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/lit/ - Literature

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12159772 No.12159772 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Overrated literature series

Game of Thrones? More like Game of Edgy Teenage Nihilism haha

>> No.12159776

I think it's good

>> No.12159781

I think you're dumb

>> No.12159782

I think it's the best literature of the 21st century

>> No.12159784
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Will he ever finish it?

>> No.12159987

Anyone who actually thinks asoiaf is better than Lotr are unironically mentally impaired.

>> No.12160003

>It's better because it's older

>> No.12160481

It isn't perfect in the beginning (it's pretty flawed, actually), but you think "That's okay, the premise is good! It will improve!" And then before you know it, everyone is having everyone else's baby and murdering their mother (who is also their sister, and a schizophrenic) and traveling around on horseback setting things on fire for no apparent reason.

It's a fucking soap opera for litfags.

>> No.12160490

>it's better because it's newer

>> No.12160500

Not what he implied nigger

>> No.12160505

What makes you think lotr is better than got then? If lotr came out today, you would trash it and admit how much better got is

>> No.12160617

What the fuck, where are you pulling these assumptions from
LOTR is better because it’s mythology is more fleshed out and it has more to offer theme- wise than edgy nihilism.
And honestly, I know this opinion isn’t popular, but I think LOTR portrays more realistic characters than GOT. There’s plenty of moral “grayness” in LOTR, and it bests GOT by not being afraid to depict people who are genuinely good. Such people do in fact exist and GOT is lacking for pretending that they don’t. Such people are also harder to convincingly write since you have to keep their actions consistent.

>> No.12160628

why dont the have better cover art?

>> No.12160639

You didn't have to get so angry, I was just saying it kind of casually.

>LOTR portrays more realistic characters
It barely even portrays characters. Every portrayal of a character boils down to:
>"blah blah blah," said Frodo.
>"..." he said.
>As they were walking, they felt rather cold.

The characters have no personality. I'm not trying to be deep and I literally don't give a shit about "muh character development." I like lotr but they literally have no personality, this is a fact.

>> No.12160650

>"blah blah blah," said Frodo.

>> No.12160661

>he expects personality to come from dialogue

>> No.12160663

No I don't. I expect personality to come from ANYWHERE in the book. It does not come at all, though.

>> No.12160673

then you're a brainlet

>> No.12160688

You're just messing with me. Surely you have a better argument than that.

>> No.12160704

im not going to waste my time typing out the multitude of examples where "personality" comes through in LotR. if you read it, like you claim to, and came to the impossible conclusion that there is never even an instance of "personality," then yes, you are a brainlet and thats all i need to say.

>> No.12160722

>I'm not going to prove it, but you're wrong

>> No.12160730

coming from the guy whos extent of an argument is
>"blah blah blah," said Frodo.

>> No.12160743

>"blah blah blah," said Frodo

>> No.12160747

>"blah blah blah," said >>12160730

>> No.12161401

How exactly is GOT edgy nihilism? Can someone explain?

>> No.12161579

If you had read these books while having a brain, you would have noticed that there's a little bit more going on than nihilism.

>> No.12161601

You must be new here, pal. /lit/ will hate anything that's popular

>> No.12161619

>moral greyness in lotr
No. Not at all. The evil people are evil because they're evil and the good people are good because they're good. There's no choice a reader can make on who he wants to support. Barring psychopaths, everybody is going to pick the good side.

>GOT doesnt depict people who are genuinely good
You clearly havent read the books or watched the series
Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Targeryan, etc., are all characters that are morally good and have a million times more depth to them than, say, Frodo or Gandalf

>> No.12161642

Hating popular things doesn't make you smart or interesting.

>> No.12161672
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>sunset found her squatting

>> No.12161700

Harry Potter sucks.

>> No.12161813

Liking popular things will never make stacy like you

>> No.12161815

yeah but what's the point of good characters with depth if the story sucks

>> No.12161826

is any of it even nihilistic?


>> No.12161829

Oh yeah, there's also SEX haha so adult haha look at all this rape, we're so mature and cynical for enjoying this complex morally gray entertainment :)

>> No.12161916

can anyone tell me the name of the boardgame they play in GOT?

>> No.12162035

It takes a very empty and modern view of the important events, institutions, and so on of the Middle Ages.

>> No.12162042

Haha damn this is REALLY funny I mean fuck my goddamn SIDES man my fucking sides are split. in. half. like who in the fuck can even think about coming up with something funnier than that jesus h fuck I need a break from this goddamn website It is seriously killing my ability to hold my own fucking shit ass cunt bitch fuck tits balls cum damn piss

>> No.12162193

>being a plotfag
there's your problem.

>> No.12162582

>LOTR is better because it’s mythology is more fleshed out
What this guy said, when you read LOTR you get the feeling that the places have history to them and you also get hungry. :P

>> No.12162986

Maybe just happy.

>> No.12163251

There would be no GoT without Lord of the Rings. Martin is just a hack and his books only got popular because of the show

>> No.12163254

That's why it's good.

>> No.12163919

>my favourite fantasy garbage is better than yours
kill thyself