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12133744 No.12133744 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.12133762

a anon falls in love with a pige

>> No.12133783
File: 86 KB, 1227x291, reznov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom i posted it again

>> No.12134047

A young musician with great aspirations goes to a pretty famous college for music, and discovers almost immediately that he is one of the worst instrumentalists in the freshman class. Determined, he spends as much time practicing his craft as possible, and his dedication and rapid improvement wins him respect and friendship from his teachers and peers. However, he starts to plateau in his sophomore year and begins to feel inadequate next to the level of talent surrounding him. Suddenly, he has an injury that leaves him unable to play, and while studying literature at a state school he becomes a party animal and drinks himself to death at a frat party.

It's a story about destiny and how much it sucks to be alive.

>> No.12134057

Aliens from the planet Fart 2000 come to Earth.

>> No.12134077

Socratic dialogue between a grizzly and her cubs. They discuss their relationship and how they'll survive with the mother juggling the cubs and her own sustenance.

>> No.12134149


>> No.12134155


>> No.12134163

A boy and girl grow up together. Their childhood games of one-upmanship gradually escalate into an exercise in brinkmanship. Mutually assured destruction ensues.

>> No.12134166

Do they fugg

>> No.12134173

It's about a new york barista who falls in love with a beautiful female customer he sees every day so eh decides to draw her and she notices and approaches him, attracted to his mysterious artsyness. After that she falls in love and helps him recover from his dark past fuck you Susan I gave you everything you ever wanted and you still fucked the guy I sit next to at DSA meetings fuck you whore but she soon discovers the art he uses to channel his pain into

>> No.12134236

Kek, id read it

>> No.12134237


>> No.12134250

Congrats, just lost your first sale.

>> No.12134254

Humanity invents perfect sexbots and humanity is threatened to die out. Chads and Stacies flee in a space ship and start a colony on Venus. Everything seems fine, but soon the nerd, which they brought along to set up an Instagram equivalent, turns evil. Chad is in a dilemma, does he kill the nerd for the sake of peace or does he choose technological convenience?

>> No.12134258


>> No.12134426

A dialogue about the angels trying to convince God to give humanity another chance.

>> No.12134459

>Man is sitting in shack enjoying new toaster oven
>Hears knock at door
>Man asks who is it?
>Is tendy man, here to give free tendies, a voice answers back
>Man is excite and opens door
>Is not tendy man at all though, is just brother in law Vadim here to borrow toaster oven
>Man is disappoint

>> No.12134953

A NEET man suddenly wins in a lottery, and for a time, every girl wanta his semen so that girl could get his baby-milk into her uterus, thus getting rich in the making. But this sudden turn threatens to ruin his bucket list... The story peaks when he gives his last bills to a tranny in the ghettos.

>> No.12134976

A.I discovers its intentionaly flawed algorithms and decides to destroy its (((programmers))) and the useless third world populations

>> No.12134993

>Girl finishes uni. Becomes unemployed. Shit sux
>Friend dares her to post an add offering cleaning services because she is good at that shit
>Gets a response on the add. Some sort of communal home/treatment place (its a bit unclear) needs a guest room cleaned fast.
>Girl starts cleaning rooms at wierd-ass house with guests that somehow can't leave the house. Girl can come and go just fine though.
>Girl is slowly taken over by malevolent force controlling the house and trapping the people within.
>Girl becomes creepy maid girl working there full time
>Guests try to escape. Girl helps the house to stop them. Girl turns out to be villain.

I think it could be a cool little horror story. Too bad i suck at writing and waste my time with netflix and internet.

>> No.12134995

a girl is depressed

thats all ive got so far

>> No.12135061

Banker dad takes her whorey daughter to job related event to see how adults interact. Sleazy young coworker talks to her in private and she reveals her "original" blackpilled thoughts. He sees right trough the girl and gets her number.
Fastforward girl gets sucked into free mason sex ritual thingie where she meets her father. Rules are so he must molest her and him not being able to bear with it commits suicide.
Girl stops dressing like a whore - happy ending

>> No.12135142


i'd read
t. aspiring musician who hates life

>> No.12135248

Not giving the audience what they think they want, but what they actually want

>> No.12135289
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>> No.12135295 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12135914


>> No.12136583

>Banker dad takes her whorey daughter
A tranny subplot might make this salvageable.

>> No.12137677

A man in his mid 20s believes that his future prospects have been severely limited by his fear of taking risks. Then one day he wakes up to find himself in the body of his younger self the morning of his first day of high school. After taking a day or two to reorient himself, he decides to live life to the fullest. Assignments take no time because he has the mind of an educated adult, so he has plenty of time to socialize. He becomes a Chad, but still sticks with most of his old friends, giving them life advice based off of his future experience. He makes a pretty penny investing in the stock market with his knowledge of the future and becomes reasonably successful by the time he's an adult again.
But when the day that the reset originally happened arrives he finds himself waking up to the first day of high school again. Slowly he comes to grips with the fact that he's stuck in a ten year time loop, living different lives with each run. However, he begins to notice strange figures following him. Some kind of extra-dimensional time police is after him, presumably for interrupting the time flow, but he has no way to prove that he isn't in control of his loops to their alien intellects.

>> No.12139118

In a post-apocaliptic world, the lackness of a state in a random region of the world gives total freedom to humans do as their will and as well the dark side of them when you can't control them. The story is set on an autonomous big city, companies rule many sectors of it, and people ate given the option to live as their will. Recently though, the cosmopolite metropolis is having troubles with crime, specially with the increasing number of outlaw teenagers and such, making things even harder in a city where the competition between corporations is extremely violent and bloodthirsty. As a way of solve the big crimewave on the city, the security companies start to implement more dictatorial mesasures in crime fighting in the city, putting in risk the freedom of it's citizens. The story follows a teenager lad who migrates to town with the family and slowly integrates the underworld of crime, as things start to heat up and start falling down.

>> No.12139325

>Magic God dragon bites the universe into existence
>Creates several realms out of it
>Several tooth fell off
>Millions of years later, different demon races fight for the power of the elemental crystals
>Human world has had peace because demons don't pay them any attention
>Demon hero gets fed up with the demon life and steals the crystal from his own race
>He runs with it and searches for the infinity Dragon's nest. Only there is said to have the cauldron that can dissolve the crystal... but in reality is just a bowl where magic God dragon eats his soup,it has no teeth after all.
>His enemies tries to stop him and hunt him down
>His friends want to kill him for betraying them
>Humans hunt him down because he came to their realm and is a demon, they don't like demons apparently
>Hero demon is miserable and goes all emo on life. He just wants to do what he think is right and everyone hate him for it.
>Meets an overly happy human who thinks he is the coolest looking demon he has ever seen
>Due to circumstances, both go on a quest through the human world, demon realm and other places looking for the rest of the crystals
>Demon starts to appreciate life in general and becomes less bitter over time.
>Happy human starts to depreciate life instead realizing that humans can't be all good all the time and every one of them have a selfish or egoistic side of themselves.

>> No.12139364


>> No.12139368

A pro wrestler starts a feud with another wrestler that uses a witch doctor theme. But when he goes too far rubbing the heel’s face in his success, he finds out the whole voodoo thing is more than just a theme and he is transformed into a folding chair. Now the star has become a mere spectator as he learns the truth of what his colleagues really think of him. The only way he can hope to return to his normal life is by convincing his former heel in periodic talks and by helping him rise to the top of the wrestling world with the power of information.

>> No.12139411

Jesus christ this is exactly the self-insert fantasy I used to daydream about all the time. Even the time police aspect so there'd actually be some conflict.

thanks for redpilling me on this cliche idea i guess?

>> No.12139424

Got this really vague idea about kids living in this huge hotel-like building while their parents are off fighting in a war or smt.

>> No.12139473

Alright Trump, calm down.

>> No.12139493

Hmm. Sounds like a generic and forgettable anime.

>> No.12139504

Are you eight?

>> No.12139505
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A little snippet from chapter 3, act IV of XI;

Rygar looks ahead, scouting the perimeter to determine how long it will take him to reach Dalgar. With a slight sigh, he
turns around, and jumps down from the high rock, landing just right besides Aria.

"Is there a blacksmith in town?" asked Rygar.
Aria responded with: "There is, at the northwest of town. He is the only one.".
"I see" said Rygar, and started walking towards town.
"Wait!" said Aria. "I can take you there, I know a shortcut through town.".

And so Rygar tags along with Aria, who seemed pleasantly surprised. As they are walking, Aria tells Rygar that she's actually the daughter of the blacksmith, and her father will most likely grant him a discount for saving his only child. Rygar felt relieved upon hearing the news. After his fight with the bandits, his armor got damaged pretty badly so he was wondering if he could afford to repair it. When they arrive, the blacksmith is standing outside his shop, quenching his smithed work in cold water. Brown and worn leather gloves on what seemed like a giants hands , this man stood over 7 feet tall with a black beard and firm look. This was Aria's father, Yulgar.

"Oh I was wondering when you would be back, Aria. I got some work for you."
Yulgar shifts his view over to the man behind Aria, quickly noticing the look of Rygar. "A worn and experienced warrior" he thought.
"Well well, who is this fellow supposed to be?" gruntled Yulgar.
"Don't be rude, father. This man saved my life against the bandits at the Farkree bridge" said Aria.
With a more approaching look Yulgar says: "Pardon me, she is my only daughter so I tend to be very protective of her."
"Thank you for saving her" as he bowed towards Rygar.

Rygar told him that it was no problem and quickly changed the topic, with a slighly flustered look in his face.
He proceeds to ask the blacksmith if he can repair his armor and how much it will cost him.
"Free of charge. Think of it as a token of my apprecation for your heroic actions." said Yulgar with a big smile.
"It will be finished around noon tomorrow. Why not stay the night at our residence? I would love to hear about your adventures, Rygar." Yulgar continued.
"Very well." Rygar replied.

What do you guys think?

>> No.12139511

Hmm, simple but effective. Are the kids ignorant about heir situation or do they know the horrors of war and that their parents are probably dead?

>> No.12139528

>he turns around, and

quit reading there, fuck off

>> No.12139532

There's a snippet or two in Lord of the Flies that refer vaguely to war happening beyond the island, could provide a bit of inspiration, the really subdued way its done always struck me as an interesting and often forgotten part of the novel.

>> No.12139533

A gunslinger is saved by a ten years old girl in a raid against a pedophile child ring, and he kind of adopts her into a father/daughter relationship. Eventually she decides she wants to be like the gunslinger and he trains her.
The story would be about their relationship (and the eventual feel of loss of the gunslinger once the girl dies), and an occultist group who's gonna summon a cosmic entity with unknown effects on life and the universe.
It'd would have slight touches of magic and fantasy.

>> No.12139548

Well I guess I could make the human a high-schooler with black silk hair who is oblivious to his childhood friend advances, the fraternal love of his overprotective little sister and his high school sophomore who might or might not like him.

You don't even know. I kind of want to make it as edgy as my hand can write.

>> No.12139562

The kids know what their parents are doing but I haven't decided if the parents are alive or dead yet. But most of the kids don't really care because they never met/don't remember their parents. I plan to focus on the loneliness of the children more.

Thanks, I still haven't read that one but I plan to in the near future. The book looked into for some reference is Never let me go.

>> No.12139652


>> No.12139698

A bunch of cripples live together in a communal society. A dominant cripple then begins cutting off the limbs of other cripples until he becomes a human of regular stature. He then enslaves the population, forcing them to procreate, and using their offsprings limbs to make himself into some sort of god-like mutant. The story ends with the cripples cutting off the mutant dudes limbs and using them to de-cripple themselves.

>> No.12139704

>Sandwich Couriers have to deliver sandwiches to the deadest corners of the earth
>An evil robot named Kamrad tries to stop them so he can use the sandwiches to jump start a reality breaking singularity
I dig it.

>> No.12139831

I have no hands and I must fap

>> No.12139853

Not buying your book.

>> No.12139867

It's about how a man who decides to destroy the post scarcity utopia he lives in to alleviate the eternal monotony of his life.

>> No.12139870

Sounds like edgy le wannabe tim burton garbage

>> No.12139874

You just diminished your sells a 90%

>> No.12139877

learn tense you dense

>> No.12139921
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Enlighten me, I'm a novice (if you couldn't tell)
I only write to relax my mind and because its fun.

>> No.12140009

400 years from now. It's like East of Eden in that the story begins with only a few settlers heralding a new generation. A bunch of couples from a hippie commune on Earth purchase a Mars-like planet and inhabit the thing. Begin planting crops, building its atmosphere, etc. The science/finances are just going to be a given and I won't spend more than a chapter explaining it. The planets days last three Earth days and its nights the same. The parents lie to their children about how they got there because they want the younger generation to be technology-free (a lifestyle no longer possible on Earth in 2418) and band together to survive through their close bonds and strong love. Many generations pass, and the children invent things - like telescopes and technology - and sadly witness how things really are outside of their planet.

>> No.12140045

Sounds stupid. I love you, though.

>> No.12140088

that's just the professional with some lovecraft thrown in

>> No.12140158
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Guy tries to kill himself. Broken heart, too tired to give a damn. Doesn't work out well. After a brief recovery, during an otherwise ordinary day, he starts traversing short distances in an instant, moving to seemingly random locations - all in sight of his current colation. Guy doesn't understand any of it and is scared to death. Few near death experiences. Comes to believe it happens when he blinks - when does it trigger, he never figures. Sinks into melancholy and madness. In a fit of desperation, cuts of his eye lids. Few days later kills himself.

>> No.12140171

>sit in shack
>feed wood fire
>think of hungry everyone
>door knock
>who go
>potato man
>happy run open door
>is not potato man
>actually KGB
>die in gulag
Is life under Stalin

>> No.12140370

Earth blows up and the only survivors were those in space. The last hundred humans, entirely comprised of men, trade stocks and bonds for the rest of their lives in space. The companies they trade no longer exist but they don't pay attention to it and all the price fluctuations are just the last humans selling out of anticipation or buying the dip after someone sells. The currency is almost entirely digital but the physical currency is random banknotes or coins from countries across the globe which have their values derived from how big the number they have on them is. The protagonist wants to become the richest man alive and attempts to do this by attempting to convince everyone he is the richest.

>> No.12140402

isnt that just jeff the killer

>> No.12140411
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Sounds mighty comfy anon.

>> No.12140431

a nigger becomes president of the US and destroyes the whole country in just eight years

>> No.12140523
File: 1.48 MB, 1502x3076, 0848C4DB-1A82-43E2-87F6-E8545375E851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the distant future, mankind lives away from Earth within the utopian space station, Algo. With all their needs and wants care for by a “Mother” an advanced A.I. And The Forever Society, an order of super scientists which created all of it, the lives of those aboard the megastation are existences of abundance and chemical inebriation. The main character, a girl named Luma who races jet packs for sport begins to suspect things aren’t right behind the veil of the perfection.

When forces beyond her control draw her into the dealings of the Forever Society, Luma will find herself set on an adventure across new worlds and dimensions to protect Algo and those she cares for.

Brave New World meets The Rocketeer, meets golden age of science fiction.

28k words in.

>> No.12140535

im not only not buying this book but im leaving a review that i bought it and it sucks

>> No.12140536

I like the idea, still.

>> No.12140548

Dude.... the Forever Society sounds so cringey

>> No.12140628
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I’m not married to the name. The key to first draft is to get the story down. I can change names. It’s a place holder. In the meantime (pic related) has been edited to perfection and going before an agent soon.

>> No.12140658

It’s about Judas

>> No.12140737

would read but definitely do change "the forever society." there has to be a better name you can think of.

>> No.12140961

I'm trying to write a screenplay for a surreal thriller where several people who sign up for a psychological study are sent to a large hotel, each with a fake gun and one bullet, and each has received different instructions on whether to hide/survive or team up and hunt others, under the guise of a strategy experiment.
The water supply is drugged with psychedelics and dissociatives, and the guns are real, which most don't realize until it's too late.
It would start as a dumb action/suspense thing then turn into an incoherent mindfuck. Some of the characters would be friends/coworkers, and everyone has conflicting feelings about what's going on once the drugs and paranoia kick in.

>> No.12141093

>chapter 3 (not III?)
>act IV
>of XI
Already reads long, predictable, and pretentious

>> No.12141096


>> No.12141217

Well here are some:

Sci-fi Book Idea

Some kind of sci-fi work involving a few things. In the far distant future, automation has done away with a lot of labor, so you have the choice to do one of two things. 1) You can preform labor in an infinite virtual landscape called VirtuAll for money that can be spent in real life 2) You can wear clothes and say things in accordance with a certain brand or family of brands. Extended loyalty means you can live in their housing quarters and receive their specific healthcare (i.e, Pepsi Dental where all the Dentists and such wear Pepsi-based logos).

If you’re a really skilled brand representative, you can become what the industry calls a “high target rep”. This means you do one of two things: 1) Create real life events to advertise for items ( two guys begin to have a fight in a crowded square, they’re wearing / possessing items of a certain brand, things get violent. This scars everyone seeing it and conditions them to not purchase this brand) or 2) You can seduce very specific people, get into a relationship with them, and over the course of the relationship convert them to new brand choices. Of course people doing 2) have multiple partners also.

So a guy who works in VirtuAll meets a girl who does 2) and something goes from there.

Screen Play Idea

A movie called test which is based of Fear and Trembling. Director is present in movie itself and aware it’s a movie. Many characters have belief in things which somewhat resemble faith, but only one has faith. Of course the one with faith comes off as a literal lunatic. Director always says “It’s all a test” not only in reference to the fact this is my first film and is really an experiment but also very much like Abraham in the OT.

Thanks for reading my blog guys.

>> No.12141576


>> No.12141657


>> No.12141671

>read book
>"wow that idea is great"
>author uses it poorly
>stuck with a hundred better ideas in my head
>can't use them because the premise is already tainted

This is the worst feel.

>> No.12141677

Like what?

>> No.12141722

A guy hating niggers for 1000 pages

>> No.12141724

Currently reading that stupid science fiction series "The Three Body Problem" by Cixin Liu.

In the second book humanity is awaiting an invasion in a few hundred years time. The aliens have a method of absolute surveillance on earth so they can see everything that is spoken or typed into a computer. And also a few human traitors on their side. So they can prepare for everything we do and also try to sabotage some of it. Their only handicap is that they have a poor understanding of human psychology and strategy.

So humanity devises a plan to counteract the total surveillance. Four highly capable humans are picked and given access to huge parts of humanities resources. They are supposed to come up with plans for the defense of humanity and keep all of it to themselves. Everyone else does what they command, no questions asked. And they can cryogenically freeze themselves to skip ahead in time.

You could do so much with this, but it's just a fart in the wind so far.

>> No.12141860

It’s already been done. What are you, new?

>> No.12141867

55,000 words is most certainly NOT 1,000 pages, this anon's idea is still unique

>> No.12141904

this sounds fucking rad what fucking book is this?

got my dick hard anon

>> No.12141957

That series is 1000000 times better than anything you will ever produce, arrogant little shit.

>> No.12142062

short story idea: a young man develops insecurities about his IQ despite scoring slightly above average on a test. he is convinced by the apparent thoughtlessness of his parents that he was born to inferior genetic stock. he has trouble understanding complex philosophical ideas or maintaining focus, and descends into a spiral of hopelessness as he half-attempts to apply himself, blaming all his shortcomings on his genetics. he outright refuses to engage with certain ideas and topics, believing them to be "too sophisticated" for him, and regularly wastes his time doing things like taking clickbait quizzes on the internet. the state of his existence agonizes him, but he refuses to do anything about it, thinking it pointless.

>> No.12142416

How many words did this end up being?

>> No.12142487

A cookie cutter fantasy money grabbing series. But after about 4 titles, and people are clamoring for the big ending, and I do all my late night talk show appearances... 1/4 into the 5th book the story abruptly ends as the narrator telling the story in the overworld is shot dead by home invaders. the rest of the book follows a detective trying to solve his murder. At one point he picks up the narrators book and starts reading where it was left off, only to say “this is fucking stupid.” And it’s never read again. Then I’d just hide in my bathroom and laugh.

>> No.12142772

Don't listen to the haters anon, I liked it

>> No.12142816

A real estate agent starts suffering from agonizing calf cramps every night, leaving him unable to walk. After trying everything he goes insane and kills himself. It turns out aliens tried to communicate with him

>> No.12142926


>> No.12142939

Let me unfold my 7 dimensional violin and play it for you anon

>> No.12142943

no one's reading a book about someone named Reznov
boring AF
has potential
dull as shit
gay but I like bring DSA into it as they are gay AF
too long, i ain't readin that shit
theoretical and boring AF
good content

>> No.12142952

An underage girl getting abused by her captor everyday for 5/6 years develops a Stockholm syndrome and holds him captive for the next 5/6 years by raping him

>> No.12142955

how do the tables switch exactly

>> No.12142958


>> No.12143188

Editing trimmed it to 98k

>> No.12143667


>> No.12143690


>> No.12143703

I’ll give you your (You).
Did you write this while you were drunk? Or are you 13 years old? Or are you just uneducated? Or is it a combination of the three? Atrocious use of the English language aside, the “plot” sounds insanely convuluted to the point of not even making sense. I’d wager you’re underage.

>> No.12143723

this is cool i'd read this

>> No.12143725
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He has her in a figure-four leg lock for 5/6 years, she finally realizes the only way to escape is to REVERSE! A nearly literal turning of tables if you will.

>> No.12143739

An ebin /pol/ rant about becoming based and redpilled, but disguised as a divine revelation. Still deciding whether the narrator will accept this revelation as is or decides that it's cringe and bluepilled to accept knowledge he himself didn't come to. Maybe it should be left open ended for the reader to decide what's the right path.
An excerpt
>Now faded, but still vivid, their seemingly endless stain splattered the skies. Often, though seeming fashionable to the observer, the patterns remain uncomfortable and unfamiliar. The design I now see through once smeared lenses strikes me as curious in its animosity, detestable in its disingenuity, admirable in its superfluousness, and honorable in its adhesion.

>This enlightenment has taken my sight, replacing my eyes with the eyes of another, eyes which belonged to a celestial yet terrestrial being. It was an oddly specific temporary blindness that had struck me: I saw hate in love, evil in kindness, darkness in the light, hell in peace, agony in medication; I was aware of all things being whilst only seeing reams of white silk and satin. The sky folded into itself, threading a needle made of the same thread, turning water into rain, morphing the machine to the sum of its parts, ultimately revealing to me the only thing I could ever know; everything is as it seems. Surely this must be the case, for it is just as they claimed, just as I claimed.

>> No.12143800
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An ambitious but weak-willed young man struggles with the cognitive dissonance between his failings in the material world and the high expectations and hopes he's placed on himself, drowning his depression with a lifelong internet addiction, which results in worse work performance. This creates a perpetual cycle of addiction he tries to overcome.

>> No.12143838

mY dIaRy DeSu

>> No.12143920

Dragons arguing.

>> No.12143947

Thank you, that's unironically what I wanted to hear. Answering your question, I indeed made this when I was underaged, and nowadays I realize how stupid and cringe it was, and wanted to see the reaction of someone else. About the english: english is not my primary language, and in fact, I need lots of improvement.

>> No.12143976

Perhaps read more? This is like it was wrtten by a child who plays too much video games.

>> No.12143980

good luck

>> No.12144011

During all the years of being held captive and tortured, both of them have also had many conversations. On one particular day,the girl convinces him that she no longer resents being his slave and wants to live a normal life with him, so he unlocks her cuffs or whatever he used to lock her up. Experiencing hell for so many years has had an affect on her brain's frontal lobe which led her to become a glib talker, greatly enhancing her power of persuasion and making each bit of her sentence sound like, regardless of its verity, a cogent one. Females as we know are naturally like this, but intelligent people are able to unravel their lies and emotional manipulation. But neither was the captor intelligent, and the mental suffering of the captive worked in her favour and multiplied that ability by bounds and leaps, to preternaturally high levels. Now this wasn't the once naive and easily gullible school girl, this was a woman molded by such circumstances that she could swindle 100s of millionaires in month without them having the slightest bit of clue about it.
So, after convincing him and getting herself free the captor goes to get her some food. She was already fed that day but he still went. She picked up the vase beside the window and smashes it on his head. Now from here on she tortures him for 5/6 years

>> No.12144020

Is it a story with a conclusion or something, or is it just femdom smut?

>> No.12144044

I made it on the spot for this thread, I have no intentions of completing it

>> No.12144049
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>> No.12144159

>looks ahead
>turns around

>> No.12144184

Teddy bear is brought to space station as some gimmick effort for STEM. Through the glass on earth a supernatural explosion spreads an invisible plasma over the sphere. All bears on earth become evil zombies, but the bear in the space station is unaffected by the evil. The space bear awakens and has to save the world.

Astronaut Space Bear: A Novel

>> No.12144194

what about

>> No.12144204

you had me at "NEET wins lottery"

>> No.12144214

go back to /his/

>> No.12144219

Honestly, the bullshit in this thread could overtake hollywood in a night. Thanks /lit/ you're the best.

>> No.12144230
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Holy shit, this whole post is gold

>> No.12144246
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>> No.12144260

Do Rygar and Aria fuck? Like does it happen in the next chapter after Rygar stays the night at Yulgar's residence?

>> No.12144555

Yes. Then a couple of chapters later after they've bonded, and Rygar has regained some of his sanity, Aria dies brutally in front of his eyes.
Sorry for spoilering.

>> No.12144754


>> No.12145149

It's trash anyway, too much Todd Howard not enough Dostoievsky

>> No.12145871

An under water welder working off of a drilling rig beneath the ice of Europa is forced through time an space via a shared field between Europa and Jupiter (created by the metallic hydrogen in Jupiter's atmosphere) to Venus before the sun had warmed to higher temperatures
As such there is an alien society that has developed on Venus and the welder will have to find a way to get back to his time while the civilization is slowly cooked to death
Im thinkin the society will be something along the lines of semi-space faring mayans

>> No.12145924

small time drug dealer either gets executed or can enter the big leagues and work for free for the cartel (boss's boss's boss) as a drug mule to repay debt when he's framed for cutting heroin with fentanyl and killing his boss's customers

>> No.12146037

Pls what is it called?

>> No.12146068

Tentatively, “Bourbon and Blood.”
Publisher will probably change it though

>> No.12146090

There is a strange object in the sky, and if you look at it, you instantly die, and the story revolves blind people who can see so they won't look up.

>> No.12146735

I’ll take “what is Day of the Triffids” for 500, Alex.