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12126630 No.12126630 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best African and/or black nationalist literature?

>inb4 /pol/

>> No.12126640

Frantz Fanon

>> No.12126644
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>> No.12126663

The part of the book where Malcolm X is powdering Jew asses with talc

>> No.12126676

Thank you, Is there a particular work of his you'd recommend?

>> No.12127009
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I'd say start off by reading pic related. It's not only a good book on the black struggle but also goes into a bit of psychology, even if Malcolm X didn't intend it to. Understanding that no one can love you the way those of your own race can and the implications of intergationism that people like Martin Luther king, who later recanted from his beliefs, would entail. It really speaks to blacks on a personal scale and what I like most about big X is that he literally doesn't give a fuck. He discusses some of the hardest topics you can and saw the world as it really was. He made whites feel like victims for once and cry out racism. He had black and white liberals trying to tear him down and made one of the best black owned and self reliant organisation the world had ever seen. Until emotion and jealousy ruined things. But yeah, you can probably tell I really like this guy. Only criticism of him is that he was a Muslim. But I think that it was necessary for him.

>> No.12127090

Thanks for the rec! I've already begun reading it.

>> No.12127094

it's not really black nationalist, but if you haven't read Invisible Man before I do recommend it.

>> No.12127096

frantz fanon - wretched of the earth

>> No.12127107
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>> No.12127118

Nice spooks nerds.

>> No.12127127

The End Of White World Supremacy by Malcolm X

>> No.12127154

>Calling people nerds on /lit/ as an insult
You've just outted yourself as a illiterate pseud.

>> No.12127156

Most of the major Black Nationalist figures wrote autobiographies/memoirs, which double as both histories of the movement, and insight inside the minds of its leaders, so you'd be as well starting with them. Here's a non-exhaustive list:
Paul Robeson - Here I stand
Robert F. Williams - Negroes With Guns
The Autobiography of Malcolm X (most people start with this)
Huey Newton - Revolutionary Suicide
Bobby Seale - A Lonely Rage
Ready for Revolution - Kwame Ture (aka Stokely Carmichael)
Assata Shakur - Assata: An Autobiography
Angela Davis: An Autobiography

Also worth remembering that the Black Nationalist movement in America was, (and still is) heavily influenced by the Pan-Africanism of Marcus Garvey, the Theological ideas of the Nation of Islam, & the Marxist Anti-Colonial writings of Lenin, Mao, Castro, and Kwame Nkrumah, so if you want to understand black nationalist thought on its own terms, you should also read up on them.

>> No.12127160

Decent recc. Only issue is that this was during Malcolm's self confessed coocoo days of the NOI. Still, there are some gems in there.

>> No.12127191

everything is a spook, you read it in a meme, we get it teenage fag

>> No.12127211
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>Only 10 percent of eighth-grade black boys in the U.S. are proficient in reading


>> No.12127233

>understanding that no one can love you in the way those of your own race can

That's retarded especially since you both have an amerimutt definition of race.

>> No.12127725

thank you for this list

>> No.12127770

Black Skin, White Masks. It is Fanon’s most existentialist work as far as I know, not saying much, but it is important for people of all races to understand how colonialism impacted our psyche, I would say especially since we are still following that model.

>> No.12127773


>> No.12127898

No bother. Also, Fred hampton never wrote an autobiography, or else I would've posted it. He was a major enough figure, that I'd recommend reading up on him nonetheless.

>> No.12128056

Reminder: Malcolm X was a homosexual prostitute who was described by his own wife as "impotent" and incapable of satisfying her sexually

Black nationalist rhetoric always talks tough, but inevitably it's revealed that its biggest practitioners were secretly scared little frauds putting on a show for slobbering white liberals

pic related, it's how most of them end up: lying face down in nothing but their panties, murdered by their own hateful ideology and its consequences

>> No.12128066
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>> No.12128075

Reminder white male anger is the direct result of their small penises and fear of being cuckolded by the more virile and physically stronger BLACK MALE

>> No.12128078

Has anyone read Elridge Cleaver's "The Souls of Black Folk"? It's been sitting in my amazon shopping cart for months, can't decided whether or not to pull the trigger on it

>> No.12128079

I read his names a dozen times a month for a phase of my life but I can't get pass 10 pages of his book.
I am an Asian American and I read the translation in my first language. The guy who translated The White Mask identified with it very much but I just don't want to be the same room with him

>> No.12128086

I think since he writes as a psychoanalyst and existentialist a lot of people find that book to be kind of difficult for lack of a better word. What was your problem with it?

>> No.12128109
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Read this

Absolutely hilarious outline of how leftist retards in the 60s and 70s like the Weather Underground went around trying to prove to black radicals they were "with it," only to inevitably get scammed, injured, and humiliated. They did this REPEATEDLY and never ever stopped trying to prove to black people they were cool. Reminded me of Lucy and Charlie Brown's football

This is when they weren't accidentally blowing themselves up with pipe bombs and giving each other crabs

>> No.12128127

>It's black nationalists who act tough but are secretly insecure scared little sissies.
Imagine projecting this much.

>> No.12128164

radical marxists and ethno reactionaries wouldn’t actually get along. The weathermen were typical racist boomers for thinking so.

>> No.12128228

I'm from London and here all blacks, well, at least most, are pure blacks and directly immigrated from Africa. Such as myself.

>> No.12128251

Considering how disparate and culturally distinct black peoples across the world are, black nationalism makes about as much sense as white nationalism,

>> No.12128309

True, in a single African country like Nigeria, the diversity of culture is immense. People talk a lot about racism from whites towards blacks but as a black Brit I've seen more racism from other blacks than whites. I've never been stopped by a security guard while leaving a shop but I did once by a Nigerian guy. Was weird. But then again I do blame this on the effects of colonialism and think the hardest part about creating a black nationalist country is getting these niggers, and I say that with hate the same way Malcolm X did when referring to the NOI after jealousy caused the organisation to fall down, to work together.

>> No.12128504

The only books missing by this are Soul on Ice by Eldridge Cleaver and any collection of Poetry by Amiri Baraka.

>> No.12128537

Iceberg Slim - Pimp

>> No.12128540

Search up "Pan-Africanism" on your browser.

>> No.12128661

What's the name of the guy on the right holding the gun?

>> No.12128663

Huey Newton

>> No.12128722


>> No.12128915

Yeah it's a stupid idea like I said.

>> No.12128933


>> No.12128948
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>> No.12128955

Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha

>> No.12129052

the ideas of blacks having an economy that is capable enough of providing a supply of pharmaceuticals ruins my suspension of disbelief.

>> No.12129792

>all blacks are pure blacks

That's still a trash definition of race you nigger. You don't have a single kind of coon in africa but a shitload of differents grape-sucking people. It wpuld be lile saying there's a white race in Europe despite the constant conflicts and widly differents performances at home and abroad.

>> No.12129850

back to plebbit, being well-read doesn't equal being a gay ass nerd

>> No.12129853

thought most london niggers were mutts from the windies