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12169337 No.12169337 [Reply] [Original]

How do we know that the devil did not write or atleast influence the authors of the bible?

>> No.12169894

How do we know that a giant teapot isn't floating out in space? It's meaningless information without substantiation.

>> No.12169954

Because the devil doesn't fucking exist, what the fuck kind of question is that?

>> No.12169965

The devil definitely influenced the KJV.

>> No.12169969

the bible was written by the reptilians

>> No.12169974

I thought that was just the book of job? Or is that dinosaurs?

>> No.12169991

Then God cannot blame us, since we had no way of knowing His true word

>> No.12170031

Yes he can, since we can choose to ignore his direct messages and interventions in our lives.

>> No.12170035

you're right anon, a group of stegosauri wrote the book of job

>> No.12170060


>> No.12170083

I've been wondering for a while how Christians justify the bible being infallible since it was written by human beings. I could see it being close, but how could a creature of sin fully understand, let alone express in words, the will of God? Any christfriends wanna explain?

>> No.12170086

because the devil is a fictional character?

>> No.12170097
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and redpilled

Because the Holy Bible is the word of God. God is immutable, and His message cannot be credibly tampered with. The book is a record of Jesus' ministry, and so long as the letters in red are obeyed (this includes directions to pray to the Father) you will reap the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

>> No.12170100

Nobody said the Bible was infallible, it does say that if every one of us gets together we can build a stairway to heavem. And the Bible was written by 40 of the greatest writers of human history.

>> No.12170105

Holy Spirit

>> No.12170119

Imagine you had an experience. God spoke to you. Just an ordinary day in the life of anon and the most holy name chooses (You). How do you record this event? What did He say? You do your best, and so did they. And its effect has been clear, until the bishop of Rome started fucking things up in the 60s and beyond. Scripture and prayer is good for man. Any evil that comes from it is man's fault alone. Jesus was very very very clear on what was expected of us.

>> No.12170150

The Bible isn't a rulebook that clueless people start following even if it serves as a good guide. Everyone has God and his spirit within them.

Just like other spirits or emotions, someone who is in touch with God's spirit can recognize it and feel it within themselves and see it in others - or it being suppressed.

And just like you can detect my spirit in this post, you can see it in writing.

>> No.12170175

Do you think that it could be at all possible that evil could have direction? I mean, we have already established that good and evil are opposing poles of morality, and that any thing, good or evil, approaches an absolute on either side of the spectrum, why is at all infallible that the notion of absolute good and evil are not only concepts that exist, and exist beyond the limits of human comprehension in the paramount of either state, but that these things are caused/defined by, or radiate from, some divine entities we couldn't even perceive? What I'm saying is, in 40 years, human's will have approached a better understanding of perfect virtue as a means of defining the law, to what end though? If we waited 4000 years, even 4 000 000, would we be anywhere near perfect as moral beings? I wouldn't think so. The real question is, if that absolute does exist, what defines it? What beings embody the ideal forms of moral goodness and malevolence and waits for us at the ends of this scale? I don't believe everything the Bible says, but I do believe most, if not all, of it's writers were headed in the right direction, and that something exists to define that direction in the first place.

>> No.12170293
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>t. anon's spirit (on the left)

>> No.12170323

There's no distinction, my friend.

>> No.12170330


Not authors but translators mayhaps?

>> No.12170331

mere jocularity mon fratre

>> No.12170517

Christfags will not (I said not) be able to answer this, OP

>> No.12170530

No, because then you'd expect the bible to be filled with horrible shit like sexism, homophobia, calls to genoci- oh wait...

>> No.12170567

but what is your source? because if it's the bible how can you truly verify if whatever you read was legit and not under the influence of the devil?

>> No.12170596

My source is experience. The power of Jesus' philosophy of forgiveness and reconciliation becomes self-evident in practice. Love is the most powerful magic. The deceiver literally cannot comprehend it.

John 1:5
>The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

>> No.12170609

that is to say, the devil has no power to alter the Word

>> No.12170612

so you're telling me i should fake it till i make it?

>> No.12170628

He wrote the entire bible, his name is the demiurge.

>> No.12170631

if you think of taking a chance on Jesus' teachings as 'faking it' because you lack faith in Him, YES. absolutely. put forgiveness into practice. be thankful for each day. fake it til you see the evidence for yourself. what have you got to lose? are you so attached to your sins?

>> No.12170662

What if I were to practice all of Jesus' teachings to the point of completely emulating Jesus, being on the level of all saints except for one thing, that is not believing in the existence of god, would god (if it turned out he truly exists) let me into heaven or would he banish me to hell?

>> No.12170695

Because the devil is bad and the bible authors are good.

>> No.12170753

The devil isn't a postmodernist; he just collects them.

>> No.12170774

what would have been your motivation for emulating Jesus so precisely? to discredit Him? or even just a thought experiment, assuming you could somehow find the will to pull it off?

I will tell you what would happen. You would start innocently enough. By your charity and sincere meditation (assuming you prayed, as Jesus commanded and the saints you have said you would have emulated did)... you would discover, in time, that you are transformed. Faith in God would come to you, and not the other way around. It would be something irrefutable, like the sun in the sky or your own breathing.

>> No.12170775

>>The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

But if Satan wrote this, that negates your point.

>> No.12170857

it seems to me you haven't read or understood Scripture to a degree where you can see how it is a coherent whole. that line cannot be inauthentic, because Christ is a figure with real effect: supernatural grace, temporal comfort, satisfaction. Christ. makes. Good.

the deceiver by definition cannot do that.

>> No.12170867

is this a Dril tweet

>> No.12170871
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>> No.12170892

>But if Satan wrote this, that negates your point.

>> No.12170905

>he still doesn't understand that all good comes from God
>Scripture has a salutary effect
>"but what if the devil wrote it"
Again, I tell you: impossible.

>> No.12171012

But your idea of the scope of God and the limitations of Satan come from the Bible. If that anon is right and Satan was the one who wrote about his own limitations and falsified them, you would have no way of knowing this.

>> No.12171106

>But your idea of the scope of God and the limitations of Satan come from the Bible.
Not entirely. The notion of God as source of all goodness, and the highest good as first principle, shares with the OT a Platonic origin. And tbqhwyfamily it doesn't matter if you say satan changed Scripture because then EVERYTHING is in doubt. How do you know Plato wasn't altered as well. Or your post. Or mine. Or everyone's every moment. That's madness, it would be a world of bottomless suffering. This is not the case, despite what Ligotti reading misanthropes on 4chan say.

Again, I say: the goodness of God is self-evident. All things we call good share a beginning in God. All the suffering of man originates with man (and, by extension, the serpent in the garden).

>> No.12171153

Church says so

>> No.12171345

The "God" of the Bible is in fact the Demiurge. Miguel Serrano was right all along.

>> No.12171356
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>> No.12171415



1. The entire bible lines up with itself, if he influenced 1 or 2 authors they would stick out.

Now with the last point in mind the bible explicitly tells you to follow God and not the devil,that Jesus Christ is the only way to God, that sin corrupts and that those that comprise believe in God when they know better are no children of God.

2. The bible is one of the only places that says the devil is still has to get Gods approval and follow rules set in place by God why would the devil paint himself as subservient to anything? That would be the first thing he would tackle.

>> No.12171429



True enlightenment can only be given by God through Jesus Christ. Only those that God chooses can really see the the truth.

>> No.12171466

What a retarded answer. There's literally differences between the gospels. For example, Matthew say that Jesus prayed to be spared the cross three times while Luke say he only prayed once. Fucking LARPer...

>> No.12171495
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Why doesn't God just destroy the devil?

>> No.12171506

>implying the devil actually exist

>> No.12171532
File: 24 KB, 318x409, 20512030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes those diffrences exist because it was written from diffrent perspectives.

If you and I both had to recall an event many days long we would remember diffrent things. Our recolations would be 100% the same.

The book "cold case christianity" Investigates the differences out of the perspective of a retired cold case investigator.

If you didint know "cold cases" are police cases that werent solved so they went "cold" cold case investigators reopen them, since they mostly lack physical physical evidence the investigators excel in the science of investigating recollections from people that witnessed the event.

He applied that same principle to the 5 gospels to see if they were truthful.

>> No.12171537


*our recollections would not seem 100% the same

>> No.12171559

I absolutely agree. However, acknowledging that is exactly what makes the first argument in >>12171415 absolutely retarded. As long as we accept the human nature of the people who wrote the Bible (which we have to do) there's no way we could identify an inconsistency manufactured by the Devil.

>> No.12171561

triceratops wrote ecclesiastics

>> No.12171573


Because that is is how God wanted it to be.

God is all knowing, he would know a rebellion would happen.

The thing is that Evil exists to glorify God because.

>how does evil glorify God.

Romans 5 explains it:
20 The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more, 21 so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

>> No.12171620


That is where you are wrong, the book we know as the bible had 40 different authors over 3 different continents written in the span of thousands of years yet they A line. The probability of that is impossible.

To quote John directly "6 There was a man sent from God whose name was John. 7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. 8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light." (john 6-8)

People that God has chosen to be enlightened know the difference between Gods light and everything else.

>> No.12171643


You do not get "saved" by scripture but by God.

>> No.12171647

>questions of universal truth can be answered in human language and understood by human brains

The fact that neither of those things are true should tip you off that any holy book is a scam, even if deities exist.

>> No.12171691

You repeating, in the face of evidence to the contrary, that the Bible does align doesn't actually mean that the Bible does align. Neither does quoting some random scripture.

>> No.12171918


>"evidence to the contrary"

the "evidence" you gave was a large generalization.

To qoute you directly:
"As long as we accept the human nature of the people who wrote the Bible (which we have to do) there's no way we could identify an inconsistency manufactured by the Devil."

The idea that the bible is influenced by the devil while simultaneously telling you that:

1.the devil is subservient to God and has to abide by his decisions

2. To stand against everything the devil stands for.

3. Even compromising your believes a little makes you unchristian like.

Just doesnt make sense

There is a spiritual aspect to it as well which prove God is the one true force of good and that he is stronger than evil but you probably never had any experience with such things.

>> No.12171935

Watch some Peterson

>> No.12171946

all of this you learned from biblical texts and all of it could have been written by the devil himself

>> No.12171953

>then everything is in doubt
Yes exactly

>> No.12171965
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Peterson is a retard on almost every level imaginable.

>> No.12171978

Don't compare Sade to a literal self help cuack.

>> No.12172056

'The Bible says a lot of things, and not very clearly.'

>> No.12172565

How do you know that?

>> No.12173239


>> No.12173285

If you can't recognize that a malevolent deity has dominion over this planet, I don't know what could possibly get through to you.

>> No.12173485

grow up and go outside retard

>> No.12173510

The guy is basically an atheist

>> No.12173527

Do you know that he didn't influence you when you wrote this?

>> No.12173540

no, leave, they don’t get that privilege not even in jest. fuck you

>> No.12173605

Oh, I'm aware of that. Jesus said it Himself. But I'm telling you no good can come from the satan. He works by man. Man, with his genius for disobedience, has continually misunderstood the Word. Even used it as justification for war and hate.

>> No.12173661

No, that was not the evidence. The evidence is >>12171466.

Now I personally don't believe that the Bible is influenced by the Devil but there's no way to prove otherwise. You're evidence against it are weak as fuck. Non of your 3 arguments are even related to whether the Devil might have influenced the Bible.

>> No.12173666

>There is a spiritual aspect to it as well which prove God is the one true force of good and that he is stronger than evil...
Forgot to address this. Disregarding the immature attack on my person this is where you're right. However that does not guarantee that there's no trials or pitfalls.

>> No.12173684

>Jesus said it

He did?

>> No.12173737


John 14:30,31 (ESV)
>"I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming. He has no claim on me, but I do as the Father has commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father. Rise, let us go from here."

>"Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me. But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence."

The prince of this world has no power over Christ, who is the Word. Have faith in that if nothing else.