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/lit/ - Literature

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12030269 No.12030269 [Reply] [Original]

>become hogwarts fanboy
>join hogwarts book clubs
>meet lovely young ladies
which house is /lit/ house?

>> No.12030284


>> No.12030290

A fine choice sir! Here you go. The water bottle is incase she needs a piss whilst on the cab ride

>> No.12030300
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>> No.12030600

Gryfindor is the only option

>> No.12030602


>> No.12030603

Hufflepuff is the epitome of human and wizard kind
I'm Slytherin according to the site

>> No.12030629

I took the test and got Ravenclaw. Sounds about right I suppose.

>> No.12030644

Gryffindor: Poetry
Ravenclaw: Non-fiction
Slytherin: Fiction
Hufflepuff: Fan-Fiction

>> No.12030647

>implying anyone outside of the designated nerd house reads
Except Hufflepuff; they'd read Harry Potter and similar shite.

>> No.12030836

Ravenclaw, though based on the quest of knowledge, doesn't encompass all of literary interest.
I imagine they're the equivalent to women; reading a lot, but 90% of it being garbage.

>> No.12031018
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>> No.12031231

I’d swap Slytherin and Hufflepuff honestly.
You just KNOW that Slytherin houses all the edgy “Voldemort dindu nuffin. Dumbledore is really the evil one” fanfic writers

>> No.12031279
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>> No.12031291

I mean.

I’d still fuck it. I might even stay for edgy poetry night after

>> No.12031363
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>> No.12031408

This really leviosa’s my wingardium.

>> No.12031414

there's pseud syltherin and then there's the elite syltherin.

>> No.12031503

The virgin /pol/ack and the Chad Strasserist.

>> No.12031519

"But for real, we need to answer the Mudblood Question"

>> No.12031528

The GQ is more important.

>> No.12031534

Anne Gringott hides in the attic as Death Eaters search the home.

>> No.12031611

Does she get rescued by a CSA spell-slinger?

>> No.12031619

i'd agree with this

>> No.12031627

Gryffindor confirmed for best girl

Also, next April fools should divide this board into the Hogwarts houses, similar to the Easter event

>> No.12031633

She dies in a prison mine 6 months later

>> No.12031637
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Ravenclaw reporting in. I've never even met a supposed "fan" who's even read the entire damn series. Low-income communities are the worst.
A hogwarts book club sounds like a neat idea though. I've been studying magic for nearly a decade and bet it would be fun to show people the parallels between harry potter and other systems of magic.

>> No.12031638

Gryffindor + Pukwudgie.

>> No.12031656

Ravenclaw here. It all depends on what you consider to be part of the series.

>> No.12031670
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>I've been studying magic for nearly a decade and bet it would be fun to show people the parallels between harry potter and other systems of magic.

>> No.12031678

I'm slytherin. Slytherin this dick up ur butt

>> No.12031756

slytherin confirmed /lit/ house

>> No.12032012

>be me
>go to Hogwarts
>have the chance to spend 7 years exploring a castle filled with innumerable mysteries, gain a social circle and a sense of belonging, and involve myself in various extracurricular activities
>spend all my time in the library or the common room reading books about magic and practicing my skills instead

Ravenclaw master race

>> No.12032070
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The 'official test' thing is bullshit. I don't care if it's from the author herself. No quiz can tell you to what House you belong. Only you can, and it boils down to what you value most. As long as you have some of the traits from that House, and you sincerely want to be in it, (for the right reasons,) then you are basically allowed to choose.
The whole point of Chamber of Secrets was that we choose who we are. Innate personality traits aren't as important as who we strive to become. So, with that said;

Symbol: Lion
Values: Courage, Valor, Daring, Leadership, Righteousness, Chivalry, Willpower, Audacity
Colors: Scarlet and gold
Element: Fire

Symbol: Bird/Eagle
Values: Intellect, Curiosity, Originality, Individuality, Contemplation, Creativity, Knowledge
Colors: Blue and bronze
Element: Air

Symbol: Snake
Values: Ambition, Cunning, Resourcefulness, Sleight of Hand, Shrewdness, Traditionalism, Self-Preservation (unofficially: "a certain disregard for the rules". doesn't have to be evil, but definitely shady)
Colors: Green and silver
Element: Water (the cold, murky kind of water. the turbulent ocean, or shadowy, green-tinged pool that seeps into your socks. not the sunny beach)

Symbol: Badger (it's supposed to represent something normally friendly and docile, but if aggravated in just the right way, becomes suddenly terrifying and fierce, capable of taking down animals many times larger than itself. badgers kill snakes and wolves irl. whole House has a Samwise Gamgee vibe to it)
Values: Loyalty, Kindness, Humility, Hard Work, Equality, Patience
Colors: Yellow and black
Element: Earth

In the extended universe, there's also an American wizarding school with their own Houses named after Native American beasts. It can help add on to what you know about yourself and put things into perspective.

Horned Serpent (a large, intelligent river serpent with mysterious telepathic abilities)
Favors: Scholars (so this is most of /lit/, I imagine)
Represents: The Mind

Wampus (giant six-legged mountain cat, 'nearly impossible to kill')
Favors: Warriors
Represents: The Body

Pukwudgie (tsundere House Elves? hunt with bows that repel dark magic. think cupid)
Favors: Healers
Represents: The Heart

Thunderbird (large six-winged bird that senses danger, and creates storms when it flies. in-universe, it's a relative of the phoenix, so it's kinda the 'special' House)
Favors: Adventurers
Represents: The Soul

>> No.12032281

I read the whole series but I'm not a fan.

>> No.12032359

How the fuck is traditionalism a value of slytherin

>> No.12032424

I wrote that whole autistic mess and THAT'S what you decided to point out? I suppose I should be relieved....

Look at the entire Black family. They're all about aaahh, muh forefathers! How dare you besmirch the name of the noble house of Black! The whole book series was about a racist group attacking non-purebloods because they took traditionalism too far.

(or they're just racists. who knows)

>> No.12033321

If Wojak us a Gryffindor, what house does the frog belong to?

>> No.12033328

Anon, did you take the test and get told to Hufflepuff?

>> No.12033338

Gryffindor: Monarchists

Slytherin: Fascists

Ravenclaw: Socialists

Hufflepuff: Commies

>> No.12033354

Slytherin will eventually succumb to inbreeding and will be like the hills have eyes of hogwarts

>> No.12033381

>not libertarians

>> No.12033400

Ravenclaw would be the predominant house of /lit/

Slytherin and Hufflepuff next, Gryffindor the minority

>> No.12033426

This is wrong.

>> No.12033472

Why's that? It's obvious Ravenclaws are top dogs on this board.

Gryffindors are usually jock types. Very few of them are the "introverted" kind of brave, like Dumbledore and Hermione. They don't usually, y'know, read.

4chan as a whole is Slytherin though. Green and less-than-scrupulous.

>> No.12033514

/sp/ is Gryffindor for sure. /pol/ is the most Slytherin board. /lit/ may actually be Ravenclaw then Hufflepuff then Slytherin

>> No.12033538


>> No.12033539

>Also, next April fools should divide this board into the Hogwarts houses, similar to the Easter event
this is a great idea and would unironically be a lot of fun, it would cause pseudopatrician seething which is always a wonderful thing

>> No.12033566

hmmm... which house is represented by the colour green and known for their smugness....

>> No.12034674
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not so fast anon-kun

>> No.12035329

Hagrid: Anarchist

>> No.12035565
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Witches aren't real you retards

>> No.12036227

shut the fuck up Erika you useless piece

>> No.12036307

Hagrid is a good boy, don

>> No.12036984

Umineko is better than most literature that people talk about on this board

>> No.12037287

I really don't understand how so many adults can be fans of Harry Potter

>> No.12037301

I fucking hate the series and I've read all the books

>> No.12037644

I'm a Slytherin

>> No.12037815
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>I've been studying magic for nearly a decade

>> No.12037822

What magic is there besides meme magic?

>> No.12037832

because they were kids when Harry Potter came out

>> No.12037849

Having no interest in HP I took the house thing some time ago at the urging of a friend and got Hufflepuff. Apparently Newt Scamander from the movie was a Hufflepuff so that isn't had at all, I'd say.

>> No.12037856

Hey I made the sorting hat thread last April fools

>> No.12037858

>that image
It's never really hit me with as much clarity and force as it did just now that there is a "code" (or "culture" or "language" if you want a less strict word) that is only understood by the in-crowd, that is alien to outsiders. The thing that made me realize this was knowing exactly what that image was going to depict before I looked at it.
We've truly done something (perhaps negligible, but still something) that cannot be reversed to the part of our brains that deals with communication by browsing this site for long enough to not be a newfag

>> No.12037861


Apu isn't pepe. Apu is Hufflepuff.

>> No.12037868

Bad take

>> No.12038325

Ravenclaw here; Hufflepuff are cool, my wife is one

>> No.12038330

>Apu is Hufflepuff
Oh yeah, huh, prove it then

>> No.12038336

Where can I find this stupid house test? I want to see if I'm a chad or a nerd in Rowling's universe

>> No.12038379

Here you go lazy anon

>> No.12038399

lol calm down son. It’s called an inside joke.

>> No.12038762
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>> No.12038776

lmao but this one anon >>12034674
Is fancy dress then?

>> No.12038821

/lit/: Ravenclaw
/pol/: Slytherin
/sp/: Gryffindor
/adv/: Hufflepuff

>> No.12038832

>Not realizing it's Ravenclaw.

>> No.12038952

its unequivocally Ravenclaw.

/pol/ is slitherin bc they hate the Jew so much they have become the Jew.

hufflepuff is /co/ or some girl-oriented board, not very 4chan-esque

griffindor is /fit/, brave and not scared of gay orgies

>> No.12038976

I read three of "The Magic Thief" books and I loved it at the time, so I think I might read them all again. Also, uh the book is better than the movie. hahahhaha

>> No.12039442
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Why am i even giving any thought to a fucking retarded frog picture and what retard fucking house he goes into in a fucking shitty children's book on 4chan

What the fuck has happened that made me do this goddamn

>> No.12039505



simple as