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File: 62 KB, 209x277, Might is right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12041798 No.12041798 [Reply] [Original]

is this book even worth your time?

>> No.12041835

4chan tells you shit this stupid every day and you don't listen to it, do you?

>> No.12041846

Only if you're a school shooter.

>> No.12041847

I love this book. It's like reading the fever dreams of a mad man.

>> No.12041865

I don't know but it seems redpilled.

>> No.12041919
File: 111 KB, 822x813, 6H27zQ1MJFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Western civilization collapsing because we decided to keep the weak and ill ones. We have to crush degenerates.

>> No.12041925

nice try fbi

>> No.12041934
File: 187 KB, 1051x602, wF4PnPhJnuo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12041939

you're glowing

>> No.12041946

that boy was so pretty, i want to kiss him

>> No.12041997
File: 151 KB, 900x1000, 15406631734061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that he didn't even write manifesto. Instead his manifesto is T-shirt that says - hatred. In the world of scientic fetish and rationalisation of everything killing so much people without leaving even a word - truly it was a revolt against the modern world.

>> No.12042024
File: 38 KB, 607x608, Nietzsche_36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know school shooters are just edgy kids but that's actually kind of based and dare I say: redpilled.
But why go kill innicent kids? That's just un-manly. Could have gone to a furry convention or something.

>> No.12042073
File: 171 KB, 1200x801, DJ3vtJZXUAUzecE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know either. If I had a chance to do something similar I would go straight to the parliament of my country.

He is right-wing(I checked his profile on vk.com) and what we know he wasn't bullied or something like this. He was writing to girls that showed interest in him about columbine. Maybe he had too much love for Eric Harris and wanted to larp as him. What a shame.

>> No.12042090

he must have had some cocktail of mental disorders. Narcissism and ASPD or something, who knows really

>> No.12042159
File: 307 KB, 789x1920, a4aa65e96a8d7aa4cc008b8ed82eab18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liked vidya and guns
>liked school shooters like Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
>went to college for soul killing STEM degree
>went to the bible as a last hope
>"Life has no meaning :'((((("
No wonder you guys like this murderer.

>> No.12042887

So what the fuck is this book about. Nothing in this thread has a good criticism towards it, is it a waste of time or what?

>> No.12042894

It's about beating you the fuck down and buttfucking your woman, white boi.

>> No.12042985
File: 45 KB, 400x400, IMG_0434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically the author explains that might is right and wants to live in a tribal barbarian social darwinistic world.
It's well written and humorous in some places,the author explains why warfare,killing and cannibalism are all good and natural,as well as supporting taking women by force.
Some say it was written by two authors, the person that wrote it is clearly well educated and the book has a lot of historical references. Even though it was written in 1890 it's not that dated. The author is well read yet he's also an anti intellectual.
It's not a proto fascist book as Wikipedia says, the author rallies against strong governments as well as communism, capitalism,anarchism. He's highly racist and anti Semitic, yet also a cultural relativist.
It's a fun read if you aren't easily offended.

>> No.12043015

Literally the edgiest thing I've ever read. Sade may be edgier but he's having a sense of humor shitposting, but this was so sincere in its edge you can almost see the fedora and katana.

>I dip my forefinger in the watery blood of your impotent mad-redeemer (your Divine
>Democrat — your Hebrew Madman) and write over his thorn-torn brow, “The true prince
>of Evil — the king of the Slaves!”
>No hoary falsehood shall be a truth to me — no cult or dogma shall encramp my pen.
>I break away from all conventions. Alone, untrammeled. I raise up in stern invasion the
>standard of Strong.
>I gaze into the glassy eye of your fearsome Jehovah, and pluck him by the beard — I uplift
>a broad-axe and split open his worm-eaten skull.

>I blast out the ghastly contents of philosophic whited
>sepulchres and laugh with sardonic wrath.

>Then reaching up the festering and varnished facades of
>your haughtiest moral dogmas, I write thereon in letters of blazing
>scorn: — "Lo and behold, all this is fraud!"

>> No.12043035

quick rundown?

>> No.12043098

So basically what human beings have been doing since the dawn of man. I thought it was some alpha man bullshit, but appears to be more along the lines of praising strength and tribalism within society.