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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 93 KB, 990x660, tapir-nose.jpg.990x0_q80_crop-smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12193657 No.12193657 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.12193669

It's about a guy who slaughters all sorts of swines and tapirs and gets paid in blowjobs by OP's slutty mother. Comming summer 2019.

>> No.12193680

i honestly believe tapir poster just makes these threads so he can copy other posters' ideas and use them for later

>> No.12193681

69 id confirms

>> No.12193685

Good. I mainly write bullshit. You have to be absolutely retarded to give this asshole your ideas. Fuck him and his followers.

>> No.12193688

Show me evidence that anyone has ever bothered to steal ideas from these threads. They're all shitty and half-baked ideas by default. It's just a fun thread to help inspire others come up with cool concepts and see what else is out there.

>> No.12193701


>> No.12193709

My conspiracy theory is that the tapir (TAPER) threads are meant to make it easier for him to pull up these records in the archive.

>> No.12193721

He is actually writing an epic novel about someone who posts tapir threads and collects novel concepts.

>> No.12193728

Shitty ideas can be used as background noise for a main plot

>> No.12193793

A boy who is very sad gets rejected by a girl and everyone either says yas queen or sadbois rep and then society collapses because females become too haughty and men too insecure to procreate except the story was all backwards because it's actually the boy who was in the wrong and women aren't all haughty they're just defending themselves and women should be able to drive too and the whole time this is happening a race war has broken out like acne on the ass of society and whites are mad because the jews invented aids to kills the blacks except it was actually the blacks who invented aids to kill themselves they just framed the whites until it is revealed everyone really created aids at the moment of their conception when they accidentally spawned a timeline where they were born and through this mishap unintentionally birthed aids as well as themselves through tearing the space time continium like their mothers taint so now everyone's mad at themselves and the one sadboi from the beginning is really mad because he was born into a soiciety where men value the number of women they court over their own nonexistant selfinterests so now he's alone and has to find a way to find value in himself beyond the influence of anybody else as he faces the grim reality of living the rest of his life alone and realizes he cares more about the opinions of women than men for some reason and has to learn to stop overvaluing them so that his gender as a people can stop overvaluing women and giving them the power that started this whole mess in the first place so he gets an assoiciates degree in economics and calls women whores for the rest of his life and plays baseball on tuesdays the end.

>> No.12193796

Write the whole thing in one long sentence like this and I'd read it.

>> No.12193797


>> No.12193812
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>> No.12193931

Then are they even ideas? I think these kinds of threads are fun just to bounce ideas off one another, critique each other and whatnot, but that's inspiring creativity, not just outright ripping off well thought out and original concepts. Besides, it's a nice place to shout things into the void that would never have otherwise been put to paper.

I mean, feel free to withhold whatever genius you've got cooking that you're afraid someone will steal. The threads are still going to go on like always. It's fun. Not everything is a conspiracy :(

>> No.12193959

A novel about a tapir that travels the world collecting novel ideas would be pretty comfy desu

>> No.12193973


>> No.12193979

Someone fund it

>> No.12193993

It is the year 2080. While on his death bed, a sad lonely old gent reminisces upon his wasted youth. It will start in the 1980s and go through all the major historical events up till the present day and then it will have some near-future events as well. It will be somewhat akin to Forest Gump only instead of him playing some role in all of these great events throughout history you will see him sitting alone in his room. Y2K, 9/11, wars, natural disasters, artistic Renaissance, he will be alive for all of these but it won’t matter. Naturally it’ll be a short novella since all of these grand events happen in the background. Maybe you’ll see him read about them in the newspaper or shitpost about them but that is as close as he gets to reality. In the end the book will shift povs to some other random character only vaguely introduced at the start, leaving the lonely old man to die as he lived.

>> No.12194660

A black girl is being raped by a cop in an alley when a 9-11 type attack happens and interrupts the rape. The cop is then hailed as a hero when he drags her and several others out of the rubble. She spends the whole novel seething as he is praised for over a year on TV, given awards and promotions, and a photo of her being "rescued" by him is plastered all over magazines and newspapers.

It ends in a murder suicide when her well meaning grandma invites him over for Christmas dinner and she kills everyone with a pipe bomb. He is buried with honors and she is barely a footnote in this horrible act of "gang violence".

>> No.12194709

People will eat this up. Really easy to read as an allegory for how The Man totally blames the white man's evils on the black man, but people will feel smart and woke for making this inference.

>> No.12194776

sad enough to work
added bonus of calling people who criticize the book bootlickers

>> No.12194873

time to clean up just like knack 2 baby

>> No.12195570

A human detective dealing with transhumanism crimes

>> No.12195754
File: 1.48 MB, 1502x3076, 6E3D7808-B6BA-408A-97D2-9BD542234799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the distant future, mankind lives away from Earth within the utopian space station, Algo. With all their needs and wants care for by a “Mother” an advanced A.I. And The Forever Society, an order of super scientists which created all of it, the lives of those aboard the megastation are existences of abundance and chemical inebriation. The main character, a girl named Luma who races jet packs for sport begins to suspect things aren’t right behind the veil of the perfection.

When forces beyond her control draw her into the dealings of the Forever Society, Luma will find herself set on an adventure across new worlds and dimensions to protect Algo and those she cares for.

32k words

>> No.12195855

It sounds like generic shitty sci-fi young adult crap with the presumption of being some deep social commentary. I've seen an excerpt you posted on these threads and the prose was absolutely shit, also algo literally means something in Spanish.

>> No.12195918

A sci-fi thriller involving mecha. The prologue is found here:


What do you think of it?

>> No.12195922

Is it OK to post ideas that are novel in the sense that they're new, and not related to any literature I'm planning to write?

>> No.12195927

A coming of age epic, written in 1984 newspeak.

>> No.12196125

>artistic renaissance
>beyond the late 20th century
Sounds like a stretch!

>> No.12196156

Haven’t posted any of it, friendo

>> No.12196255

I do actually have one about a 14th century swineherd