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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 5 KB, 301x167, kondochansamakunsenpai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12062366 No.12062366 [Reply] [Original]

last thread is maxed out so here we go again, fellas.

are there any differences between Marie Kondo telling you to declutter and Jordan Peterson telling you to clean your room? is Marie Kondo luring people into a cult? How do we maintain an organized and meaningful life without falling for "hacks"?

>> No.12062442
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Last thread was comfy
hope this happens once again
clean room, buckaroo

>> No.12062449

Mari-Chan gives us a Zen-Garden resplendent and deceptively suggestive in its simplicity. Peterson gives us a decidedly western Gothic cathedral with its many buttresses and pillars and varied interconnecting parts that pile on top of themselves in a ceaseless and neurotic attempt to find some semblance of the sublime through unending production.

>> No.12062495
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>but anon-kun that's just too big for little me

>> No.12062523

Don't worry, my sweet angel. I am going to put it in anyway.

>> No.12062548

Is her book actually worth reading?

>> No.12062551

u some kind of fagot

>> No.12062554


>> No.12062597

I liked it and am planning on doing her death cleaning tomorrow. It only takes a day.

I dont think philosophy is self-help, but this is the first self-help book I've read that approaches "light" philosophy. There's a lot of Shinto in it.

>> No.12062599

The only modern philosopher worth listening to.

>> No.12062601


>> No.12062605

She worked as maid in a Shinto shrine for five years.

>> No.12062612

her voice is patrician, so soft and precise

>> No.12062648

elaborate, please

>> No.12062654
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>> No.12062658

not him but the first gives you the entire pie all at once, no bullshit

peterson keeps unloading more and more of his baggage

>> No.12062663

wanna how i can tell you don't actually read

>> No.12062666

Also, she seems to be a firm believer of tsukumogami legend/folklore.
Items have the seed of gods in them. If they exist and are in use for 100 years they become a kami.
Therefore, you must take care of what you have and use them properly and well. Beloved they will bring you good fortune, abused they will curse you. Or as my mother said, make them very sad.
Mind you, that's how my parents tried to explain it to me. We have a hinamatsuri doll set stored carefully away that we bring out every year on girl's day. It's because it's almost 100 years old and my grandparents were worried if we don't properly take it out of storage on girls day the dolls will be very unhappy.
Of course, it's missing a number of the doll attendants since some of them got lost during ww2.

>> No.12062672

When Marie Kondo tells you to declutter it's about making a highly consumerist lifestyle seem spiritually fulfilling.

When Jordan Peterson tells you to clean your room it is an order to fix your own problems before trying to fix society.

Not really comparable

>> No.12062678

thank you for this

do you have a sister?

don't worry I'm Asian

>> No.12062680

i mean, i like memerson's style. there's more depth to it.
i do read, im currently reading Weber's Protestant Ethic. havent read this gook's cleaning book though

>> No.12062684

you got that backwards

can't believe there are still petersonfags this day and age, and on fucking /lit/!

>> No.12062687

but isnt there an area where they overlap, like in a venn diagram? a poster in the past thread compared it as kondo-sama being the gateway drug to peterson

>> No.12062688

>there's more depth
nigger just stop posting

>> No.12062690

>'i do read'


>> No.12062702

nigga there literally is more depth to peterson. thats a fact. just compare the sheer volume of didactical material and lectures on youtube vs kondo-chan's interviews

>> No.12062706

i refuse to clean my room

>> No.12062709

Nope, all boys.
I wish I had taken a picture of those dolls, they're at my parent's place. They were super fancy, the furniture that was part of the set up was intricately created too.
It was a full seven tier hina display. You can tell that some of it got scorched in a fire because it smells faintly sooty and is oddly warped.

>> No.12062712


Self help books fuck off.

>> No.12062731

You are stupid, please leave /lit/. One is pseudo-intellectual garbage and the other is zen in form and in content. It's not explicitly intellectual but you wouldn't understand that, you can't read and you don't understand shit. Please fight with the libtards and kill each other off.

>> No.12062733

>he'd rather read some 'philosophy' book (cringe and bluepilled) than shakespeare or dante (based and redpilled)

I thought we didn't allow pseuds on this board

>> No.12062738

he's a peterson fag and he quite literally can't read a simple sentence (see his first post)

>all boys

>> No.12062750

you will never be a female japanese author
i hate being male and whjte snd retarded

>> No.12062754

Are you Japanese? How can i get a cute japanese gf. Please tell me anon, i will pay you to teach me. And none of that yen shit, ill pay you in American dollars anon. AMERICAN DOLLARS. Please tell me anon. Help me live a gaijin life. AMERICAN DOLLARS.

>> No.12062759


>> No.12062766

>you are stupid
i know you are but what am i? so aggressive, sheesh. go hit a blunt bro, it'll chill you down
i do appreciate the canon and the greats, but im on a nonfiction phase rn.
you're exactly the overly prideful sorry excuse of a manchild that peterson wants to help fix and turn their lives around. im sorry you cant see past your blinds
this, jap qts (and asians in general) have nice flat noses that make it easier to make out with

>> No.12062780

Dude, I was born and raised in Canada. Second generation, nisei. How the fuck do I know? Japanese women are like a world of difference to north american women.
Dating culture is different too.
Apparently if you're a boyfriend, they expect you to know shit about them like 'what their favorite tea flavor is' and order it for them without asking them if you're at a coffee shop on a date. Because if you're a sensitive and good boyfriend you will remember it and be chivalrous enough to get it before they ask. It's a lot of wordless couple stuff that you need to learn and remember, because shows your 'makoto' or sincerity of feelings for them.

>> No.12062799

tfw no sugoi j-wife

>> No.12062804

jesus can you stop shitposting about peterson in a nonrelated thread

>> No.12062808

not that guy but kondo threads are thinly veiled "sort yourself out" threads

>> No.12062823
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>ywn have a qt japanese author gf

>> No.12062838


>> No.12062856

Where's Canada in Japan? Is it by Osaka? Dude give me your secrets and ill cashapp you. (YenApp you?). I just want a qt japabese gf anon, im nor asking for the world.

>> No.12062883

Just watch http://asianwiki.com/My_Darling_is_a_Foreigner
Maybe it'll help you?

>> No.12062893


>> No.12062901

anyone else itt this thread have Asperger's

>> No.12062905

just about everyone

>> No.12062907

based as FUCK

>> No.12062911
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>tfw you memed /lit/ again

>> No.12062915

im not diagnosed but i have WAY too many autistic moments to not be on the spectrum. what's saving me is my self-awareness so i can conceal my power level fairly well. except for tinder dates

>> No.12062928

following up, i only hope i can reproduce and continue the species (the only "meaning" of life, really). following kondo-sama's decluttering advice is just a way to tackle my habits more efficiently

>> No.12062935


>> No.12062940

If you think Jordan Peterson only message is clean your room then you have not been paying attention to what he is saying.

>> No.12062941


>> No.12062964

if the meaning of life is yo reproduce than what is the meaning of your children's lives, its just nihilism described another way
theres already enough people that your having children does not matter in any real sense, its not as if we are in danger of running out

>> No.12062991

the meaning of my children's lives is to reproduce as well. we're animals.

>> No.12063001


>> No.12063074


Why would you say that that's backward?

Peterson does indeed encourage the status quo and finds some kind of deep biblical meaning to normal people doing normal things like doing the dishes.

However I fail to see how "fix your own problems before trying to fix society" applies to KonMari. KonMari talks exclusively about your relationship with things. She doesn't talk about any other problem you might have or your place in society. The only idea she gives that could apply outside of cleaning is that you should not be afraid to remove things that don't bring joy from your life.

>> No.12063107

where is the meaning in that

>> No.12063116

its not a "meaning" as in "oh i feel fulfilled lel better post it on facebook". its "meaning" in the sense of a duty toward the universe. but a hedonistic live-in-the-now cuck beta brainlet like you wouldnt understand the implications

>> No.12063131
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>Confusing the means of life with the reason for living

I know this is 4chan, but step up nigga

>> No.12063145

literally just TRY to prove me wrong, you absolute faggot. just TRY.

>> No.12063147

why does the universe care if you have kids
do you think humanity will go extinct if a few people decide not to have children
in the way you are describing how is humanity more or less important than a bacteria colony or cancer cell
i never said anything about hedonism

>> No.12063152

i never said humanity will go extinct if a few people decide not to
humanity is equally as important as bacteria. i never claimed it was more or less.

>> No.12063273


>> No.12063286
File: 815 KB, 797x1277, 1528408980944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw itting itt with assburgers rite now

>> No.12064087

we are doomed.

>> No.12064149

wait this whole book is just like throw out shit u don't need (ancient japanese wisdom) why did you tell me to read this

>> No.12064161

Yellow Fever.

>> No.12064283

This decluttering thing should be self evident to everybody.

>> No.12064338

One is a mother figure and another is a father figure.

>> No.12065265

No you have to talk to everything too. EACH AND EVERY THING YOU OWN.

>> No.12065290

Almost sounds like brahmin. I wonder if there was any cultural influence in the pre pre BC years.

You know, if my experience of concious life truly is an active one, and the world needs me to exist as much as I need it to, like how the wall cannot be seen without the existence of an eye, or the falling tree cannot be heard without the existence of an ear..... kinda makes sense to treat your little world like yourself.

This is the same culture that ran the plant-complimenting experiment that turned out to work so maybe there's something to it all.

>> No.12065360

but i'm not a schizophrenic

>> No.12065405
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>tfw she will never declutter the petrified spermy from your mummified prostate

>> No.12065426


>> No.12065431
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>> No.12065438

>he's not a schizophrenic
never gonna make it

>> No.12065477

Peterson couldn't clean or unclutter anything, least of all his thinking.

The other one is just making a career out of hipsters thinking that what your typical Victorian nanny would beat you for not doing is suddenly all cool and exotic when it's sold to them by a chink.

Have any of you morons actually ever read a book outside of this self-help bestseller shit? You are all really starting to piss me off. The board is called /lit/ for a reason.

>> No.12065517

>in the sense of a duty toward the universe
All matter and energy in the universe is headed towards maximum entropy.

>> No.12065633
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>tfw she will never declutter the carbonized spermae from the permafrost of your prostate

>> No.12065699
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>tfw she will never declutter the dead greenland shark-like spermea from the arctic circle seabed of your prostate

>> No.12065972
File: 361 KB, 1456x2184, THE-BEST-Matcha-Latte-Creamy-Coconut-and-Macadamia-milk-make-the-perfect-combo-vegan-glutenfree-matcha-latte-recipe-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the entire western canon, because/lit/ told me to, and then some.

It's not about cleaning your room, it's about the meaning of cleaning your room. It's really good you should read it.

>> No.12066020
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>AAAAA it'su decrataringu taimu laiu downu onu taybru an'ayy mekyu trouwu olllllllle autu!!

>> No.12066236

I had a dream about sexually tormenting Kondo-chan and subjecting her to filthy humiliations until she awakened to her animalistic bodily desires.

Kondo-chan is so tidy and angelic, but she still has a pussy, a butthole, and armpits like every other girl in the world. Lewd! Pathetic! Humilliating! The human condition of Marie Kondo! She's so cute and clean, but she is still just an human animal! How can Marie Kondo live with herself knowing she has a lewd and pathetic sweaty female body? It must be impossible for Kondo-chan-sama-san to feel any dignity knowing that she has a butthole, and knowing that other people know she has a butthole. It is mindblowing. God is a pervert. We are all doomed.

>> No.12066429

Why cant we derail the cosmotechnics threads like this?

>> No.12066875

What did Anonymous-san mean by this?

>> No.12066977

>making a highly consumerist lifestyle seem spiritually fulfilling
she says to throw away everything in your life that doesn't bring you joy, how on earth is that consumerism?

>> No.12067133

The mentally ill don't care

>> No.12067178

Extremely based

>> No.12067642

>tfw already a minimalist but none or my posessions spark joy except for my bike and hiking boots

How do I make my inventory more joyful lads?

>> No.12067671

So the cleaning lady sticks to what she knows, but the mentally ill academic tries to tell young white men how they should live their lives (keep your head down, don’t organise, be a good boomer and work hard at your shitty job, be individualistic and fragmented and don’t identify with your people).

>> No.12067711

You should read his book. I dont like him either, but I read his book.

You should read a book.

>> No.12067719

>reading peterstein when I could read good books instead


>> No.12067948
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Cleaning is sentient

>> No.12068028

based tidiness accelerationist

>> No.12068040

just finished cleaning my room and i'm still sad :(

>> No.12068075

Juden Peterstein acts like an incredibly entitled philosopher-king. In his interviews, his writing, all of it, he presents himself as if his shit doesn't stink and we should worship him for eternity because he, enlightened philosopher Jordan Peterson, invented the concept of cleaning your room, bucko, and if you're TRULY intelligent you'll send his daughter $50 an hour to Skype with you about her keto diet. After donating to his Patreon, of course.
Marie Kondo wrote a book about cleaning because she likes cleaning and wants to show people how rewarding it can be.

>> No.12068080

who hurt you

>> No.12068094


>> No.12068125
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>> No.12069020


>> No.12069143

Why is his mouth hanging open?

>> No.12069149

he just kant

>> No.12069244

It's written by a woman, what do you think?

>> No.12069435

big think post

>> No.12070009

i LOVE this post

i HATE this post

>> No.12070013

i only posted it ironically

>> No.12070016

who are you?

>> No.12070020

All of you weebs sicken me to the core. This is why the Japanese despise foreigners.

t. a disgusted Jap

>> No.12070028

are u really jap or just like an American with japanese great great grandparents

>> No.12070043

evidently jordan peterson

>> No.12070052

I, uh want to lick Kondo-chan's hairy, sweaty armpits clean as she giggles because she is extremely ticklish isn't that weird guys haha.

>> No.12070298

Cleaning and organizing is NPC behavior.

>> No.12070317

nicely memed friend, top kek

>> No.12070463

Can someone explain to me the "clean your room" meme? I've watched a number of Peterson's hour long lecture/interview videos on Youtube and have no clue where the meme comes from.

>> No.12070509

>she says to throw away everything in your life that doesn't bring you joy, how on earth is that consumerism?

There are objects essential to life that nevertheless are not joyful to many (essentially, things that are tools). The idea that you can not have these because they don't give you joy assumes that you can purchase their product elsewhere when you need it, which is hardcore consumerism.

Example: who is leads a life of more consumerism: the man who cooks his meal himself even though he doesn't enjoy cooking, or the man who eats out at restaurants every day?

>> No.12070579


>> No.12071042













>> No.12071060

>sold 1.5 million copies in america alone
yeah fucking bleeding edge, man

>> No.12071310
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I want to pat Kondo-chan on the head and cook her a nice dinner

>> No.12071898

For those who want a different sort of minimalist/simple living guru there's Fumio Sasaki.
Here's an audiobook

He's definitely more extreme but at the same time way less weird than Kondo

>> No.12072431

I'll clean my dick onto her face.

>> No.12072568


>> No.12072600

So she's for the fucking? Good to know.

>> No.12072612

Do you want to know how I can tell you're a virgin?

>> No.12074200


>> No.12075630

kon-chan represents a more profound buddhistic-heideggerian philosophy of cleanliness based on one's comportment towards things while peterstein is just another degenerate faustian man who hopes to """"enlighten"""" society

>> No.12076489

go on

>> No.12076585

but this anon is right. peterson is pretensious af while the japanese lady is pretty humble.

>> No.12076633

How long until this board begins hating on her like Peterson?

>> No.12076769

i already hate her

>> No.12077063

Go die

>> No.12077083

shut up weeb

>> No.12077114
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Has /lit/ finally succumbed to waifuposting?

>> No.12077580

id like to go on with kon-chan if you know what i mean

>> No.12077854

Hey lads, have you read The Book of Tea?

>> No.12077903

Haven't read it yet

>> No.12079119

Ok, thanks.

>> No.12079974

You are welcome.

>> No.12080019

No I have yet to do that.

>> No.12080029

Understandable, have a nice day.

>> No.12080040

Thank you, you too.

>> No.12080567

This. I maintain several layers of grease, filth and detritus at all times to maintain robust inner dialogue, and that's only on my skin