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12035336 No.12035336 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas, it’s not like they’re going anywhere.

>> No.12035350
File: 212 KB, 748x900, 99B6A29C-99B3-405D-A1CA-1B3097319D51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a novel, but a play detailing the life of Judas Iscariot

>Judas’s mother and father have sex and fall asleep in their bed
>His mother wakes in the night from a terrible dream
>she thinks it is a prophetic sign that she will give birth to a son destined for the worst evil
>her husband reassures her that it’s only a dream
>she gets pregnant, they don’t know what to do because they realize her dream is going to be proved right, the mother asks how she can murder a child who has not yet done anything wrong? Is he not worthy of a mother’s love?
>unable to kill the baby themselves, when he is born they put him out to sea in a basket (like Moses)
>the waves will decide his fate
>he drifts to an island where he is rescued by a queen who is unable to give birth herself
>she secretly adopts him and tricks her husband into thinking she is pregnant
>she gets pregnant soon after she adopts Judas, so her real son and Judas grow up together
>she treats Judas kind of shitty because she just wanted her a son and turns out she didn’t need Judas (comparisons to Ishmael and Sarah)
>Judas is mean to his brother, the queen’s true son
>Is Judas a little shit because he’s destined to betray Christ, or is it because everyone treats him like shit?
>Judas is jealous of his brother (understandably) and rarely receives any real love from anyone
>he finds out eventually that he was a foundling, and is humiliated

>> No.12035359


>his adoptive mother doesn’t love him, and he will no longer inherit anything from the king, his adoptive father
>he kills his brother in a fit of anger and jealousy (like Cain and Abel), before slitting his brother’s throat he questions why it is that his brother is born into a family who loves him
>why is he blessed with wealth and inheritance from his father, the king, and why is it that not only does Judas adoptive family not love him, but his real parents gave him up for dead as well?
>He kills his brother, and flees out of fear of retribution (and some guilt)
>goes to Jerusalem
>ingratiates himself into Pontius Pilate’s court
>Pilate and Judas see eye to eye
>Judas becomes his chief minister
>one day Pilate sees over a wall into an orchard, he begins to crave it and tells Judas to retrieve some for him (much like Augustine’s story in the confessions)
>Judas takes joy in stealing the fruit from the orchard, but he is caught in the act by the man owning the property, who is his real father.
>They get in a shouting match which turns into a fight
>Judas kills his own father by hitting him with a rock at the base of his neck
>He returns to Pilate and when his father’s body is found it is thought he died from a heart attack or some sort of natural cause
>Pilate bequeaths the property and Judas’s father’s possessions to Judas (though he knows not that it was his own father) including the man’s wife
>I know I’m stealing from Oedipus, it’s purposeful, to question the role of Fate in Judas’ life
>One day Judas’ sees his wife looking very sad
>Judas is very attentive and loving with his wife, he makes her tell him what’s the matter
>I drowned my child in the sea years ago, and I found my husband dead in our orchard, I am the unluckiest of women
>she tells him more about her baby son
>Judas realizes he killed his own father and married his mother
>overwhelmed with guilt, he goes to Jesus for forgiveness for his sins, he is as far as we can tell completely genuine here
>I don’t plan on Jesus being a major character in the play but I’m not sure exactly how I will handle his ministry
>at the end of the play, Judas will give a final speech about Fate, his own culpability (comparing himself to Pharaoh in Exodus), etc. before he hangs himself
>one of the major lines Judas will say at the end will be something like “It is easier for some men to be saints than it is for others not to be sinners” (yes I know saints didn’t exist yet, this isn’t meant to be perfectly historical) and that perhaps, since he was made for this role, he is well to do it justice and throw himself into it all the way, so that in his damnation Christ might save the rest of humanity.

>> No.12035488

something about niggers and jews

>> No.12035508

I want to write a self-help book and it should start with washing your penis.

>> No.12035583

I'm writing a stream of conscious novel narrated by a hungry teenager in a hot and stuffy room waiting for their friend, a human sized pile of animated drug paraphernalia, to arrive with fast food.

>> No.12035953
File: 21 KB, 198x300, 963F434F-8ACC-4B8B-80F2-82C11E2C4EA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no preference for communism or socialism but I’ve taken an interest in writing a world war 2 novel from the perspective of a 23 year old man who is the primary breadwinner for himself, mother, and aging father who had a leg crushed in a railroad construction accident. The story starts in the finals days of the battle for Stalingrad when the young protagonist is exposed to the brutal and terrifying sights and sounds of war. Fortunately for him he’s taken under the wing of a patriotic and battle hardened sergeant who knows how to stay alive. The story follows their fight in the rout of the German army across Russia in isolated scurmishes as they try not to freeze, starve or be shot by the enemy. The novel follows the pair as well as a sporadically appearing smaller characters in a sharpshooter, medic and deranged engineer. They’ll travel by foot, truck, rail, and on the back of tanks from Stalingrad to Berlin in a story of bravery, sacrifice, and loss of innocence and brotherhood under the umbrella of the deadliest war in history.

I’ll have to do a lot of research but I’m confident I can create the grit and scale of a story this size and scope

>> No.12035958
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That will probably be my next project but right now I’m working on this:

In the distant future, mankind lives away from Earth within the utopian space station, Algo. With all their needs and wants care for by a “Mother” an advanced A.I. And The Forever Society, an order of super scientists which created all of it, the lives of those aboard the megastation are existences of abundance and chemical inebriation. The main character, a girl named Luma who races jet packs for sport begins to suspect things aren’t right behind the veil of the perfection.

When forces beyond her control draw her into the dealings of the Forever Society, Luma will find herself set on an adventure across new worlds and dimensions to protect Algo and those she cares for.

Brave New World meets The Rocketeer, meets golden age of science fiction.

>> No.12035966
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I'm working on a prebook of acclaim, accolades, ripped-from-headlines news, and just long brags from famous writers about their own works and ideas but all meant to be talking about the book that this book is hyping everyone to read. It's mostly stuff I stole from (you). It will be selfpublished and a hundred volumes will be distributed secretly to specific university libraries and used book stores. There will be a special blotter attached to a certain page that the reader may discover by using a code key, but that code key will only be accessed through aquiring a certain amount of the books, each with individually strange typos. If the reader wishes to ingest the blotter without going through this quest, they must eat every page of my prebook.

>> No.12035974
File: 228 KB, 750x749, FEE07F69-2043-44D0-AF8A-8648FD10F690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I just finished this:
(See pic)

>> No.12036693

How'd that go for you? Finished as in finished the first draft or finished editing? Are you seeking traditional publishing?

>> No.12036859

baby piges arguing

>> No.12036893

This sounds terrible.

>> No.12036894


>> No.12036920
File: 414 KB, 3267x4233, Mr-Peanut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. Peanut's origin story

>> No.12036944

A short account of a cavalry bataillons' bloody conquest of Utopia and their subsequent reign of terror.

>> No.12036983 [SPOILER] 
File: 300 KB, 1280x853, 1541448783723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a man plans to visit another city by train. he looks up train timetables, and at the same time looks at the weather forecast for the other city.
the forecast is for rain so he takes his umbrella with him. the umbrella is a distinctive design and also has his initials scratched on the handle, making it probably unique. he puts the umbrella on the seat beside him while he is waiting for his train, but when the train arrives he forgets it and leaves it behind on the seat.
on the journey, he worries that he is going to get wet, but fortunately the weather stays fine and he stays dry. he enjoys his visit to the other city and before he leaves he spends some time in the city's art gallery.
as he is walking around the art gallery, he sees someone carrying his umbrella. he recognises the design and can see the initials scratched on the handle. the person carrying it is an attractive young woman.
unfortunately he is painfully shy and doesn't approach her
later, he masturbates thinking about her

>> No.12037008

a pige gets hit by a car

>> No.12037049

A young expat is living in China studying at Peking University. One day he comes home and finds Mao Zedong in his apartment. Mao and him go to a steamed buns resturant and Mao eats a shit load of food and hits on the young wait staff.

Newly energized, Mao moves to start a new revolution in China since that manlet faggot Deng Xiaoping ruined it with his market reforms. Mao goes to the capital and tries to win audience with the current politburo so he can regain his rightful place as head of the party, but the small time bureaucrats continually hamper him.

Eventually he wins an audience with a member of the politburo who informs him that he is useful as a figurehead but that his policies are a nightmare and rich Chinese won't have them anymore.

Dejected, Mao and the expat go to Peking University where Mao tries to stir up a new Red Guard Cultural Revolution. He interrupts some classes and makes speeches on the campus, but is mostly jeered by the iPhone using students.

As the day goes on, and he racks up failure after failure, Mao grows gradually younger, until in the evening he looks like a man in his 20's. The protag and him get dinner and then he borrows a set of clothes from the expat since his old clothes don't fit.

Depressed, Mao doesn't know what to do anymore. The expat asks what the next steps are, and Mao and him decide to go shopping at a trendy fashion store. As they look among the racks of designer labels and fine materials, Mao gradually blends into the crowd, becoming indistinguishable from the other youngsters around him.

>> No.12037378

I have a well established published friend who’s giving it one last line edit before she hands it to her agent... fingers crossed