how awful capitalism is for those that are not in control.

>> No.12200070

>implying it is possible under capitalism to be paid what you're worth

shut the fuck up and die, brainlet

>> No.12200074

>conflating "outcompeting" with growth
>implying centralized state capitalism is "pragmatic socialism"


>> No.12200075
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Yes he's swedish, just like 20% of the population in Israel is actually Russian.

>> No.12200081

You mean when another government propped up fiasco explodes on the face of people holding the bags? That's more of an argument against government interference in free market context. It hurts when price, incentive and value structures which are coerced by government realign themselves.

>> No.12200084

Norberg is a swedish name

>> No.12200100

Granted your free market, where you offer services/goods you can provide, includes division of labor + private property (which precludes you from getting revenue from tax stream, which is coercive factor introduced against free market), you'll get paid what you are worth as estimated by others who might or might not hire you.

Other interpretation leads to state coercion against employees and to >>12200081 these inefficiency effects which can lead to very destructive shocks.

>> No.12200102

>every single left winger is deported there
>They are not allowed to trade
right, and no consideration is made as to the carrying capacity of Cuba or Venezuela. What even is that, amiright?
Thank you for this fine example the mental retardation of capitalists. This is how you people actually think. Excellent.

>> No.12200131

Does anybody seriously defend the labor theory of value? I was under the impression that economists abandoned the idea completely but I still see people talking about not getting paid what they're worth as if it's possible to objectively determine value outside of two consensual parties agreeing to a cost. If you disagree then please define the labor theory of value and explain why i should believe it. If you can't do this then you should know that you're talking nonsense.

>> No.12200133

>not true capitalism

>> No.12200140

I have meetings with bank board of directors and they believe in it.

It is not a true or not true capitalism what's the issue. Once you have free markets with division of labor and private property, you have true capitalism, but introducing government coercion to some markets (ie. employment or banking) puts up dangerous disruptive signals to information with in it that screw up with the individuals making decision in there.

>> No.12200147

Yes, a government going "hands on" is not the same thing as "hands off" economics. You types like to repeat this phrase because you've heard it so much in reference to communism and its defenders but it really doesn't apply.

>> No.12200151

>government propped up fiasco
I hope you realize that the wealthy and the banks profit from this all the time. When you're rich it is very easy to abuse a system that you can influence with your money. The government is owned by the rich, it isn't the other way around. The sugar industry pushed the message that fat is bad and sugar is fine and the government accepted their bribes. They then proceeded to spread the anti-fat meme which is still believed today. Also, in 2008, don't you know that the banks knew that the government would bail them out? Now if we didn't have a government we would have a pound of sugar in every meal that we eat, we would all drive the least efficient cars and we would have been slaughtered by 2008. Also, the meme spread by the wealthy is UBI because they know that the population will get replaced by robots very soon and they don't want to go out like the French monarchy. This is just the beginning of Neo-serfdom. The rich and the government are at fault. One for creating the problems and the other for allowing them to happen.

Would you argue that the rich don't deserve to be taxed more? There is a difference between equality and equity.

It is, sorry. Anything ending in berg is sudpicious though.

>> No.12200178
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> don't you know that the banks knew that the government would bail them out?
Banks have known they will be bailed out since around 18th century when governments around Europe came against free banking.
> Would you argue that the rich don't deserve to be taxed more?
'deserve' is not in economic vocabulary, as far as laws and contracting goes, as per age old pacta sunt servanda, nobody without their explicit consent should be taxed at all and once you are working here, you realize how stupid idea of taxes is in general; and all that gibberish about Rosseua/Locke/Hobbes implicit social contract theory is hogwash gnosticism.

I'm obviously Moldbuggian if you have trouble locating where I'm coming from, and to clear any confusion. Let Bezos buy USA and make it great again.

>> No.12200248

>Anything ending in berg is sudpicious though.
Yeah, if you're retarded.

>> No.12200269

Are you?

>> No.12200279

this. socialists are the antinaturalists who refuse to elevate themselves beyond our materialistic shackles. technology is the breaking of the chains of materialism.

>> No.12200281

>posts on a mongolian yak exchange forum
>comparisons to Castro
inb4 Miami Herald contributor with dual citizenship

>> No.12200298
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>socialism is bad
>no you're thinking of capitalism XD rekt

>> No.12200341

Not who you're responding to but banking institutions are structurally always teetering on the edge of bankruptcy and they merged interests with states by underwriting their bonds LONG before the 18th century. Political economy emerged as a branch of moral philosophy and offered an "intellectual" solution to who deserves what.
Instead of reading books on law you should read about the real historical process in how plots of land came into the possession of their initial owners... you'll realize the privilege to own anything wasn't just metaphysical but was more pure appropriation, the legitimization comes later. A good book on this is: "Land Title Origins: A Tale of Force and Fraud":

>> No.12200352


If someone is still a conservative free marketeer, but has an inkling of historical awareness, especially if one is struggling to make a living, then it is better to send them to gulags.

>> No.12200353

Based, I agree completely

>> No.12200362

You confuse what I said; I merely pointed out end of free banking in 18th Century Europe.

> Political economy emerged as a branch of moral philosophy and offered an "intellectual" solution to who deserves what.
It's baked in your own productivity. Any distribution is coercion unless it's charity by the individual.

>> No.12200367

> charity
or contracted*

>> No.12200372

>no coercion is justifiable

>> No.12200374

I didn't weigh on the moralities of it. I pointed out what it is: without consent.

>> No.12200381

Source? I know he believed that hitler was a socialist (which he was) but I was unaware of the marxist part

>> No.12200386

> Hitler was a socialist.
Idiotic National Review boomerism that focuses way too much on particular government policy instead of the larger context. He was far right as far right can be in '33 and in '18.

>> No.12200399

>You confuse what I said; I merely pointed out end of free banking in 18th Century Europe.
Well you're wrong since free banking existed in many places in the 19th century.

>It's baked in your own productivity. Any distribution is coercion unless it's charity by the individual.
Claiming distribution is a factor of "productivity" is convenient and is more of a pre-scientific moral statement. The grand majority of distribution isn't determined by individuals but corporate boards of directors and governmental policy... charity by any individual is hardly a factor in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.12200401

Source? I'm aware that he thought hitler was a socialist (which he was) but i was unaware of the marxist part

>> No.12200406

Ignore this, phoneposting and my internet is shit

>> No.12200417

>Still using the left/right false dichotomy
Economically he was a socialist. There's no denying that he was also a collectivist, which is far from free market individualism. Where does Hayek say he was a marxist though?

>> No.12200422

Yes, Hitler was of the right. He was also a socialist. Over half the German economy was directly controlled by the government which is more than Venezuela today. The other half of the economy was controlled indirectly through government granted monopoly rights. Read the Wages of Destruction or literally any other study on the German economy.

The only people I've seen deny this have no idea what socialism is or confuse it with Marxism, as if socialism didn't exist before Marx. They're fucking idiots.

>> No.12200423

Of course they are cherrypicked, he is making a strong case in just 255 pocket book pages + 13 pages of references. I'm all ears if your "reasonable goodwill review" manages to pick out even one that is blatantly false. It's very easy to shout that something is incomplete presentation of reality when everything is incomplete presentation of reality.

>> No.12200431

All statistics are cherry picked.

>> No.12200442

According to alter-globalisation movement, it was global trade, multinational corporations and organisations such as OECD and World Bank loans that were to blame for Argentina's bancrupcy, not Argentina's retarded quasi-socialist economical policy. It's obvious you must not participate in such a monstrous oppressive system. It's for your own good, from your own mouths, who am I to judge your convictions.

>> No.12200444

socialism in context of Marxism has very different meaning from just "objective" state level collective policies which must be taken good care of not to conflate though.

I assumed you came from the retarded Boom Nat school which says (by saying Hitler was a socialist) that Hitler was a lefty, which just makes all sorts of garbled nonsense of the NG history - sorry if I got this wrong.

>> No.12200446

So the book isnt better than an appeal to emotions or anecdotal evidence? Cool.

>> No.12200454

>The sugar industry pushed the message that fat is bad and sugar is fine and the government accepted their bribes.
> Now if we didn't have a government we would have a pound of sugar in every meal that we eat
Do you suffer from schitzophrenia?

>> No.12200457

he thinks government is god, he is clearly protestant and/or communist.

>> No.12200462

My note was about general nature of statistics. You cherry pick indicators that don't measure the thing it says measures and gibba gabbo goo booga beega loo your argument.

>> No.12200464

There is enormous difference between saying oh look some poor kid is sewing shoes and pointing out causation between rise of millions from absolutely poverty and free market policies.

>> No.12200476
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If investors are so retarded they can't preform assessments to see that "quasi-socialist economical policy" are bad then they should lose everything... if you actually want to understand the actual '''actors''' behind the 80s debt crises in mexico, turkey, poland, argentenia read R.T. Naylor's Hot Money and the Politics of Debt.

>> No.12200489

And investors did lose everything. Nobody wanted to loan to failing quasi-socialist anymore. Their state bonds were bottom tier junk bonds. That's why Argentina ran to World Bank for money as last straw, and World Bank said okay BUT you retards need to do these reforms in order to get loans. That's when alt-globalization went like oh no they can't do that viva socialismo!

Argentina is doing okay now after those reforms btw.

>> No.12200495
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>Argentina is doing okay now after those reforms btw.

It is absolutely not.

>> No.12200505
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Prime example of how leftists are leftists because they don't understand jackshit about basic economics. Pray tell me, is Japan suffering hellhole because of this currency exchange rate? Look, it's three times worse!

>> No.12200518

Case in point, I actually had encounter with gullible leftist IRL who knew jackshit about anything. So she said "minimum wage should be higher" So I said fine with me, it has no effect, only purchasing power matters and it has nothing to do with how many monetary units one gets per hour, Japanese get like 1000 yen an hour minimum, do you really think they can thus afford new iPhone every hour?
"Yes", she said.

>> No.12200534

i really don't get whats wrong with the people in this chart except a few exceptions like peterson,dawkins and sargon of akkad

>> No.12200542
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>Japan suffering hellhole because of this currency exchange rate?
No, but Arg sure is. They're dollar deficient.

>> No.12200556
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None, the more I read, the more communist I get.

>> No.12200560

They didn't lose everything because international institutions exist to protect them. Anyone that wants to throw money away should lose it and bear the full risk.

Let me guess... you think changes in the minimum wage directly correlate with the same change in the price level? There's better ways to boost real wages but adjusting minimum wage generally does result in decreasing the real cost of living for those at the bottom.

>> No.12200565

Lel, the Chinese market alone for Huawei is larger than US and Europe combined, Trump isn’t doing shit.

>> No.12200567
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>They're dollar deficient.
What does this even mean. That their government and businesses is not buying enough dollars? Then what?

This is the chart you should be looking at

Do you even understand what it means?

>> No.12200574

There's your purchasing power compared to iPhone and it's not much >>12200542. It's losing it's purchasing power to inflation year by year.

>> No.12200577

Don't you know increasing the minimum wage results in equal rate of inflation instantly? Have you no logic, commie?

>> No.12200579
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>the Chinese market alone for Huawei is larger than US and Europe combined

Yeah, try to do business when you get excluded from SWIFT due to violating Iran sanctions and lose the supply chain too.

CN market is only thing you'll have if you don't behave.

>> No.12200593

>They didn't lose everything because international institutions exist to protect them.
If they were smart investors investing in uncertain high risk environment that should be the case, that's a smart move. How securities cost them and what was ROI? It can't be positive in any case, just migitation of losses. Otherwise investors would have been keeping on pumping free money into Argentine forever and World Bank intervention would never happened. Anyways, now you have yielded that Argentina's quasi-socialist economical policy was utter shit and high risk. That's progress.

>Anyone that wants to throw money away should lose it and bear the full risk.

>Let me guess... you think changes in the minimum wage directly correlate with the same change in the price level?
I don't think, I know.

>> No.12200603

the real redpill is hating capitalism, fascism, socialism, communism and liberalism equally

>> No.12200615
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No, that's purchasing power of one single foreign item. Overall PPP has been going up like hot balloon since 2002. I'll wager problem is in customs. Again, leftist shitbrains draw conclusions from one anecdote to drive their stupid agenda and blatantly refuse to look at bigger picture and search for more plausible reasons for that anecdotal outlier.

And here is your fucking inflation, it's eurozone levels, even below right now.

>> No.12200622
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>try to do business when you get excluded from SWIFT due to violating Iran sanctions and lose the supply chain too.
You do realize a consortium of nations could create an alternative payments system right? America won't just be able to keep freezing the assets of whoever they don't like forever.

>> No.12200629

Do you even understand what is PPP? Of course you don't, you are communist.

>> No.12200633

Look at the empirical data on price changes where minimum wage goes up. It isn't a direct correlation, prices do go up but the people at the upper end are the ones temporarily losing a bit. And go read Naylor's book on Hot Money:
>Bernie Cornfeld had a secret, which he did not share with the other directors of Investors' Overseas Services. That secret was the ultimate cause of Cornfeld's downfall, as the other directors reacted to a nonexistent liquidity crisis by dumping him from control. The secret was and is that there is a difference between hot money and cool, between the widows mite and the heroin traffickers hoard, between a temporary corporate working balance and a tax-evader's secret offshore bank account. Although IOS was a mutual fund, not a bank, its shares, like bank deposits, were theoretically redeemable on demand. But between 10% and 20% of the money in IOS was felt to be not subject to demands for redemption, for it could not risk exposure. Such examples are not merely of antiquarian interest, for in 1980, when Nugan-Hand Bank came crashing down with a $50 million hole in its accounts, no depositor turned up to claim the missing money. Similarly, when a high-living employee of Morgan Guaranty Bank was investigated, in the spring of 1986, for possibly having illegitimately diverted foreign clients' money, the speculation was that the funds in question were Brazilian flight capital, whose owners were in no position to protest, at least in public.
>Flight capital appearing on a bank's balance sheets is, in accounting terms, no different from other deposits. But, as some of the banks came to realize, it does not always behave like other deposits. It is, like the hot money on the IOS books, de jure a deposit but de facto part of the capital of the banking system. In effect, it is debt that insists on behaving like equity; and it is easy enough to modify accounting procedures to conform to this economic reality.
>If the exchange of debt into equity is legitimate for creditor interests to demand of debtors, it is equally legitimate for debtors to demand of creditors. And the augmented capital of the creditor institutions, which possess the information to determine which deposits are effectively frozen into capital, thus provides a major cushion against which bad debts can be written off without imperiling the solvency of the banking institutions. If those bad debts are those that the debtor countries can identify as illegitimate - deriving from phony invoicing or the looting of the national patrimony by persons enjoying power without responsibility, or caused by the need for borrowing to offset the drain from capital flight-the circle is complete. The 'debt crisis' is resolved by eliminating it at source, leaving the world with a smaller, but considerably wiser banking system, and leaving it free from the overhang of paper obligations that currently blight the economic futures of debtor and creditor countries alike.

>> No.12200644

Das Kapital

>> No.12200650

I also loved "That's Capital" great stuff

>> No.12200654

>empirical data
There's no way to test it empirically, stop abusing the language of science & English.
You are looking at economic history, which cannot itself create a priori laws of economics (this goes against empiricism).

>> No.12200660

>Falling for socialism/communism to begin with
Imagine being that braindead, life must be easy and devoid of hardship if your mind is that incompetent in basic critical thinking.

>> No.12200668

>a priori laws of economics
It doesn't matter if you're a Marxist or Austrian retard if your theory can't explain reality it's useless

>> No.12200688

>prices do go up
Thanks for conceding the point.
>but the people at the upper end are the ones temporarily losing a bit
Thanks for conceding the point. You can see this pattern in Venezuela. They raise wages, prices go up for everyone, claim they were sticking finger to rich people, are baffled why effect doesn't last, raise wages again, same pattern repeats, and because they are socialist like you, they have zero understanding why it happens every time and like brainless chicken they are, don't learn from it. This is the essence of socialist.

As for greentext, just look at this
>there is a difference between hot money and cool, between the widows mite and the heroin traffickers hoard, between a temporary corporate working balance and a tax-evader's secret offshore bank account
thank mr obvious

>> No.12200695

>fails so hard at reading comprehension
But I agree, which is exactly why capitalism is proven to work and socialism is not.

>> No.12200697
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I'm merely suggesting some ontological, etymological & epistemological rigor here. What anon said is empirical test, is not in fact, empirical test.

>> No.12200704

The Geneology of Morality
Beyond Good and Evil
The Antichrist.
et al

I was an anarcho-communist content with my ideals until that son of a bitch slowly over the course of about 3 years disabused me of it.

>> No.12200706

>currency is like real matter man

>> No.12200716
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It's not really 'whoever',they violated America's sanctions on Iran and that's a big no no with Trump and Bolton. Absolute does suck for Huawei. They're going to get the treatment that ZTE didn't get.

>> No.12200721

> not taking the 'Currency is AI' pill.

>> No.12200755

Books about morals? why

>> No.12200760

If my income goes up quicker than prices I don't lose out only those whose wages are not going up are losing. Prices don't tend to increase fast enough so people at the bottom benefit.
Venezuela is a mess for a shit ton of reason and like I said raising minimum wage is not necessarily the best way of raising real income, it usually is just shifting income around which may or may not be desirable. Price controls in Venezuela are one of the things that caused the mess there.

Capitalism and socialism are loaded political terms which essiently mean notting today. You can find all kinds examples of unchecked private control causing disaster and collective control stagnating.

And I said empirical data is all that matters and a priori systems are just ideological baggage blocking you from seeing reality.

And there's many countries that might want to do business with Iran in disregard of what the American congress thinks. You can only shake the boat so much by arresting Chinese business people and freezing the assets of Russians until something gives and they start building an alternative system not controlled by America.

>> No.12200781

>And I said empirical data is all that matters and a priori systems are just ideological baggage blocking you from seeing reality.

But economic history is not empirical data, you'd have to have an empirical test for that, and you cannot do such tests on scales of economies; and empirical test itself run on assumptions of a priori laws of spacetime ffs.

it's more ideological to say economic history is empirical data here, in order to win an argument, ffs, than it is to point out said historical record is not in fact empirical test which produced empirical data - one is conflation one is accuracy of terms.

and as for countries choosing Iran over America as business venture, that's their own risk. maybe China will move US supply chain to Iran since it's great country. Too bad they have major STEM braindrain to USA tho lol.

>> No.12200787

Because socialism is moralism

>> No.12200798
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>economic history is not empirical data
Yes it is. It's just all the buying and selling going on.

>empirical test itself run on assumptions of a priori laws of spacetime ffs.
Go read Against Method by Paul Feyerabend and stop worrying.

>and as for countries choosing Iran over America as business venture, that's their own risk. maybe China will move US supply chain to Iran since it's great country. Too bad they have major STEM braindrain to USA tho lol.
It's not about Iran, that's just one of the many things. America is trying to stop competition from Chinese businesses on the same charges that everyone knows American businesses are doing (i.e. "spying"). America keeps proving if they don't like you they'll try to fuck with you so many in the third world and other countries would be willing to opt into an alternative payment system if it came about.

>> No.12200805

>. It's just all the buying and selling going on.
going on? the past data? going on?
what sort of reverse entropy machine do you have in your house
are you Tesla

>> No.12200817

Wow okay sorry I've been following the thread because I thought you'd convince me but you obviously have no clue about anything at all and are just parroting Bloomberg new level analyses

>> No.12200820

bloomberg is the exact news org who treats historical data as empirical data tho

>> No.12200828
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>> No.12200830

>. America is trying to stop competition from Chinese businesses on the same charges that everyone knows American businesses are doing (i.e. "spying").
and China does the same, they too arrest Americans on charges of business espionage.

>> No.12200840
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>> No.12200844

Why did Nietzsche disabuse me of my leftism?
Because he diagnoses the socialist character as something sickly, which wants to make all things as low as it. It is the reductio ad absurdum of liberalism which is the reductio ad absurdum of Christianity sans god. When I first read him I thought "Interesting critique, I will keep this in my back pocket to keep myself in check." But as time went on I saw exactly what he was saying: the milieu both in my irl life (I was at one point an avid activist) and in how the leftist milieu was evolving on a mass scale. It was all ressentiment. They worship weakness and the weak. What's more, faced with the knowledge that we/they were unable to enact any sort of substantial change to the ordering of the world, most of the milieu frittered away its energy attacking tiny personal issues, the things people say, 'inclusiveness' etc. Gone were the grand designs and most of the left has now contented itself with being an vanguard force for what really is just inclusive capitalism, a strike team for corporate HR departments. Why? Because doing so satisfies their resentment for those it deems to have 'power' and they don't have to expend the Will to enact any real, meaningful and radical change in how the world is ordered. Most leftists today do not care about attacking capitalism, they just want to fling some shit. They've given up completely on the revolutionary subject as first imagined because a workingman is too conventional, he is too powerful, so they advocate for transexual office workers and the like. Because of the fundamental orientation of their ideology, they have made their own 'movement' null and void. revolution is hard so mere ressentiment suffices for them.

>> No.12200847 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12200849

Don't know if pasta or not, but thanks for elaborating.
Have you gone far enough to consider 'Strong must fear the weak'?

>> No.12200851 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12200855

>Gone were the grand designs and most of the left has now contented itself with being an vanguard force for what really is just inclusive capitalism, a strike team for corporate HR departments. Why? Because doing so satisfies their resentment for those it deems to have 'power' and they don't have to expend the Will to enact any real, meaningful and radical change in how the world is ordered. Most leftists today do not care about attacking capitalism, they just want to fling some shit. They've given up completely on the revolutionary subject as first imagined because a workingman is too conventional, he is too powerful, so they advocate for transexual office workers and the like. Because of the fundamental orientation of their ideology, they have made their own 'movement' null and void. revolution is hard so mere ressentiment suffices for them.

Like Land keeps asking over at the Twitter, have any of the LBQT/Intersectionalist considered why capitalist corporations chose them as their battering ram..

>> No.12200856 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.12200865
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>> No.12200866

How can you do an historical inquiry without presupposing space and time retard? How can you do history without time? How can you do history without data? Is historical material all in our heads or found in physical archives?

Where is currency on the other hand? Completely in our heads and in the language we use about it. Does money and economy exist outside of time so that history should be kept outside of its empirical analysis? Money and the economy is not 'real' it is an institutional fiction reproduced by our actions. Do you have no grasp of your own actions and thoughts? Are you a mere dog, recognising friend and foe, even if monochromatically? What is this dogmatic confidence you have, swine?

>> No.12200874
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>> No.12200879
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The left can't meme

>> No.12200885

Yeah what part?

>> No.12200893


Isaiah Berlin's 'The Crooked Timber of Mankind'

>> No.12200894
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>> No.12200896
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>> No.12200913
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Don't forget that libshits are a problem all over the world, except for in the shitholes they love so much. Kek. I'd love to see antifa go to South America and get tossed out a helicopter. Why don't you go help the shitholes?

>> No.12200915

> *
Tell me how you conduct scientific empirical research into effect of just prices in Rome.
You cannot observe it, you cannot experience it, you cannot control it - thus you cannot experiment with it. It's not empirical data or research, per the lack of observable (either by senses or scientific equipment) data called evidence. To call it such is abuse of language and methods.
Record of prices and transactions of the past is just that, economic history. And you cannot deduce or induce laws from history. Because that's just contradiction of logical (non-empirical thinking) or empiricism.

>> No.12200917

>If my income goes up quicker than prices I don't lose out only those whose wages are not going up are losing.
And your real wage is not going up you motherfucking retarded mouthbreathing socialist, only the amount of monetary units you get does, and yes, those who didn't get state sanctioned raise suffer. How hard is this?

>Capitalism and socialism are loaded political terms which essiently mean notting today.
Now you are just being full retard just to avoid argument. Never go full retard.

Fuck yes we will feed, house and clothe you stupid fuckers in morals all you want. Costs us nothing.

>> No.12200920 [SPOILER] 
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muh ekwalitee

>> No.12200938

It has been a nice thread, thank you commies and capitalists.

>> No.12200953

You cannot 'induce' laws, period. Read some fucking Popper or Kuhn or hell even Feyerabend at least you won't be talking shit. You also cannot experiment on humans and have conclusive results. This is what's wrong with psychology and economics and the such. Humans are not material objects and even they (fucking quanta) resist prediction. Some self reflection please.

>> No.12200962

Where is "the shit"
> You also cannot experiment on humans and have conclusive results
We agree.
> This is what's wrong with psychology and economics and the such
We agree
> Humans are not material objects and even they (fucking quanta) resist prediction
We agree.

Where exactly is the shoe tight?

>> No.12200963

not sure if troll or retard

>> No.12200985
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>Humans are not material objects
May I suggest this book to deepen your understanding? Sure it's fiction, but what's the difference between that and your world view. Try some material razor blade on your throat, you are not material. Film it on live-stream. Prove us all wrong. Go on, commie.

>> No.12201011

So if we are all nothing but material, can you describe the physical law that dictates the end result of our decision making process? Not trying to be snarky or setting up a gotcha, just curious how you explain this apparent contradiciton.

>> No.12201065

Human will* social science is not medicine

>> No.12201246

Minimum wage increases have a solid history of raising the real wages of those who benefit from the wage increase. If you actually study how prices are set in the real world you would understand why. See:

Pricing Decisions in the Euro Area: How Firms set Prices and Why

Pittman, Russell. 2009. “Who Are You Calling Irrational? Marginal Costs, Variable Costs, and the Pricing Practices of Firms,” Economic Analysis Group Discussion Paper 09-3

Shim, Eunsup, and Ephraim Sudit. 1995. “How Manufacturers Price Products,” Management Accounting 76.8: 37–39.

>> No.12201250

>of those who benefit from the wage increase
an insanely huge qualifier

>> No.12201322
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Good lord, your posting these unironcally are you,right? The right truly can't meme

>> No.12201330
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> the right can't meme.

>> No.12201355

Thank you for proving my point

>> No.12201546

Rand is not AnCap. She's minarchist and LfCap

>> No.12202022

Nobody "turns away from socialism/communism".
You've merely turned your back on the working class.

>> No.12202488
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this this this this.
i went from being a self entitled waste of space basedboy to a productive, self-employed man in the course of reading this book. I'd be legitimately interested to hear people's criticisms of it.
my takeaway
>trust in your own mind and your abilities
>do for yourself and do what's best for you. in turn you will make the world a better place for yourself and for those who would be of benefit to you by their pursuit of what's best for themselves (provided it's not at the expense of others)
>using your mind to tackle any problem that presents itself is the greatest feeling man can know
>the "moral" concept of sacrifice is one of the biggest blights afflicting mankind. (It is not sacrifice when you choose to do one thing over another if it's in pursuit of what you desire.)
>no one man has a claim to the fruit of another man's mind, unless voluntarily given.

>> No.12202721
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piss off

>> No.12202780
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this dumb book.