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/lit/ - Literature

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12069978 No.12069978 [Reply] [Original]

No-one-made-another-thread-so-I-guess-I-will Edition

What is your current word count?
What's something you're struggling with?


>> No.12070074

Coming up to the 20K and genuinely appreciate the discipline. So long as I can't come here without seeing the reminder thread it'll be fine.

Right now I'm having to replan the fourth act because I now realise it was a dumbass idea. Feel like the actual writing has gone OK though

>> No.12070179

I'm almost quitting. 7k here.

>> No.12070188

Don't. There's still tons of time to catch up, plus it needs to get written, whether it's quality or not

>> No.12070192

I'm like 50k in, blazing through this draft; 30k in the last 5 weeks.
I'm literally learning so much as I go that I'm scared to and start editing because I'll be so hung up in drafting hell.

>> No.12070305
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25,253 here. Believe in your own justice, nerds.

>> No.12070325

And after I've completed 50,000 words, so what? What to do? Isn't review an extremely tedious and boring work?

>> No.12070341

So, I started today. Wrote a short story about a duck feeder visiting his local park before a nuclear war breaks out. I do not expect to hit 50k and that's okay. Writing is all that matters.

>> No.12070357

It's definitely less fun than writing, but if you like the story concept, it can be pretty engaging. Plus you can say you did it, and it's quite a challenge to stay motivated the whole month. And you'll be better as a writer because of it. If this is your first story, then there is a slim chance anything will come of it, but it's a very good experience in growth.

>> No.12070388

Serious effective review must be rough. Review which leads to you canning the document and learning something is easier. If you're not doing the latter at least there's the motivation of thinking you've written something good.

>> No.12070395
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nearly 18k, I'm going to be sprinting today to 22k after brunch here because sending out resumes is for fags

>fourth act
>only 20k words

>> No.12070454

The two statements weren't related, methinks. He reached 20k and is now realizing his fourth act doesn't work and needs to replan it.

>> No.12070459

not even a single word. November Law exams suck

>> No.12070515


This. I'm only at the start of the second, but once you start to make things concrete you realise that certain future events just won't make any sense. For me a character would have to be able to do something that'll stretch credulity. Best not to.

>> No.12070644

>Not pressing Shift+Delete

>> No.12070915

27k, I've wrapped up my first act and I'm getting in to the second. I think by the end I'm going to overshoot the goal, it'll probably end up being 70k-80k words.

Writing prayers and rituals. I've been stealing a lot of hindu mantras but I keep going back and making changes so that it's not too obvious.

>> No.12071099

>70k-80k words.
Good, that's a more publishable length

> Hindu prayers and rituals
What sort of novel is this? Actual curiosity engaged.

>> No.12071228
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It's a fantasy novel that takes place in an area similar to Afghanistan circa the 19th century. A naval power has slowly subverted or outright conquered the various princes which compose the (formerly) great empire to the east, which had once ruled the area at least in name. To the north, one of the few non-aristocratic states in the world has been aggressively expanding into the wide-open steppes, forcing native tribes to submit to their authority and settle permanently.

The protagonist is a mage who has recently been ordained as a sort of warrior-monk, which involves a drawn out an painful initiation rite which ultimately allows them to use more powerful magic without needing to worry about the degradation of their sanity. He's been dispatched to the capital so that the Shah can appoint him to one of the central government's various branches. He'll end up in the Royal Society for Magical Research, which is tasked with the containment or destruction of magical anomalies. These anomalies can take the form of warped patches of earth which destroy anything that passes within their borders, or tremendous beast three times the size of a man which rampage across the countryside.

As the plot progresses, he'll get further drawn into the geopolitics of the region and compete against agents from both the not!British and the not!Russians to secure the region's independence from both these rival world powers.

>> No.12071401

Not him, but I'd gladly beta read this if you end up finishing up a few drafts, sounds great. Good luck.

>> No.12071864

Shit, I'm writing something that was supposed to be about 80k and now, looking at what I have left, it seems like it'll only reach 40k. How do I make this sucker into a full novel?

>> No.12072302

Just found out about this right now. Can I do this next month or does this website end in December?

>> No.12072310

It takes place in November each year. You're welcome to do it whenever you want though.

>> No.12072940

Law school guy here. I said fuck it and started a new project. It's personal rambles about law school and all the poorly constructed philosophy and alcohol I've exposed myself to over the past 3 years.

>> No.12072982

is it worth trying to start this late into the game?

>> No.12073021

If you sprint 4k or more a day for a while you might

>> No.12073479

>only 10k words
>month half over

Fuck I started out so well

>> No.12073794

>month isn't even half over
>only 22k words
I dunno bro, I might not make it

>> No.12073976

I'm only at 13k and I feel so sluggish and neurotic about it all. I had to go back and rewrite the beginning. It's not going great -_-

>> No.12074133

>just one sentence to finish the chapter
>decide to go to sleep
>wake up and redo the previous chapter
>still have to get to the same spot 6h later
At least I like the changes I made.

>area similar to Afghanistan circa the 19th century
This line alone makes it sound pretty interesting. As does the rest of the setting and the overarching conflict. The magic doesn't sound too inspired but at least functional enough.

Though the protagonist and the plot progress do sound kinda dull so far.

>> No.12074509

>which involves a drawn out an painful initiation rite which ultimately allows them to use more powerful magic without needing to worry about the degradation of their sanity

To follow up on the other anon, I also love your setting description, but this sanity loss thing is getting a bit played out now, I hope your theological angle can bring something new to it

>> No.12074649
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>5k word written today
>only 200 words ahead of schedule

>> No.12074723
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>wrote vigorously for about 6 hours yesterday
>got 2300 words
>mfw still 13000 behind

>> No.12074934

Hey man, you gotta plan more than this and you've gotta really commit to doing what you planned. Six hours should be more productive than that.

>> No.12075045

A nigga needs to use a laptop instead of pencil

>> No.12075074

Sprinted 7.5k over the weekend and caught up and am now ahead. Feels good man. Also starting to now get to the second section at 21k words.

>> No.12075717

>sprinted to just over 22k from about 17.5k
>just 440 words ahead

for as close to "half way" as my word count suggests I should be I'm not actually done introducing the problems of the first half of the second act. what's worse is I'm starting to fear I might not be able to space out the major plot points enough

>> No.12075849

I mean, you can go past the 50k. You just need that as a minimum. The work itself doesn't need to be complete to "win."

>> No.12076136

Anyone else having trouble with languages when writing? I know three languages well enough to write in them. The problem is, no matter which language I start off with, I always find expressions and words in some other language that I want to make use of. Its also impossible to just translate them, because they often carry nuances and implied meanings that are hard to express otherwise. I really struggle not to let my texts turn into a garbled mix of languages.
Do any of you guys experience the same problem?

>> No.12076316

I don't know French but my book takes place in France. I will use very very basic phrases that Google can't fuck up to indicate a speaker is using French. So I have the opposite problem that I'll get called out on that. If I were you I'd just write the expressions in their language. Make the reader think

>> No.12076345

Fair enough... The problem is that I rarely write dialogue. Otherwise that might actually be a good way to solve it.

>> No.12076348

I have about 25k written but didn't start NaNoWriMo. Can I just start now and try to make it until the end of the month?

>> No.12076466

Yeah why not

>> No.12077081

I know the feel. Not just when it comes to meaning but fancy stuff like alliterations or puns too, it hurts.

One option is to just go with a multilingual mess. The other focusing on one language and work with its limitations, and using the knowledge of others to inform some of your choices, to try harder find ways to get the same nuance and meaning across with different tools. Doesn't work all of the times of course but more often than not, there is a way, you overlook when stuck too much in translation-mode.

>> No.12077835
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I just sort of made things up as I went along, character-wise, and it worked up to a point, but my plot is pushing the characters around more often, and their reasons for continuing are starting to feel contrived and silly.

I've tried going over books and help seminars on Youtube about character and screenwriting, but people work mostly in generalities.
Unlike other creative disciplines, nobody actually works through the process step by step.

Did you guys start your story with a plan before this? How are you handling your characters?
I'm thinking about doing one of those goofy, 200 point questionnaires that ask inane things about your OC; like- 'whats their favorite ice cream' and 'who molested them when they were 12'?

I'm stumped.

Might repost this in the /nanog/.

Are you typewriter-bro from /nanog/?
I pirated the official book for the website, and the author has the gall to tell new writers that 1670 words takes 1.5 hours, tops.
It is a lie.
Good shit takes time and I bet you made some good shit in that 6 hours.
When I started my first and best chapters, it was taking me 3-4 hours to get the RIGHT words for the 1600-2000 count.
You're not doing it wrong, trust me.

I recommend DO recommend Sprinting if completion of the challenge is your main concern.
Just vomit the first thing that comes to mind for 30-40 minute segments and watch your count expand.
It wont be good, or even coherent, but it will get you what you need.

>> No.12077860

It's okay to have characters leave or kill them.

>> No.12077861
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>I recommend DO recommend

Make that "recommend x 2" and lets forget all about that other brainfart.

>> No.12077870


Same dude here.

You see, I had a grisly end all prepared for my shallow characters towards the..I wanna say middle? of act 2. But its getting them there that's the chore.
I'm at the end of Act 1 right now and I'm just getting tired of looking at them, is all.

Sorry to blogpost.

>> No.12077890
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Law school bro here. I’m late to the party, but these threads inspired me when I went to the second hand book store today. I picked up a copy of this. Read through the first bit and it seems like a logical guide for the writing process. Seems simple enough. It’s not like it’ll be any more difficult a concept to grasp than criminal procedure or labor disputes.

>> No.12077906


Im going to see if this is available from the ruskies and add it to my pile of writing resources.

Whats your favorite section in this, so far?

>> No.12077934

is "write what you know" a meme or does sufficient research or interest in a topic suffice? i only know how to be a 20 year old and the main character i'm writing is a 30 year old living in 1970 but i don't want to write about a 20 year old in modern times

>> No.12077984

Yes, it is a meme.

I combined what I knew about gothic literature with a subject that wasnt terribly informed about: the daily lives of the settlers in the American Old West. I researched what I needed as it came up and its been pretty good so far.

Everyone is familiar with their own experiences, but you can always learn more about people, places and things, so there's no hard limit to what you "know", per se.

Get your hands on literature, movies, and books written in or about that time period, if you need a general guidepost. Google-fu what you need for specifics.

>> No.12078087
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>> No.12078115

Currently behind at 15K. I wrote most on weekends and now I'm trying to make sure not to repeat that mistake but at least writing a little bit NO MATTER HOW TIRED I AM.

Also, is anyone else's story shit? After NaNoWriMo, I'll have to completely rewrite the story, but at least I'll have a story to rewrite. I've got a surrealist sequence in my book.

>> No.12078159
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btw does anyone else have the problem of not really having a plot or narrative? Mine's clunky.

>year 2151
>Earth under one world government
>It's shit
>world completely reshapped with open borders
>1st world societies no longer exist, rather everyone has segregated into communities
>people pledge loyalty to corporeal bodies based on identity politics, of their choosing

then there's another plot I'm trying to work in
>people hate earth
>want to colonize mars
>big dream about going to mars, it's a metaphor for heaven
>no one will live to be on mars, but they can donate eggs/sperm for their descendants

It's really clunky, here is MC

>MC is nihilistic 20 something male
>has robot waifu
>fascist group destroys waifu
>fascist leader teaches him how to be leader
>but MC has misgivings
>MC is unique, doesn't belong to any group, which was why he was scouted out in the first place
>through the story, MC realizes he must start his own group

I've got 3 things going on that I need to tie together.

>> No.12078181

Fascist group wants to dominate mars with their future genes, but the world government has put them on a watch list and refuses to take more than the proportional population share of their DNA. Fascist plan to overthrow the department both internally and with violence. MC realizes the only thing he can do is try to stop the fascists from the inside as he moves through the ranks. Collecting a rag tag team of silly sci-fi characters along the way to help him with his plan of foiling the fasist.

>> No.12078199

6k here. I got a way to go before I can catch up.

>> No.12078320
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>write 200 words
>go back to /lit/

Why do I keep doing this, holy shit.

>> No.12078336

You have to be like pencil bro and write everything by hand with all electronic devices off.

>> No.12078343

You're probably right. I just wrote 150 words and rushed back to see if anyone had replied just to get the rush from that sweet, sweet (You). I even have a good notebook in which to write. I should go analog to meet my daily quota.

>> No.12078367

Enjoy that dopamine rush with this (you).

>> No.12078490
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I wrote this for (you).

>> No.12078504
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>Also, is anyone else's story shit?


This is me every 540 words, or so.

Thats a big notebook!
Was refreshing the browser part of your plan?

Im off to the word mines for the first session tonight, lads. Wish me luck.

>> No.12078589
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If I keep writing til my hand cramps, will I die?

>> No.12078592

it would be extremely painful

>> No.12078619

'Lotta productivity for a hired pen!

>> No.12078643

You'd think but this nigga only at like 7k

>> No.12078671


Oh! Is this the pencil bro?
I understand how that would take a long time to transfer, now that I see the amount per page.

I wish I could still write longhand like this, though.

>> No.12078738

Naw, this is law school guy. Writing longhand is pretty interesting, to have the thoughts spilling over and to be restricted by how fast you can write is completely different than with a keyboard where your brain has to catch up to the typing speed. I feel like the choice of words and the density of the writing are greatly improved. But the problems of legibility, typing it up after, speed, hand cramps, etc are all pretty annoying. It’s a thrill.

>> No.12078801
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>where your brain has to catch up to the typing speed.

This right here is one of my limiting factors. When I really hit my stride, my hands cant go as fast as my thoughts- so I end up sticking to the old mechanical devil.

I love the physicality of paper, though. There's nothing quite like a softbound notebook with a good grain of paper inside it.

>But the problems of legibility, typing it up after, speed, hand cramps, etc are all pretty annoying. It’s a thrill.

A thrill I'm probably going to take up again, once this challenge is won. I cannot wait, desu. This deadlines stuff is as exhilarating as it is maddening.
Do you use a fountain pen regularly? I used to do calligraphy ages ago, but Im not sure what to buy for an entry-level fountain pen.
Any pointers?

>> No.12078802

>btw does anyone else have the problem of not really having a plot or narrative? Mine's clunky.
I'd say I am on the other extreme, with 10+ plots and subplots and like 3 timelines (2 hinted, 1 told through chronological flashbacks) and most don't even get resolved by the end, instead more stuff is hinted at and introduced.

As far as I can tell, it's not even hard to follow, and someone who skipped from the first chapter to the last, will feel pretty comfortable, but the way there might cause some whiplash.

>fascist leader teaches him how to be leader
>but MC has misgivings

What do you characters even want and why do they want it? Why are you using them to tell this story? Why do you want to tell this story?

>> No.12078925
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I'm not even sure what kind of story I'm telling. I'm totally pantsing this, and right now I'm character has fallen into a surreal subterranean place known as "the Underground", just below the futuristic cyberpunk city of neo-Houston.

>fascist leader
because MC is unique, the world is broken up into identity group, yet he remains alone, very unique, but MC pays the price in being very isolated.
>MC has misgivings
He chooses not to be part of any group for a reason. He has anti-social tendencies, and has been alone for so long, that what he's most familiar and comfortable with is his own loneliness. But that's not all, he also distrusts groups. Feels it requires too much false enthusiasm and "toeing of the line" so to speak. Or at least that's the idea.

>> No.12079043

>btw does anyone else have the problem of not really having a plot or narrative?
This is pretty much my main issue. I've got a basic concept, themes, characters, lots of scenes I could potentially use, but no real plot. I just can't think of anything to tie everything together. Its gotten to the point where I'm thinking about not having an overarching plot, just a sort of slice of life deal with no "goal", only an ending.

>> No.12079353

My little cousin made that one for me. A kit from Rhinehart and he did the wood. I’ve found that it’s best to get a refillable one or disposables. The ones with little cartridges all have proprietary design so they don’t fit into each other. Also because of the different weights and nubs you may want to go through some disposables before throwing down big money. If I had a choice I’d like mine to be a bit lighter with more wedge to the tip. My grandmother has a bunch of old timey calligraphy pins you have to dip. Shits pretty cool.

>> No.12079370

We already figured out the plot for space nazi guy. List off elements like he did and we can brainstorm together.

>> No.12079551

Wow! Your cousin did a great job. I do like the wood grain finish.
>you may want to go through some disposables before throwing down big money.
This seems like a good idea! I was looking at all the specialty pens and the prices were really something. It was like all the horrors of shopping for fine art paint brushes rushing back at me. Wew!
I like lightweight pens, too. So I'll try looking for some of those. Thanks, dude!

Damn, those old-fashioned dip pens look awesome. I am super envious. I'd love to have a little bit of history like that in my house.

>> No.12079580

>write love triangle
>introduce 4th person in said triangle
>notice she ruins the dynamics of my characters/hate her so I remove her
>about 5k words lost
>didn't write since

>> No.12079797
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>> No.12080434

should've kept her in and had her get told off for ruining their dynamic. for real though, that sucks and you need to find a new idea, don't stagnate too long on the fact that you had a dumb one


>> No.12080481
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>Want to participate
>Can't bring myself to do it because I'm shit
>But if I don't start writing, I will never not be shit
I could probably write something on the level of a shitty YA fiction novel with plenty of grammar and syntax errors. Should I try here or just stick to fanfiction.net?

>> No.12080610

How did you all choose what you are writing? Did you select an idea at random?

>> No.12080742

You haven’t failed the wrimo unless you’re not at the 50,000 word count by December 1st

>> No.12080750

everyone starts off writing self-insert YA-tier stuff, because it's their guilty desires that they've always wanted to read, but then you get it out of your system and you start writing creative ideas. might as well try, you can only fail or succeed, both will make you a better writer

>> No.12080779

Does it have to be one story, or can it be 50k words of short stories? You might be more eager to review if you have a variety of settings/characters/arcs etc than a single story

>> No.12080846

>writing a love triangle at all
this is the point where you fucked up

>> No.12080850

>Read a Kyell Gold romance novel
>realize that literally anybody can write and live off the money

>> No.12080974

Glad to hear it, I'll probably kick it around here when it's done. I've been posting excerpts on critique circle to get a little editing in while I write the second arc.

Yeah, I do feel like my protagonist is a bit weak. He's got a bit of the PTSD thing going on from his survival of what was essentially the in-universe equivalent of the 1842 retreat from Kabul. I think as the story progresses I'll play up the "torn between two worlds" angle, since he's half Votish. His mother is a native prostitute and used to be a camp follower for the Votish army.

I've also sort of inadvertently set-up a civil war. I've foreshadowed it without really intending to, but I might roll with it. I'll see how it develops.

I don't see it being a major aspect of the plot. The way magic works I sort of envision it as the unity of the fundamental forces. A substance called essence serves as a sort of force carrier particle.

Any conscious living thing can control essence, even particularly clever animals. However, some humans are born with a mutation which allows them to control more essence and do more powerful things with it. These people, mages, have naturally percolated to the top of the societal hierarchy over the millennia. That's why aristocracy is so widespread.

Channeling essence slowly eats away at your flesh and bone. It carves out essence-lined veins throughout your body. These veins allow you to channel more essence and thus make you more powerful, but eating holes in your frontal lobe isnt exactly healthy. Frequent meditation can help to alleviate these issues, as generally speaking new channels are only carved when existing channels are either clogged or insufficient.

The initiation ceremony is essentially the act of soldering wires into the mage's flesh. They use a combination of a naturally occurring resin, crystallized essence, and gold to create a conductive lacquer which is molten at a low enough temperature for a mage to survive having it poured into a fresh wound. Once wired in this manner, essence is conducted through the golden lines in their flesh rather than through the naturally occurring channels. Thus, new channels aren't carved and any mental degradation is halted.

Most of these details are probably going to remain in the background, since I dont want to bore readers with long, drawn out descriptions of magical mechanics. Some of the details even the protagonist is unaware of, despite eight years of monastic study.

>> No.12081060
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I had an idea I wanted to explore about another published work and expanded on that.

Literally write whatever. Like 5, 10,000 word short stories. They dont even have to be stories. Write 5, 10, 000 word memoirs, poems, impressions, things.

Just write 50,000 words of stuff.
It doesn't matter as much as you think it does.
That's your ego talking.

>> No.12081065


I've skipped about 5 days worrying at world-building and character details.
Youre way ahead of me, man.

>> No.12081127
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I started writing fapfics on /trash/, I had a near breakdown around a month ago but was saved by burying myself in bad m/m romance novels of the /trash/ variety. I realized it was nanowrimo near the end of the 1st and I was like, "you know if I was thinking I could write something better than those novels why not try it?"

so here I am, putting my time where my mouth is.

>> No.12081262


>wereworlf benis

Monster men are really popular in the fantasy section this year- especially werewolves. I keep seeing it pop up on the fantasy book forums.
What gives?

Is there a secret pron cabal I am unaware of?
How do I get in?

>> No.12081300

there's no secret cabal, just a kink for beefy monster men

the weak just make them furries, the strong keep their beastlyness just under the surface.

>> No.12081315

>just a kink for beefy monster men

Ah! A man of discernment. Just like myself!

And I do agree about the furfags. Shine on, you crazy diamond!

>> No.12081339

How do you put time around a dick?

>> No.12081348


>he doesnt stick his dick in an alarm clock every morning.

Its the only way to start the day, anon!

>> No.12081362

I liked a character in a book I read recently so I took the archetype and tossed it into a random scene and just went from there. 25k words in and now I'm visualizing the ending, trying to figure out how to get there.

>> No.12081367

I mainly just start writing. I'm a pantser, back when I started I had only a vague idea about sending sperm to Mars, but now my story is fleshing out. Write and write until you find the plot, that's my motto.

>> No.12081424

don't remind me that I'm not spending all day gobbling werewolf knob

>> No.12082156

Update: Approaching 9k. Godspeed everyone.

>> No.12082671

>should've kept her in and had her get told off for ruining their dynamic.
I couldn't, she was "that" childhood friend
How so? It's cute

>> No.12082680

>picture some cool scene/setting
>who is involved and why
>how did it happen/what happened
>who else would need to be involved for it to happen, and why
>what will happen afterwards, what happened before
>what would it make even more impactful
>what story is it telling
>can/should I tell this story

>How so? It's cute
It really isn't. Love triangle means it's better not to pick any.

>> No.12082698

Yeah you're right, it's terrible because in the end someone is left alone. But in my story even the main "couple" ends up alone, so it's all good, isn't it?

>> No.12082746

>it's terrible because in the end someone is left alone
Not because of that, but because a person who is supposedly in love, is still distracted enough to consider other people at the same time. It reeks of teens and teen romances are just kinda exhausting.

>But in my story even the main "couple" ends up alone, so it's all good, isn't it?
Well, it definitely beats picking X over Y and being happy even after.

>> No.12083014
File: 40 KB, 511x428, 1535905352197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been writing it since august
a-at least it's good... right??

>> No.12083048

Harry Lime

>> No.12083055

>How so? It's cute
first don't ask just write, second it's because love triangles usually end up overriding more interesting things you could be exploring instead of the competition for which love interest is more pathetic

>> No.12083077

What about a story where a group of friends are in a love pentagram and all the women hit their period at the same time and accidentally summon a demon who wants to do something bad, which requires all the friends to sort their shit out and learn about the power of friendship to defeat the demon.

>> No.12083098

you could have 10 dimensional base 9 relationships and I wouldn't care as long as we're exploring the nature of hell and the motivation of demons along the way

>> No.12083234

y'all are nuts. i just did my first attempt at writing something. 1k words and im toast.

>> No.12083534

well, to us YOU are nuts. most people here have over 10k, those of us that are keeping up are averaging 23k at this point with a handful close to 25k-26k

>> No.12084126
File: 112 KB, 700x700, 1360094520979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 days of nothing but doodling in a notebook, youtube seminars and agonizing and I am finally starting to get somewhere.
Fuck, I just need 1800. A day.
All human endeavor is the ceaseless hunt.

>> No.12084548

I rewrote my beginning twice, and my whole novel is now in a much better place structurally speaking. But I only averaged like 1k words a day over the past week.

How do other anons crank out words? I need to catch up.

>> No.12084553

You've gotta accept that at 1.6k words a day it's most likely going to be garbage. The point of Nano isn't to write a good book, just to write something at all
When you write, turn off your inner quality filters and let the words flow out. Don't even go back and re-read anything

>> No.12084870

>When you write, turn off your inner quality filters and let the words flow out. Don't even go back and re-read anything
all of that, stop filtering, stop editing, stop doubting and just write

>> No.12084881
File: 86 KB, 720x721, 1537220470192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 27k words
it's happening lads, I can feel it

>> No.12084927


Pace yourself. I do bursts at 500 again and again. Do 500, take 10 minutes off. Re-read the 500 without getting bogged down in edits, then roll on with the next.

>> No.12085190

>The point of Nano isn't to write a good book, just to write something at all
all you geeks thinking something will come of your first novel are sadly mistaken, but the practice you'll get from writing and editing one is crucial so that you can actually write a good one

>> No.12085207
File: 60 KB, 612x472, 1509488090093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good, anon, I swear it is.

>> No.12085641

nah, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't revel in it

>> No.12086350

25k here boys

time to take a goddamn nap

>> No.12086706

>all you geeks thinking something will come of your first novel are sadly mistaken
My first novel killed my love of writing and sent me into a creatively dead depressive spiral, so you're wrong

>> No.12086805

No spirals, but my first try was also a disaster. Found out that letting my creativity run free was a goddamn disaster. This November thing is about discipline and working through the basics

>> No.12087735

I have a new found respect for smut writers. Writing sex scenes is repetitive.

>> No.12087761

>Writing sex scenes is repetitive.

>> No.12087822

Was behind a day for a few days now. Finally got back the day. Feels good man. 25.6k and still having a blast.

>> No.12087944

Who /progress/ here?

Arent they based?

I wish I could write basic porn in a competent way. I dream of making making a series of excellent erotica one day but common smut is kicking my ass right now.

>> No.12088003

I try to spend more time talking about the foreplay.

>> No.12088247

your mom enjoys talking about foreplay at length

>> No.12088252

20k! I’m planning to write another 5-7 today but I’m sort of stagnating due to work :/

>> No.12088260

nice, I just broke 26k myself with a lot more writing today than I thought I'd do

>> No.12088261

This book is going to be her Christmas gift so I hope so.

>> No.12089069

I'm just about dead on the target for now. Start of the week I got shit all done, but yesterday I managed to push through with some poor quality writing that's at least given me momentum.

I guess if you rewrite more than you edit it turns into National Plan a Novel Very Thoroughly Month

>> No.12089086

I started nine days late and am at 9000 words. Varying in amount spewed per day from 1000 to 2000.

It's honestly kind of shit. Hopefully I'll take something away from this after it's all over.

>> No.12089227
File: 210 KB, 720x904, novel idea lit post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it too late to ask for help here..? May as well.
I've posted about the idea inna /lit/ before. Pic related is said post, got some good but basic feedback on that, gave me some ideas.
There are four main characters. The protag, his flower (its an orchid that he found behind the crematorium), the skull, and the girl. Minor characters atm include crematorium owner, and a priest at the local church, although I feel like I coukd do with more. Anyone else is background. The events take place in an isolated small town.
So my main issue is plot. Protag steals the skull, which sets everything in motion. He meets the girl (who wanted to be present when her father was cremated, missed it, and shows up for a tour. Its all I could think of to introduce them) The whole thing eventually culminates in him killing the girl and then himself, which is, from his point of view, a good thing. But after that I'm drawing blanks. I have more scenes I'd like to use, but without a narrative I'm not sure how to use them. All that occurs to me is he's suspected of stealing the skull by the crematorium owner and the narrative is him figuring out why he did it while hiding the skull, but that feels too simple and Crime and Punisment-y.
So yeah... Any help would be appreciated.

>> No.12089286

It's all in the date. There doesn't have to be any kind of strong certainty for the fact. My opinion is that you could come up with a situation that leads to a conversation (that occurs while the reader feels the protagonist is thinking about the skull) where the protag finds out that the father was cremated at a date more or less around the time when he stole the skull. At first it's just a coincidence that is forgotten as days pass but a significant moment makes the suspicions subterraneously at work rush forth from concealment, and these thoughts don't have to become gradually obsessive, they could rather be instantaneously part of the framework that the protag adopts, or perhaps they are thoughts that at first the protag thinks ironically, with some disdain to the illogicality, yet as evidence builds up, from his recollection of memories past, or as more subtext in other conversations he has give more support to the idea, the more he becomes convinced that it is the truth. And through a lack of confidence in himself perhaps from previous failures to communicate with her other secrets about himsef, or from his distrust towards her, perhaps from her not being very accepting, or from him believing that she would definitely not accept it, either because of what he theorized or because whenever he speaks about his story in third person and using ambiguous terms, everyone agrees that she would definitely not accept it, the entropy becomes such, that he starts to believe that his world will die as a consequence of such a reveal, and perhaps it is such his fondness for his world, because of how marvelous the events are, that at some point after she goes for some time, he becomes so nostalgic about the beautiful events and starts having vague nightmares involving her, that at some point while looking at the sunset, he thinks of how his life would be meaningless without her, and maybe they don't have a very close relationship atm though he believes he does have one (because of how intense are his feelings), and therefore they haven't really talked much, and he has always felt that if he would disclose too much about himself, she would end up discovering that he stole the skull of her father. So once she returns, he feels distant to her because of his fears, and she increasingly becomes distant too and sad, and he believes it all has to do with him and that she must know the truth, and he starts having suicidal thoughts, though he does not act on them. He starts telling some of his friends about this, they give him advice, and eventually everything returns back to normal. However, at some point, there is some misunderstanding and he becomes convinced that one of his friends will reveal the secret, he becomes so desperate, that he decides to search in his mind for a way to tell her, but after a long discussion with himself and finding no answer, as each of the feelings of previous experience becomes present, he ends it all: himself and her.

>> No.12089429

>tfw only discovered this now

feels bad man

>> No.12089552

The fuck is this?

Okay. I don't think him figuring out why he did something is a good narrative hook though. Shit like that will just feel arbitrary.

Maybe someone sees him with the skull, then he has to hide it in various ways and the police get involved.

>> No.12090192

>The fuck is this?
An idea I had of how to contribute to anon's story (but it's just my idea, anyone can come up with their own ideas to expand on anon's)

>> No.12091363

if you're not at 25 already you should be there by the end of this weekend. catching up after this will be extremely difficult

>> No.12091384

>Tfw hit 26 last night
Just got to the second "act"

>> No.12091418

I'm closing in on the second act midpoint with just over 26k myself

>> No.12092322

This is actually pretty interesting, and a similar thought is how I decided the two should definitely die in the end. The original idea was that the more "normal" the protag's life got, the less happier he became. Even though he is out and about, has a girlfriend, is "living life to the fullest", its taking a toll on him. Where he once had things in control, he's slipping. He's tortured by the girl, who is a very genuinely good person, because he doesn't see himself this way and sees futility in being good in a meaningless world. Something like that anyways.
But thanks a lot anon, this has given me a lot to think about, and maybe its what I'll go with. The closer he gets to the girl and "normalcy", the more unhinged he is, eventually going off the rails.
>Okay. I don't think him figuring out why he did something is a good narrative hook though. Shit like that will just feel arbitrary.
True. But more of a character exploration of himself. Like I said, he doens't know what is so fascinating about THIS skull. He's cremated loads of other people. Why steal this one? He doesn't know. I think this will feature but take a strong back seat.
>Maybe someone sees him with the skull, then he has to hide it in various ways and the police get involved.
I think like the other anon said, maybe it'll be more about his own paranoia rather than anyone actually suspecting him. One issue I have with making this kind of plotline believe is how would anyone actually know that the skull was stolen? Video surveillance? Being seen, like you said? It just seems too simple and too much of a stretch in my head.
I think his believing people suspect him might work better, while not making the possibility the main focus, just a bit of absurdity he deals with.
Thanks for the pointers though, all this seems to have cleared things a bit for me.

>> No.12093263

I'm not going to make it

>> No.12093272

too bad
you are
and it'll even be kind of average for a novel of its type

>> No.12093395
File: 151 KB, 833x602, 1535439960643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really want to talk to my friend (singular, I only have one) and my sister (because she's a writer) about my novel
>realise there's at least two scenes of degenerate sexual activity (for normies)
>one character is a futa sex robot, all those characteristics are vital to the meaning of the story
>they would never be able to look me in the eye again
g-good thing I have you guys

>> No.12093431

should have thought about that before starting. I knew that I had friends who I can talk about the degeneracy in my book without being harshly judged, even though I would be judged if I talked to IRL friends or family.

>> No.12093452

>when you have a scene of your characters ordering food from a diner but when you finish writing out their orders you forgot what you wanted them to be talking about after that.

>> No.12093474

Maybe just present them with an edited copy for review?
That's what I'm gonna have to do.

>> No.12093579

You are very welcome :) It sounds like you'll end up with a quite engrossing story, keep it that way!

>> No.12094308

Man, those had better be some interesting and descriptively telling food orders anon. I mean, I love the fuck out of some comfy Murakami/Skylark style foodism but the risk of boredom is high...

>> No.12094794

I somewhat can relate to this, but moreso forgetting the point of the scene and getting sidetracked and then needing to read through and be like "where the fuck was I going with this again? oh, right"

>> No.12094816
File: 332 KB, 1092x1321, 1529791454885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

26k fag here, do you guys plot out structures or not ?
someone else reminded me I need an actual conflict in the story after world building for 25k so Im doing that now

>> No.12094974
File: 23 KB, 478x361, 1428720028888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon writes a smut book for his mother

Slightly disgusted but not really surprised.

>> No.12095019
File: 25 KB, 500x400, worried yukio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Handwriting retard here. I don't know if I can make it, friends.

>only at 9000 words today
>have to work all day
>have large part of final for STEMfag class due tomorrow, also have to work
>next week looks better but I don't know if I can catch up

Time to kms.

>> No.12095061
File: 10 KB, 205x246, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always that option where you just use your fucking computer dude. If you hit an equivalent pace to the rest of us you should have about 25k to pile on top of your 9k by the end of the month. It's novella length, but it's better than now.

>> No.12095118
File: 50 KB, 785x1024, DZscnXJWkAAv3_g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but muh holistically created novel

>> No.12095151

To be fair, the feeling is a lot nicer; it's still a stupid method for time sensitive work.

>> No.12095180

Tough love friendo, you can expect to finish 50,000 words sometime in March or you can make necessity a virtue. Even aim for a shift in tone for the middle 25,000, then switch back to handwriting when you finish the job in December.

More words. Just do what it takes to make more words.

>> No.12095234

Thanks guys. I should stop making excuses and just do better.

>> No.12095236

Handwriting everything is honestly not a good idea, especially for nanowrimo. You're going to need to type everything anyway, and copying from notebook to computer adds a whole extra step where errors and misspellings will occur. On top of that, writing that much is terrible for your wrists unless you're trained at proper handwriting. Even so, it's still worse than touch-typing simply because it takes so much longer. To add to that, not only will it take you far longer to write things physically, then you'll need to type them out, which means you're needlessly wasting hours and hours of time because you are chasing an aesthetic like a hipster. Save yourself the pain and time and just type things.

>> No.12096282
File: 30 KB, 312x123, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha saturday, time to run up that word count from 27k to 32k
>have only managed to eat two plates of biscuits and gravy in the 4 hours since I woke up

>> No.12097030

I did before I started, and it's really saved me a few times. Only loosely, though. I wrote down the general plot points, then broke it into 12 sections, then wrote down a couple of things that happen in each section

>> No.12097251

I probably should have plotted. I'm at 15k. I had a beginning and an ending. I spend more time just thinking about what to do vs actual writing.

>> No.12097296

I usually write with one scene in mind. It's either the end or a climax. So I start writing a reasonable distance before the scene, then work myself towards it.
If I realize the word count is too low, I'll say "okay, then it's the halfway point of the story, I need to find a new scene to work towards." If it's just right or too long, I'll treat the scene as the ending and write accordingly. Then I just tweak and change things to make sense in the subsequent rewrites

>> No.12097308

>I spend more time just thinking about what to do vs actual writing.
This is pretty normal. You'll know you've reached the summit when you spend most of your day worrying about the fact that you're not writing and brainstorming what you should be writing.

>> No.12097522

>almost 29k
>midpoint about to bust like those poor lads that did nofapnov on December 1st

finally, plus the conflicts abouta get hella spicy

>> No.12097669

is it too late to get started on this? it sounds fun

>> No.12097700

there's nothing stopping you from starting, but you'll have to be balls out all through next week to catch up. today most of the people who have already started are at least over 25k, the people who have been putting in the effort more than religiously are closer to or already over 30k. I mean, there's nothing stopping you from starting in december, but November is when nanowrimo has all the support events and when these threads will be around.

>> No.12097894

Ah too bad. I’ll try next year.

>> No.12097925

good luck in 2019, remember it's never too early to start plotting it out!

>> No.12098535
File: 379 KB, 750x825, 1363223037710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This is me, im missing 3,000 words.
I started on day 4 of this challenge, instead of day 1 and the pre-planning month, or whatever.
Still. Biscuits, man.

I started with a premise, 2-3 sentences like a screenplay and went from there.
I knew what I wanted to explore, but I was making it up as I went along. So there was no outline, only my gut guiding me around a theme and idea.

That reminds me, what are we gonna do with this thing once we get to the end? I know Nano has some sort of Editing month they do after the Writing month, but I'm thinking about searching out a group of weirdos online to help me whip my draft into shape.

>> No.12098548
File: 99 KB, 220x333, 1361873189925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just like, make story.
Not 50k story.
Just story.

>> No.12098556

>I managed to push through with some poor quality writing that's at least given me momentum.

Thats the spirit anon! Exact same method Im using.

>> No.12098578

>what are we gonna do with this thing once we get to the end?
I imagine we'll do a reading group here. It'll be a lot of effort reading each other's shit, I know reading mine will be, but hopefully we can get enough people to actually do it. There'll be reading groups on the actual forums but you'll be obligated to read their trash, which is undoubtedly worse than anything we could ever come up with
As for long term editing we'll probably just have to stick to general writing threads here

>> No.12098589

My current word count is a little over 21,000 but I am slogging through a chapter that feels like filler

I still love writing this behemoth but god damn does the writing process feel like a bitch sometimes

>> No.12098664
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>I imagine we'll do a reading group here
So Im thinking- chapter by chapter?
Yesssss. I cant wait to trash up this thing with gay vampire rape!
Just kidding.
Hahhaaa, could you imagine someone spending 50, 000 words on that? Who would do such a thing? :^)

But as degenerate as 4chan can be, what are your worst imaginings for the novels on the official Nano forum?
Zombies? Feminists?
Zombie Lesbian Feminists do Dallas: a Poetry Slam ?
I almost want to look into the void.

If the general writing threads are active, I'll prolly be in there too.

>> No.12098679
File: 14 KB, 325x346, 1532569258710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked in my local forum and the books were divided between romance by elderly woman, scifi/fantasy by 30 year old men, and YA by 20 year old women, all with their real life pictures as their avatars
As a fun side note, two of the three managers for my region have less than 10k words written

>> No.12098683
File: 360 KB, 2400x1600, 1367561368447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else start out with a small idea and realize that you had a mammoth story that would take more than 50k words to tell?

Im getting near the midpoint of this thing and I realized its not one novel anymore.
Its three.

>> No.12098688

I started with a small idea then expanded it for Nano, and I've had issues filling out sections because of that

>Its three.
Christ. I hope to god you're not pencilbro

>> No.12098697

I started out with what I thought was a trilogy, and then I realized I could probably split just this first book into two parts.

>> No.12098708


I just noticed that all my ML's are female and using their RL pictures, too.
Whats up with that?
There are a lot of people posting their faces on this thing and a lot of them look like the people I expect to be writing these type of books.
Blue hair and all.

>two of the three managers for my region have less than 10k words written

What region, If I may ask? The US was really skewed toward the southwest until the 14th as far as word count. Now we got green dots all over the northwest and a massive burst over in Germany for some reason.

>> No.12098724


>> No.12098727

Im not pencilbro, but I do admire his dedication!
Is the idea really self-contained? Did you stretch it too far?

Nice! Multiple character perspectives or the same protagonist?

>> No.12098752


>The highest word count is Urban Fantasy and Steampunk

Well, at least its not all Tamora Pierce clones in yours. ;_;7

One of mine unironically writes nothing but cat stories. All cats. All the time.


>> No.12098821

>gay vampire rape
ha ha but imagine somebody writing a gay human on werewolf action/romance

>> No.12099057
File: 87 KB, 520x1046, 1539623699925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gay vampire rape
>gay human on werewolf
>futanari robots
This year's /lit/ nano group is great

>> No.12099101
File: 1.71 MB, 3264x2448, F532FFA5-C50C-48CC-BFD0-5D35696C32CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12099386

>what are we gonna do with this thing once we get to the end?

I won't actually be done. Aiming for an 80k novel, so the fun will carry on all the way to Christmas.

>> No.12099504

>wake up at 4am
>start the day with half a cherry pie
>drink a glass of whiskey
>it's not even 10am and I did 6k words
Feels good. Although I am scary close to the ending.

>> No.12099513


Don't stop anon, and don't look back, you're on some crazy roll.

>> No.12099516

real nigga hours right here

>> No.12099549


I enjoy writing stories and journal entries in my notebook while travelling because of this, but I lean so heavily on online thesaraus and research I'm never really satisfied with what I write without them.

>> No.12099565

I also like to have a little notepad around, or just a blank sheet of paper in a pocket, but I've never been able to write longform without a keyboard. I also feel like a tool whenever I shell out for a nice quality notebook. It's not like I'm going to keep it forever and its just paper man.

>> No.12100065

And now it's almost 2pm and I didn't do a thing more. It's so easy to fall for pitfalls, whether it's "holy fuck, I am doing too well, I can take a break" or "shit, I can't progress, fuck this".

Although now I am feeling on fire again. How is the weekend going for ya all?

>> No.12100398

I have the opposite issue. Writing long is difficult because I always like things to be succinct and direct. My first drafts end up being like 40k and I have to add a bunch of stuff in during rewrites.

>> No.12100434

Nothing like you anon. I threw down a thousand or so in the morning, had to *leave the house* and since then have managed nothing. To stay on track I need to repeat that thousand tonight, but I've got some work to do

>> No.12100535

Kinda me, although I don't even expect the idea to remain small anymore; and never cared much about the 50k mark, since majority of published novels are almost twice the size.

Hey, thousand sounds doable, commitments or not. You'll be fine. And who knows, might hit the stride and manage twice as many.

Are you using just one POV? I like things to be succinct too but due using multiple POVs, I struggle to get even under 90k with first drafts.

>> No.12101235

Just mish-mash various languages and call it "artistic"
Also sounds like a good opportunity to play with F O O T N O T E S

>> No.12102532

>go fishing in order to clear my head and relax
>spend two hours in the freezing rain catching nothing
>there's a walleye tourney and watch as each boat brings in between 2 - 3 fish

I'm pissed, also, there's probably more wrong with my local waterways than anybody realizes if THAT'S all people are catching from boats

>> No.12102898
File: 58 KB, 564x564, wizards journal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I really miss having a physical thesaurus I could refer to, but I cant deny the usefulness of the internet.

>he doesnt like nice notebooks
>he hasnt save up for a giant grimmoire to record his spells and magic travels in
>JUST paper

What!! Youve got to try this my man, you are missing out.
I'm going to be buying a few of these chunkers just for the fun of it in the next few weeks.
Theres something really cool about laying down words in archival paper and fresh ink. Even if they are bogus.
Christ, what I would give to go over some of my favorite artists old sketchbooks.

>> No.12102911
File: 56 KB, 500x515, Corvin castsle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want this kind of hustle and flow
>Wake up late in the afternoon
>Huge burst of energy
>Use it to clean house and do the laundry instead of writing

Im behind 2k words, and I just cant force anything out quickly right now. Its weird.

>> No.12103072
File: 192 KB, 708x1391, good advice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys listened to your old buddy Jim before you started this challenge, right?


Remember this advice.

>> No.12103084


Anon, what if there is a monster in your river and its eating all the good fish?

>> No.12103251

maybe but I'm going to put my money on the niggers poaching all the under-sized perch, steel head, and walleye along with the rangers who NEVER bag check

>> No.12103285
File: 76 KB, 800x600, redcard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shilling for the "publishing industry"
how about go fuck yourself

>> No.12103367
File: 145 KB, 220x165, spoopy dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Hes still going to keep writing!

You shoulda listened to ol' Jimmy, pal.
One day, youll learn..!

>> No.12103441

Or it's a combination of over fishing and climate change causing temperatures in rivers/sea/ocean to rise.

>> No.12103468
File: 557 KB, 1200x800, put that fish back bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Im telling you guys- its monsters.
Monsters all the way down!

>> No.12103469

we've actually had more average winters here over the last few years, hard freezes are *supposed* to make it better for harvestable fish as the ice protects the fish while they spawn, assuming the under sized fish aren't being poached, rumors were that people were catching limits of fish this summer in under an hour but now near december again the consensus from people NOT running commercial fishing guide services is it's been the hardest fishing in the last 50 years