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/lit/ - Literature

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12131933 No.12131933[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favorite /lit/ Youtuber, /lit/? Mein is Literaturely Becca

>> No.12131942

i like ryan, the guy who also does running videos. he seems pretty chill. the pretentious guy, the one who thinks books are better than food, i find him irritating. they arent bad videos, but i cant watch too much of him without getting annoyed

>> No.12131958

but does he have big titties

>> No.12132224

Are there any /lit/ YouTubers who intelligently discuss actual high-brow stuff? Or is it all Goodreads in video form? For example, say I genuinely want to read and learn about 18th century British poetry or John Milton's full literary output?

>> No.12132233

There are. If you weren't so new you'd know 'em.

>> No.12132246

Just do a search and sift through the lowest common denominator trash that will populate the first handful of results. The production quality usually isn't great, but YouTube can be a nice source for something you'd like to hear more about.

>> No.12132284

New to what? Watching fags on YouTube? This thread is, presumably, about recommending channels, and you recommended zero.

>> No.12132290

youtube isn't the format for that sort of thing

>> No.12132307

We're all new to 4channel.org :)

>> No.12132317

Where would one go?

>> No.12132363

Secondary lit sources.

>> No.12132425


>> No.12132434

Cultured Thug

>> No.12132461
File: 32 KB, 1280x720, abf90b1c3436893356a577fdd322694e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this guy

>> No.12132471

post them milkers

>> No.12132479


>> No.12133523


>> No.12133531

>Who is your favorite /lit/ Youtuber, /lit/? Mein is Literaturely Becca
not your personal army

>> No.12133539
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>newfags won't remember our very own booktuber Oxford Girl

>> No.12133562
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>ywn hold your privately educated (36,000 pounds per year), socially Elite, well-read and well-mannered English Rose gf

>> No.12133597

I am confused about the reviews because they tell you so little about the book you're better off reading a quick blurb on amazon + the preview than you are watching the ten minute vid. What is the purpose?

>> No.12133650

I’ve been wanting to do a YouTube channel that focuses on a single book, just videos on individual chapters, background, theories, on and on, like my own little literary monograph. I’m thinking I would choose between Tristram Shandy, Moby Dick, and War and Peace, as they are complicated enough that I could see myself making hours of content and not running out of material.

>> No.12133654

post some more titties I feel like jerking off.

who wants to jerk off with me /b/ros?

>> No.12133663

this is a blue board, anon, and a Catholic board. we do not enjoy titties here.

>> No.12133673
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are you more of an ASS man?

>> No.12133835

Amen, Brother!

>> No.12133871

I like Ryan's personality more but Cliff has a better taste. He has reviewed Bolaño, Borges, Rulfo, etc. While Ryan has the taste of every other English lit student with muh American modern fiction. So, Cliff for me. Bookchemist has ups and downs

>> No.12133964

Oh God, when he starts talking about Mystical Numbers! Especially,

> there are 73 chapters, very close to the magical number 72!

>> No.12134028 [DELETED] 

>liking someone who has good taste but shit opinions
he's a book reviewer you retard, he should be judged on his reviews not by what he reviews
it makes him just another consumer of things most people here already know about
i swear to god someone could make a youtube review channel with a reviewer who is a random farm animal, like a pig, that reviews borges and at the end of every video the pig oinks and the farmer comes in gives a thumbs up and goes "he gives borges five oinks guys, don't forget to hoof that like button. see you next week on the pygchon review" and you dumbasses would be all be like WOW THIS PIG HAS SUCH GOOD TASTE HE REVIEWS BOOKS MENTIONED ON MY SEKRET FORUM ME ME ME ME

>> No.12134059


>> No.12134060

>Cliff has a better taste
Cliff's "reviews" show that he doesn't understand half of the shit he reads on any meaningful level.

>> No.12134086

Hands off your dicks!
She's 17

>> No.12134114

what... IN THE WORLD

does a 17 year old girl have to tell ME, a grown ass old man, about literature

>> No.12134123

this, which i why i only watch scott bradfield
>pynchon, gaddis, barth, joyce
he's based

paperbird is good too:

>> No.12134137

These videos come off kinda creepy. The girl acts childlike and the dude sounds like her father.

>> No.12134143

>filmography was the worst "footnote"
shit taste

>> No.12134180

Bookchemist was like this at one point with Pynchon.

>> No.12134184

Sounds hot

>> No.12134191

tristram shandy would be really interesting, i'd watch your vids

>> No.12134231

Women are all childlike.

>> No.12134555

>i like ryan, the guy who also does running videos
What's his youtube channel? I tried finding who you're talking about, but youtube is just showing me some gay little kid.

>> No.12135434


>> No.12135439

Dreamt of her three nights agoo. I want to fuck her tenderly.

>> No.12135449

Cmon, give sauce to the sauceless

>> No.12135458


>> No.12135463

Neither does Ryan. His "review" of Ulysses is nothing but "I read it in Uni, good times xD I have two copies because why not lmao".

>> No.12135870

thx man, as a reward I'll tell you that I'm reading Ulysses just so I can do a comparisson between it and the Odyssey.

>> No.12135912

Neat. I wanted to do the same + 2001 for an essay but procrastination got the best of me.

>> No.12135921

for the love of ryan

>> No.12135936

Pray that doesn't happen to me brother.

>> No.12136130

t. Victoria Justice

>> No.12136482

>Google Literaturely Becca
>Literally seven videos, only two of which are about books

>> No.12136491

Dropped her when she said the iliad sucked

>> No.12136523
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>> No.12136526

fucking newfags lurk moar

>> No.12136543
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That's legal in my country.

>> No.12136556
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Like it's even close.