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/lit/ - Literature

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12122381 No.12122381 [Reply] [Original]

how do I reconcile my love of learning about philosophy, politics, the trivium arts of language (rethoric, oratory, argumentation) why the fact I wanna write shitty fantasy novels for weebs.

I literally wanna write a goblin slayer fanfic that deals with racism, egalitarianism, inmigration and the european colonization of the goblin territories and the european desire to genocide alien native populations.

>> No.12122405

sperg out on world building and character development. think about the political climate of the world you're writing. think of the science fiction rule where the best way to normalize "futuristic" technology is to write about it matter of factly, that makes the reader think of course there is a hovercar in the street that makes total sense
just try to do that with the world you're writing in your book and you'll be set.

>> No.12122443

Set out to write the greatest shitty fantasy novels for weebs then. There's nothing wrong if you want that, and if you want to incorporate philosophy in it, just never forget that you are still writing a shitty novel for weebs.

I believe there is real talent in those who can subtly insert higher ideas in media forms who are usually devoid of these, while still keeping it as a high-quality work of the genre in question.

My dream is to draw a doujinshi that incorporates Bataillean
eroticism in it, but I suck at drawing.

>> No.12122465

You can write fiction and nonfiction in the same lifetime. There's no rule against it.

>> No.12123010

If this is unironically what you want to write there's no hope for you

>> No.12123066

>why the fact I wanna write shitty fantasy novels for weebs.

your awful grammar shows you are an idiot.
what you want to write about further reveals your true intellectual level.

i'm assuming you are a well off failson, just intelligent enough to perceive the beautiful things out there, but not intelligent enough to actually grasp them.

>> No.12123088
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>I literally wanna write a goblin slayer fanfic

>> No.12123116
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This dumb gringo assume, and how he does, my shitty post were contain a grammar mistake, and he assumes, and yeah he do, that my writing skills are awful, banal, minial, short of inpiration, enchantress, glory, aspirations. And that I must therefore and sofore, unable to write properly, engage the senses and make you cry.
Oh dumb gringo, what a pitiful post to be surpased by a non native, what a pity.

>> No.12124835

Because it's fun and you're failed at life trying to make it seem more important than it is.

>> No.12124847

the more you study, the better your book will be longer term

you can be all talk, study a bit, and write a work that is legit enough that it fools 70% of the people, or you can work your ass off, become an expert in several fields, and integrate that knowledge in such a way that all you really have to focus on is the play of writing itself.

you can play doctor or go to med school, get your residency, then become one

all up to you
just be clear what you want vs what you think you want

>> No.12124871

>just intelligent enough to perceive the beautiful things out there, but not intelligent enough to actually grasp them
How long do I have to wear a fedora before I start talking like this? Nobody will ever have a higher opinion of you for being pretentious, and if you're "doing it for your own satisfaction" you wouldn't feel the need to share your opinion with a bunch of neckbeards on 4chan

>> No.12124879


This. Raise the bar, anon. I'm writing lots of literary short stories and after that I plan on writing whatever pulpy fun comes to mind while I edit and try to get the short stories published. I'm thinking of it as a reward for my serious work that will stop me from getting entirely rusty but relax my standards for a while.

>> No.12124911

But you die either way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Honestly though, I think it is a valuable thing to put in the 10k hours of grinding that it takes to become an "expert" in something creative. If that's writing, then fucking go balls-deep in it, even if it's 100% weeb material.

Take Camille Saint-Saens for example. He is as legitimate a figure as any in the Western Art tradition, but his most enduring work (Carnival of the Animals) was composed as a joke. He was just skilled enough of a composer that his sense of melody, form, and orchestration showed even when composing a piece with lion noises built into it. Story structure and prose is the same whether you're writing about a Russian peasant's existential ruminations or a buffed-up leader of the Free Nations of Weebland cleaving goblin heads.

>> No.12125266


Let's write anon's book.

>When Sorgorath was condemned to drink the Hemlock, he did not complain to Cortip that he was a victim, and instruct his friends to seek revenge.
>And when they demanded the Reemuns to crucify our Lord, Jezrup did not complain of being a victim, but pitied them for being victims of their own evil.
>Yes, Sorgorath and Jezrup, these two pillars of our civilization, overturned the logic of revenge. In their image is cast the essential Western man.
>But after the Second Great Civil War of the West, in what seemed to be his happiest of moments, Western man forgot his heroes and evil took root.
>For the very same merchant tribe that slaughtered our Lord Jezrup, having plotted its revenge for nearly two thousand years, conjured the illusion of guilt.
>Their wondering wizards, having by the base art of alchemy paid in gold their way to the thrones and courts of the West, sought to restore vengeance to man.
>"You Western men, we are all your victims. Banish your pride and self-determination. Seek out your own destruction. And only then can we your eternal victims know justice"
>This a spell they cast on all Western nations for more than half of a century. Until, one day, a few remaining Western men awakening, found their nations overrun with goblins.
>To "integrate" the goblins, the Western man had cast to the flames every one of his most fundamental laws and principles. Indeed, the goblins lacked the nature to fulfill them.
>But the wizards of that hate-filled tribe, their spell so clever, had convinced Western man that nature did not exist. He had simply not done enough to integrate the victims of his wrath.
>The goblins raped and thieved, desecrating everything sacred in his nations. All the while, the wizards, their eyes like tiny black marbles, stroked their hands and grinned at their demise.
>At the darkest hour, when the goblin hordes, pets of the wizards, were poised to consumed the whole race of Western men, and forever return humanity to darkness, there came a hero.
>No one knew his real name. He called himself Josup de Mastier, the Executioner. "Faith and Submission, these are the two levers of nations!" he preached to righteous Western men.
>Josup, a profoundly religious man, had no qualms about removing the parasite races from the West. It was not revenge, but profound love for Jezrup that drove him.
>He was known above all, in the moments before crushing a goblin skull with his hammer, or pouring boiling gold down a merchant wizard's throat, for saying this:
>"Do not struggle, for I make you the victim that you've always pretended to be."