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12047966 No.12047966 [Reply] [Original]

What are you doing to embody the Logos?

>> No.12047986

your mom

>> No.12047989

I'm embalming my anus

>> No.12047992

I'm doing what I know I should do at every given moment.

>> No.12047998


>> No.12047999

drawing some jung rule 34

>> No.12048026

shitposting with precision and meaning

>> No.12048059

I’m doing no nut November.

I am cleaning my room.

I stopped saying things that made me feel weak, basically anything that caused a negative physiological sensation.

I threw away all my graphic tees and new balance shoes, bought chinos, bought suede shoes, and plain color shirts and oxfords. Basically followed r/mfa

I started praying before bed, I developed a routine.

I read the Bible for 30 min every day
I plan what I’m gonna say and treat any social interaction as a potential job y’all, you never know where your next opportunity to improve your life will come from.

I stopped doing drugs, have cut down alcohol to just weekends, one night only.

I do push-ups before showers, and picked up running and biking.

All this was not immediate, it took a long time. Thanks Dr Peterson

>> No.12048095

based lobster lad climbing out of the underworld

>> No.12048145
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Psilocybin Cubensis

>> No.12048294

Actively rejecting Peterson's crypto-authoritarian message.

>> No.12048307

Imagine what would he do when he found a JBP's penis on the egg.

>> No.12048318

may i ask your age? sincere and genuine question.

>> No.12048321


>> No.12048327

If you are not married yet, you are misreading(or miswatching?) Dr.Peterson.

>> No.12048328

better late than never aye laddy

>> No.12048332


>> No.12048373


boy at this rate you could even become an actual human being before 80

>> No.12048466
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>unironically needs a daddy to tell him what to do at 37
>can't figure this shit out on his own

>> No.12048470

jordan peterson is an intellectually dishonest hack and charlatan

>> No.12048482


>> No.12048486

Good on you but also cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12048579

I don't know, nothing? I am reading an E Micheal Jones book, though, and he seems fond of Logos from what I gather. The book is actually pretty good. He hasn't mentioned Logos once.

>> No.12048605

I ate a lobster.

>> No.12048607

well it's a good thing that he found someone to guide him back onto such a clear path then

>> No.12048630

I think this guy is at his best when he draws primarily on his familiarity with the academic literature of psychology (the most-enduring theories and most robust meta-studies) but tempers that with his hobby-reading in history, religion, and philosophy.

Where would I get his main content like that? Initially I thought he was a worthless hack when I caught him butchering my field (philosophy) but as I say, whenever his points are primarily concerned and substantiated by psychology (and his clinical experience), I've realised he has a very rewarding perspective. Where do I find that side of him specifically?

>> No.12048638

tl;dr which content is less ethicist/metaphysician and more clinical psychologist (his strength).

Don't say his formal publications, I've checked and those are specialist topics, intended for colleagues.

>> No.12048649

Unironically check out his lectures on youtube. Just going off of memory he has a couple of playlists on his channel of some of his psychology-only lectures he did about 6-8 years ago, which are minor gems. You'll have to sort through the rest of his more political content though, which is annoying.

>> No.12048662


>> No.12048664

>Don't say his formal publications, I've checked and those are specialist topics, intended for colleagues.
brainlet detected

>> No.12048674

Why does it make me a brainlet to think that the topics he covers there are way too specific for my interests, and even if they were not, they are presented in a manner that is obviously intended primarily for his peers?

He himself is publishing pop books because he realises his general theories would not be appropriate topics for those same journals, and also because with those he can use a format suitable for an interdisciplinary audience. This is the basics of why people even pursue the non-academic avenue, dude.

>> No.12048687


>unironically responding and explaining yourself to someone calling you a brainlet on 4chan

you're now a confirmed brainlet

>> No.12048703

Nope, just an (actual) boomer.

>> No.12048807
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logos hehe

>> No.12048854
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>> No.12048867


It's amazing how something like that can happen when you emasculate and remove father figures from western society at every opportunity.

Not a big fan of Peterson, but I'm glad he helps people.

>> No.12048879
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>DUDE psychedelics teach you the secrets of the universe maaaannnnn
Having to rely on exogenous chemicals for consciousness """expansion""" is a strong indicator of being an NPC.
I know your subroutines won't let you process that so I don't blame you for getting upset.

>> No.12048882
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>I plan what I’m gonna say and treat any social interaction as a potential job y’all, you never know where your next opportunity to improve your life will come from.

Jesus christ, good luck with that. Wayyy to many memes in that post.

>> No.12048906

human jordan peterson is an human intellectually dishonest hack and human charlatan

>> No.12049073
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>> No.12049153

>I plan what I’m gonna say and treat any social interaction as a potential job y’all, you never know where your next opportunity to improve your life will come from.
Bhahhahahahahah what the fuck??? Anglos are cancerous. Protestantism IS proto-capitalism. these people are insane, their labour fetish has reached monstrous proportions. I have an american friend who told to me he felt SHAME whenever he winded down and relaxed hahaha, insane. And I'm here drinking an espresso and smoking a cigarette, after an hour long lunch, bathing in the sun. This is the anglo's nightmare: How inefficient!

>> No.12049178

Being hospitalized by cider and only eating meat.

>> No.12049184

Posting shit like this is npc as fuck, go back to Twitter.

>> No.12049189

saying profanities online

>> No.12049209

thanks fellow lobster
penis on the egg? i dont get it
im 24, in grad school. idk why that guy said 37, i was asleep at that time.
i was not that guy, im 24.
it may be cringe but im getting my life back on track. is your room clean, fellow anon?
its a good way to create good impressions with other humans. no man is an island and that is my way of dealing with that.
interesting you say that, I am currently reading Weber's The Protestant Ethic. im a Catholic but from a historical perspective, the book makes perfect sense and it is fully embodied in my protestant european friends. if smoking a cig and having an espresso fulfills your life, I have no right to criticize your life and your habits. my habits in the past were more destructive than that, although you could say smoking is destructive. I guess everybody's gotta pick their poison. i enjoy winding down after work, I read books or go for run or walks.

and i dont feel shame due to leisure. leisure is essential. its about fixing the moments where i feel incapacitated to be productive

>> No.12049231

mushroom bad beep boop

>> No.12049259

you're 24 and in grad school. seems like a pretty normal and timely path to success to me, so i'm wondering why you refer to it as getting your life back on track? it doesn't seem like you've even had enough time to get 'off-track'

(asking this as someone who just turned 24)

>> No.12049262

bc i had lost my routine and engage in pretty awful habits that made my productivity plummet, and grad school is a time where i need to focus. i love where im at and i dont want my perverse side to prevent me from attaining success. Daddy lobster, memes aside, helps in that regard

>> No.12049271

i also have this existential dread that i have not fully figured out how to address, and books/self help/religion help with that. i agree that im not the target audience of JBP( which i believe are neckbeards, neets, depressed people, or people in their 30s with tough "structural" problems) but anybody can improve by listening to what anybody has to say. sure, i first dismissed jbp as some self help pseud with my snarky attitude. but i learned how to listen, even to the other side

>> No.12049331


IoI weII fwiw from your vague description i'm basicaIIy you if you didn't do anything to stop being a piece of shit. I can confirm that's it definiteIy been a nightmare for about a year and a haIf now. you said it's taken you a Iong time to get back on track, how Iong exactIy?

I'm an idiot so since daddy jp came on the scene I've aIways deepIy resented the fact that pretty much everything he says is the perfect antidote to my probIems. the funny part about that is he basicaIIy materialized around the same time I started reaIIy sIipping.

>> No.12049382

i cant tell. im in my 3rd year of this program and first year was when i started slipping bc i didnt know how to deal with this new pressure. ive been getting through the hoops with tremendous effort and stress, and i realized over time mistakes i had made that could have made that stress much smaller.
it took a while, slow steps. for example, i used to fap 5 times a day, had the urge to just wank it on bathroom breaks at the office. it got bad. or, biting my nails (my tooth chipped from so much biting). or shaving (i started shaving twice a week). little by little. i started by saying, ok i wanna fix bad habit X. and work at it. once i realized that was not a problem, i moved to another habit.

on paper and listening to jp it sounds easy, but its just too easy to slip and too tempting. its like the law of entropy, personified. we tend to disorder and it takes conscious effort to not let it slip to the point where the rest of my life goes to shit

yeah half of that post was meme but bits of it help. yeah im doing NNN this month for the memes, but what actually helped outside november is that i limited fapping to once a day or once a week, depending on how busy i am, compared to 5 times a day

>> No.12049411

Mushrooms are my last hope in fixing my life crippling social anxiety but they are absolutely illegal in my euro country. Also, I have no "cool" friends that could set me up with it. What would you suggest I do?

>> No.12049412

buy a Bible.

>> No.12049422

Hey x-bro, now is not the time for your memes.

>> No.12049428


>Mushrooms are my last hope in fixing my life crippling social anxiety

Are you sure they are? That sounds ridiculous. Have you tried klonopin? Phenibut? How old are you?

I've never tried mushrooms but I'm almost certain the idea of them solving actual social anxiety is a meme.

>> No.12049430

it's the season for liberty caps, just go when it's cold and pick some yourself
I'd do it myself but I'm always too scared of hallucinating and fucking my brain up or something

>> No.12049436

buy them from the internet or grow them yourself. It´s pretty easy

>> No.12049450

Microdosing hallucinogenics might have therapeutic benefits studies found.

>> No.12049452

why would you grow them if they already grow in the wild

>> No.12049461


sounds like homeopathy

>> No.12049468

this is not the way to embrace the Logos. drugs get you farther away from it.

>> No.12049487

Kpin and phenobit are nothing close to magic mushrooms. I
The first time I took mushrooms, I did it while party hopping with complete strangers (now good friends) I had complete ego loss and that and subsequent trips thereafter have done wonders for me. I had schizoid PD and now, notsomuch. Psychedelics have shown me what human connection feels like and I regularly take them for that purpose. Psychedelics have given me a healthy way to relate to myself and others.
Definitely not a meme, cynics like you are the meme.
Btw, DMT permanently turned me off of suicide.

>> No.12049499

logos is 2000 years old dude, it's all about gnosis now

>> No.12049586


>The first time I took mushrooms, I did it while party hopping with complete strangers (now good friends) I had complete ego loss

How oId were you?

>> No.12049837


>> No.12049999

4-AcO-DMT is an analog that's legal in most places

>> No.12050216

nothing the logos is already in me

>> No.12050478

*Sighs* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvBm0ZUfe7I

>> No.12050496

Jordan "I stayed awake for a whole month straight" Peterson
Jordan "I only eat meat, a spoonful of vinegar hospitalized me" Peterson
Jordan "Take your pills, no really, it isn't a metaphor take. your. damn. pills. Somehow this is an applicable rule for life, it isn't a metaphor, I don't take my pills" Peterson
Jordan "Signs with CAA and suddenly betrays his audience" Peterson

>> No.12050505

>"I stayed awake for a whole month straight"

>> No.12050707

He said that in probably the latest podcast he did with Joe Rogan.

>> No.12050978


Look for his playlist on Personality, pretty darn good. It's a course he taught at the university of toronto. I believe it's the complete course too.

>> No.12050983

Jordan 'my critics are devoid of real critiques' Peterson

>> No.12050995

Fucking based

>> No.12051039

Jordan "deathly afraid of saying the one thing that ends his career" Peterson
Jordan "discredits himself with the Kavanaugh incident but sycophants still worship him anyway" Peterson

>> No.12051339
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>> No.12052578

>hates /pol/fags
>/lit/ still makes fun of him
just admit your hate of him is irrational. You think because most his fanbase is autistic the man himself and any of his thought MUST be retarded.

>> No.12052589

God I hate memerson so much.

Is it too late to be a two bit professor and post a strong opinion on a controversial topic via Youtube?

Will I ever have the audience I dream of but dont deserve at all by the merits of my work itself?

>> No.12052592

>making fun of people trying to improve themselves
is there anything more pathetic?

>> No.12052597

all steak diet

>> No.12052611
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>is there anything more pathetic?

>> No.12052622

This one.

This one is my favorite

>> No.12052673


>> No.12052707

what country do you live in? I want to escape this place.

>> No.12052711

holy shit alan watts was right.

>> No.12053019

He's the equivalent of sonic

>> No.12053050

Jordan Peterson is good

>> No.12053057

Chilling in this thread.

>> No.12053060

I once heard Peterson described as the stupid person's smart person.

After reading his book I wouldn't disagree.

>> No.12053074
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look at who you agree with lmao

>> No.12053321 [SPOILER] 
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>I threw away all my graphic tees

>> No.12053349

Are those the cumrag mushrooms?

>> No.12053357

>The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.12053407


this is why france is dead

>> No.12053418

You SHOULD feel shame when you're not working.
What the fuck else are you on this planet for?

>> No.12053609
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Unlike you, we are not all retarded. Just because Peterstein hates Pol (the stupid of 4chan) doesn't mean we should love him. The fact that you think this indicates that you are: (1) a frequent visitor of /pol/, (2) that you lack the intelligence for visiting /lit/ and should go back to /pol/

>> No.12053686

its too late

>> No.12055185
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ad hominem
just because a stupid fucking woman makes the same statement doesn't mean his statement is wrong
(he is right btw, peterson is for the truly depraved of intellect)

>> No.12055243

for a bottomless pit mind, he's kinda cute even tho he looks sour

>> No.12055253


>> No.12055280

someone post it

>> No.12055293

I internally heard his squidward voice saying that and I am still laughing

>> No.12055323
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It's more of an expansion of immediate awareness and catalyzes the development of deeper self reflection beyond what's normally doable or desirable for the average person.

As for aliens and hyperspace, that's only able to be known by the person experiencing it but no one has brought any information back from that other side beyond conceptualizations of all life having the same consciousness experiencing reality through different biological platforms so it's metaphysical for the time being.

>> No.12055324

Absolutely based

>> No.12055407

order 1P-LSD from lysergi on the clearnet

>> No.12055429

I've removed my frontal lobe

>> No.12055639

I embody mythos

>> No.12055666

>He thinks work is somehow inherent in human nature and is necessary to have value
Holy shit

>> No.12055708

>n-no u

>> No.12055937

this pol shit gets me so angry

there is literally nothing wrong with the way you all are now

you are literally perfect the way you are and people telling you to change or "improve" are just trying to fuck you up

fuck them and fuck facists like peterson

im out

>> No.12055981

Basé et roguepilule.

>> No.12055996
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>> No.12056012

its not the same thing, you should do more research.

>> No.12056014

yeah im sure we evolved to sit around and do nothing that sounds like a good strategy

>> No.12056022


>> No.12056023

good for you mate if it works out for you all the best

>> No.12056030


>> No.12056489
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>Basically followed r/mfa
>I do push-ups before showers, and picked up running and biking.

>> No.12056679

>>(he is right btw, peterson is for the truly depraved of intellect)

ad hominem

>> No.12057341
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>I'm no fag, but that cock sure looks tasty

>> No.12057357

You know a guy should be liked when he can't stop crying on camera

>> No.12057370

>you are literally perfect the way you are and people telling you to change or "improve" are just trying to fuck you up
Why leftists idolize the mediocre so much?

>> No.12057466

get the fuck out of here, you maniac