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/lit/ - Literature

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12051809 No.12051809 [Reply] [Original]

This thing was supposed to kill books as a medium
What went wrong?

>> No.12051811

it was worse than books

>> No.12051814

mine is slow and unresponsive and shits itself on non formatted stuff

>> No.12051840

it did killed books, for anyone who isn't a narcissist fuck. if you collect physical books (waste of enviromental resources to appeal to retards) you are quite simply a cuck. i doubt that you even read, you only have your shitty bookshelf in the glim hopes of a cute girl entering your apartment (it will never happen) and saying "jesus anon, you've read all these books? you're such an intellectual!!! well guess what, actual intellectuals read, they don't buy physical stuff. they go on their kindle and carry literally thousands and thousands of books with them. if a kindlefag is commuting and comes across an interesting idea, he can immediately cross read and search through his thousand books library for a book on that subject. so yeah, for anyone with half a brain, e-books killed physical literature

>> No.12051841

It didn't take into account to what a large degree people use books for signalling rather than reading. Being seen with a book in public, having books in the house, defining yourself by these products is very important to most people who consider themselves readers.

>> No.12051856

The digital readers just arent great for reading. Once these newfangled nondigital iron filing etch a sketch ass readers stop being $500 theres a chance they might replace them. I'm not TOO torn up about it but fuck I will miss bookstores and smelling old books and flipping pages and seeing a good stack. And honestly it will be worse to see physical books become overpriced novelty items like vinyl than it would be for them to disappear completely.

>> No.12051884

i personally would like to enjoy the option of reading if the power goes out

>> No.12051894

The Kindle app works just as well. I can covertly read during my downtime at work.
Downside: people assume I'm on Facebook

>> No.12051905

Kindles are like $50, which is about the price of 3-4 books. Price obviously isn't the main factor anymore.

>> No.12051909


>> No.12051910

That's the upside, you can read your Schoppy among normals and they have no idea.

>> No.12051915

It’s fucking gay just like every other tablet

>> No.12051917

It's not a kobo.

>> No.12051945

>hey man my kindle just ran out of batteries. Think I could read one of those 'book' things you've got there?
>out of betteries huh? Only 90 minutes into the flight?
>yeah brought my charger but damn thing's got a short it. 25 bucks to get a new one but I just got this one like a month ago.
>hey don't sweat it. Here you can read this one. And don't worry, the battery is fully charged and won't be running out any time soon hehe.
>hey thanks man. and wow, these are pretty neat. Doesn't hurt the eyes, don't have to worry about some company deciding to revoke access to my library or deal with terms of service non-sense. I kind of like the tactile feeling too. These electronic things put a sense of distance between you and the words, ya know?
>yeah I hear you. Nothing beats a physical book.
>I love my kindle but these are... kind of cool. I might buy one. hey thanks again man.
>yeah no problem.

>> No.12051950

people read books to actually stay away from electronics.

this is the real reason.

>> No.12051952

I think it should be a mandatory tool for higher education and replace textbooks and internet readings.

>> No.12051957

e-readers hold a charge for weeks on end and the e-ink is literally like a physical page, it does not hurt your eyes.

companies also obviously can't revoke access to my liberary since i made it my property without their consent in the first place.

>> No.12051978
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>still have the same charger that came with it five years ago
>eInk doesn't hurt my eyes just like a book
>literally never buy ebooks or even connect to the web, just upload free books to it directly

>> No.12052056

Some people prefer the feeling of a physical book than a light touchscreen. It's got some heft to it and just feels right

>> No.12052080

This. But I still prefer using physical books because I'm not a pleb.

>> No.12052191

Specialized books aren't available, you can't easily compare sections of the same book, you can't do side-by-side of different books, and note taking fucking sucks ass. It's horrible for studying.

>> No.12052202

I don't know. It weighs nothing, it takes up no space, it has inegrated search function, dictionary and vocabulary trainer. You can even make annotations, I don't know how faux nostalgic sentiments such as "muh real paper tho" could have prevailed in this debate.

>> No.12052225

>and note taking fucking sucks ass.
Your textbooks are already complete, there is no reason to write full paragraphs of your own definitions in the empty spaces like a high school girl. Read the fucking chapter and then put down the notes somewhere else.

>> No.12052238

Refresh rate is too slow to simulate flipping.

you expect push and hold to simulate "flipping" but instead it just freezes up until the screen catches up to where you landed.

>> No.12052248

Textbooks are the one thing they can't replace.

>> No.12052299

ITT: psueds too poor to get an e-reader

>> No.12052323
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Why not use both?

If travelling and cant take 1000+ page head smashers grab a kindle, if at home then enjoy a real book

Everyone is seriously missing out if they dont use both

>> No.12052362

This desu

>> No.12052368

Not everyone here is reading fucking chapter books, sweetie. Some of us have to read for our careers, and you're insane if you think I'm going to have a separate notebook for every single work I have to read.

>> No.12052370

Holding open a book while reading it is a majro annoyance which is eliminated with ereaders.

>> No.12052372

The post to which you are replying is quite literally debased and bluepilled.

>> No.12052381

but I could buy like a hundred books for the cost of a kobo

>> No.12052384
File: 74 KB, 526x567, 1511398422023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a limp wristed faggot you cuck

>> No.12052385

My brain does not allow me to use an ereader, I don't know why.

>> No.12052386

Blue light and overpriced cheap books.
Yeah, you can go get a .PDF of every book written spliced into one long document from the internet, but that is not something the average consumer would consider doing so instead they're stuck with $25 per decent book; $40 for a new book whether good or not.

>> No.12052387

owning books is more fun than reading them

>> No.12052396


>> No.12052439

But you can read thousands of pirated books on the kobo once you have it.

Also the waterproof one is top tier comfy for reading in the bathtub.

>> No.12052451

so aggressive
"fashion of the mind/values" I do like to show off a great book that I've read and talk about it
are the $50 kindles really good to the point of replacing a book ?
I looked and found the $250 more of what I would invest into
laptop>tablet>kindle some feature of the kindle are really awesome for a book fan like the none reflect light and using natural light to read is the reason why I want one.
never had that problem

>> No.12052479

break its spine like a real fucking man

>> No.12052482

Pretty much this.

>> No.12052483

I like reading with my kindle (I have the first one that came out and it still works perfectly) because it's light and easy to read. Reading books can be a pain in the ass, especially if it's a long one. It becomes distracting because you have to hold it in a certain way to able to view the page properly.

However, when doing serious studying, a real book is superior and cannot be replaced. It's far too tedious changing pages/looking up pages on the kindle, especially if you have to go back and forth a lot over large gaps.

>> No.12052485

As soon as they can do .pdfs and display images correctly, textbooks will be kill. Owning novels, short story collections, poetry collections and certain types of non-fiction is still deemed to be "cool". Nobody wants to own textbooks and display them anywhere.

>> No.12052487

>Nobody wants to own textbooks and display them anywhere.
Lawyers and psychiatrist totally like to virtue signal with their textbooks.

>> No.12052491

yeah this. e reader a big shit if you try to read anything with maps or diagrams

>> No.12052507

I use it for my trash reading

>> No.12052509
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he goes on planes

>> No.12052519

you're mum
yeah but I could *own* real books
and i have an old Paperwhite anyway

>> No.12052523

>blue light
there isn't any light, fuckmunch
>actually buying books instead of pirating like a man

>> No.12052532

this, i have the library of a 60 year old scholar yet i haven't spent a penny on it.

>> No.12052535

I also like to read handwritten book
Only use candles
Work the milk for hours for butter
Carve wooden crosses

it's a reason but we can all agree it's not "good"

>> No.12052546

Kindles have no bluelight. Some of them have no light at all, not enough to work in the dark anyway. You can go on libgen and find basically any book or article in existence in pdf, mobi, or epub (then convert to mobi).

>> No.12052549

I rob bookstores

>> No.12052555

i rob book nerds

>> No.12052562

more than that, for me, is the process of acquiring it--if I can just click and it's on my Kindle, I'll never read. if I had a Netflix I'd never watch movies, but if I have a bunch of 7gb movies on my hard drive I'll watch them all day. maybe I'm just weird.

>> No.12052588

Is it illegal to remove DRM from ebooks?
I don't want to share or sell my Kindle books or anything, I just don't want to be fucked out of a collection when/if Amazon goes belly up.

>> No.12052636

probably but it's worth it and most likely undetectable and really easy to do depending on the seller, use Apprentice Alf or whatever it is bibliotik recommends

>> No.12052666

Amazon is so big you'll be long dead before the AI Amazon/Google overlords take over.
It's safe to say they would have to make a series of bad decisions and PR to hit the dirt.

>> No.12052678

I use physical books because I like the texture of the paper and also just because I like the way they look. I don’t think that there’s anything wrong with liking the look of your books on a shelf or in a stack. I’m not opposed to e-readers but I generally like physical books because I like to have something I own right there and not a digital file. Oh, and the whole “e-readers are less expensive” argument is retarded. If you keep your eye on Amazon you can grab books on sale for ~$10. And if you want it even cheaper goodwills always have a good selection in books and the ones they have are always in good condition and cheap too

>> No.12052745

>it did killed books, for anyone who isn't a narcissist fuck. if you collect physical books (waste of enviromental resources to appeal to retards) you are quite simply a cuck. i doubt that you even read, you only have your shitty bookshelf in the glim hopes of a cute girl entering your apartment (it will never happen) and saying "jesus anon, you've read all these books? you're such an intellectual!!! well guess what, actual intellectuals read, they don't buy physical stuff. they go on their kindle and carry literally thousands and thousands of books with them. if a kindlefag is commuting and comes across an interesting idea, he can immediately cross read and search through his thousand books library for a book on that subject. so yeah, for anyone with half a brain, e-books killed physical literature

>> No.12052771
File: 88 KB, 260x260, both.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Por que no los dos?

>> No.12052774
File: 117 KB, 500x705, 1509866610763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Satan, whatcha reading these days

>> No.12052778

>replace textbooks
that would mean less money for the people producing said textbooks, so it's not gonna happen

>> No.12052781

It's literally what you read books on how the fuck would it kill books

>> No.12052783

books are way more expensive tho

>> No.12052785

I don't see your power going out for a week. People realize e-readers are not tablets right? They don't hurt your eyes, have charges that last weeks and are simple to use.

>> No.12052801
File: 119 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181109-030327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pleb: ereaders
Pseud: books
Patrician: reads on his phone

>> No.12052808

I don't think you understand. Once you've bought the e-reader you no longer have to spend money on books.

If you have any intention of spending more than 200$ on books in your life the e-reader pays for itself.

>> No.12052817

But anon, I did get laid bc an art hoe saw my bookshelf. It actually works (I never actually finished the Foucault books, kek, but it is an art thot pussy magnet)

>> No.12052824

sex outside of christian matrimony is a grave sin

>> No.12052848

>Hey, man?
>T-Thanks for the book-
>No proble-
>Well uh, like I said, no pro-
>C-Can I k-kiss you maybe?

>> No.12052892

Specific books I'm looking for/fiction=ereader
For everything else=physical
Half the great shit I discover is just from browsing used books stores or libraries. And trust me, once you are in depth on a certain topic just googling or using Amazon to find new books is useless. Half the shit I read went out of print years ago. But it's nice having the option of downloading a pdf when needed. Also I buy a lot of reference and art books which are a pain in the ass on a kindle

>> No.12052917

I've heard that a of lot ebook prices are higher in many cases than a physical copy of the same book sold by Amazon, so from a price perspective people are going to be discouraged by the fact that not only have they spent money on a device, but are now paying more for a lot of titles.

Digging into the relationship between format and device a little more, the Kindle being a separate device doesn't do it any favors. Digital distribution of TV and Movies took off in part because everyone already has a laptop or a phone, and while digital music did initially require separate devices for most users, the convenience compared to CDs was substantial enough to make it worthwhile. With a Kindle, I'm still grabbing an extra thing when I go out the door, and even if it may be much smaller and therefore convenient, the difference in length between books and music (Be them albums or songs) means that having dozens of books at my fingers doesn't increase convenience nearly as much as having a selection of music on an iPod at hand.

>> No.12052981

Just download a damn pdf and convert it. Is it that hard for you triple niggers?

>> No.12052982


>> No.12052998


Pardon me I am new here; reading on the phone has got to be some sort of /lit joke?

>> No.12053006

>> The e-reader pays for itself if you spend over $200 on books in your lifetime.

Yes, but at the end of the day it is still an e-reader and a lesser experience comparing to a physical book therefore the money saved is not worth it.

>> No.12053040

For most people yes it is. I'm not saying it's difficult for me or realistically for anyone on this board, I'm looking at why the boring, white-bread population isn't doing it.

People like me are already doing what you're proposing, and I've seen nothing to suggest that at this point it's doing anything to move the needle.

>> No.12053045

I want a personal library for my future children. I wish I could have had access to something like that as a kid. Being able to freely pick and flip through quality books at home is great. Sometimes I just read small passages from books I already read

>> No.12053061
File: 154 KB, 701x687, better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find modern society way too unstable to see any longevity of using a kindle in post apocalyptic future.

>> No.12053459

I've had my Kindle for almost 2 years and it lasts for weeks on a charge

>> No.12053471

This is dumb, if you want to read before bed just turn the backlight off and use a nightlight?

The kindle tells you the percentage you are through a book or how far you are to the next chapter or the end of the book. So you lose the "tactile" sense but what does that amount to other than an aesthetic thing.

>> No.12053475
File: 59 KB, 764x582, President+Powdered+Toastman+From+Ren+and+Stimpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism saves the day again.

>> No.12053497


>> No.12053532

You can buy 100+ used books at a flea market for the price of a new kindle. People always meme about it being the economical option but it's really not. Maybe when you've entirely exhausted your area for cheap books, libraries and so on it's a good idea, but that takes quite a while if you're not living in a village.

>> No.12053539

because books had been killed as a medium by television long before the kindle was invented

>> No.12053540

Loci principle, you remember the text better on a physical medium where you can pin point it. E-readers are good for thrash books etc

>> No.12053541

what about ecological? bitch

>> No.12053557



>> No.12053566

I don't see how refraining from buying already printed books will save our environment, anon. The chopping of trees isn't spelling our doom right now, global warming is.

It's also worth considering that digital books have more typos and shittier formatting than published ones. I sometimes have to go through several editions for a good version. Then you have things like graphs and statistics in textbooks which get fucked up in .epub/.mobi and even in .pdfs. There's a lot of annoying shit.

>> No.12053568

This. I'm reading an e-Bible so my grandma won't ever see me reading the Bible—I'd never hear the end of it if she did.

>> No.12053570

>You can buy 100+ used books at a flea market for the price of a new kindle.
You mean you can buy a truck load of random garbage for 100 bucks there

>> No.12053575


there are time periods longer than that which i consider


please provide some data analysis in your favor that cross examines the ecological impact of books/paper usage, and compares it to the ecological impact of kindle computers/rare earth metals

>> No.12053576

>I'd never hear the end of it if she did.
Let me guess, your grandmammy was a devout commie.

>> No.12053579
















>> No.12053585

>not going book-hunting in the city
>not experiencing the joy from finding books on your list for 1$
>not finding interesting shit you wouldn't know about otherwise
>not having a shelf full of non-anglo books that don't even exist on libgen

>> No.12053586


i apologize for coming across as reddit my man, i just ACTUALLY KNOW what you said was retarded, but i wanted to be wrong

>> No.12054374

>mass elimination of carbon sinks has no bearing on climate change
Really Anon?

>> No.12054410

I don't see the point in actually buying ebooks, physical books are still mostly superior. Still the majority of my reading is ebooks because they are so convienent and with piracy saves me a lot of money.

>> No.12054430

PDF > EPUB which requires a 10"+ device to comfortably read natively.
PDF is a digital facsimile of the actual book, with corresponding page numbers to the real life equivalent. EPUB is a shoddy OCR copy+paste from this where you have little frame of reference to where you are in a real book. epub is only good if you're a John Grisham tier reader that doesn't need to cite anything and it isn't that consequential if you skip a few pages accidentally.

>> No.12054464
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>spends thousands on dollars on a tactile experience

>> No.12054485

No, not really. Not everyone lives in the USA where you can buy a truckload of random books for a buck. If I had to pay for every book I've pirated I'd be homeless by now.

>> No.12054512

This is true but only reflects how outdated academia is. If academia were to adopt epubs or what have you, a proper citation standard would be quickly developed.

>> No.12054516

The Quran.

>> No.12054589

Can you have more than one book open at one time and put your finger on one page from each book at that same time?

There are tasks that can be accomplished with physical books more easily than e-readers; e.g. switching between two books quickly; e.g. flipping to different sections et cetera.

What is particularly stupid about your post is that you suppose that e-readers have made physical books obsolete and that only immodest, stupid people use physical books, but there are some easily found examples of the superiority of physical books over e-readers. Most of the "e-reader master race" and "physical book master race" posters in this thread make a similar error.

I believe that e-readers are extremely useful and are the best choice for many purposes, however physical books have some advantages over these e-readers by virtue of their physical composition. Therefore, the e-reader in its current and future form will be unable to make physical books obsolete without emulating the physical construction of a book. Thus the purpose of the e-reader would be ultimately defeated by making the physical book completely obsolete.

>> No.12054600
File: 35 KB, 680x339, 34e9b98985e9931eab39e16e4428ace1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course brainlets are going to complain about ebooks because their favorite coloring books for retard adults are unavailable in digital format.

>> No.12054737

it did kill books for the most part

I only have physical editions of the Bible, Oxford English dictionary and a couple of books that don't work well on e-readers like House of Leaves

>> No.12054743

You’re right but I still prefer physical because I like the feeling of touching and smelling paper.

>> No.12054748

every single person I know who says that doesn't actually read

>> No.12054759

I recently finished reading Goldsworthy’s Augustus. Wanna try again nigger?

>> No.12054766

you don't read

>> No.12054836

I don't, and never have owned an e-book reader, but every time I travel anywhere and end it up in a last minute panic about what books to take because I don't know what I'll feel like reading, I wish I had a kindle.

As long as ebooks are not a replacement but an additional option, I'm glad they exist. I think a lot of people who hate ebooks are just afraid that physical books will become obsolete and harder to buy.

>> No.12055273

I buy physical books, have an Audible subscription, own a Kindle and an iPad. I read on all of these. It really just depends what is the most comfortable at the time. iPad brightness is too harsh in the dark. Kindle is just right and weightless to hold. And I listen to books at the gym or at work, when I can't visually read. As much as I wish you could, you can't infinitely purchase physical books. They take up a lot of space and aren't so portable. A true reader will read no matter the medium.

>> No.12055277

>Has never read a book

>> No.12055291

No she is very catholic. She watches mass from Lourdes on TV even if she goes to church often enough. She has lots of jesus/mary imagery all around the house. Etc etc.

>> No.12055333

Honestly, because book piracy sucks. A few days ago I had to go on fucking mirc to look for a book and even then could only find the original in french, and it's not even some obscure book on the cult of Nana or anything like that.

If given the chance to buy a book or an ebook, I will ALWAYS pick the book, specially considering some places give a free digital copy.

>> No.12055375

What fucking book were you looking for

>> No.12055385

Jacques Roubaud - The Great Fire of London. I even started a thread offering to upload anything for people in exchange for a copy of it but got 0 responses.

>> No.12055395

What's a good cheap e-reader

>> No.12055416

Yeah ok, seems like this is a tough one...there will always be titles that just nobody bothered to put in digital format. I once scanned a book for a board and it was a pain in the ass and the result was barely OK.

>> No.12055431

Of course it's a tough one you nincompoop, do you think I would complain about book piracy without trying in the first place?
That book is available for sale in digital format so at this point a copy of it exists, but book piracy only works for VERY specific works in closed communities and interests or for well known and regarded stuff, anything in between will be necessarily shit.
I can't count the amount of borderline unreadable ebooks I read because the only copies online had shit formatting and conversion. Book piracy simply isn't good, and I doubt it will ever be since it's still as shit when you could only exchange pdfs, htmls and txts as an ebook (actually, you can only find a bunch of shit in these formats, btw).

>> No.12055445

Even when reading is impossible, the presence of books acquired produces such an ecstasy that the buying of more books than one can read is nothing less than the soul reaching towards infinity... we cherish books even if unread, their mere presence exudes comfort, their ready access reassurance.

>> No.12055457

>He doesn't realize that books themselves are art objects and an essential part of the experience of reading

>> No.12055467

Literally all the e-book hating comments are from people who don't know even the most basic about them, pathetic.

>> No.12055483

You're not wrong but it's not gonna take long before e-books themselves become art objects, all it takes is an author that plays on their strenghts over actual books (hypertextuality, for example, is the obvious pick. If guys like Calvino, Perec or Eco got their hand at writing an e-book it would be fantastic).

>> No.12055571

>PDF is a digital facsimile of the actual book
And that's why it's shit. How am I supposed to change the font or the page size? EPUB is superior.

>> No.12055592

It's all I use now. You can get books for free from the internet. Shit is cash.

>> No.12055597

>And that's why it's shit. How am I supposed to change the font or the page size
You don't. Same as a real book. Again why it's superior.

>> No.12055615

>it did killed
Stopped reading there

>> No.12056000

this is true, why is this not acknowledged more here? a dedicated device is idiotic, when you already have one that is capable of doing it better and that's with you 24/7

>> No.12056009

Books were a dead medium long before Kindles came around

>> No.12056015

They're very different and the cellphone is actually much, MUCH worse than the kindle. Not even a comparison, the only possible explanation is that you never used a reader in your life.

>> No.12056025

at least phones can display pdfs

>> No.12056031

Very poorly, just like a kindle can, very poorly as well but at least with a readable screen

>> No.12056048

Cease your autism please

>> No.12056053

I've owned couple different e-readers over the years but eventually they all start to gather dust. Regular tablets and smartphones are just too damn convenient. Everything is automatically synced over the internet, so I don't have to keep dragging the same device with me wherever I go. I also like to often put on some moody reading music from Spotify which just can't be done with devices like kindle. My heart goes out for all those people whose eyes can't handle reading on an LCD screen, but I've never had any issues myself.

>> No.12056066

>reading to music

>> No.12056073

It increases my concentration.

>> No.12056078

Sentimentality, nostalgia, romanticisation of the old. Same reason why Shakespeare is considered the best English writer, why modern films use effects to make their cameras seem older, why people say 'thy' and 'thou' when praying, etc.

>> No.12056096

You're so correct that even you can't live up to your standards. The real reading enthusiast doesn't even waste time on his kindle. He just pirates that shit to his phone or computer, reads it, and moves on to the next one.

>> No.12056133

You know people would say the same stuff about AOL or Atari and stuff but look what happened, they went belly up in like a period of 5 years

>> No.12056139

That was my post and I live in eastern europe my dude. I just go on a /pijaca/ circuit.

>> No.12056142

>You know people would say the same stuff about AOL or Atari
Did they really tho?

>> No.12056860

>As soon as they can do .pdfs and display images correctly,
feast your eyes on this baby: https://www.sony.com/electronics/digital-paper-notepads/dpt-series

>> No.12056880


What is a fucking hurricane?

>> No.12056883

It did.
Today books are just taking up space. Literally no one read them anymore.

>> No.12056891

iPhone happened.

>> No.12056893

e-readers have like a month long battery life, don't suffer from screen glare issues, and don't keep you up at night by suppressing melanin production like a computer/phone does.

I don't disagree with you though, reading on a phone/computer is definitely better than reading a book in 99% of cases

>> No.12056897

I haven't touched any of my physical books in over a year. All my reading lately has been on a Kindle. I'm afraid I won't like an actual book anymore.

>> No.12056909

Nigger you're trapping yourself at whatever shitty job you have to work in order to pay for your thousand dollar a year habit when you could be liberated from your material possessions with absolutely no loss in the amount of information that you have available to you.

>> No.12056916

>implying the books you'd find there are worth reading
My local book stores have only the absolute most babby-tier entry level works of the authors I'm interested in reading.

Granted, I'll still stop by and see if I can get a nice aesthetically pleasing copy to satiate my monkey brain's desire for material possessions but it is in no way superior to just pirating the book online.

>> No.12056919

People who bought books need to read this seriously.
Stop. Buying. Books. You will never read them.

>> No.12056928

Buy the book and scan it yourself you selfish fuck

>> No.12057045

>suppressing melanin production
Sounds like /pol/'s dream device.

>> No.12057053
File: 100 KB, 2000x2000, melanin-is-worth-300-a-gram-more-than-gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they only knew that shit is pure cash my brotha, mmmmh-mmmmh lawd have mercy.

>> No.12057062

I'm thinking of buy one of these, which one should I get? Please help.

>> No.12057086

Kindle Paperwhite. Kindle Oasis 2 if you're a bling bling nigga that like your dookie to glitter.

>> No.12057159

Well, yeah, that's my plan, I just need some money because it's not worth to impoty a single book.

>> No.12057183

It's pronounced "cringe".

>> No.12057227

But just owning books brings me joy
Get fucked kondo-chan

>> No.12057266

That's true. I notice I see things funny after looking at screens too long.

>> No.12057570

Is reflected light meme true at all? I've been reading most of my teenage to adult life from a tablet screen and it probably contributed to my vision getting worse since I essentially had a fucking flashlight beaming right into my eyes for hours every day on top of all the computer work, yet I'm wondering if the whole indirect light thing isn't just a sales pitch

>> No.12057619

Only the lowest end Kindle lacks a backlight

>> No.12057652

Can you transfer stuff into a Kindle? Like stuff in AO3. Or is it locked?

>> No.12057681

And what paperback should I get? There's 4 models, should I just get the most recent. Oh oh and do these niggers have upgradable storage (memory card slots)? Sorry for spoonfeed

>> No.12057682

Yes. You can transfer anything as long as you convert it into mobi or AZW with Calibre. Kindle can also read Word and text files, and PDFs, with limited success. (use K2pdf to make them more readable).

It sounds like a lot but it's not. There is no more convenient e-reader.

>> No.12057695

There's a problem innate to the e-reader format that no one has mentioned yet: it is more difficult to recall material read from a screen. When reading a physical book one forms cognitive associations with the spatial layout of the text, which reinforces how you schematize its content. E-readers lack this quality because they collapse texts to the spatial equivalent of a single page.

>> No.12057701

Paperwhite. And yeah, newest is fine. I had a Paperwhite 2 and have no regrets. If you found one used, get it. No upgradeable storage, though. Not that you'd need it. Unless you are loading up on textbooks and comics, too.

>> No.12057886

Had a Freudian slip, meant melatonin

>> No.12057904

Almost everybody reads epaper with fluorescent or LED light, so it's as bad as a tablet.

>> No.12057967


I like my kobo but these things need to be faster. I also really hate all the intrustive stuff each os adds.

>> No.12057977
File: 47 KB, 390x400, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you collect physical books you are quite simply a cuck.
Cucking is the thinking man's fetish. Leave you fucking normie. E-Books are for plebs.

>> No.12057979

Why do niggers assume e-readers can't display pdfs? Because they CAN. The only problem is that it still is shitty because you can't change the font size. But with some trickery (removing margins, using k2pdfopt) you can still get around this to some extent. The only unfixable problem is lack of color display.

>> No.12057987
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>> No.12057992
File: 1.50 MB, 1200x1200, yCxEwIf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you dont own one already buy the cheaper first see if you like the experience than if you have the money buy the oasis

>> No.12057995

dont own a phone see no need so i shall stick to my kindle

>> No.12058006

No. If anything, reading paper books in dim lighting would have made your vision even worse.

>> No.12058059

I wouldn't really put effort into reading and would not get the same level of immersion from kindle as I would get from a physical book. I relate reading on an electronic device to reading imageboards, which I obviously don't read with great attention, because of all the years I've spent on them which is not the experience I'm looking for from a book.

>> No.12058064

physical books are for boomers and pseuds who fetishize literature instead of reading it

>> No.12058201

>these electronic things put a sense of distance between you and the words ya know?

ok now this is bluepilled

>> No.12058684

Oh yeah those pesky textbook producers who have their hands in the pockets of oh so many politicians

>> No.12059496

That's horrible for you eyesight, even with filters.

>> No.12059611

This, but unironically. Local politicians are still politicians

>> No.12059659

Based and redpilled.

>> No.12059920
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>> No.12060202

this guy actually gets it

books will persist merely as a fetish and a vehicle for social signalling

>> No.12060285

It's good for storing books easily and reading pirated books, but I'd rather read physical books. Something about trying to read actual books on a screen kills my attention-span, which somehow remains unaffected when reading anything else, like your post for example, even if it's short.

>> No.12060295
File: 81 KB, 250x317, Non_Sanctus_est.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading by the fire
>not reading using a mere candle
>not running a fan in the middle of a winter night to simulate the draftiness of a Medieval dwelling
>not using the candle to heat yourself up as you shiver in the cold

>> No.12060307

Because e-readers are shit and you can't lend anybody your e-reader without being unable to read yourself.

>> No.12060367

There's nothing wrong with object fetishism. There's nothing wrong with wanting an aesthetic book shelf. There's nothing wrong with collecting books. These things enhance, not degrade, the pleasure of reading.
E-readers are for nice for traveling, books are nice to live with.

>> No.12060385

>replying seriously to funpost-bait

>> No.12060416

Based and Christ-pilled

>> No.12060426


People spend thousands on restaurants, beauty products, clothing, and much more; I do not, therefore, I can easily afford to buy two or three hardcovers each month which amounts to something like $500 a year. Is $500 a year too much for something as important as literature? I think not.

>> No.12060452


I would like to also add that this thread is utterly hilarious. People think they are reading on their phones, while listening to music? I have seen enough. Nobody on this website reads. There are less readers here than if I step outside and sampled random people from the street. Now the question is: Why do people here pretend to read? Since when is this bland activity cool enough that people pretend to do it?


>> No.12060458

Congrats, somehow you managed to be the dumbest person on this thread for taking yourself so seriously

>> No.12060471

>spent thousands on clothes and beauty
>pirate all the books I want
Feels good.

>> No.12060506

>Look good and expand mind vs look like shit and own some obsolete shelf decorations which become a pain if you have to move anywhere

I buy physical books, but I don't think you can properly argue that it's more worthwhile compared to other purchases

>> No.12060546
File: 17 KB, 200x200, smug robin hood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's "breadpilled"
The guy was likely joking, anon. So what does that make you, eh?

>> No.12060552

no one has mentioned formatting and scanning issues with obscure/uncommon texts?

>> No.12060570

Like "Der Untermensch", which, as it turns out, isn't anti-Slav at all, but anti-Bolshevik.

>> No.12060597

> Like "Der Untermensch", which, as it turns out, isn't anti-Slav at all, but anti-Bolshevik.
> Fixed below:

Like "Der Untermensch", which, as it turns out, isn't anti-Slav at all, which, as it turns out, isn't anti-(((Bolshevik))) at all, but anti-Jewish.

>> No.12060612

It's anti-Bolshevik AND anti-Jewish. I've read it, mate, I know what I read.

>> No.12060624


What do you mean pirate all the books you want? By pirate you mean arrive at the docks of Barnes & Noble with your ship, and then loot the store with swords?

If not then I do not care.

>> No.12060630

no I was being serious

>> No.12060632

I had a kindle for a while until it broke in my bag. It was kind of nice to be able to have random books lying around that you can read. A physical book was still better though, and browsing around a library is peak cosy. I could see the value in a kindle if you're some super poorfag with zero time or money, but for the average person that doesn't apply, and if you can dish out for a kindle you can probably afford a library card or some second-hand books.

>> No.12060650

Hire all the bums at the local library and take over the library, I live in a landlocked country so raiding trucks at night is all I have.

>> No.12060656

The main reason to get an ereader. So many books I never need to buy one anymore.

>> No.12060661

T Jew.

>> No.12060664

>buying books
>not finding free PDFs online
>not using Gutenberg