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/lit/ - Literature

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12028714 No.12028714 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12028721

Since the age of like 15, “I wanted to die.”
Then the other day my doctor informed me I have 5 years to live.
Now I don’t want to die anymore.

>> No.12028726

Do you have cancer or something?

>> No.12028750

I like OFF's atmosphere.

>> No.12028764

it's fucking great

>> No.12028790

I have no mind

>> No.12028802

/lit/ needs to come up with better threads. Don't post shit about literature sites being SJW NPC garbage, then only post in threads about Peterson or 1984.

>> No.12028810

I clicked on this thread for an OFF thread then remembered I'm on /lit/ not /v/

>> No.12028814

Masturbation ruins creativity.

>> No.12028826

I am also struggling with nofap November

>> No.12028827

Creativity ruins masturbation

>> No.12028831
File: 161 KB, 808x1024, Dnzp5kYXoAcChxX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how some of you can justify things like meaning and morality without God. How could a universe that is not created (see: DELIBERATE) contain any meaning? It's not like you can simply project meaning onto the universe, because then you know it's simply fabricated. When people proclaim themselves 'nihilists' I can only interpret it as them gesticulating towards the abyss: it's more like an expression of pain rather than a real philosophical position. The only solution to this conundrum seems to be a Kierkegaardian leap of faith, yet many people on this board bemoan 'Christcucks' or any form of religious ideal at the mere mention of 'God'.

>> No.12028843

Just finished my el cheapo beer. No beer left but still want to numb myself since my parents basically told me than me being a lesbian has caused all their friends to talk shit about them. But I feel like this is all bullshit since everyone in their podunk town in Alabama loves them because they're the country doctors who look after everyone in town. I was the golden child because I did well in school and was a pretty good musician. People in town thought I was odd, but they recognized I had good traits. My character ought to trump the fact I have sex with other women. I can't believe any of this, but then again: we are talking about Alabama.

>> No.12028850

It's only a struggle if you're mentally unchaste. If you remove sexual stimuli from your environment and do not dwell or conjure sexual thoughts, abstinence is effortless. In fact, after a few days of resolute abstinence, sexual urges nearly cease. I'm much more "horny" when I'm doing it twice a day opposed to serious periods of celibacy.

>> No.12028859

only raw penis in vagina is real sex; anything else is just masturbation with a partner

>> No.12028864

All forms of sexual release are harmful.

>> No.12028914

OFF was really good.

>> No.12028937

rec me games like off

>> No.12028986

Space funeral
Kubus games
Yumi Nikki probably, I've never played it

>> No.12028990

can vouch for yume nikki

>> No.12028998


Google gives me nothing.

>> No.12029016

Often times I wonder where I'll be in the future. I hope that I'll be at least happy and satisfied with my life with no regret about the actions of my current self. I have to live by my actions, I just hope ill choose to live.

>> No.12029047

>>>12028714 (OP)
>being a lesbian has caused all their friends to talk shit about them.
It sounds like you value your families feelings, but just know it'll only cause suffering down the line with no guarantee of change. You should look after your mental well being before theirs. Work on developing yourself and distancing your self from what brings you suffering

>> No.12029089

I really want to get fucking wasted right now and briefly be able to forget about my problems.
Gotta stay strong gotta stay strong gotta stay strong

>> No.12029098
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Where do I meet interesting girls
Tinder is a cesspool. I don't meet anyone new in my day-to-day. I'm very lonely.

>> No.12029155

I reached my destination of Texas ahead of schedule and already acquired 200 bucks of the 600 I plan on making before thanksgiving.For now I'm just thinking of the new gear I will get like a pack,tent,cold weather sleeping bag.The pack alone costs 230 and and only lasts a year with constant use so this is very important to me since I do this every year at this time.I also think about the weather because I am exposed to it in such a way and I hope for a mild winter .

>> No.12029165

through mutual friends.

>> No.12029174

Based homeless anon, please continue to document your travels. You're the most /lit/ of all of us.

>> No.12029204

Anyone else read fight club at ~16 and thought things would change somehow?

>> No.12029217

The same place that you work out- the library.

>> No.12029240

alright, I guess I can work on making more friends. At least that's actionable.

no one wants to be approached at a library anon

>> No.12029244

The mother yells at her child, in the same way all mothers yell at their children. They are both idiotic. The bus lurches and everyone bobs fiercely forward. Nobody seems to care. I get off and sink into the wet cement.

>> No.12029271

I acknowledge the subjectivity of my own values but choose to pursue them regardless. It's far superior to pretending to believe in sky daddy who tells you right from wrong. We all already have an intuitive sense of right and wrong, just because we've discovered our preferences aren't baked into the structure of the universe doesn't mean we should stop pursuing them. Btw atheists who pretend to have an objective moral system are even worse than christcucks imo.

>> No.12029281

I just blew through all my likes on Tinder and I've exhausted the Bumble pool again. I feel your pain.

>> No.12029289

I've only ever hit my likes limit once desu. Just filtering out by people with office references for their bio makes me go under.

>> No.12029335

i wanna get into rhetoric. does anyone have a good rhetoric chart?

>> No.12029356
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you are correct anon, notice how >>12029271 gives lip service to the ridiculousness of his own assertions but then falls back into the old mental trap with words like "superior" or "intuitive" and even that sneaky little "worse" near the end and then caps it all off with that caveat emptor: "imo"
everything an atheist says can be immediately discarded because all of their morals and ethics are entirely subjective and they have no way to graft them onto your conscience. All they can do is say "well I guess you don't technically have to listen to me if you really insist on it" and impotently seethe at you from the disjointed, relativistic island of their feelings and "intuition".

>> No.12029393

I can truly say that I lament my college roomates

>roomate 1
One of two actors from new Mexico. Hes a scrawny black guy that speaks in an effeminate twang, never cleans up after himself, and garners hatred from the rest of us.

>roomate 2
A programmer at a security firm. Only talks about video games, and every conversation you gave with them will devolve into a conversation about a video game you've played half of, but it's okay because they only understand half, anyways.

>roomate 3
Probably the worst. Second New Mexican actor, and the guy thinks hes a fucking comedian. Doesnt have an indoor voice, and insists on blaring the television. At least he cleans the common areas, though.

>roomate 4
Probably the best of the bunch, like myself, he's immigrated to America, but my English is better, I think. Anyways, he keeps to himself and the other 3 call him strange when hes not around. They probably call me strange, too.

The common link amongst them is their undying loyalty to mass media. They're always watching the newest movie, playing the newest video game, or listening to the newest album. I will never connect with them, as they'll never know what it's like to read books, speak different languages, or learn instruments. Its infuriating watching these NPCs. It keeps me up into the night.

>> No.12029407

>I acknowledge the subjectivity of my own values but choose to pursue them regardless. It's far superior to pretending to believe in sky daddy who tells you right from wrong.
your answer is merely to concede and believe in some sort of 'noble lie'. you are left dangling above hell itself and you will not realize the severity of your descent into the abyss until its too late. something like this has no business being stated in an argument concerning morality and meaning.

>We all already have an intuitive sense of right and wrong
the fact that you can confidently say this should trouble you

>Just because we've discovered our preferences aren't baked into the structure of the universe doesn't mean we should stop pursuing them.
you don't have the metaphysical basis to assert this

>> No.12029411

Meaning is bottom up rather than top down. Meaning comes OUT of the universe through the lives we live and experiences we have, rather than having it placed IN the universe by divine authority.

>> No.12029444

My nordic ancestors' religion --- at least as I understand it from my reading the Eddas --- is a fucking joke—albeit an incredibly testosteronous one. I can see why Xianity won the hearts and minds of them all.

>> No.12029459

I am a man trapped in a man’s body.

>> No.12029460

this renders morality completely subjective and therefore useless. there must be some form of moral objectivity that is asserted by a transcendent authority. meaning cannot come "out" of a blind and uncaring universe.

I ask you again:
>How could a universe that is not created (see: DELIBERATE) contain any meaning?

>> No.12029488
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I'm thinking about Time. Or rather, the plausible inexistence of this concept.

What we are really monitoring when we measure time is the relative rates of motion between two physical objects, or rather, between the rate of motion of one object or system of objects and the observer.

The German physicist Ernst Mach had some interesting thoughts on this topic. Unlike many physicists, Mach was a phenomenalist. He believed that what physics studies is not the physical objects themselves, but our own perceptions of their relationships and properties. Certainly relativity theory only makes sense with respect to constant assumptions about the observer and their perception of the physical system.

Could time be like this? Certainly Kant believe it was so. Some physicists even suggest that cosmological models can be retained without any other changes if you substitute the dimension of time with another dimension of space.

While common sense tells us that the cosmos is strictly defined by three space coordinates (x y z) and one dimension of time, it's also possible to have a 4 dimensional spatial universe where in addition to the x y z coordinates there is another spatial variable where each "block" or time slice of xyz coordinates for each object in classical space is adjacent to all other time slices. There they reside in timelessness, like frozen snapshots that neither come to pass, have passed, or are present, but merely are.

Given the above observation that time reduces to relative motion, it would simplify physics if it were no longer considered a physically real quantity. Rather it's a way for us to track the rate of change between different physical systems.

It also eases the mind somewhat to know everything is carved out in stone; that you are neither running out of, wasting, or spending precious time. You merely are, just like everything else merely is.

>> No.12029507

No, you've got it all misunderstood. Morality is obvious once you look at it from a anthropological and biological perspective. Morality exists for very practical and fundamental reasons involving complex social behavior and cognition. It's a consequentialist calculus but it also runs deeper than that.

It would be quite the effort for me to explain in further detail. Suffice it to say that there is a tit for tat animal logic to morality and like all things nature evolves emotions and sentiments to complement these fundamental drives and instincts. Even the sacred can be invented by nature's illusionism. But there are objective bases of morality, that I can assure you.

>How could a universe that is not created (see: DELIBERATE) contain any meaning?
You might as well ask how can a universe that contains sentient life contain meaning. Meaning is related to life. It's a thing that living beings experience, but especially sapient beings such as (presumably) you and I. It's a biological efflorescence, and that's not to diminish it or say that meaning itself is actually meaningless.

Let me put it this way: a rock doesn't have any meanings, but people often do, or they at least seek it. A rock seeks nothing. That's where you find meaning, in living things.

>> No.12029511

I don't see how these two views are necessarily contradictory, maybe save some weird quantum shit that prevents wholly extrapolating the "past" and "future" of a system from its present conditions

>> No.12029533

>German physicist
Austrian ;^)

>> No.12029547

But if quantum physics is supposed to be our deepest explanation of physical reality, it's important if time is undefined at that scale. Our universe is just the sum of all quantum phenomena, since our quantum physics just studies the units of physics, the quanta, and everything that is physically possible extrapolates from that.

So if time doesn't exist or breaks down at the quantum scale, then by inference time at large doesn't exist either. It would just be a "stubbornly persistent illusion."

>> No.12029558

I believe they're working on quantum relativity theory, looking for certain quanta for gravity (gravitons) and of spacetime. Quantum spacetime is one such construct in which time and space are quantized.

However nobody has actually observed any of this so it might as well be castles in the clouds. Gravitons are just theoretical constructs. Space's ontological status is much more solid than time's. For one thing we know of the vacuum energy which is the latent energy in space itself.

Time looks more and more like a mental concept every day once we realize that we have no energy we can measure or any other physical sign of its existence.

>> No.12029586

you assure me that there is a objective base for morality outside God but all I see you posit is morality as a pragmatic tool rather than anything that could be considered 'truth'. this is very silly verbal sleight of hand that gets us nowhere and you use it to slyly avoid the problem of objective morality without God.

you even consciously assure me that your theory of meaning does not render it 'meaningless' in any way, because compared to the DIVINE and TRANSCENDENT meaning of GOD, it is merely that: meaningless.

I see meaning and purpose in the blades of grass below and clouds above. everything around us is imbued with his craftsmanship. your 'meaning' cannot account for any of this.

>> No.12029597

If our meaning is to exist, then what is the meaning of that existence? Seems meaningless to me.

>> No.12029615

This game was cool. Barebones as fuck, but still really cool. I wish the guy who made it would do something else.

>> No.12029621

>Your answer is merely to concede and believe in some sort of 'noble lie'
It is a far greater lie to 'have faith' in something which you have no way of proving true, all to avoid facing the subjective nature of morality.
> you will not realize the severity of your descent into the abyss until its too late
You sound like JBP. I'm honestly more interested in what is true than what could you claim is the inevitable outcome of my beliefs. But since were making these assertions, I could argue that your since your value system rests on the approval of a deity, as soon as you begin to doubt that deity's existence your life no longer feels worth living. I, on the other hand, believe meaning comes from the living of life itself, so I have a robust basis on which to avoid 'descent into the abyss'
>the fact that you can confidently say this should trouble you
>You don't have the metaphysical basis to assert this
Technically not but this is where the burden of proof comes in, and it falls on you. I assume you are arguing from a Christian perspective. You definately don't have the metaphysical basis to assert that any of your theology is true, or that that your ethics is objective. From what we know we appear to be a species living on one of the billions of flying rocks in the universe who happened to develop certain moral heuristics primarily for pragmatic reasons (for example, I would suggest that taboos on promiscuity evolved culturally because of historical prevalence of STD's). There is no reason to privelege the hypothesis that YAHWEH commands us not fuck outside marriage when other explanations are much more simple. To be fair I'm technically agnostic like most atheists but I'm virtually certain that if the universe is the design of any being, it's not the god of the bible.

>> No.12029629

I can answer that for you. I think a satisfying answer is very personalized, person-specific. It depends what kind of person you are, what kind of life you've had, your culture and background. What I would say for one thing might not apply to you and vice versa.

I suppose I can only offer the existentialist retort that it's up for us to decide. Life is what you make of it and all that although Sartre might disagree here and say that it depends how free you are. A repressed peasant does not live out his life's meaning, he lives out the meaning of his lord's productive capabilities.

For the buddhist, the christian, the shamanist, greater meanings are sought. But they all boil down to trying to get at some higher purpose in existence.

There may or may not be such a higher purpose. To my thinking it remains undefined. Some call it God, some deny any higher purpose exists and are even fine with it, others just wonder about it their whole lives in a mystic stupor.

I don't claim to have the answers for you right here and now. I count myself in the latter category of temperament regarding this question. When all is said and done I just shrug and hope and work for a better life for myself and anyone I care about.

>> No.12029648

I'd just like to add one more thing >>12029597

You should check out the book Varieties of Religious Experience by William James. James had a holistic view of religions and religious beliefs where he suspended judgement of their truthfulness as factual propositions but sought to extract and articulate their commonalities and uniformities.

James also wrote about a Will to Believe which he believed was a fundamental drive of human nature. Human beings are viscerally driven to believe and become despondent when they have nothing to believe in. But so long as they had something to believe in, they would hold to it whether it were true or false in the empirical sense so long as it were useful to them.

>> No.12029661

Anyone who contemplated his existence cannot be satisfied with this type of thinking for long.
>my purpose is to make the world a better place
>I wanna live the best life I can
Ok, but why? Many people just stop here. Are we animals or not? Some are able to question their basic desires, but they eventually settle with a purpose that is slightly more “meaningful.” What, really, are you striving for? Or do you choose to be ignorant? Do you not feel a bit of the emptiness of all that has passed in your life? You will be dead soon, and all of it will be nothing. Does this not worry you? If I knew there were no afterlife, I would do drugs, rape as many women as I could until I get caught, then blow my brains out. If I’m living for now, then why not produce the best sensations and get it over with?

>> No.12029662

to be fair there is usually a good lotr once every month, and a good bolano thread every week.

>> No.12029674

My two-year endeavour to fix my fucked up stomach continues tomorrow as I attempt a new diet. If I can cure this, I'll be a free man, but the idea of losing junk food and other sweets really sours me in the short term. Still, with that newfound energy and clarity of mind, I should now be able to make my first real music. After all those years, I finally bought that beautiful electric guitar, and that quality interface, and I've got a nice acoustic that pairs with a handheld mic of mine as well. That's enough to make an album. There are lots of other musicians in this city of course (even my roommate), but due to the stomach problems this week I haven't been able to socialize at all. So I shall go exploring some more into music I like, hopefully pick up some inspiration, and finally make something to be proud of.

A game like OFF would be a really cool project too actually. I just can't find that RPG gameplay satisfying in any way, though. The whole genre almost dumbfounds me - when I was a kid, I thought FF must have been strictly for adults because the core combat looked so dull I assumed I was missing a huge aspect of it. Hylics is my favorite deranged sort of game, though I think it too is missing a little something, and that there's a lot of potential still no one has realized. Ah well.

>> No.12029696
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I've been talking to this girl for the past week, she lives all the way across the country and seems a little bit crazy but I'm so lonely that I still want to go for it. I live in a small town and have met only one or two women here that I get along with as much as I get along with her, I find her so easy to talk to even though I just met her

>> No.12029697

I love my family but sister is becoming an alcoholic. I wish I could help...

I've been unemployed for about 2 months now and think I'm going to re-double my efforts into studying data-science. I graduated with an engineering degree but haven't done math/programming related things in so long so its relearning a lot of things.

Right now I feel a mixture of sadness regarding my sister, anxious determination towards a brighter future, and calm from finally grounding myself in the present.

>> No.12029698

>The fact that anyone can confidently say this should trouble you
I assume he meant: "the fact that you can biologically tell right from wrong must mean that someone designed it that way."
However, one could argue that our instinct for right and wrong does not come from God. Rather our own selfishness and intuition. Per se: "I don't steal from people because, I wouldn't like to be stealed from." Or "I don't punch people because, I wouldn't like to be hurt."
Perhaps our morality is based on how we would like to be treated.

>> No.12029874

nm, she's flirting with other guys on her public social media rn. women are such a meme, i'm sticking to anime pillows

>> No.12029879

the best games cant be found with google

>> No.12029884

>tfw just realized /wwoym/ might largely just be a general discussion thread for /crit/

Don't let criticism discourage you. If it's good criticism, you should be able to treat it almost like an answer key to writing good work. And if it's not useful then, well, fuck it. Encouragement/discouragement isn't the point of criticism.

>> No.12029714
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"your faith is absurd!" is the crux of this post, which goes without saying. faith is based on PERCEPTION and not CONCEPTION. you bemoan my lack of 'rationality' from your dangling rope while I stand with my two feet firmly planted on the bedrock that is christ. I do not lie to myself about God because it is convenient to me. God's presence is evident to those who can perceive true beauty in the world. My belief in God is TRUE despite me inability (and disinterest) to prove him to you. How awful it must be to crawl in the cold blindness of "certainty". The only person lying to themselves is you.

>Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?

>> No.12029718

I don't think I deserve the appraisal I get and I question my competence (as a Physics student) daily

>> No.12029730

How high up are you?

>> No.12029733
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>there's a party at my house
>I hate parties
My roommate decided to throw a Halloween party and now my house is full of gymnasts. Every hour someone stops by to use my restroom. The two roommates I'm friends with are out of town. Somebody's dressed like Pepe the frog. Everyone's shouting and when I went out to the party for an hour I stood in the corner like that wojak meme. All I have for company is my orange kitten, he's sleepy now and curled in my lap.

Blood Meridian seems interesting. I'm most drawn to the setting of the Texas Mexico border. The Bexar scene was exciting to me as I'm from San Antonio.

I started birding the other day. There was a pair of 10x magnification binoculars at my parent's house. There's a Red-bellied Woodpecker that's made his home in our tree out front. He's lived here longer than me and hopefully, he'll live longer than I rent this house.

Everyone's drunk now, they're doing flips and yelling. Two men are dressed as Adam and Steve wearing underwear and plastic leaves.

My roommate walked in and laughed at me for reading poetry during his "cool" party.

White people rapping along to music.

I love my cat. His name is Fry. My girlfriend gave him to me. His dad was a grungy maine coon that dug into you when he kneeded. He drooled too. Fry's mom was nine months old when she was impregnated by the father. Three brothers and one sister. One brother was killed by my girlfriends mother with Tylenol. Another and the sister were ran over. One disappeared. I think I saw him running around one day, so I guess the Fry lineage has a chance to continue.

>> No.12029738
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a possum is outside eating spoiled vegetables in the garden
i’m on the couch listening to digital dance.
the cat is on the couch too. not quite touching me but close.
tonight it was foggy. i went to the gas station to get some chips. i wore a hoodie, listening at first to terence mckenna before switching to the undertale ost.
pretty sure the clerk knew i was high. got some good writing in, read some tao lin, now i'm relaxing here in the dark listening to music.

it was a good night.

>> No.12029740

There's literally no point in debating then. Have a nice life being wrong but happy (I mean that genuinely)

>> No.12029912

We are all sinful in our desires and thoughts, but it is much worse to behave sinfully. In this case, it is speaking against God, declaring Christianity to be wrong. These are not the people whom God draws near, but He leaves them in their isolation. Pride, among other sins, is more important in deciding your belief in God than proofs and arguments will ever be.

Proverbs 16:5:
“Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.”

>> No.12029758
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What's the point of it at all?
I don't mean this in an angsty teen way.
We're all slaves to our impulses and personality traits.
Who we are is determined by our culture and nature.
The difference between the lowest of criminals and the CEO of a company has nothing to do with who made the right decisions but
the circumstances.
If man does have freewill...it is severly limited.
Our senses are unreliable, we base our worldviews under unverifiable axioms and biases.
It seems like any inquiry for truth is futile because of our limited capabilities.
The human race is a weak race. Even the strongest and most charismatic leaders fall to their knees.
It seems like the only reasonable solutions are either suicide, blind faith in something or unrestrained selfish hedonism.
If there is a God we'd probably all go to Hell.
If reality is nothing but matter then we are at the mercy of an indifferent universe.
Either way we all loose.
>inb4 baby's first existential crisis
I know that shitposting won't solve anything but i have very little faith in me and in humanity

>> No.12029763

>Have a nice life being wrong
Pride and atheism go hand in hand.

>> No.12029767

Your post resembles the beginnings of Pascal’s Penseés. See where he goes with it

>> No.12029778


I'm not sure if what I'm writing is any good. I read it allowed to myself while I proof and it just doesn't seem engaging.

I don't know whether to scrap it and practice writing more short stories or just keep going.

I'm really enjoying it and I wish some one else was writing it so I didn't have to put so much faith in myself to not fuck it up.

>> No.12029788


It's sucks you have to live in place that subjects you to abhorrent behavior over sexual preference. Have you ever considered moving?

>> No.12029829

i feel sad, i bought a gun

>> No.12029836

OFF was 90% aesthetic and 10% pointless holy trinity rambling

and it was a good aesthetic, but still

>> No.12029838

you too friend. i wish you to one day find that beneath all the illusions and idolatry, the Kingdom of God is within you.

>> No.12029844

Not him but pride and being human go hand in hand. Sure it's common among atheists, but it's about as unique to them as having two arms is.

>> No.12029848

whats on my mind write now is i finished writing 1 and a half minutes/pages of my first screenplay i have ever started on. im thinking i should atleast wait until its complete until the last scene before posting an action scene before getting critiqued and losing motivation. no doubt i wouldnt concede to criticism after the fact but i shouldnt make it a habbit of completing a mere page and posting on /lit/ its the greatest thing ive ever written. no i have got along way to go, thinking of purchasing two screen writing books in mind after its done and re-write all the scenes again. ive got along way to go so far, 1 and a half minutes like i said. thats just about what has been on my mind now

>> No.12030009

I want to die.

>> No.12030022

My writing is hopelessly stiff. I’ve tried countless times to start writing a novel and it never improves. There’s the initial high where I think I have a great idea and this will be the one, I get a dozen pages or so done in a quick spurt, then go too bed. The next day I reread what I wrote and it’s embarrassing. It feels like a middle schooler found 19th century British literature for the first time and decided to try mimicking it.

>> No.12030024

Me too brother

>> No.12030028


Only took one hour to find out that the Chads have won again

>> No.12030034

I masturbate and am quite creative so I guess it doesn't

>> No.12030036

Alcohol ruins your motor skills, but some people still drive without crashing while intoxicated

>> No.12030063

>She didn't respond
And this is what it comes to. Another person in my life who is gone just as fast as they arrived
I have not met someone who has stayed in my life for over a year ever other than the 3 "friends" (hardly friends anymore, haven't seen them in over 8 months and we never talk) I've had all my life

>> No.12030140

I want to write for money but I never do. I don't really know how to get started. I dropped out of college for graphic design so it's not like it's part of my degree or anything. I just want write articles and essays about whatever I want.

>> No.12030146

WEll go get her then you dweeb or people like me will continue to fuck you girls

>> No.12030156
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thinking about moving to nyc in a few months. i'm currently in my midwestern hometown, where i've failed at everything i've tried. there's a girl in new york who said she'd have my babies. also my publisher wants to move back there from his hometown. that's all i want out of life anyway, to have children and be a respectable writer/filmmaker.

>> No.12030162

I'm so sexually and romantically frustrated that I want to kill myself

>> No.12030164
File: 78 KB, 800x791, 1533993430534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice larp, there are no girls on the internet. that aside:
am huge faggot in rural west virginia, was destined to be THE PRODIGY™ of my extended family, somehow liking cock negates that. moved states, am now still one of the best at what I do, but while a) not giving a damn about what my family thinks and b) sucking all the cock I want

>> No.12030186

I've got a manuscript due on the 13th (only 45k so ezpz in comparison) and I have the whole story down mentally to the fucking commas BUT I can't find a way to write the first chapter, and a specific one at the end of the so called second act, and it will break my back. I can't just write the rest and hamfist what's missing, I can't force myself to come up with a workaround, I can't omit it because it would ruin the flow of the story. I long for the days when I just got drunk and churned out four 3k short stories a week like it was no thing desu

>> No.12030226

don't spoonfeed

>> No.12030274

if my parents would have known the degree of insanity my thoughts frequently visit they never would have had sex. existence as a human is basically rape, and there’s no way out. dreams, reality, death, memories... doesn’t matter. everyone hopes you come to their party but pities you instead of laughing when you embarrass yourself.

>> No.12030321

A few days back I posted in one of these threads about how I was on the fence about asking out what I thought was a single mother.

Some people just told me to do it, so I did.

I don't think I've ever been shot down harder, there was even the spiel about "hanging out as a friend" and the like and that it was creepy that I even asked face-to-face instead of a text or some shit.

I don't think I'm cut out for this game fellas. I've been kicking myself for even fucking trying in the first place..

Its the fact that I KNEW this would be the outcome and yet I did it anyway.

No one ever gives me a chance.

I wish I could just die in my sleep.

>> No.12030328

I've basically wasted the last 12 years of my life doing nothing but stare at a computer screen. I'm totally alienated not just from what young people like now, but also what people my own age liked when they were young.

Even now I'm doing nothing but staring at a computer screen wasting my time and basking in the dopamine. I want to quit, but I've been in for so long I have no idea what life without the internet would even entail.

>> No.12030338
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 1521920070648.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes all I want to do is escape from myself and it's driving me crazy
Writing doesn't help
Talking to other people doesn't help
Posting on literary image boards doesn't help
In one swift and effortless moment everything I've ever enjoyed or cared about in my life turns to dust and sifts through my fingers
Past present and future become illuminated in grotesque detail
I can neither sleep nor think straight
Everything is annoying and saddening and infuriating all at the same time
I wish the universe would spontaneously explode and get sucked into an endless vacuum in the blink of an eye
Just the mere thought of living with my own mind for the rest of my life is like a recurring nightmare hellscape from which there is no waking
Sooner or later there will be nothing left and I fear for what new suffocating and banal horrors freedom will bring

Other than that things are okay

>> No.12030367

can’t stop thinking about the word nigger

don’t ask who

>> No.12030372

Someone post the novella.

You know the one.

>> No.12030475

Still adhering to that one anon's advice to switch to nofap and yesterday was told by a cute girl I'm a 10/10. Feeling good bros

>> No.12030476

Yours is the objective perspective, and the other anon's is the subjective perspective, and one useful thing Kierkegaard tells is to stop confusing the two (the second useful thing being that subjective perspective ultimately takes precedence since it's always a subjective individual who then makes a deliberate effort to think objectively). From the objective point of view there's no God, and that doesn't only not contradict faith as Kierkegaard describes it, but lack of objective God is a prerequisite for faith.

>> No.12030506

This reads like one of those click bait adverts at the bottom of the page.
I was a 7/10 and now I'm 10/10, click here to find out my secret

>> No.12030568

Humans always wanting what they cant have amirite

>> No.12030598

Killing off Watson's wife was rather unnecessary.

>> No.12030605

I remember your previous posts anon, I'm sorry. Wish I could offer more advice or words of comfort but I've been no more successful myself. Don't beat yourself up over it too much, though.

>> No.12030714

Pick yourself up brother, get yourself out there don't allow one failure get you down, learn from this, take the positives. I believe in you anon

>> No.12030720

Just had the dream I've been working towards for the last 2 years fall through I literally don't know what to do.

>> No.12030761

pizza rules

>> No.12031007


is it cool if i use this for a short film ?

>> No.12031015

Do you make short films anon? Would you mind briefly describing how you logistically do it? I've been considering writing some screenplays but I don't know where to go from there.

>> No.12031024

Congrats on taking the step of asking her out. Even with rejection that's a success friend. Now do that consistently whille improving yourself and you'll be fine.

>> No.12031027

>that it was creepy that I even asked face-to-face instead of a text or some shit.
What the fuck

>> No.12031054

im in a rut myself, no one will give you good advice
best advice i learnt, your first shoot would suck dick either in its execution and in result
dont trust anyone, also if what you think is great you should take a step back because you are most likely high on your own supply
if you mean logisticly interms of hiring actors i wouldnt know, i use acting students from university who are friends of friends (you'll have to pay them sometimes)
if you think you wont make a good film you already failed imo

>> No.12031154
File: 300 KB, 780x1040, 1512436290194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want the human version of a dog that I can impregnate once a year and will cook dinner for me once a day, is that really asking for too fucking much?

>> No.12031156

You probably went to my uni

>> No.12031164

Coming to accept that I'm simply dumb, ugly and boring, and that I have nothing to offer anyone in any romantic sense. Strange kind of automaton. Haven't been romantically involved in over a decade, so I'm prohibitively behind my peers in that kind of interpersonal emotional development. If I had something I was passionate about and could pour my time and soul into this would be okay.

Also ignoring the work I still have to do for my final undergrad essay. 4 weeks left in the semester. Oh boy

>> No.12031175

how attractive are you and what men do you date ?

>> No.12031190

What if authors had their own logos like rock and metal bands. That would be really cool.

>> No.12031202

ahh man, she's not as smart as I originally thought she was. nothing worse than dull girls

>> No.12031205

night, snowstorm, smell of firewood, hot gusts of steam

>> No.12031224
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I know that sometimes things just don't work out, but I can't help but feel sad. It'll go away eventually, I know that. But right now it feels like I will never get better, it feels like, rather than not working out sometimes, things just don't work out for me. Period. And it's killing me.

>> No.12031238
File: 40 KB, 500x375, are_you_frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>go to school in Cambridge, MA
>wanting to kill myself by drowning and jumping off a bridge into the Charles River
>name sounds very similar to Quentin Compson, only change one letter in last name, first name is similar phonetically
>now I have to read the Sound and the Fury before killing myself
i don't like this universe, it enjoys fucking with me

>> No.12031266

A lot of likable people are flirty (or maybe a lot of flirty people are likable)
just their personality I guess

>> No.12031277
File: 498 KB, 194x269, walks towards you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone of my friends is getting older and sorting out their lives and ive done nothing in the year since Uni. Ive been meaning to apply to be a teacher but i think the self-doubt that i taught myself at like 15 or 16 in order to curb my cockyness and big headed attitude (always thinking i was the smartest one in the room etc) has really fucked me up and given me severe self esteem issues.

>> No.12031370

I'd like to kill an anon from /lit/ sometime. I don't know how I'd do it, something along the lines of being friendly and helpful, building throwaway email or did it's relations, and then stuff. Anyone from London? I'll take Winchester as well.

>> No.12031426

Will you have sex with me first so I don't die a virgin?

>> No.12031504

I don't feel things. Whenever someone asks me how I'm feeling I never know how to respond. Nothing bothers me, nothing makes me happy at the time, I feel like nothing. Is that what people call feeling content or fine?
Sometimes I feel bad and sometimes good but these states end quickly. I don't think I'm depressed, just an emotional toddler.

>> No.12031510

>the human version of a dog I can impregnate once a year
Will you run that by me again, please

>> No.12031513

go ahead, i'd love to see a film about my misfortune

>> No.12031538

We should collectively write the most YA novel possible.

>> No.12031569

nick's pizza rules

>> No.12031605

i think socrates was a trickster and a fraud
legend of the galactic heroes is boring and stupid
acting has little to do with "skill" and is mostly about charisma
drugs and cigarettes are a sign of stupidity
debating free will is a waste of energy
marriage makes no sense in contemporary society and should be replaced by new institutions
japanese shame culture is absolutely pathetic and the old farts should just sudoku and make room for the young
great man theory is a joke
creativity is the pinnacle of humanity
there is nothing relaxing about fishing
consumerism came without conspiracy
indians are scary
i worry about my old cat and how much it will hurt when he's gone
i hate birthdays
i hate

>> No.12031632

What is the literary equivalent of ambient field recordings?

>> No.12031635

found paper

>> No.12031659


>> No.12031672

I wasn't kidding

>> No.12031714

I know that feel anon.

>> No.12031720

I dislike you very much

>> No.12031738
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Such is the condition of modern man. At first I thought something was wrong with me but it turns out normies only have throwaway friends as well. I don't know how they can bear it.

>> No.12031761

I wake up sometimes feeling very lonely, even though I probably shouldn't be. I have friends, and my friends and I spend time together on the weekends. However, I feel disconnected from them. We do things together, we talk, but we don't share interests, and I cannot share much with them beyond the superficial.

I know that even if I were to meet someone with all the same interests, I need something more than that - someone I can click with on a deeper level. Whenever I meet someone, and I feel that click within me, I always feel very hopeful. But sometimes, when I get to know them better, I realize that I've merely projected my desires onto them. Other times, the friendship simply doesn't work out - either they're not interested, or I come on too strong.

I want to have a solid friendship where we understand each other and have each other's backs. I've read about these friendships, surely they must exist. But I can't find them - all I have are these insubstantial, fleeting wisps, and even if I try to make something deeper out of them, they dissipate as though we were never friends at all.

>> No.12031800

could be, I was kind of a recluse tho so I'd be surprised if people actually recognize me kek

strongfat hairy bear dating the polar opposite i.e. smol twinks lol, attractive idk 5/10 on a good day

>> No.12031855

I feel like all my hobbies are useless and that by extension my personality is useless. I read books to comfort myself and try and orient myself to life. But all reading has done is make me more comfortable with being pathetic, in the knowledge that I couldn't change it even if I wanted to. I want to create art, but even writing that looks stupid and nobody would want to see it even if I could make it.

The scariest thing is the thought that the normal people are right, and maybe I should just have gone to college and become an IT person or a teacher or something horrible like that, because at least then I wouldn't be gestating in my thoughts about renouncing everything.

>> No.12031875

The more you seek the more you'll fail. It is a numbers game, for both better and worse. Remain hopeful after every failure, eliminate the conscious want and participate in the subconscious. Dunno if that helps.

>> No.12031887

You merely.have to help and wish to do good to serve purpose, anon.

>> No.12031915

I'm talking to her now and she's talking about how she wants to cuddle with me

>> No.12031921

How can people do this? I can't imagine being affectionate to more than one person at a time.

>> No.12031926

women are a meme

>> No.12031932

Usefulness is a spook

>> No.12031952

whats up daddy

>> No.12032076
File: 8 KB, 509x619, 1541260491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want this to be true

>> No.12032093

Yeah, that is where we are now.

>> No.12032101

i live in the US. everyone who tells me to vote talks about "civic duty". they inevitably say to vote my conscious and make it seem like they are impartial but they're really just making themselves feel better by saying it. asking anything about why it's my civic duty or what that even means inevitably causes them to get twisted up and unable to explain it.

besides, why would i want to vote alongside the ignorant masses? you think your civic "duty" is to throw a paper into a ballet box once every few years? what a Sisyphean burden! it's a load of nonsense. don't get me wrong, i'm glad i wasnt born as a rice patty farmer in north korea, but that has nothing to do with whether i should vote or not, regardless of whatever your personal guilt complex over your privileged circumstances indicates.

>> No.12032183

Right imagine a pet dog you've owned for 5 or so years
Really, just your average dog
Now imagine that dog suddenly turned into a woman, preserving its loyalty and love for you and temperament, but having a vagina ready to be bred
God I'm getting hard just thinking about her

>> No.12032188

Not a furry tho btw miss me with that shit

>> No.12032191
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For people knowledgeable of the MBTI as Epistemology, rather than behavior, have you noticed any relation between your eighth function and your dreams? My best, as in most pleasant, dreams decidedly showed me Si, my eighth function. They also featured the same entity, who was in many other dreams that were not particularly Si-heavy nor particularly pleasant.

>> No.12032197

based schizo anon

>> No.12032229

Senpai, social norms change, text actually lets you know the other person first before jumping into an awkward(er) date or something worse, don't take it personally, and understand why the adjustement was made

>> No.12032239

I agree, you should find an articulated way to let them see the flaws in electoral politics like you do.

>> No.12032242

Why is it so important to you to keep her for yourself? Why monogamy? Why is your emotional wellbeing tied to this?

>> No.12032249

Is it possible to be an atheist and believe in the non-material?

>> No.12032250

There is nothing on my mind.

>> No.12032255

I suppose you could believe in ideals with no objective force that holds them up like god

>> No.12032256

>posted from my Nintendo Switch

>> No.12032266

believe it or not anon, most people want their relationship to be between two people who love each other exclusively

>> No.12032274

I'm confused now, I agree it makes sense to text someone before going on a date but the original anon made it sound as though he knew the person a bit already and she got mad he asked her out in person instead of over a text

>> No.12032306

She's not going to drop a horde of attention giving orbiters for one guy who gives up after he's discouraged he's not enough to "compete" with the rest of the "chads" tho

Why would you choose to be exclusively with somebody who drops what two people could build in a relationship just bc they feel threatened

>> No.12032307
File: 24 KB, 480x338, 13343134_1175193035832806_135166006728822944_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking thot played me like a fiddle. Fucking angry rn, most likely gonna hit the gym and read full time to vent

>> No.12032310

Ask her out while you're already hanging out? Now I'm confused

>> No.12032328

I've been thinking about apologizing for making her uncomfortable but eh, I've been avoiding her ever since.

Last thing I needed was to be labelled as a creeper which I'm pretty sure is the case now.

>> No.12032336
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Thanks anon
Yume nikki best game

>> No.12032339

You can see someone in real life without "hanging out" with them

>> No.12032454

hey guys i posted >>12029335 this same request before, but i am still very curious. has anyone compiled a rhetoric chart before? i'd like to read up on it

>> No.12032479

ritrosia a procedere
sull’altra cittadina
romanticismo post-idealistico post-intellettuale king of cups,
h u h h hu h h u h u h u h u hh u h h uh uh h uh uh h
ma li sento
smash dd hk 4chan yt di Dfw adoro le iniziali cioè gli acronimi sono più su una lettura integra meglio su una scrittura integra in realtà la lettura spezzettata non mi dispiace neanche anche se in qualche modo sembravano solo short stories e diversi monologhi cuciti assieme
chiuso fuori città forse potrei guardare Herzog andare all’estero anno per anno imparo a coprirmi d’inverno
un romanticismo scarno giacometti romantico
le cose più le fai più sono noiose, chiaramente,

>> No.12032568
File: 192 KB, 1680x1050, balls-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned how to do the stupid animation cancel in Blade of Darkness so it becomes actually playable and did a nice 100% Amazon playthrough. It's simply pressing the jump/dodge button between the first and second input of the special. This could be an intentional feature since the mechanics allow you to cancel attacks into dodges and dodges into attacks. The game simply reads your first input after the dodge as consecutive to the one before it. Though cancelling is not binary, you can cancel the initial animation very early or very late, the special can consequently come out almost instantly or almost as slow as it normally does with no cancelling. This makes the execution very annoying. You have to start mashing the second input almost at the same time you cancel the first, lest you miss the input window's opening and only execute a moderately faster special. For example, the spear special is normal attack (first input) followed by down+right (second input), you have to tap normal attack (left click for me), quickly depress the button, quickly tap dodge (right click for me), quickly depress and start mashing down+right almost simultaneously.


You don't really need to use anything but the spear until Al Farum. You can link normal attacks together - normal, right, forward, normal makes a nice infinite. Use the blocking animation to cancel rolling animations and get your point in line faster, to cancel the low stamina animation, and even the recovery frames of your own attacks. "Aiming" by pointing the camera all the way down seems to improve your chance to hit knights (with the spear). The game seems to have a janky location-based damage modifier, most noticeable when you hit skeletons in the head with the spear by aiming slightly up. It also seems to have an even worse counterhit damage modifier where things will take way more damage when hit while attacking, though this could simply be the game being shitty since it's just a technology test and not a real game made for humans, though it has real hitbox-hurtbox interaction so it's better than Dark Souls. NEVER play the other characters, they're awful and have no range. NEVER play Dwarf.

>> No.12032571


Over a year ago I came close to representation with a novel, but the agent asked for it to be less bleak, introduce a detective to aid the protagonist's survival, and have a happy ending. After doing all three I felt almost confident that he'd be impressed at the work I put in, but he really shat on me in his rejection. Selling out like that, plus the experience as a whole, left a fucking awful taste in my mouth. I almost stopped writing altogether, but decided instead to completely rework an old novella of mine... and by rework, I mean completely fucking destroy with experimentation. I've submitted it to a couple of agents who like to represent short story writers, and I just don't give a fuck anymore. They can reject me all they like but this rewrite is my purest, angriest, most honest piece of work to date. I am happy with what I've done, and that's what matters the most right now.

>> No.12032632
File: 65 KB, 720x1200, 1540630662668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this a lot

I find that all too often, I am sitting alone at home. In itself I am not worried or concerned, I am a neet. But to imagine the possibility of hundreds or thousands like me, alone and isolated, sharing the same interests and passions, I become concerned. Concerned that what I'm doing should be focused on something else, not in a job capacity, but in what a lifetime offers to a man, like friends or events.

I scale it further. There are several millions of people who speak English fluently and have morals as well as personal philosophies similar to my own. They exist alongside normal members of society, not praised or regarded in any aspect, not even acknowledged for their pursuits. No, these fall on deaf, unhearing ears, ones that work fine for other hearing more important people. Why can't I find and connect with them?

I scale it further yet still. This time I look at the populus of Earth. 7.3 billion or so and growing. So many ideas and ideals. So much information. I look for a way to categorize and contextualize information, optimizing data storage as to understand clearly but not overlook all of what is here. At this point, I see humans for their basic desires, and what they hope to do and accomplish. They desire to live and live well, not live large, but with friends. Those who desire more, in a material sense, can achieve it with support or through their own cunning. We all want to do what is expected of us, simply having a different definition individually. I realize how similar everyone is.

I can step back even further. I can see that life itself, every animal or plant, microorganism, all follows the same set of guidelines. The will to live. The intent to defend against those encroaching on their lives. The tenacity to adapt and survive. Breaking down their environment to sustain themselves. The desire to grow and reproduce.

It's where I realize I'm not special or unique in the slightest. I have been doing the same things that even a fly or a piece of mold does. But I'm aware of it. I'm sure of it. I only hope I can meet anyone at all who understands. I want to move past our then relatively silly societal norms and simply advance as a species.

I'll continue waiting, playing games and shitposting on 4chan until that time.

>> No.12032638


The Rhetoric Of Fiction, by Wayne C Booth

>> No.12032659
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1541260502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I looked up and hurt my eyes on the painful powerful sky
>I looked down and felt motion under me
>When I looked out across the freeway at the people flying by
>I turned my head, I closed my eyes, I felt my size
>I recalled my fire, and my lack of dawn
>My one sided warmth, I just wanted more
>But I'm small, I'm not a planet at all

>> No.12032669

that book seems to be about improving your fiction writing. i meant rhetoric with the spoken word

>> No.12032711


>> No.12032844
File: 269 KB, 1366x978, film_04272016_anderson_fassbinder_dino_raymond_hansen-1366x978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a strong believer that life is the pursuit of happiness.

That's what kept me going during the dark days. The idea that happiness is a paradise for which I have to strive and languish in turmoil for, but one that I will be happy to bathe in; the pursuit gave me some meaning, some forward trajectory.

Now I am at the peak of fitness. The peak of my academic ability. I am intelligent. I am funny. I am confident. I am surrounded by friends. I have a girlfriend.

Yet I stay awake at night. Yet I am haunted by ghosts of depression, anxiety, loneliness. There's the constant feeling of a cold, hard, black bolt stuck inside me, which tightly wound a coil of hate and contempt.

I have literally no reason to feel this way.

No anguish.

No plight.

My life is the best I have ever been. Yet I cannot appreciate it. I cannot be happy.

From this I can only draw one, singular conclusion about my state.

I spent too long in the abyss.

>> No.12032882

>drugs and cigarettes are signs of stupidity
I like all of them but this

>> No.12032910

getting drunk doesnt really feel interesting anymore. It's taken like a decade but it's finally happened, it's just boring now. I have to take other drugs for anything interesting to occur

fuck this lads

>> No.12032915
File: 4 KB, 250x187, 1499571938189s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess i'll join the air force as a photojournalist
It'll be nice to finally have someone be proud of me.

>> No.12032969

>joining the united states military

>> No.12032976

Well i'm not going to serve a country i don't live in

>> No.12032986

>not joining la legion

>> No.12033089

>tfw so much to do
>tfw so little will to do it

>> No.12033130

Starseed Pilgrim

>> No.12033145

I thought I would go to law school after finishing my literature degree, but now I think I've decided against it. I'm good at math but couldn't see myself becoming a STEMfag. I've realized I don't care all that much about having a "career" per se, let alone a high paying one. I might not be paid extremely well as it stands, but I'm honestly fine with it as long as I'm not struggling to pay for rent, food, medicine, etc. all the time, and if I have enough time and money to read and write in my spare moments. However it's probably something I'll end up regretting if I end up marrying and having kids.

>> No.12033152

>I'm honestly fine with it as long as I'm not struggling to pay for rent, food, medicine, etc. all the time, and if I have enough time and money to read and write in my spare moments.
This is rapidly becoming a luxury only the upper middle class and above know

>> No.12033155

Get used to it
I was in denial a lot about it. Thinking there's no way this girl can be as friendly with others as she is with me. But she is. She has numerous other text conversations with guys going. She saw you on friday, but she's someone else on saturday.

>> No.12033161

So should I just kill myself or what? I'm not becoming a redpill autist.

>> No.12033166
File: 45 KB, 488x960, 41788378_10204846792765477_6924290001949687808_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, not a LARP. Am actually a chick (pic related), but sometimes I wish I had been a dude. Then all the crap people give me wouldn't exist you know?

>> No.12033174


>> No.12033180

sage in all fields

>> No.12033184

you look like every female brazilian mma fighter ever.

>> No.12033189

I mean you can either just continue being a cuck and think each chick is special and thinks your special when they're not and they definitely don't think your special
I guess the alternative would just be to change your mindset about women. Pussy is over inflated and over valued. Just don't be a little pushover. Or just do what I've done and swear off women as genuine people you can have interesting relationships with, leave that for guys and use girls to get your rocks off when jerking off gets boring.

But I'd recommend just killing yourself, it's what I'm leaning towards

>> No.12033197

you guys are way too dramatic

just date girls, accept that theyll cheat on you, cheat on them as well, it doesnt really matter

>> No.12033202

>just date girls, accept that theyll cheat on you, cheat on them as well, it doesnt really matter
This is an incredibly depressing mindset and I don't know how someone can live with it. Why date at all if this your view?

>> No.12033206

it honestly doesnt bother me, the girl is really unlikely to cheat in the first couple months, in the 'infatuation' period, and this is the only period I care about in the first place

I get to basically be on a drug for months at a time for free, the only cost is heartbreak after a while, or just losing interest

>> No.12033207

That's honestly a compliment to me lol. Female MMA fighters are hot. So are Brazilian women in general.

>> No.12033212

As much as I love God, I believe the only real real replaces the term valid in this case answer for Godless morals is something along Nietzsche's master-morality: "What is injurious to me is injurious in itself". He knows that it is he himself only who confers honor on things; He who is the creator of values. He honors whatever he recognizes in himself; such morality equals self-glorification.

Meaning is created by that which is, for that which creates meaning. Morals are based upon an egoism.

>> No.12033290
File: 78 KB, 579x633, 1515916677706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as much as i'd like to believe these threads are an honest distillation of human spirit and melancholy,

its become obvious that im stepping knee-deep into a mire of misanthropic incels

>> No.12033292

Also Alabama sounds horrible, do you still live there?

>> No.12033320

Nah, I'm in Florida now.

>> No.12033454

You have to think what kind of person would voluntarily browse this website, considered weird or taboo by most. And then to think of those who stay on long enough to migrate to different boards. There's a very small very specific group of people who do this, and it's because they have nothing else in their lives. Most people who are incels don't even brand themselves as such because to do so is to measure your worth in sex or the lack thereof.

>> No.12033494

Im curious, do posters such as yourselves consider yourselves like 'tourists' or something? you talk about 4chan users as though you arent 4chan users yourself

>> No.12033531

Pretty sure most people from my 4chan generation came to /b/ because we were edgy underagefags, then realized its actually pretty fun having a real conversation about something we're interested in, so we migrated out and stay here by habit. No idea why anyone would come here post 2012-ish when /b/ really went to shit. /pol/ in the recent years, maybe.

>> No.12033556

i came via mu, i dont even remember anymore who or where i was rec'd mu. I just found it hilarious for whatever reason, the layers of irony and sarcasm combined with the autistic amount of encyclopedic knowledge of music. People unironically making threads about listening to field recordings of sinkholes. Was in 2011 for reference.

And yeah I stayed because anonymous conversations offer something that simply can't be replicated irl, and it is nice to have like dozens of people all congregated at once to talk about your subjects of interest.

>> No.12033580

Continuing what this anon is saying: what is the appeal of this website for the "weirdos" of society? Why are we, generally speaking, a bunch of depressed boys with poor social skills?

>> No.12033608
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The steel rope in the barrier (like pic related) gave out and my skateboard fell into the river and Idk that just life I guess

>> No.12033631

Meanwhile in Canada, one single strand of that shit stopped my 2100 pound car going 120km/h from flying off a cliff.

>> No.12033650

I just like not having to fight for attention in already entrenched social circles.
Moved schools about 7 different times growing up, and my closest (and only) friend for several years was a closeted faggot who ended up trying to molest my little brother. 4chan is the only place it's possible for me to be on an equal footing with other people since I could be any of you.
By all sharing the identity of "anon", we all reap the benefits of acceptance and attention equally. Other people can find validation IRL since their identities aren't automatically marginalized in the collective conscious of their social sphere, so they have no motivation to come wade through the rivers of shit that flow through the chans.
Anonymous communities self-select for the kinds of people who being identified hurts the most.

>> No.12033656

wish it broke

>> No.12033714

post feet plx

>> No.12033720

is it even possible to kill yourself? i've had suicidal thoughts for over 10 years and what stops me (like most folks) is the absurdity of the act, the amount of damage i'd do to my friends and family, and (selfishly) the well being of my soul. everyone desires to move directionally toward something, and even though human thought is flawed we have love. i don't believe in reality, it just seems like a mass of perceiving flesh with no goal. my therapist likes to blame my condition on my family growing up because they basically ignored me, thought i was some sort of quiet genius who should be left alone but it's probably true that i began isolating myself before my family put me in that category. i don't know how many times at breakfast i would say to my siblings "stop staring at me!" when they were just eating their cereal or whatever.

>> No.12033721

My rabbit is having problems. I am 99% sure it's an inner ear infection but I am not a vet and can only go with what I read and observe. She has all the right symptoms, or most. She's been having problems for quite awhile with her eye messing up. They tried fixing her teeth as that was a common problem and worked for a bit, but I am seriously thinking it's the inner ear. She is disoriented and seems to be in pain. She will stand up on her hind legs, fall over, right herself, and then run around her hutch with no concern for her safety. Not in a fun way either, as she usually does. She smacked her face into the dripper of her water bottle so I moved it. She's going to the vet tomorrow morning but I'm worried. I'm hoping I'm right because if I am at least then we can treat it. If not I don't know. I love my rabbit (my mom loves her more) and I don't want anything to happen.

I know it's inevitable but I can't take take another animal I care about dying.

>> No.12033730

do you seriously have a rabbit

>> No.12033739


i dont get this argument. It's selfish for other people to want you to stay alive if anything

>> No.12033741


Yes. My ex-gf and I got her. She's great.

>> No.12033748

In 4 days I get a two week break from work, real life. I've been counting down the days since they were in the hundreds. I'm so pathetically excited for the chance to do absolutely nothing. And it will be nothing, I'm going to waste that time 100% but oh god won't it feel good.

>> No.12033751

There's this book I read in middle school and the title was something about a grey wolf or silver wolf. It was about this kid who found himself in a prison during ww3 but he was in good terms with the guards so he usually got extra fat trimmings for his meal. then he eventually broke free with other prisoners and made it to some farm and tried flying a plane with a female pilot but at this point I had to return the book and didn't get to finish it. It's something I think about from time to time. The cover had a caucasian male with a red hairband, similar to ken from street fighter and he had silver/grey hair in a cartoonish design. It's a longshot but I'm hoping by any string of luck someone will know what i'm talking about. This was about 15~ years ago maybe? Even then the cover art seemed to have been from the late 80s maybe early 90s.

>> No.12033789

i've thought that way for a long time, but something has changed as i've grown older. i'm in the process of discovering what that mindset is so i can't describe it too well but it's one of stoic acceptance, of wanting to "be there" for someone even if we're all ghosts trying to understand the blindness of human demise. my mother needs me.

>> No.12033802

As the worm gazed towards the east at the magnificent sunrise, a common blackbird swooped downwards with its beak aimed towards the worm. The worm screamed in fear as the blackbird crashed next to him. He coughed up blood; he had crashed next to the worm. "Hang in there little worm" said the blackbird, whilst blood dripped from its beak. The worm slithered towards the blackbird, opened its mouth and let out a little squeak.

>> No.12033805

I've always wanted to destroy the world, for some time the idea seemed to disappear, but once again I realize it will stick with me till the end, I pray that I don't lose control, as I'm becoming more powerful each day(In human terms)

>> No.12033817

is it so wrong to feel a disconnect from posters like this?

>> No.12033818

If you're so powerful then what number am I thinking of?

>> No.12033820

Same problem, it feels as if people are a ocean of width and a pudle of profundity

>> No.12033826

it has to be 48

>> No.12033842

nobody said it's wrong, but it's plenty of evidence that you don't belong here
stop shitting up this board with your tired and trite social norms. There's already a website for people who think like you do, it starts with "r" and rhymes with "forget it"

>> No.12033848

HA it was 69 you fag

>> No.12033849

just wait until i destroy the world
then i wont have to deal with people like you

>> No.12033853

Yeah? If you don't want to see posts like that then you can go literally anywhere else on the internet. Posters like that are the ONLY reason to come here.

>> No.12033864

your a n idiot

>> No.12033867

Shine on, you cringeworthy diamond.

>> No.12033876

I don't think I meant it in that way, I just wanted to express that everyday I try to become better for the future even at the cost of my mental state, I'm just clinging to a hope that may be there o may not, and if I lose sight of why I'm trying so hard, I will probably become a homicidal fag that just wants to destroy everything.

I guess I didn't express myself correctly, I'm not refering that I am an almighty figure or that I'm just edgy, I wanted to convey that I fear the loss of myself, and then having obtained resources(like the ability to lie without anyone knowing, manipulating people, etc) that I would like to end it all if that's where I'm heading towards.

I just saw this thread with the off art and wanted to do what the title says, that's all, I know I don't belong here.


I did not say that

>> No.12033909
File: 892 KB, 960x960, 1524815927656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you destroy the world

>> No.12033941

When you say world, do you mean the actual planet or society?

>> No.12033959

You'll see soon enough

>> No.12033967
File: 19 KB, 300x250, 1526931753757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAE destroy the world?

>> No.12033983

I'm so fucking excited for the american elections on tuesday. It's going to be fucking great, no matter what happens there are going to be some hilarious meltdowns. Also watching the results come in is oddly riveting.

>> No.12033985

i wanna destroy your boipuccy

>> No.12033997

I met her as a blossom on a stem
Before she even breathed, and in that dream
The mind remembers from a deeper sleep:
Eye learned from eye, cold lip from sensual lip.
My dream divided on a point of fire;
Light hardened on the water where we were;
A bird sang low; the moonlight sifted in;
The water rippled, and she rippled on.

She came toward me in the flowing air,
A shape of change, encircled by its fire.
I watched her there, between me and the moon;
The bushes and the stones danced on and on;
I touched her shadow when the light delayed;
I turned my face away, and yet she stayed.
A bird sang from the center of a tree;
She loved the wind because the wind loved me.

Theodore Roethke

>> No.12034052

time for some comfy riot livestreams and acceleration
I just hope I can get my family out of the country before shit really hits the fan

>> No.12034131

I had a deer mouse for a pet for years. My parents accidentally ran his parents over when he was a juvenile, still living in his parents' nest. I adopted him and named him Mr. Jingles. Good pet. In summer I'd hear his mating call. He'd sit on his log chirping all night. Poor guy died a virgin.

>> No.12034139

Well I apologized, she's a decent person and was fine with it. She just didn't know what to say and felt bad for me I guess.

At least she's not completely heartless.

>> No.12034164

I first saw her in a megastore
a day-glo raven, born into a free fall
the fulfillment of a 10th grade prophecy
a motel masterpiece.

i love the way she used to modify my mornings
when i'd wake up in the calm shoals of the bed
somersaults or smoke in a universe of sleep
Before she slipped back into her heritage and disappeared,
she taught me to relight, relight, relight again.

>> No.12034166

I still can't figure out how humans are devoid of humanity.

>> No.12034172
File: 25 KB, 300x276, 1541260504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it'll be alright anon

>> No.12034194

If there is no meaning, why do you have such a concept in your mind? Your mind creates meaning through valuation certain phenomena. Just because it does not come from without does not mean it is devalued.

>> No.12034207

Thanks bud

>> No.12034213

>implying the two are any different

>> No.12034222

i think that's just cynicism on your part that you'd construe them as the same thing

>> No.12034226

Anonymity makes it so you dont have to worry about what others think too much. That one other autist screeching and being an asshole will not know who you are once you stop replying.

>> No.12034229

All this because some people talked shit about you being a raging homo? And you are one? Get over yourself. Oh boo boo let's drink away the sorrow of being alienated by some whatever section of your community.
Your lack of humility and your readiness to become a victim, they will always lead you to these retarded conclusions about the world.

>> No.12034237

p sure people who are alienated from their community for no real reason qualify as victims desu

>> No.12034256

The are the same thing. Sex is essentially where most human value emanates from. I say most because there are other ways to spread one's genes. Even the "noblest" sacrifices people make are monkey behavior. Every emotion one has is just natures reward or punishment based on how well we smart horny chimps spread our genes.
If you don't do it well, expect your emotions to torture you.

>> No.12034268

American politics is nothing if not entertaining. But I have to admit how radically polarized it has gotten scares me a little bit. Online venues like /pol/ and Gab and even their leftist equivalents Facebook, tumblr, reddit etc aren't helping. Hatred, spite, rage, and antagonism have become the only source of communication between left and right.

The situation is now defined politically on two levels. Trump has a fading grasp on power, he is like Dong Zhuo from Romance of the 3 Kingdoms. The Repubs have everything to lose. On the other level, it is defined by what extremes mentally ill people with access to guns will go to to express their alienation and distress. Mass shootings, high profile bomb threats, sheer acts of terrorism and political violence, are sure to continue in this country unabated until its political contradictions are finally resolved.

But just what are these contradictions? Why is no mainstream commentator able to put their finger on the pulse? Provide a plausible answer? Because the culprit of this division is at the heart of the American business and economic model. Capitalism has to be radically reigned in and reformed. (Read: That does not mean abolished o replaced by communism. It needs to be reformed.)

The Constitution and political structure could also use a huge overhaul. We can't expect a document designed for 18th and 19th century problems to be perfectly appropriate for a world of advancing technology and globalism.

All these deaths and high profile news stories, they are leaving an impression.

>> No.12034321

I don't feel I completed my thought here so to continue. It's safe to say American society is currently undergoing a complicated crisis of values. This is no doubt defined by the shifting demographics and stratification of it into a more closed and static social structure characterized by a shrinking middle class, a growing population of the working poor, contrasted with small protected enclaves of wealth and their associated security detail and surveillance apparatus. Automation and other technological trends will continue to break the middle class until what used to be the favor of 45%-50% of Americans will be available to 20-25%. A house to call your own, a nice back yard, white picket fence, 2.5 kids or whatever. The American Dream. Financial autonomy.

If trends to do not change the economy is going to crash one way or another. It could be a slow burn through the increasing disenfranchisement of the middle class, or it could be sudden through monopolistic fragility and over-concentration and over-valuation of capital combined with sudden precipitous stock market sell offs.

We know for an empirical FACT that capitalism is cyclical and that another recession is around the corner. The economy cycles between periods of growth and expansion followed by overproduction and recession. But if there are also systemic variables and integrity compromises in the security of the economy, the next recession or two could be extremely disruptive politically and socially.

The society's "value immune system" if you will is already compromised, so there won't be that public solidarity for people to support each other through a major round of layoffs. With Republicans cutting unemployment it could prove disastrous.

>> No.12034325

Qualify as whatever. Pedos are alienated from all normal communities. You could be the victim of jacking off too much or a school shooting, and you'd qualify, sure.
Someone somewhere did something to YOU? Well now, it's time for a perspective change huh? Time to see the world through a different lense right? Time to change this fucked world you know? Wicked God, bad Earth, me Good, and whatever all else.
It's retarded is what it is.

>> No.12034332
File: 870 KB, 2548x3300, 1541213773661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a special plan for this world...

>> No.12034361


>> No.12034380

>great man theory is a joke
Care to expand on this, faggot?

>> No.12034394

Continued. Where is it all headed? Some singularity of political extremity? Mutterings of civil war and revolution are nothing but more rhetorical fuel for the fire of division. It's actually a form of Marxist agitprop. You "sharpen the contradictions" in Marxist parlance, so that the enemies in the coming battle become clear to each other, sharpening into focus. Battle lines are drawn. The first few intermittent skirmishes ensue. Then some event just proves a catalyst out of some unknown and undescribed convolution of factors and conspiracy of the swarm mind and suddenly a mass movement is assembled. Before long the whole old order is swept along in a tide of change and the force of the general will makes itself felt.

Americans have proven themselves more than happy to go to the streets in recent years. And if things start falling apart economically that is sure to be a intensifying trend.But where is the actual fix?

>> No.12034396

wrong board

>> No.12034435

Are you this chick or something?

>> No.12034451

progress by emergent intelligence of human collective vs one c00l dude
which makes more sense to you?

>> No.12034456

both desu

>> No.12034468
File: 57 KB, 577x725, 1532816352663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was reading The Man's guide to Women last night, specifically the extremely insightful chapter on making love. It explained everything in plain enough language to where I feel confident in pleasuring a woman despite being a sperg burger.
I found myself both electrified and disgusted. Part of me wanted to bang someone right then and there. I yearned to start a relationship asap, even though I'm moving abroad in a few months and that would be a terrible idea.
But the other half of me, the half that still felt the shame of getting caught watching the strippers on Sabado Gigante, recoiled in horror at how easy it was to sexually stimulate a woman. The book basically said her whole body can be a erogenous zone if you do it right. That sounded like Hell to me.

Why can't I enjoy being a sexual organism? I didn't get over the near-depression inducing shame of masturbating until my early 20s. I view anyone that's confidant or proud of their sexuality as a deviant or used goods. I am legitimately worried about it causing problems if I somehow bumble my way into a relationship with a girl that isn't as sexually stunted as I am.

>> No.12034478

We haven't really gone to the streets for anything other than meme protests since Occupy, a bunch of liberals who are unironically worshiping a republican ex-fbi guy atm aren't about to kick off the class war

>> No.12034480

i like to imagine human progress as a pointy arrow ►. there is someone at the tip point, but if you removed him you wouldn't even notice the difference that much
so i guess "both" is actually true, but only technically
as some smart dude put it: "great men are products of their surroundings" or something like that

>> No.12034487

idk. I dont think the Napoleonic wars could have happened without Napoleon. The revolution obviously, and some sort of tyrant, but not the insane conquest of like half of Europe

>> No.12034677
File: 457 KB, 1600x1043, 42662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to capture the essence that visual art has in literature? For example, how would an author describe pic related as to give the same impact it gives visually? Or is it simply not possible given that site is our strongest sense, and not our imagination?

t. Someone who barely reads, but this question has been bugging me lately.

>> No.12034689
File: 1.41 MB, 1392x1423, Screenshot_2018-10-12-22-26-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like how would you translate this to words?

>> No.12034699

cleared my cache and lost all my (you)'s. Now it's hard to keep track of the conversations I was having.

>> No.12034707

I don't understand what anyone in the Cosmotechnics threads is talking about.

>> No.12034742
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>> No.12034746

almsot at 300 so it's almost not even worth saying anything anyway. Also last time I posted here I got some bad advice. It's just lobsters in a barrel. so fuck you guys

>> No.12034752


>> No.12034777

Sorry you where met with bad circumstances anon. Not everybody here is trying to bring others down, I hope you realize that.

>> No.12034782


>> No.12034784

VOTOMS is better than Gundam

>> No.12034997
File: 150 KB, 1024x768, 50f32f262e325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda hate the disinterest I'm having in university right now like I lost the commitment I had at the start baka

>> No.12035008

They don't either.

>> No.12035013

Even better than 0080?

>> No.12035040
File: 1.97 MB, 500x318, hitchhiker's guide.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To have Earth reset itself

>> No.12035044

some of the post are really good but the vast majority is mental masturbation.

>> No.12035045

I feel like I'm always going to have some social leverage over people which prevents them from being verifiably sincere to me, or vice versa. It's like how you don't date your coworkers, but everyone's your coworker. How do I stop being a hermit? I'm not working for tips anymore at least.

>> No.12035072

He approached the squat cubic structure with mounting fear. He felt at first only a vague distress, the colors and lights of the cube just seemed wrong somehow. The night sky glowed sickly with the light of red, dying stars. A pestilential light. The light of a universe unmaking itself. Yet the cube shone blue and yellow from within. He was suddenly reminded of how rainwater runs together into pools and lies as testament to a storm's existence even after the storm itself is spent; so, it seemed, had all of the world's vitality gathered into this narrow wedge of warmth. But this warmth did nothing to loosen his fear: it was wrong. It was a cheerful, beautiful child in a slaughterhouse. It was sinister.

He could see the cube better with each step and each step demanded more courage than the last, like forcing two like-poled magnets together. That sunlit space was rimmed by vascular stone columns, and clumping on the columns were evil-looking fungi like enormous scabs or crimson dandruff. The abundant filaments between the fungi were alike in color to the fruits they joined, wrapping the upper half of the structure in gory ligaments and torn veins. The columns themselves wore crowns of crumpled and bleeding velvet. But within the sunlit space was something the man had never seen: blue skies, and in those skies animate creatures swimming in open air on beating wings. The motion of the wings convinced them this was not an artist's illusion. No, it was a window with an extra spatial dimension, to some healthier place or age than his own.

He saw a door on the far wall of the cube, or rather the plane where a wall would logically stand based on the outer size of the cube. Round-topped, and beyond it yet another change of sky, and a hint of a lazy sea, just like the lazy sea outside the cube, the one by which he had been strolling aimlessly just minutes ago. Was it really only minutes? The blasphemous ruin before him had blotted out such mundanities. Yes, it was the same sea in there but under a sky absent of even dying stars. It was simply dead. It did not suffice to call it black. It was the absence of sensation, blindness but only above the horizon. This was the universe unmade, and it drew him forward like a vacuum trying to fill itself.

>> No.12035091

I was memeing, I've even met female /lit/izens in person, but alas. don't say that though, cut out the people who give you crap instead. doesn't even mean breaking all contact with your family, but essentially tell them "I still love you (>implying you do) but I need to be myself to be happy, and I can't do that here" or similar, and move.

btw u a qt, would tap if you had a cock lel

>> No.12035119

I feel my spirit inexorably being drawn towards one of two paths; either to acknowledge the universe as inherently meaningless (Camusian absurdism) and thus to abandon all pretense of morality and to live as selfishly and wildly as possible like a true egoist. The other tugging upon my being I feel is to make the Kierkegaardian leap of faith; to accept God and the responsibility and moral accountability that comes with it. To clean up my speech and actions, to live forthrightly and put my spirit forwards.

>> No.12035129

very nicely done anon

>> No.12035133

Unfortunately you have already taken the Hume pill which denies you, as a human, the ability to behave reasonably in the face of your emotions. Thus there is no free will and your spirit has been cucked.

>> No.12035151
File: 337 KB, 1383x1122, shyrd473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is amazing, thank you. I guess it's just that I've read the wrong stuff. Could you or anyone recommend anything akin to what you wrote? I very much like Beksinski's art and would love to read anything similar to his paintings.

>> No.12035156

If you believe in God then you believe in something fabricated also. There's no meaning, get over it and just do what you fancy.

>> No.12035168

If you're not a vegan or at the very least a vegetarian you are an absolute twat.

>> No.12035170

What is the Hume pill in relation to what I posted

>> No.12035183

>having sympathy for creatures that aren't sapient
>having brain fog from lack of creatine and taurine
>believing that dietary cholesterol increases chances of heart disease and that red meat will actually give you colon cancer
>using the word twat

>> No.12035205

Bradbury. His writing is really evocative, especially his use of metaphor. It has the sort of fluid-nightmare feel of those paintings.

>> No.12035208

>life has no meaning so i will go become an egoist
Sounds like egoism is the meaning then otherwise you would behave arbitrarily with no prejudice whatsoever.

>> No.12035214

Life has meaning and that's what makes it so awful.

>> No.12035227

>he took the keto suppository
oh anon

>> No.12035288


It's not a game.

>> No.12035308

If the universe is absurd and meaningless then I may as well act in accordance with my biological desires and do as I want

>> No.12035372

keto is even worse

>> No.12035438

Do you ever wonder if maybe you died a while ago and what you're experiencing now is just some kind of pre/post death dream
Maybe you're moments away from death right now and you brain is still working and this is what it's creating for you
Or maybe this is how death always works maybe there is always a dream like this after you die just as a strange courtesy to show you how things might or might not have been
Maybe that's what heaven and hell really are or maybe that's what happens before you get there
And there were just so many opportunities for it to happen
Sickness, car crash, you could've simply tripped and fallen while walking on some stairs
Haven't you ever suddenly felt slightly different or that something about the world was different
You would never know it happened and just keep going on living

>> No.12035443

whatever stupid shit you’re doing is worse you nigger

>> No.12035448

I'll give you a suppository.

>> No.12035450

posting from class ama

>> No.12035743

goodnight historia de la dabbers und dabbed

>> No.12035865

Does art have to be beautiful?

>> No.12035879

Beauty and art are both subjective

>> No.12035939

Does art have to be beautiful for you?

>> No.12035943

*to you

>> No.12036093

Everything is art, everything is beautiful, the question is just to which degree they are. You're the one calibrating that degree. Many incorporate others calibrations into their own calibrations. Beauty and art are correlated, because creating beauty is difficult and thus an art by definition.

>> No.12036119

Okay but now I'm asking whether everything you, anon, personally define as "art" is also necessarily what you, anon, personally, define as "beautiful"

>> No.12036137

If by beautiful you mean "pleasant to perceive in some way" then yeah.

>> No.12036286

this one is just cringy

>> No.12036309

>There's no meaning
Citation needed

>> No.12036369

I wish I didn't have to keep myself alive for my family. They insist so hard that I keep on trying, but they don't help get me to the doctor or make any effort to understand what's killing me. I'm tired of carrying on this puppet life, but no one will allow me to stop.

>> No.12036438

Reading and to an extent this board ruined my life. I could have been a normal autist who spent his time playing vidya and watching anime but no, I had to peel back the curtain on my existence and be horrified with its mundanity and lack of substance, I had to contemplate issues of metaphysics and existence, I had to grow obsessed with aesthetics and transcendental beauty, I had to unravel so many assumptions about my world that I no longer have anything to stand on, I had to do this to myself. FUCK. I could be experiencing bliss playing the new red dead game or watching some cute anime girls now, but I can't. You ruined me /lit/, you ruined me!

>> No.12036476


The Gospel of Thomas.

>> No.12036501

One must be both an autist and a chad

>> No.12036544

I don't think she's actually out there bros

>> No.12036873

Objective doesn't mean agreed upon, if god is real then he's objectively real, if not he's objectively false.

>> No.12036877

If there's no god, why do you have such a concept in your mind?

>> No.12036882

stop forcing this meme

>> No.12036960

>If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty

It describes that painting perfectly.