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/lit/ - Literature

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12166461 No.12166461 [Reply] [Original]

>70% of lit students are female
>50% of all books sold are romance
>romance is the biggest genre in literature
>9 of 10 first novels that become a hit are written by females
>Harry potter was written by a female
>Stephen king writes in a female style of common daily language
>all best sellers are about daily life issues of normal people (female topics)
>male fiction sells less than female centered fiction

>> No.12166473

/lit/ is a female board.

>> No.12166485

>being this intimidated by women
See literature sucks to discuss with other men because it's either betas with no interesting ideas or betas who just whine about women. Is there anyone in this board who isn't an insane beta

>> No.12166490

if you want to do "alpha" shit, go play ball, or join the military, or learn math.
but you wont, because you're not actually alpha. Just a projecting beta white knight.

>> No.12166500

read manly authors like balzac and celine, and throw the effeminate neocon aesthetes like nabokov into the trash...read equal parts non-fiction and fiction and learn another language

>> No.12166503

Why, exactly, does any of this matter? Who actually gives a shit? If you're seriously taking buyer statistics into account while reading, you might actually be retarded.

>> No.12166504

What are you surprised about? Most of the posters on /lit/ are females. Just like /ck/.

>> No.12166511

More like lit is a cultural luxury. Literature as a hobby is incompatible with frenzied pace of modern life. Literature is painfully slow and demands too much. Most men choose more important things to pursue in life, like a career or education, and when it comes to relaxation, they choose quicker, simpler forms of entertainment, like videogames, or tv shows. Women are hedonistic by their very nature, they're not smart enough to aspire for greater things, so for them literature is not a compromise, but a way to actualize their decadent cry for attention.

>> No.12166533

>Is there anyone in this board who isn't an insane beta.

Me. In real life though most of the people I know who are interested in literature—with the exception of my best friend—are women and effeminate men. The men I know who are interested in things such as shooting, weight lifting, and flying airplanes are not generally that interested in books. Oh well. Sometimes it's more fun to do activities than read about them.

>> No.12166545

Why do you think the art form is dead?

>> No.12166550

I stick my dick in it

>> No.12166561
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Fiction sucks. Novels are trash. It's all written for two-digit IQ zimbos. What's described in all but a handful of the very best works cannot possibly be called sapience, it's hardly even sentience.

>all best sellers are about daily life issues of normal people (female topics)
This is the heart of it. 99% of the content of any randomly selected novel can only provoke the reaction of "who gives a flying fuck?" - who the fuck would want to read the minute painfully quotidian details of some dimwit nobody, as imagined by some other dimwit nobody?

>> No.12166567

I'm the one with the log

>> No.12166573

I’m the hamster wheel

>> No.12166575

The funny thing is that it doesn't translate into anything.
Male participants can develop criteria to keep females out of their world.
The end result is you can become even more sexist than before participating the thing.

>> No.12166577

Can I pet it?

>> No.12166623

>most of the posters on /lit/ are woman.
Lol ok trap, tits or gtfo

>> No.12166738

Lol this is a funny image. I’ll have to show it to my grandchildren :))

>> No.12166746

then where is my /lit/ female gf

>> No.12166765

Women are more literate than men these days so that should be expected. I know it's trendy to malign women on 4channel because they don't give you the attention you crave, but the average man is a complete idiot.

>> No.12166768

>Stephen king writes in a female style of common daily language

>> No.12166772

>learn math.
kek you must be a delusional stemfag, math is for faggots and bugmen.

>> No.12166775

Whenever someone on /lit/ disagrees with one of my posts I imagine a cute, bespectacled, white girl with a vexed look on her face.

>> No.12166782

>Women are more literate than men these days so that should be expected.
Maybe in your first world shithole. I'm smarter than any women I know in real life.

>> No.12166787

Grug here

>> No.12166789

Please be my gf. I need a smart qt3.14 to help me when I make mistakes

>> No.12166792

You're thinking if 4chan, 4channel is a female webzone

>> No.12166809

reading shit books is worse than reading nothing at all. they would be better off smoking weed and playing videogames.

>> No.12166815

actually this is true despite e/lit/ists being oblivious to this fact... If you ask people here to post their accounts of goodreads or something like that you'll see far many more females

>> No.12166821

Smoking weed and playing vidya is always the worst choice.

>> No.12166828

>tfw I have probably replied to my soulmate once upon a time and neither of us knew it

>> No.12166839

I'd say a good half of /lit/'s misogynists are women.

>> No.12166848


quality > quantity.

>> No.12166852

Okay, change it to "building model airplanes and playing golf"

>> No.12166864

>I'd say a good half of /lit/'s misogynists are women.
I hear this may-may once in while. Suffer my autism and tell me: do women actually dislike other women?

>> No.12166872
File: 123 KB, 700x496, 2a69282d-e415-4179-806c-f544988659be-1020x723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

math is for chads

>> No.12166887

what's wrong with his nipples?

>> No.12166893

weird nipples wouldn't bang

>> No.12166919

People on this board are so VAIN that they posture over books they pretend to have read, ANONYMOUSLY. That's right, they are trying to signal social standing with posts that can never be connected to any other one they post, or them as a person—THE ONLY PERSON THEY COULD POSSIBLY BE POSTURING TO IS THEMSELVES! Every single thread on a book will include a green-text of the book name attached with a disgusted looking Harold Bloom (who they, of course, haven't read). THAT'S HOW PEOPLE ARGUE HERE. They just post a smug "ohh I can't believe you'd read something like THAT" or "*snicker* you actually think THAT?" with no context. I'm convinced that no one has actually read a book on this board, they've just memorized names and faces and vague ideas associated with them, and just bounce the same baseless conceptions back and forth between each other until it forms a board wide gestalt consciousness of pseud. Like, someone here could show you the most obscure portrait of Kant looking like a negro-goblin, a wacky anecdote about coffee or his masturbation habits, but ask them anything about his actual philosophy and you will get TOTAL SILENCE. Ask about an entry-level book, TOTAL SILENCE; ask about a basic grammar concept, TOTAL. SILENCE. Ask which author had the biggest forehead, 100+ REPLIES WITH THE MOST BITTER ARGUMENTS IMAGINABLE. How ANYBODY could think this place the last bastion of literary culture is unimaginable. This board is the theoretical zero-point of Intelligent discussion on the internet.

>> No.12166928

time to take the HRTpill, anon :)

>> No.12166932


>> No.12166951

>breast feeding

>> No.12166962


>> No.12166985

New sticky

>> No.12166992

RIP /lit/

>> No.12166993
File: 65 KB, 768x1077, oscar 'qt patooty' wilde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is full of effeminate men, there's a difference.

>> No.12167008

*total silence*

>> No.12167009

I'm head-is-somehow-his-torso mentally impaired feelman.

>> No.12167015

That's exactly how I feel about this board!!!!

>> No.12167022

I'm a 9/10 dude and walking into my litt college classes composed of a 9-to-10 girl ratio I feel like a god.

litterally all book chicks as feminists as they are are all really emotional and wrecked by the sadgirl tumblr bullshit they grew up in and are really craving for a chill cute guy. Might not be the best for your own literary ambition but hey enjoy life make the best of it.

>> No.12167056

>I'm a 9/10
>composed of a 9-to-10 girl ratio
You don't have the brain capacity to move on from the last lie you conjured up one sentence ago so you end up repeating yourself. I can just see your poor little brain trying to scramble for some originality and falling short.
9 10
9 10
Go with 9 10
That sounds good 9 10 yeah 9 10 hey that's kind of familiar forget it go with 9 10

>> No.12167063
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>> No.12167077


>> No.12167087


>> No.12167102

I could give you a spontaneous 5000 word essay on why minorities aren't people

>> No.12167205

i don't like thots but i'm pretty okay with most women

>> No.12167256

>negative canthal tilt

>> No.12167276

What is interesting that I have noticed is that even in fields where the majority of people in it are female you'll find that at least 80% of the successful in that field are men.

>> No.12167283

second to last point even applies to most male fiction as well, literature is profoundly effeminate and always will be. philosophy is just the anima that possesses the literary talent in drag, and the poet makes no pretensions to being anything other than the receptive slave of elemental and cosmic power. Destiny, and power elude all of them. What destiny does a writer have other than to elucidate and document on behalf of their muses, their dreams, friends, culture, gods and superiors?

>> No.12167290

>makes a snide lookism comment about superior human
t. 7/10 brad upset he couldn’t be picked out of a lax roster lineup by any of the girls he’s fucked

>> No.12167421

Is this a pasta?

>> No.12167430

>>70% of lit students are female
>>50% of all books sold are romance
>>romance is the biggest genre in literature
>>9 of 10 first novels that become a hit are written by females
>>Harry potter was written by a female
>>Stephen king writes in a female style of common daily language
>>all best sellers are about daily life issues of normal people (female topics)


>> No.12167433

Found the guy who never got with a cute litt college undergrad

>> No.12167439
File: 1.02 MB, 1578x979, browningautomaticwriters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just makes it more embarrassing that you are ALL virgins lmao

check out my gf and i

>> No.12167443

r9k fags graduate to lit to show they've gone from utter insecurity and rudderlessness to big boy insecurity and rudderlessness

>> No.12167452

I'm the clap chad

>> No.12167494

I don't think there are any women on this board. At least fewer than any other.

>> No.12167513

keep throwing aimless jabs at non participating parties and patting yourself on the back
What does r9k have to do with anything? Had that stewing up inside you? Good lord. Seek help.

>> No.12167597
File: 42 KB, 334x506, 626555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Females are nothing but parasites, devoid of original thought and creative drive, they hoist themselves on the monuments built by men and claim "It's ours!". Just look at videogames - once the social stigma of "vidya is for fucking nerds" was gone, all of a sudden the same women who mocked the nerds turned into suchanerds. But there's no sincerity, because it's just an imitation. There are no female speedrunners, or female progamers, no modders or rommakers, women do not truly love videogames to buy the hobby selfselessy, wholesale. Same with literature, only it's even worse - after observing men, women had plagued the field of what they perceive to be a prestigious activity and made it into a show, because everything has to be a show with women. Ourward, extraverted. Women are responsible for "booktubers", women are the ones obsessed with majoring in liberal arts, so they can be 'professionally good readers'. Men? Men simply read books. They aren't posting shelfies with the latest 'book haul' or screeching about the misogyny in some classical novel online. They just read. Noble, inward-by-nature, men enjoy literature for what it is, quietly and without making it a banner for their identity. This disbalance of goals creates an illusion of a female-dominated field when a minority of loud shallow husks scream in a room devised for solitary meditation.

>> No.12167756
File: 419 KB, 1638x2048, wallhaven-718723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow anon, you are so stupid. Paleo-accelerationist principles readily lend themselves to a resurrection of a contemporary aztec cult, thus providing and fullfilling the sacrifices with their telos. So, are you in or not?

>> No.12167770
File: 23 KB, 640x427, Laughing-Meme-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stephen king writes in a female style of common daily language

>> No.12167771

>tfw I was a female the whole and never even knew

>> No.12167813

Based and redpilled

>> No.12167858

Nah, there are a few female modders/rommakers just nowhere near as many as male ones. Hell, I even recently got into RE old-school video games.

>> No.12167863

All of these things are attributable to the degeneration of literature and culture due to mass literacy and the guiding principle of capital/consumer efficiency to which everything is now subordinate

>> No.12167865

I’m gravity-well head man

>> No.12167899

I'm a literal retard. I got 86 on My IQ test.

>> No.12167912
File: 36 KB, 265x299, 1540210159285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohohoho whoa momma

>> No.12167917

I'm jellyfish

>> No.12167920

Everybody is so preoccupied with gender they miss out on more important thing.

>> No.12167931

You better start retardposting again or I'll kick your ass

>> No.12167976

extrêmement basé

>> No.12168027

unironically based

>> No.12168066

too bad your iq is 70 huh

>> No.12168375

I'm safety first

>> No.12168492
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>> No.12168504

you're quite wrong then, this board isn't as female as /ck/ but it's up there

>> No.12168511

me on the left

>> No.12168523

it probably does have one of the highest female browsers

>> No.12168560

idk, but I saved it so now it is

>> No.12168577
File: 27 KB, 720x713, 1523053947195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's real nice.. but have you ever written anything valuable? composed music? or even said something funny?

In my book you're a woman

>> No.12168600
File: 1.53 MB, 2810x3368, 1512802015274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it probably does have one of the highest female browsers
>one of the highest female browsers
>highest female browsers

ok, you got me interested
can you... introduce me?

>> No.12168624

Yeah but when other boards have like 20 femanons combined, that ain’t saying much.

>> No.12168743
File: 1.58 MB, 498x490, sad pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me how I can win her back femanons.

>> No.12168763

>They aren't posting shelfies with the latest 'book haul'
>*posts in stack threads*

>> No.12168767

most women are thots anon

>> No.12168780

Offer her a big, mouthfilling, bull.

>> No.12169147

Going to try this but unironically

>> No.12169168

Doubt it, still gonna try >>12166775

>> No.12169171

I'd actually like a truthful study done on the demographics of each board, it'd be nice to know that there aren't just like five girls.

>> No.12169178
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>> No.12169189

"Yeah he's 6/10 at best, I'm way more attractive than him. The only reason girls do not flock to me is because I... am... uh... am not an asshole."

>> No.12169202

Im sure the few that do are ugly as shit anyway so they might as well be dudes

>> No.12169209

C-can I imagine you like this?

>> No.12169235

i'm aphex twin in the back

>> No.12169244

none of this is relevant to good literature

>> No.12169256

this unironically

>> No.12169668

>only good novels ever written by women are Genji monogatari and frankenstein
>everything else was made by men
What did OP mean by this

>> No.12169779

exactly it sucks not being a man

>> No.12169808

It's why we wear the skirt
Anon you should consider you've only read the soft core edge of good female writers. Yes, I am saying that the spooky ghost exgf lady and the doctor daddy who hates your fucking face is the lighter side of female writers. Try Shirley Jackson though if you want to continue on the horror genre thing.

>> No.12169910

into the trash

>> No.12169938

>not including drunk man with a tumbler

>> No.12170023

Presumably because men do not use goodreads.

>> No.12170045

classic reddit screencap bait /fit/edditor post

>> No.12170048

Well said. Fuck this board.

>> No.12170074

it was clearly written ironically, you slightly higher than average IQ retard who thinks he's smart

>> No.12170104


>> No.12170116

>tfw i probably called my soulmate a faggot nigger because she said something good about a book i didn't like

>> No.12170195

God I wish I was a girl

>> No.12170233

>Men write books to get some pum
>Literally creates entire generation of female readers


>> No.12170343

this is extremely accurate

>> No.12170423

I'm the jellyfish

>> No.12170494

>Implying any of that is literature.
>Implying women are good writers.

>> No.12170563

>tfw I'm dreaming of smoking weed and playing WoW classic
I know it's bad but c'mon

>> No.12170611

And i could spontaneously fuck your mother

>> No.12170743

Stack threads exist to inspire other people not to larp as it's anon