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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 424 KB, 665x413, tumblr_pe8xplucYn1tn7avwo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12015923 No.12015923 [Reply] [Original]


Take the test, guys.

Let's see how smart /lit/ is.

No cheating on the vocab questions - you guys read a lot of books, you should know the words.

Show me your scores and I'll show you mine.

>> No.12015941
File: 20 KB, 328x232, ashkenazi_jew_boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've taken it before.

>> No.12015945

I'm not paying for that shite

>> No.12015989

The test is free. The "detailed results" you have to pay for are just a breakdown of how well you did on each part of the test.

>> No.12016108


>> No.12016139

C'mon guys it's a fun test.

>> No.12016176

130 but I didnt know shit

>> No.12016206

118 and I'm drunk as fuck. It is a fun test but some of the analogies are subjective (consider Poe's comparison of chess and checkers)

>> No.12016221

less than every other human

>> No.12016225

106 IQ

im not too smart pls no bully :'(

>> No.12016232

Honestly this is a test about how much French you know lol

English vocab tests always boil down to "how many obscure French words do you know"?

>> No.12016238
File: 46 KB, 884x570, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also a NEET with major depression

>> No.12016262

118...should I just kms now?

>> No.12016268

Depends did the test take you 35 minutes or more like 15. I got the same score and I skimmed the whole thing. 35 minutes ? Fuck that bro.

>> No.12016339
File: 29 KB, 568x363, mensa_app_2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big brain
>use it to post jordan peterson bait threads and make fun of lonely anons in write whats on your mind threads

>> No.12016370
File: 55 KB, 841x567, DehLqgD (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, OP here, thanks for the replies everyone.

Here's my result from seven months ago. Yeah, I somehow got a 150.

Maybe I'm not that dumb after all, and I should really just read more books. I'm very undisciplined.

My "normal IQ" (the pattern recognition tests with all the images) seems to be around 120 according to online tests, which is pretty damn depressing. I think it was higher in my teens, before my plunge into depression and general inertia. Maybe if I try doing math exercises again I can make it go up? (Yeah, I know the the current dogma is that our IQs are set in stone. Maybe it's not true. Maybe I can do it.)

My tastes in everything seem to be same as those of people with very high IQ, so my 120 IQ made me depressed. So getting a good score on this "verbal IQ" test was relieving. But of course I wonder how trustworthy it is.

Also, those of you who didn't do spectacularly well on this test, please don't feel bad. My life is a mess and I don't read shit. All of you have probably read more books than me.

I just wanted to see how well people from a forum of generally smart people would do on this test to get a better idea of what my score means.

>> No.12016371
File: 33 KB, 631x573, ppuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hu guis wuts up[

>> No.12016473


>> No.12016477


>> No.12016513
File: 121 KB, 1110x698, Screen Shot 2018-10-31 at 9.44.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of those words were really ugly and "word of the day"-y, like a hack TV writer went to a thesaurus to make a "genius" character sound smart. I don't think verbal iq should be decided by an ability to recognize words that will only hinder your ability to verbalize things effectively.

I say this, but I still see look at the number and it makes me childishly wag my shoulders because i have nothing else in my life to be even remotely proud of

>> No.12016560

some really bad questions here, especially the association ones

got a 140 but vocabulary isn't my strong suit

>> No.12016561
File: 706 KB, 689x916, 3EDF897F-EFC4-4171-83AC-D7F7C49E7625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, just a reminder that vocabulary size =/= IQ.

>> No.12016592


>> No.12016596
File: 24 KB, 613x458, results(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to answer a couple

>> No.12016631
File: 141 KB, 555x574, 52CB685F-1D79-4E1F-8E65-5C45C6FBD24F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think a free online test is a valid measure of IQ, then your real IQ is probably in the 60s. Go back to Africa niggers.

>> No.12016669

OP here. Yeah man I know.

It's not a mere vocab test though.

English isn't even my first language. I'm Brazilian.

When I was a kid I was at the top of my class. I got the best grades at everything. I remember my skull was way larger than my friends', there was a basketball cap trend when I was like 8, everyone walking around with Chicago Bulls and Charlotte Hornets caps, and the caps could barely fit on my head.

I had excellent structure at home. My mom was chill but she always demanded I do my homework before playing. But when I was around 12 things changed at home, became more chaotic, and my grades plummeted. I would still do very well in math or chemistry when I applied myself. Which was almost never. I basically stopped using my brain.

I really feel like I was smart and have become less so because of bad mental habits. When doing a regular IQ test I'm like "Damn I should know the answer here. How the hell am I so dumb. Where is the pattern. I'm not some mouth-breathing moron whose favorite book is Fight Club. C'mon where's the fucking pattern."

But it doesn't click. I fail to see the pattern. Even basic math problems are becoming increasingly hard for me. Things like counting change. I'm becoming frighteningly stupid at math.

I think it has to do with a lack of mental exercise. When solving math problems we tend to picture the quantities spatially, don't we? It's hard to explain what I mean here, but I think we don't think strictly in terms of numbers, we sort of picture the numbers as different sizes or even shapes. You know, like the shapes and patterns in IQ tests.

If you are regularly doing high level math, you are regularly using your brain to visualize complex relationships between different quantities in a rigorous, punctilious manner. I'm pretty sure doing this regularly may at least prevent one's IQ from plummeting, if not improve it.

There's a part of the brain related to spatial awareness that is larger in cab drivers. I think there was a study about this. Because they know the whole geography of their cities in their brain. They exercise that part of the brain.

I don't know, I've been depressed and addicted to the internet for years now. I don't know how bright I really was to begin with, but I feel like I have wasted my potential.

>> No.12016676

Found the 80-scoring wordlet.

But seriously, this test is total B.S.. Psychology Today is about as popsci pseud as it gets.

>> No.12016678

Yeah man makes sense.

I guess we should all try being more cheerful, eh?

>> No.12016712

I got a 104. Pretty comfortable being a mediocre sack of shit B^)

>> No.12016714

this is basically an abbreviated ACT section

if you're a burger from the middle of the US (like me), you can take your composite english and reading comp. scores from the ACT, subtract two points from each, take the average of the two scores, then convert that new composite score to a raw IQ score using a table online. this is done as a handicap for the "new" ACT, which incorporates slightly less vocabulary and analogy out of fairness to minorities

[(36 - 2) + (35 - 2)] / 2 = 33.5 = ~141 verbal IQ according to the new ACT, w/o any other mitigation

also, if you're upper class, subtract the value of your dignity for hanging out on a Danish axe-polishing forum

>> No.12016760
File: 363 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20181031-193304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more than a bit skeptical of this test's reliability given that I haven't read to completion a work of literature in the past six years; physics textbooks assocoated with my degree have been my dominant source of readimg material.

The questions here are similar to the verbal portions of the proctored Stanford-Binet, albeit with less depth and breadth. However, the duration of time one needs to complete the test frequently affects in some small degree the result. Hence, without a clear understnading of the mechanics of the test-whether or not it tracks time passed1-or the methodologies of its creators, I would remain wary of what it says.

>> No.12016767

The test page prevents you from moving on to the next subsection if you haven't answered all the remaining questions. So you're lying.

>> No.12016775

gotta keep you on your toes, mister depression man

>> No.12016777

>60 questions
>35 minutes
Yeah, fuck that shit, booooiii

>> No.12016783


>> No.12016789
File: 48 KB, 640x774, 1540142570181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do you know my highschool nickname!

>> No.12016798

my highschool nickname was "nap guy"
I took naps during lunch period to hide the fact that I had no friends and was afraid of people

>> No.12016809
File: 11 KB, 200x200, doublesguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could easily complete it in one-third that time if you're not some lip-smacking retard.

Nice trips btw

>> No.12016831

I would be profoundly surprised if there was even one person amongst those here bereft of some mentally unhealthy, misanthropic quirk

>> No.12016845

As good of a use of verbal prowess as I've ever heard.

>> No.12016872
File: 117 KB, 1142x730, Screen Shot 2018-10-31 at 11.32.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure if you read books you get over 130 automatically.

>> No.12016881

140. I had a perfect 132 on the critical reasoning section of the MCAT. Fellate me.

>> No.12016927
File: 158 KB, 1376x884, SmartSelect_20181031-235028_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good desu

>> No.12016950
File: 51 KB, 720x509, IMG_20181101_035439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This test =/= an IQ test.

IQ tests don't mean much, it doesn't make someone a better person if they've a higher IQ. And I really feel now that I've to read more better stuff

t. IQ of 162

>> No.12016959

What do you feel like you want to do? You need some motivation, sounds like

>> No.12016965

unironically have never seen some of those words before

>> No.12017000

I'm okay with being only somewhat above average.

>> No.12017061

Reading comprehension score = 2nd percentile

>> No.12017068
File: 337 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181031-232700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting stuff

>> No.12017081

106. Fuck you guys

>> No.12017117
File: 107 KB, 1080x778, Screenshot_20181101-155633__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I might actually be retarded. I read way more than average yet most of those words I've never seen in my life.

>> No.12017120

Is English your first language anon? It is mine and I scored just below you at 126.

>> No.12017124
File: 24 KB, 554x408, heh...png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bow down before me

>> No.12017213

That's above average, don't be sad

>> No.12017232
File: 20 KB, 542x335, genius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12017237
File: 84 KB, 754x851, okay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't buy the IQ thing, I'm not really this smart, and I notice the "verbal IQ" cutesy language. Still a nice confidence-thing.

I first saw this thread about 18 hours ago or whatever and I figured it was the word knowledge test which has been done here multiple times, yet again. But this turned out to be another quiz that I hadn't done before. I did restart once around the first third because I realized I'd missed the change from the synonyms-prompt to the antonyms-prompt, who cares.

The key to the later pair-association stuff is to consider the nature of the relationship between the words, and to make to yourself appropriate sentences thereof.

Overall an enjoyable exercise. I still don't know what factious and that one really goofy contubrous one are though, should look up. If I were really bored I could play with the static switches to find optimal outcome but I want to my stuff instead. We're all going to be dead in a few decades on the outside anyway so this is just a way to pass the time, among others.

>> No.12017273
File: 52 KB, 395x499, 61hLC7aI0QL._SX393_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, English is my first language. I'm much better at quantitative theory than I am at words. That being said, our scores are actually quite good, and I believe that these results can be improved upon, such is the nature of vocabulary and language.

Pic related is a recommendation. I've a copy. I'm going tomorrow to sit outside with that book, a cigar, and a few beers

>> No.12017278


>> No.12017281

verbal is more g loaded than even raven matrices, if you do poorly on this there is a strong chance you are a brainlet

>> No.12017308

135. Didn't read the two articles at the end. No time for that garbage. Some of the questions seemed like multiple options would be acceptable. Bad test.

>> No.12017343

101 but English is not my native language and I don't read much in it

>> No.12017379

desu this is just vocabulary

>> No.12017386
File: 110 KB, 1289x903, IMG_4461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha see I'm not a brainlet.

>> No.12017392

Vocabulary and concept matching tests are the most g loaded intelligence tests that exist besides raven matrices.

>> No.12017411
File: 315 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181101-032650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not terrible and i skimmed in like 15 minutes

>> No.12017417

I score high on Raven Matrices and concept matching, but my vocab is poor.

I retain words easily but the words I was given obfuscated the reality of my verbal IQ.

>> No.12017481


>> No.12017487

Get over yourself

>> No.12017496
File: 11 KB, 408x431, 1539689593718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12017500


>> No.12017501


>> No.12017510

>You appear to have a very extensive vocabulary. You know the meanings of most of the given terms, some of which are extremely advanced. Your excellent vocabulary can help you communicate and understand the written word.

Seems like bullshit desu.

>> No.12017517

I got 125. Not too bad considering English isn't my first language. And there is room for improvement.

>> No.12017534
File: 114 KB, 1278x928, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12017537

if you sit for up to 60 minutes taking some shit online test to tell you whoa boy you know big lot of word! huuuuge iq much wow! then it doesn't matter what the test says: you're fucking dumb

>> No.12017555

It's high as fuck. I realised there's hardly anything left to say because there's only so many words. It's all the same to me. Writers can't write something really original because they only use the words and inspiration from everything they've ever read. And if it's not something abstract, you can always visualise a human doing something.

>> No.12017558

9” x 6”

>> No.12017570


Most of the fill in the blank questions I easily answered using process of elimination hammered into my brain from high school SAT training. I may have recognized maybe 4-5 words total.

Also only idiots answer "I dont know" instead of winging it and taking a fucking guess, same with the choices they make in real life.

>> No.12017578

good to see another brotha

>> No.12017584
File: 178 KB, 750x1334, C2864A3B-DD2C-4EE0-A071-05CB6B8B81E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am allah. i am allah

>> No.12017601

>t. low scorer

>> No.12017614


>> No.12017619
File: 24 KB, 616x487, puf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw brainlet

>> No.12017624


>Also only idiots answer "I dont know" instead of winging it and taking a fucking guess, same with the choices they make in real life.

Generally, when they give you "I don't know" as an option it means you're penalized for incorrect answers.

>> No.12017626
File: 55 KB, 617x537, retardede test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few of the words at the beginning are shit no one uses except to show off le epic zany weird words!!, and as another anon said are basically just "articulate" because they're not SAXON words.

>> No.12017636

>English not first language
>string of words I see for the first time
Guess I'm retarded.

>> No.12017652

What the fuck, fucking android chrome won't let me take screenshots.

Anyway, I got 131, 98 percentile score. I'm not a native English speaker though.

>> No.12017659
File: 19 KB, 566x364, ss+(2018-11-01+at+07.58.45).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure I'm a brainlet compared to most of /lit/ but this was a genuine, if slightly lazy, attempt at the test and it's good enough for me to feel smug about even if online tests are shit.

But if I'm so smart, why the fuck can't I write anything worth a dick?

>> No.12017669

I dont know is an option for every answer. You should probably take the quiz

>> No.12017673

>winging it and taking a fucking guess
Protip: if you do this in law you will get referred to the law society and your practising certificate will probably be cancelled, making you no longer a lawyer and instead just some fucking guy

Caution is never stupid, although an overabundance of caution can be inopportune.

>> No.12017679

I never answered "I don't know" and got a decent result (131), even though I didn't actually know a fair amount of the words.

>> No.12017686


>> No.12017707

The only thing worse than an online IQ test is an online verbal IQ test.

>> No.12017717


Perhaps your score would have been higher had you not done that.

>> No.12017747
File: 158 KB, 1440x882, Screenshot_20181101-120305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fine since it's not my first language.

>> No.12017766

While English isn't my first language, I doubt the result would be much different if the test was in my native language. Vocabulary has never been my strength.

>> No.12017786

Just did that, got 115.

>> No.12017787

I mean answered "I don't know" for everything I don't actually know.

>> No.12018029
File: 41 KB, 604x492, vocab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, literature and vocab has always been my weakness. honestly it was the first time hearing a majority of the words for me.

>> No.12018097

Try simultaneously pressing the volume down and power buttons. It doesn't always work the first time, bit of an awkward manoeuvre

>> No.12018166
File: 3 KB, 172x109, highverbaliq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu I think I missed a few sections because I didn't realize there was different instructions until halfway through

>> No.12018183

OP here.

Guess what, I'm a big old dumbass, and I probably made a lot of you guys feel bad for nothing.

Actually the free result only measures your vocab, I think.

Picture attached are my overall results. Yeah I paid for the thing.

The thing is, I got a 144 vocabulary score and a 144 overall score (if you add the six scores for the different sections and divide them by six, you get 144)... I assumed the vocab score you get upon completion referred to the overall score.

So most of you probably got a higher score than you think, but you would have to pay to see your real scores. Which is understandable if you don't want to do it. I feel like a bit of a sucker myself for having paid for this stuff.

Vocab is the one result that is least related to intelligence. I used to read a lot of online artciles from Arts & Letters Daily which is probably why I have a good vocab.

>> No.12018186
File: 38 KB, 724x622, Screenshot_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(I got 150 seven months ago, and I got 144 on my last try a few days ago. Haha yeah.)

Here's the overall results.

>> No.12018189
File: 71 KB, 660x537, Screenshot_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what the test show have shown you upon completion, instead of sneakily only showing you how good your vocab is.

>> No.12018223

Fine, but I need my money for cigarettes and vidya

>> No.12018484
File: 45 KB, 471x966, fiq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've paid for online IQ test results before myself so I can't really judge. The results are almost definitely inflated as well.

>> No.12018512


This test is pretty much the verbal section of the GRE, which is somewhat correlated with IQ. I got 98th percentile on this and 95th on the GRE Verbal so they are kind of in the same ballpark.

The main difference between tests like this and an actual IQ test is that you have to explain your answers during the real test. No guessing. No kind of knowing the answer but not really. For that reason, I'd assume that online tests of verbal IQ are inflated but still in the ballpark of your actual score.

>> No.12018522


Holy fuck you're pathetic. No, intelligence is not set in stone, nor is IQ actually. Stop jerking yourself off to these test results and do something, anything besides posting on 4chan instead of complaining how your life is a mess

>> No.12018559

Top shelf

>> No.12018564
File: 32 KB, 600x600, 1532840252764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

119 brainlet

>> No.12018581

Funny way of putting it. To me it seemed like words used by some queer on NPR who would readily rattle off some opinion of literature's great works because it's what his professor told him to think in 2009.

>> No.12018633
File: 29 KB, 617x673, startedwithgreeks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait to post this the next time someone here tells me my comprehension is bad

>> No.12018651


Interesting. These results seem to indicate that you're frivolous with your money.

>> No.12018666

get a job

>> No.12018708
File: 6 KB, 316x153, IMG_2068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering that english is not my first language I think I did pretty well

>> No.12018716
File: 751 KB, 676x828, 24BA0D84-A796-4340-B74E-E59A0FBA7B39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>35 minutes

>> No.12018725

>i should spend every dollar i have on useless shite

>> No.12018820

I'm drunk as shit and a non-native in English and got the same score as the last IQ test I took, 138. But I'm French so the "hard" words in English are, as ever, pretty transparent to me desu

>> No.12018859

your age is showing,
no one over the age of 21 would realistically believe anyone cares or would care.

>> No.12018863

125, but English is just my second language and I could guess most of the "hard" words just by comparing them to their equivalent in Portuguese by recognizing their Latin roots.

>> No.12019336


English is my second language. I'm ok with that.

>> No.12019350

That’s still better than 97 percent of the popultion.

>> No.12019429

Well that went worse than i expected

>> No.12019458
File: 27 KB, 1228x569, Vocabulary.IQ.Score.(11.01.2018).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12019482

The site doesn't fucking work.
In firefox, "take the test" just loads a semi-blank page (just the header).
In chrome, when I select an option it doesn't register it.

>> No.12019551


That's okay man. Is English your second language?

>> No.12019647

133. Do people really get scores around 100? The test, especially the reading comprehension was pretty easy

>> No.12019660

I would like to think I'm not dumb but I don't know what most of those words' definitions. I usually just figure out what a word means through context clues

>> No.12019661

135 my niggas
and im literally on 6 different drugs right now

>> No.12019665

Eight inches

>> No.12019671

It says i got a 155 for the 'analogies' scale, did you guys get this little blurb as well? Is this why my metaphors are so dope lads

>> No.12019870
File: 79 KB, 572x405, Screenshot_2018-11-01-19-33-58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I doing for someone who's English is self taught through movies, TV shows and 4chan/internet forums?

>> No.12019888


>> No.12020313

Thanks for the kind words.

>> No.12020948
File: 18 KB, 555x355, psychology-today-verbal-intelligence-test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to this test, my verbal intelligence is high. But that doesn't make me special.

>> No.12021438

is this pasta?
The shit about the head size is just too funny

>> No.12022031


bunch of words i've never even heard of. should read more in english i suppose.

>> No.12022219

117, english is my second language and i did it in 10 minutes. Didn't even read the coprehension part since I have to go to the gym. I expected a lot worse.

>> No.12022226

>desu I think I missed a few sections because I didn't realize there was different instructions until halfway through
>>12018166 same haha

>> No.12022251

does anyone have the right answers?

I scored 127 and would like to know what i fucked up.

>> No.12022254

>A vast expanse of luscious verdure, of carefully tended gardens, rolling hayfields, and shady orchards surrounded the meticulous white farmhouse.

>> No.12022267

Everyone in this thread who scored poorly and didn't add an excuse to their post is based.

The rest of us are cringe.

>> No.12022283

>It's not a mere vocab test though.
Yes, it is. You clearly have no exposure to actual psychological testing. Go pay for an IQ test with a professional if you're so curious.

>> No.12023376

your genes

>> No.12023436

Non-native speaker

>> No.12023720

My native tongue is spanish. The only english content that I read is unironically this website.

>> No.12023810

I did it in 10 minutes at work and got a 101, I'll make sure to cheat next time

>> No.12023909

I agree with your assessment. If I bust out CONTUMACIOUS it won't do anything but alienate the person I'm trying to communicate with.

>> No.12023960
File: 19 KB, 548x345, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yung harold bloom

>> No.12024030

>says one of 5+ people who care enough to reply

>> No.12024182

146. However the comprehension test was about neural networks, which I wrote my dissertation on, so maybe not fair.

>> No.12024257

Guys, OP here, I think these results are only measuring your vocab (the first of six parts of the test).

Pay the $7 and let's see the full results.

>> No.12024279

129, but I'm not an English native speaker.

>> No.12024341

beagle : dog

is it
africa : continent
barnyard : farm?
I’m confused..

>> No.12024470

Yeah this test is way too easy.

I wanna see some full results.

>> No.12024474
File: 515 KB, 602x616, Captaur12e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

size 8 hat

>> No.12024478

Are you actually retarded or just pretending?

>> No.12024487

actually retarded.
can you please explain?

>> No.12024507

>more better stuff
>t. IQ of 162

>> No.12024517


at last i truly see, this fucker is just a marketer for the website. don't fall for his scheme

>> No.12024522

That library looks comfy af. Shame you can't just buy the skulls of savages from explorers these days.

>> No.12024528
File: 36 KB, 265x299, 1512558530058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is barnyard a type of farm?

>> No.12024550

no, but it is part of the farm in a similar way as the beagle breed is part of the dog (canis) genus.

>> No.12024579
File: 78 KB, 1080x986, Screenshot_20181103-001118~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retarded. Alright.
I feel like the first few sections are going to be really hit and miss, and not really indicative of overall vocabulary.

>> No.12024620
File: 38 KB, 657x527, 1501041513460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These. If you're a native French speaker, you'll probably end up at the high end of the scale regardless of your actual IQ.

>> No.12024630
File: 21 KB, 554x356, smarty_pants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehh. I don't really get the point of this stuff. I've met people with "average IQ" who I would say are smarter than me any day of the week, and people with verified 160+ IQ's that are absolute fucking idiots. I know this is only testing verbal skills, but I don't think IQ correlates in a meaningful way to total human intelligence.

>> No.12024683
File: 32 KB, 403x446, pence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says depth and breath
>not deepness and breethness
oh sweaty

>> No.12024744

I'm more conceptual than verbal, feels bad man.

>> No.12024780

You're probably not as high verbal as you think you are, that's ok if you do well on the other two. Not everyone will be gifted at everything. Raven matrices are still a strong measure of g and if you do well you're likely above average intelligence.

>> No.12024793
File: 29 KB, 556x578, overallresults.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. The thing is this. Everyone here is just posting their VOCAB results, I'm afraid. So maybe my high score doesn't mean that much.

I wish people would post their full results here (like mine, pic attached), because I'm probably not that smart. Maybe I just have a good vocab.

>> No.12024819

Although "Vocabulary" probably covers "Definitions", "Antonyms" and "Sentence completions", which is about half the test. But it's still to a large extent merely a vocabulary test, then, which isn't really a measure of intelligence. Although the "Antonyms" and "Sentence completions" questions can be slightly subtle.

The "Analogies" and "Reading comprehension" parts, which are not under "Vocabulary" (the free score everyone is posting here), are probably a more direct measure of intelligence.

>> No.12024824

I am over 140 IQ in every other test, I believe that upon a falsity has been driven to a proclamation of truth and infected your brain.