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12167814 No.12167814 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I work on a riverboat four weeks at a time
>too tired to read on my off watch
>only two weeks home
>drink every night
>too hungover to read in the day time
>rinse and repeat
I wish I had never dropped out of college.
Anyone relate to this feel?

>> No.12168015

Yes, but I went to college and work a 9-17 at an office where I have enough time to browse 4chan etc. Still find it tiring and don't really read or do other things..
Sometimes I envy people like you who work outside, have technical skills and have full 2 weeks off so often (not discounting your hard 4 weeks)

>> No.12168022

Stop drinking

>> No.12168034

go homeless
oh and stop drinking too, that might help

>> No.12168038

I don't have any technical skills myself, I'm barely adequate for my job. I was honestly happier working at Walmart, but I needed higher pay.

How, though? I've got a pretty weak will.

>> No.12168042

God dammit dude, are you the same frog from the college thread 2 days ago?

What the fuck is your job anyhow. What do you do on this boat?

>> No.12168083
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>What the fuck is your job anyhow. What do you do on this boat?
Gator hunting.

>> No.12168091

Please explain your workday, what its like, what you do, what you hate about it etc

>> No.12168101

Official top 2 novels featuring riverboats of all time:

>The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
>Love in the Time of Cholera

>> No.12168106

>he kills noble gators and thinks anyone should wish for anything other than him falling into their jaws at some point
fuck you

>> No.12168120

based! 45-70? or 308 or what. Please tell me you work a lever gun from the upper decks of a river boat. Cigar set down on a rail, still burning. Tassles onnajacket. Gambler hat and steely eyes.

I'm jealous frogman.

>> No.12168122
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riverboat, past Gaiter and Allen's, from swerve of swamp to bottle of booze, brings us by a froggodius sickus of regret back to Forth Channel and Environs.
hang in there frogbro

>> No.12168142

I should have been clearer, I work on a towboat for a barge company.

No one replied, I need my validation to know how special I am. Don't you see?

Help put barges together. I don't hate it, it's just exhausting, dangerous, hot as fuck in summer, cold as fuck in winter.

>> No.12168163

Drinking seems like more of a problem than being tired. Two weeks straight is a lot of time. Anyway, I worked construction for the past two years and drank all the time and I have a kid and a wife and read all the time. 4chan might be the real problem actually. My favorite writer right now is William Gass.

>> No.12168257

What about starting to meditate? It helped me, but consider it can take some time until you see results

>> No.12168267

Well I'm not drinking on the boat, that would easily get us fired.

I've considered it. Heard it helps with ADD as well, but I don't know how meditating works.

>> No.12168270
File: 249 KB, 918x1035, gwern nicotine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the tobacco pill.

>> No.12168286

I'm a noob to meditating, but I would say you learn shit about yourself by observing yourself (I do mindfulness / vipasana).

Once you gathered intel. on yourself you can combat yourself better.

>> No.12168291
File: 4 KB, 197x255, gondoladeceased.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cries about nobody giving him yous
>he ignores my post as if i don't exist

>> No.12168306

I'm extremely selfish, anon. Jk, I answered the same question from another anon, I just didn't feel like repeating myself.

>> No.12168316
File: 229 KB, 500x705, gondolainnawoods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's too late for excuses anon i'm a ghost ooooOOOOOooOOOO

>> No.12168428

I dropped out of college and work in a supermarket on the night crew. The union benefits are nice but the pay kinda blows.
I'm thinking of applying to be a train conductor but I probably need to quit reefer because I think they do test.

>> No.12168434

Nicotine patches or gum are better options desu

>> No.12168449

EXTREMELY based and NOTORIOUSLY redpilled