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/lit/ - Literature

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12001292 No.12001292 [Reply] [Original]

Thought we could have a running thread devoted to the literary accomplishments of the highest IQ and most persecuted/envied racial group on the planet

It's hard to deny that they are the most /lit/ people who ever lived. I mean they wrote the BIBLE, the foundation of Western civilization

>> No.12001307

>most persecuted
Nah, we ain't got shit on our melatonin enriched friends.

>> No.12001323

The Old Testament was written by Jews for devout Jews.
The New Testament is universalist.
There is not one Bible, but there are instead two. Even interpretations of any given book from the Old Testament (which is what is common to both) vary greatly between Jewish theologians and Christian theologians. See for example, the gap between Maimonides and Aquinas' commentary on the Book of Job.
Jews live at God's mercy, and with profound piety bow before none but Him, whereas Christians live with hope, joy, and feel grateful for what they have, doing good acts in hope of having an even greater reward in the Afterlife.

>> No.12001339

just in time to join the livestrean anon

>> No.12001348

patrick modiano is my favorite /jew/ writer. his best books though are the ones that have nothing to do with his Jewry. just like the conniving jew that he is, he was smart enough to keep his real literature separate from his holocaust pandering. it worked so well that he won a nobel prize lmao.

>Anissimov described the young Modiano’s obsessions as a kind of mania. “When I met him,” she recalled, “he looked like a disturbed person. We wandered the city all night. He wanted to show me all the places where the Germans tortured people, the Gestapo places. And when he came to the house, he would start speaking German and calling out, ‘Heil Hitler!’ ”

he would've been a /pol/tard too

>> No.12001367

I just realized I don't really know any Jewish writers other than Wittgenstein and he wasn't practicing. Whom I missing out on?

>> No.12001376

he was not jewish, he just had some jewish ancestry

>> No.12001384

marx and every post-modern writer except that gay guy with aids who was catholic

>> No.12001417

I love jews

>> No.12001418

For a supposedly super duper intelligent people, they have surprisingly few top tier writers. Ok, there's Kafka, but apart from that? There's a looong fucking way from Saul Bellow and Philip Roth to the peaks of the western tradition..

>> No.12001425

Jews rock!

>> No.12001430

t. antisemitic Hitlerites

>> No.12001432

They've had some decent philosophers, overwhelmingly Sephardic ancestry

>> No.12001441

Please leave that stupid ignorant Witty away from my people. He doesn't have any remote part of jewish genius. What a fucking cuck.

>> No.12001448

Genuinely find it hard to know which writers ive read that are jewish as they change their surnames so often. Is there a chart for this? Who should I start with?

>> No.12001466

I can't believe you would say that, Frank wasn't a cuck.

>> No.12001475
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I have been trying to solve the jew question for quite some time.
I think their brain power and awareness comes sexuality(read old testament, zohar, tree of life), they know the male seed not only gives life to a new human being but to the host too.

Woman's lifeforce is of a totally different kind so never will reach the same peak as a man.

They cultivate their sexuality to gain power and they don't waste the precious seed. With circumcision they reduce the pleasure enough to prevent ejaculation and stimulate the sexual energy.

That's also why nofap fag are fucked, they practically castrate themselves kek.

trld; start with the jews

>> No.12001492

If the Old Testament forms the bloodstream of western civilisation, then the bones and the marrow of the western world would be cuneiform. The Old Testament occurred at the halfway point of Earth's literary canon, and owes an enormous debt to the writings of Sumer and Akkad, Babylon and Canaan. Only recently with the rise of historical archaeology in the Near East has the debt we owe to clay brick writing become known.

>> No.12001520

um wittgenstein was ashkenazi sweetie

>> No.12001523

how is that book about the guy who jacks off all the time not a meme

>> No.12001541

I said overwhelmingly, not 100%.

>> No.12001558

Proust isn't too bad.

>> No.12001562

w-what book?
asking for myself

>> No.12001565

your diary desu

>> No.12001590

Half-jew, but I take your point.

>> No.12001598

can only think of spinoza atm

>> No.12001692

Chomsy, Bar-hillel, Putnam, Tarski, Tversky, Kahnneman, Katz, Fodor, and a bunch of other linguists, Analytic philosophers, and logicians.

>> No.12001700

Not really my 'hing

>> No.12001702

Asimov? Also the crazy Atlas Shrugged lady.

>> No.12001706

The Bible isn't bad

>> No.12001707

off the top of my head without even googling it:
ibn gabirol
ibn ezra
del medigo (two of them)
yehuda halevi

>> No.12001847

Any other fellow Jew living in Springfield, Ohio? Its so lonely here. My book club friends keep asking me about the history of the Israelites around Yeshu's time but I can't give them a single resource to look up

Any ideas?

>> No.12001861

josephus, and don't say "yeshu" that's a curse. it's yeshua or yehoshua

>> No.12001877

Have I strayed away from the community too long that I started calling him that? Oh dear

>> No.12001907

no that's what jews always call him. it's a curse. it's a hebrew acronym Yehimakh Shemo (may his name be obliterated) shortens to Yeshu. His actual name is Yeshua in hebrew or Iesous in Greek

>> No.12001923
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>> No.12001928

How many Jews are there in /lit/ anyway?

t. Israeli who lives in Golan

>> No.12002000

has posting on 4chan made you into a self-hating jew at all? has it "redpilled" you on the jq?

>> No.12002031

What? Retaining sexual power is precisely the point of “nofap”, and succeeds at that for men.

>> No.12002046

Not him, but if you actually go over to that particular containment board and try to hold any discourse with the locals, about anything, it's hard work. They're very unconvincing with their arguments regarding this issue in particular.

What I'm wondering though; is if anti-Zionism is always, by jews, considered anti-semitic?

Spinoza is very good btw, and often misunderstood

>> No.12002050

>; is

>> No.12002076

/pol/ is retarded, but some things are just facts. like the prominence of jews in finance, media, feminism, and dirty politics. these things aren't talked about openly in public, so im wondering if his exposure to these facts on this site has influenced him at all

>> No.12002092


It has made me curious, I find no reason to be a self hating jew, I'm actually quite flattered that the morons of /pol/ think we hold that much power

>> No.12002097

fuck off, /pol/tard. jews just need to let go of the chosen people meme, embrace the philosophical core of the christian tradition, and they're fine.

>> No.12002105

why do your think im a "/pol/tard", i dont hate jews
jews (or rather a jewish elite, not all) do have a lot of power

>> No.12002115

I edited it grammatically before posting, so yeah, fun game; ask the same question but beginning with "is"

>> No.12002116

True but the radicals at /pol/ think that everyone Jewish is out to get them lol

>> No.12002121

the impression that the self-hating jew is mostly a /pol/ meme, you know, an admission of guilt, straight out of the horses mouth. assumed you were fishing for a response that would validate that kind of worldview.

>> No.12002129

there is such a thing as self hating jew. gilad atzmon, israel shamir, david cole etc for example.

>> No.12002132

the self hating jew is a real, if rather rare, phenomenon. Obviously Weininger is the classic example

Ryan Gosling actually stars in a movie about a jewish neonazi which is very well done

>> No.12002133

anyway, self hating jew is not a /pol/ meme, the term is mostly used by jews against other jews when they dont go along with jewish interests. so anti-zionist jews are often accused by other jews of being self hating, for example

>> No.12002146

Sholem Aleichem, Saul Bellow, Philip Roth, Norman Mailer, and Isaac Singer are good writers. Ginsberg's early material was great, but he became a caricature of himself as time went on; overall he's probably the weakest of the Beats. Heinrich Heine left the religion, but his writings have a Jewish quality (especially in the humor) to them. Susan Sontag and Cynthia Ozick are good essayists, and Harold Bloom should go without saying here. He's probably the greatest Jewish poet to have ever lived. As far as philosophers go there's Isaiah Berlin, Hilary Putnam, and Saul Kripke are great thinkers. On the continental side there's a number of Marxists (Marx himself, Adorno, Horkheimer, etc.), Husserl, and, though I'm not particularly interested in his work, Derrida.

>> No.12002157

The communist party of China, Arab oil sheikhs, the old money elite in Europe, the so-called Church of Scientology, etc. These also have power, and aren't Jewish.

I feel like, and maybe I shouldn't put the idea out, the powerful jews could do more against their declared enemies if they wanted too. Perhaps it's like a wasp in your room, one is not really a problem until they build a nest and swarm.

What I don't like, is how pretty much any thread regarding jews becomes derailed by anti-semitism. I wonder if there is an Irish literature appreciate thread, or a German philosophy appreciation thread, or anything else regarding any other kind of people (possibly with the exception of Niggers), does this occur. Really, if you're not racist it's impossible to be an actual anti-semite, and race is for psueds

>> No.12002163

>Susan Sontag
you know she says stuff like this?

> The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone—its ideologies and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself

Why is this allowd but if we merely point out that Jews do some bad things we are told to go back to pol

>> No.12002165

i didn't say jews were the only ones with power. like i said, im not /pol/

>> No.12002173

self hating jew is kind of the Jewish version of an Uncle Tom, thematically.
Self hating is not exclusively Jewish either

>> No.12002184

Ok, but apply that line of questioning to all people who are of a kind with people in power. It's as dumb as meeting an Englishman and saying some shit like "are you redpilled on the power of the queen, who is also english, and all the bad guy stuff the british empire did?"

>> No.12002188

Sure, it doesn't prove anything though. there are self-hating whites, self-hating guys, self-hating straight people, etc. if there's enough criticism leveled against a given group, some individuals within that group will side with the critics to escape judgement, to come off as allies, maybe they just had a bad life and this gives them something to blame it on.
An anti-zionist Jew isn't a self-hating Jew, they're a Jew who has an identity outside of and above their group identity. I don't care about racial purity as such, but that isn't the same as hating my race (the real borders a society should be worried about protecting aren't primarily genetic, they're cultural, temperamental and hierarchical).

>> No.12002190

But that is exactly what everybody does when talking about the English, imperialism this, postcolonialism that.

>> No.12002191

Because she's written other works that are worth reading even if she made a dumb comment. Also, if you read the full quote,she claims that Marx is white, which would imply she believed Jews (or at the very least western Jews), to be white.

Even then, do the things you point out meaningfully relate to literature in anyway? Some great writers were horrible antisemites, but I don't think anyone would tell you to go back to /pol/ if you were merely discussing Pound or Celine's works.

>> No.12002197

and that's a good thing?

>> No.12002202

Discussions of race are for those sad individuals who have so few virtues of their own to extol that they have to rely on the perceived traits that they share with so many millions of their brethren.

>> No.12002211

Very jewish post that only jews will get

>> No.12002213

what about discussions of culture/religious tradition?

>> No.12002215

no, jews have power well out of proportion to their size. they are definitely a unique case, and they also have an agressive and nuclear armed state. it's not meaningless to analyze jewis power, but it is pretty dumb to think they are the only power holders like /pol/ does
>it doesn't prove anything though
I wasn't exactly trying to prove anything, i was just contending that it is a meaningful term, and i was asking anon if he identified with it
>An anti-zionist Jew isn't a self-hating Jew
that's a fine opinion to have, i was just pointing out that jews who are antizionist are frequently accused of being self hating. you can debate whether that's a fair label or not, but that's a separate question and i have no horse in that race

>> No.12002225

this is also replying to

>> No.12002301

Discussions of culture and religion are different, because they're not as entwined with the self as race. I have less of a problem with individuals extolling their culture and religion over all others, as I feel it has less of a desperate grasp towards personal relevancy.

>> No.12002330

I get it, but I'm a muslim. That sense of belonging to a group is from the animal self, it gives rise to things like nationalism if unchecked

>> No.12002342

My post rather was more of 'The only people who hate Jews more than Nazis are other Jews' highlighting the rise of individualism among Jewish circles

>> No.12002370
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I can recommend this pic related, it's a bit dense possibly if you're not overly familiar with Christian eschatology and millennialism. I think the author was, or is, a rabbi and chair of Jewish studies at iirc Cardiff University.

The power is backed up by power, and the vast majority of Zionists in the world are Christians

>> No.12003573

Half Jew living in Germany.

The whole /pol/ stuff is more likely to turn someone into Jew supremacist given how it's basically "a superior race controlling inferior ones". It's a shame that race is an outdated meme.

>> No.12003701

Israeli Jew, grew up around Jerusalem, not really living anywhere, planning my escape

>> No.12003757
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>> No.12003872

It was from his mother, which makes him Jewish.

>> No.12004034

sephardic jew who lives in south america

>> No.12004069
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Shalom, /lit/

I am deeply sorry to report that we Jews, through no fault of our own, have--yet again--been persecuted

Yes... it is true.

We are victims

I take no pleasure in being an innocent Hebrew who has been pogromed by a big strong goy. This position of immense cultural and moral and legal authority is not one I enjoy being in. That hateful goy was likely jealous of our admittedly massive brains and gigantic two inch penises (reluctant though I am to admit it)

In these trying times, are there any talented Jewish voices who can speak to me in my darkness?

We Jews are no strangers to suffering. My grandfather was once denied admission to Harvard and forced to attend Princeton, a school only 25% Jewish. When he became a movie star, he was refused sex by his shiksa costar and forced to settle for a much older (practically geriatric) middle schooler.

In his pain, he found solace in the writings of talented and intelligent Jewish writers who are talented geniuses deserving of their stature. Talented and cruelly under-discussed geniuses like Roth, Sontag, Arendt, Ginsberg, Bellow, Freud, Mailer and Franco. Great pillars of literature, who are sincerely deserving of their fame and stature.

Now that I must suffer to watch Jews get murdered on my television screen (a fate more fit to Palestinian babies), I ask merely for the comfort that my grandfather took when wasn't allowed to join a country club or get 15% off on 2 6oz cans of Heinz Baked Beans. Cans that were clearly marked 15% off in the aisle he took them from.

Indeed, I ask for that great fount from which we Jews have often drunk, that noblest and most envied trait of ours: genius.

>> No.12004119

Then way the dominance of circumcision in unitedstatian culture as a whole, why give the gentile the secret weapon ?

>> No.12004355

>when wasn't allowed to get 15% off on 2 6oz cans of Heinz Baked Beans
This made me cry, man. How can the world be so cruel?

>> No.12005262
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>> No.12005333

Circumcision is cattle-branding humans for spiritual entities. Jews are the first slaves and spread it further.

>> No.12005355

Wrong. It makes him exactly half Jewish. There's a non-negotiable difference between dogma and biological reality.

>> No.12005365
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>> No.12005399

Enough for the chambers is surely enough for jew cred.

>> No.12005421

What about Husserl, Bergson, Wittgenstein, Adorno, Benjamin, Shestov, Lévi-Strauss, Aron, Levinas or Buber you fucking pseud?

>> No.12005422

The best jewish writers are tv writers

>> No.12005474


I love how there's no definition of Jews, yet some people seem to think Jews are an issue.

>> No.12005820

The jeans guy?

>> No.12005826

no anon the French one

>> No.12005842

>super-duper intelligent jew
>race is a meme
pick one faggot

>> No.12005860

>How odd of God
>To choose the Jews

>> No.12005905

Pick one, Schlomo

>> No.12005958

>member of the superior race tells you that race is a meme
Quite the dilemma you got now, goym.

>> No.12006034

>Sure those Weinsteins at the top are nepotistic and hateful creeps, but most Jews are reasonable, normal people just like you and m--

>> No.12006063

I don't know why they're so attached to this myth that they're good at storytelling, honestly they kind of suck at it relative to other arts. Pop music, comedy, movies, okay, but there's only like three truly great Jewish writers and most of them made a point of rejecting their Jewishness.

>> No.12006072

Why only judging the Juice on their elite scumbags? Are all crackers like the Koch bros?

Almost every decent writer did reject the organised form of their religion. Just some did it in more subtle ways due living in times where it'd be deadly to question it too openly.

>> No.12006130

Is isaac babel any good?

>> No.12006134

Almost as stupid as the fools who believe that they are jews themselves.

>> No.12006521

Va niquer ta mère petit anglo de mes couilles, les Juifs défendaient la Patrie dans le sang et les larmes que ta grand-mère la pute ne s'était pas encore faite sauter par tout le 43e dragons.

>> No.12006590

Yeah, it's pretty remarkable given that there's a meme that Jews are great writers. Then you take a look and realize that the better writer he is, the more likely he is to have a good deal of gentile blood.

Kafka and Weininger are pretty good. Can't really think of any other good Jewish writers, much less great. Asimov and the like are writers of genre fiction.

The Old Testament is great, but it was composed by a people as distant from modern Jews as the English are from modern Russians.

>> No.12006594

>It was from his mother, which makes him Jewish.
According to your law, but not objectively, no. It makes him mixed.

>> No.12006626

>The Old Testament is great, but it was composed by a people as distant from modern Jews as the English are from modern Russians.
get a load of this goy. Don't be jealous that our forefathers wrote the two best books ever (OT&NT)

>> No.12006745

Proust and Spinoza are the only Jews besides Kafka who can be considered elite geniuses

Gertrude Stein, Salinger, Bruno Schulz, and Primo Levi are great entertainers, but not elite

Marx and Freud are propagandists

Roth, Mailer, Bellow, and Singer are affirmative action recipients. Decent writers who owe their undeserved fame and prestige more to the Jewish practice of rewarding fellow Jews for being Jewish than their talent (although I do admit they all have talent, talent which has been massively overexaggerated)

Can't really think of any others worth mentioning.

All in all, I would say that the Jews have absolutely nothing on the major European and Asian literatures. Jack diddly squat. There's no Jew who can seriously be compared to Shakespeare or Goethe or Dante or Cervantes, for example. Not even a Milton. Kafka, nervous demented Kafka, comes the closest, but I've only been grazed by awe in Kafka, not overwhelmed by it. They also have surprisingly little on relatively small but impressive European literatures like Irish and Norwegian literature.

The way they give themselves prizes you would think they were comparable to the Russians. They are barely even at the level of the Dutch!

>> No.12006874

>our forefathers
Proust was half gentile
>asian literature

>> No.12007199

Thanks Mr. Peterson

>> No.12007209

>not realizing that the greeks played a larger role in the biblical story than the jews

>> No.12007243

hon hon hon omelette du fromage oui oui.

>> No.12007407


salam brother, why are you disregarding the importance of community when we emphasize so greatly the value of the ummah?

>> No.12007456

>one is not really a problem until they build a nest and swarm.
literally israel

>> No.12008542

>défendaient la Patrie
choisissez une, Moishe

>> No.12009179

you're retared, literally no one gives a shit about ordinary jews except mentally ill larping fagots.
What people care about is the tribalism and nepotism everpresent in the jewish elite.