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/lit/ - Literature

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11988727 No.11988727 [Reply] [Original]

Would you rather have a cute and intellectual gf whose taste and opinions differ markedly from your own or a hot and dumb gf who doesn't have opinions on matters of high culture?

>> No.11988790

doesnt matter as long as shes christian

>> No.11988795

I would rather not

>> No.11988801

Go straight to Texas.

>> No.11988812

The former, anyone that says the latter is a pseud/fraud

>> No.11988813

A woman's intelligence doesn't matter, what matters is how good a mother and wife she is.

this tbqh

>> No.11988816

if her taste and opinions differ markedly from mine then she would have bad taste and wrong opinions. ill go with the hot dumb one i guess, as long as she has decent values

>> No.11988818

Good posts. Character > being “cultured”.

>> No.11988826

Depends how much if a left she was.

>> No.11988831
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I'm not EVEN ok with Christianity, however I'm madly in love with a hugely intelligent Christian woman who means the most to me. Like my world is absolutely worthless without her existing in it. That kinda strong.

She's not what you would call modern-day "hot" either, but it's irrelevant. I love her body, mind and soul together... and that means a hell of a lot more to me than just some piece of fucking window furniture like most thots are nowadays.

>> No.11988838

t. future parent of dumb children

>> No.11988843

Cool bench

>> No.11988848

If I have all girls for children, I will be sure that they have average intelligence (at least), and anything more than that will just be superfluous, but I won't hinder or constrain it.

>> No.11988892

A dumb, hot bimbo who I could hate-fuck while saying horrible shit to her and make her swallow my seed. Anything else is for limp-wristed nerd faggots. A woman is a semen receptacle.

>> No.11988911

Butch dykes still overcompensating long past the 80s
Option A please, where do I submit my credit card details?

>> No.11988924

Not being into intellectual stuff =/ being dumb.

>> No.11988943

t. future parent of no children

>> No.11988947
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> tfw you're talking to a cute and intellectual girl who isn't a whore

>> No.11989037

If there’s something that you enjoy, you should keep women away from it.
/lit/ grils will try to guilt you into reading books by non-male authors (which is a waste of time since all the best authors are male authors and you only have a finite amount of time to read them all)
Alternately, they will offer unsolicited feminist hot takes on male authors that you enjoy and how those authors are problematic and full of misogyny and white male privilege.

Road Warrior, Ghostbusters, Star Wars, flat-chested Tomb Raider, female sports announcers…Even if women aren’t deliberately trying to ruin everything that men enjoy (and I am far from convinced that their behavior is not deliberate) there is clear and convincing evidence that they are inherently toxic to male enjoyment

>> No.11989048

Impossible. She’s just intelligent enough to fool you.

>> No.11989054

why should it matter if someone has a negative take on something you like. You don't have to share everything. You can always watch Master and Commander with your friends if you want to engage in homosociality.

>> No.11989060

>Like my world is absolutely worthless without her existing in it.

you have to realize how unhealthy that is even in a hyperbolic way like you meant.

>> No.11989061

What's key is having their own opinions about intellectual stuff. Most girls that are "into" anything from games to 15th c philosophy wind up watching the same Netflix show on your couch day in day out once you gf them. Holding an opinion in a gf is a sign you're not dating an NPC

>> No.11989064

>intelligence is not a factor in being a good parent

>> No.11989071

Anyone who picks the second option is subhuman.

>> No.11989110

George Eliot, Edith Wharton, and Marianne Moore were great writers.

>> No.11989119

with sex?

>> No.11989141


I'm not actually with her, so it doesn't matter, ultimately.

And yes, it was hyperbolic. But I care about her quite a bit.

>> No.11989148

>/lit/ grils will try to guilt you into reading books by non-male authors (which is a waste of time since all the best authors are male authors and you only have a finite amount of time to read them all)
>Muriel Spark hurt my fashy feelings and low grade amphetamine addiction which has yet to show me Catholic Jesus
>I'm not even man enough to admit it like Pound was to HD when he realised he's been wrong about that Hitler saving Europe thing
You're BtFo of yourself with the modernists alone. Try to be a better misogynist by getting better girl nemeses than twitter, k? You make those of us who hate them for deeper reasons look like popsci readers. Go get Stoner and East of Eden.

>> No.11989164

>Stoner and East of Eden.
>to someone who you know gets mad at feminist twitter
His head will explode like that baby's in The Pearl with rage

>> No.11989186

I want a girl that loves me then break my heart. And then I will hate her until the day I die.I want to hate her so much that I will live just to destroy everything she loves and I will savor her misery.

but I will be probably just sad hahaha

>> No.11989234

As long as they're honest, daring, and kind, I'd be happy.

>> No.11989243

hot and dumb thank you, I just need her to be submissive.

>> No.11989281

/lit/ chicks are are the most annoying people to be around. Think of every pseudo-intellectual you've had the displeasure of interacting with on here. That's a /lit/ chick, except even more annoying if they're hot because they feel like they have to overcompensate for having a vag. If they're ugly they're probably cool though.

>> No.11989301
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Cute intellectual pls.
>lol I made myself sad

>> No.11989302

I know this exact feel and know it's unhealthy. She pre-emptively friendzoned me and I told her I didn't want to be friends. Felt dead inside since then, like a spiritual void. I know it's not healthy, but I feel powerless to change it.

>> No.11989461

I've experienced this, it was weird.

>> No.11989485

Care to tell?

>> No.11989532
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She can be intelligent for a woman, but she can't be intelligent as a woman. Obviously the latter.

>> No.11989550

I would need to meet them first. How pathetic do you need to be to come up with such a depersonalized way of looking at relationships? I don't know man been there. You will never have are real gf like that.

>> No.11989679

>making her swallow your seed
>not cumming balls-deep inside her, impregnating her with your numerous children
You're not even trying, man

>> No.11990490

>not wanting to convert a feminist

>> No.11990512


1st obviously. Everyone who disagrees is a worthless, subhuman pseud

>> No.11990515


Kek. What an embarrassing post

>> No.11990518


Your power fantasy is boring as fuck and a testament to the fact that you're a soulless pseud

>> No.11990530


This nigga gets it. If she doesn't hold interesting opinions of her own, she's not worth it. Same goes for friends, too, regardless of sex.

>> No.11990534
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I just wish those two girls would get along and start loving me equally. >>11988790

>> No.11990599

The former. I speak with dumb girls all the time, I need someone to challenge me in order to stimulate me.

Also, get outsmarted by a girl is hot af.

>> No.11990607

but that means your sons will have half genetics of low iq, why would you not care about that?

>> No.11990614

Not intelligent =! stupid. Read a post of mine above. It's important that a woman is of (at least) 'average' intelligence.

>> No.11990618

That claim leads into debates surrounding nature/nurture. I am not entirely convinced that intelligence is "genetic".

>> No.11990620
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The former, we can learn from each other that way. But seeing as I’m mentally unstable with bipolar disorder and practically held together by sheer force of will I don’t think any sane woman want to be 50 feet of me

>> No.11990650

Definitely the former

>> No.11990688
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You may pick a random post in this thread and turn the anon that wrote it into a girl helplessly in love with you. Which one do you pick?

>> No.11990699

>a random post
Umm, anon...

>> No.11990739

I don't want to be intellectually confronted on the daily basis. Give me a dumb loving gf any day

>> No.11990770

I'd prefer someone about as intelligent as myself, so I could have compelling conversations with them, without feeling that either one of us is being held back. Of course being gay, it's a lot easier to find an intelligent man.

>> No.11990843
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I'm feeling a bit dissatisfied lately. I have a wonderful boyfriend who loves me. But. He browses reddit and does programming as a hobby. Not much else.
I read constantly, play instruments, I am interested in depth with philosophy and art,etc. Before we moved in together I didn't really see a problem with us having slightly different interests.

I miss talking so much. I miss conversations about intellectual subjects.

We went to a party yesterday and I ended up talking with another guy. A pretty edgy one but we went on to talk about philosophy books and human nature and generally things that I don't get to talk about with my boyfriend. I am loyal and I'm staying with him but I do feel a little sad, knowing I can't express my ideas to their full potential. I did try to get him to read and he wanted to start with Art of War. This was about a month ago, and he's still only 20 pages in.

I constantly improve. Every day I know more, I can do more. I want someone who can talk to me about the things and ideas I discover. But every time I talk to him, I am talking at him. Talking to the other guy yesterday at the party made me have doubts about whether I can spend my life with my boyfriend. I am stuck in this now and I love him but I am so
with not being intellectually stimulated in this relationship. He is smart, he is just not an intellectual. I don't know. I'm sure it's different for men.

>> No.11990863

Christians are entirely devoid of character. The entire ethos is built around fear and supplication and expecting a reward

>> No.11990868

Friendly reminder that Rory was an evil self-centered whore.

>> No.11990874

It’s probably because you’re unattractive and can only attract that kind of guy. Just marry him for the money.

>> No.11990877
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>not being continent volcel abstinent teetotal frugal ascetic

>> No.11990887
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>> No.11990888 [DELETED] 

Marry who for the money? I'm not unattractive. I don't need money from a man, either. I just want a good companion. I thought my current boyfriend will be good material. He still is, most of the time. I think I am too picky and should just stick with him but it's hard to not be unsatisfied with the conversations.

>> No.11990896

Marry whom for the money? I'm not unattractive. I don't need money from a man, either. I just want a good companion. I thought my current boyfriend will be good material. He still is, most of the time. I think I am too picky and should just stick with him but it's hard to not be unsatisfied with the conversations.

>> No.11990911

Talk to him about science. He’s obviously interested in stem so if you try and study his bullshit he’ll study your bullshit and you’ll both have stuff to talk about

>> No.11990929
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>> No.11990936

I know you're just a dude taking the piss on the thirsty guys ITT but Jesus Christ anon I can't take this right now, you'll break me

>> No.11990952
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>tfw you're the edgy lad at parties casting doubt and desire in those art hoes hearts

>> No.11991000

>You can always watch Master and Commander with your friends

I can watch it alone. I can read alone. I don’t need a /lit/ gril dumping on what I read or watch. Why seek out negativity? What possible benefit could I get from it?

>> No.11991010

The one who does more stuff in the bedroom

>> No.11991036

Either is fine, I would resent them both very much but I'm tired of having no gf

>> No.11991037

>not dating a devoutly catholic qt who thinks it's hot that you read all the time

Living the life homies

>> No.11991046


>> No.11991050

Is that you John? I hope you’re safe out there buddy.

>> No.11991056
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This why Islamic culture is so wise. Strict gender segregation except for women functioning as household servants and sexual objects.

>> No.11991073

Lol, what sort of cuck wants to be with a women for her interesting opinions. When I'm with a woman I want to do normie shit: fuck, get blowjobs, watch movies, go out for food and drinks, talk about normie shit. As long as a woman has some intelligence (which does not equate to interest in intellectual pursuits), is feminine, attractive, and loves children, I'm satisfied. I learned this from my experience with overly intellectual women and non-intellectual. The former are good for a fuck, but they are terrible long term companions. They have internalized too many male characteristics or perhaps they were exposed to high levels of testosterone while inside the womb. I think many of you are just idealizing.

>> No.11991114


>> No.11991115

And there are thousands of great male writers. Even if I never read any female authors I can read a ton of great authors.
Female writers are disposable.

>> No.11991142


how old are you? i see people transform in and out of intellectual phases. i know for me it really comes and it goes. if one remains an intellectual for their entire lives, they never really truly can understand the beauty of thoughtlessly building a house or fixing a typewriter.

>> No.11991156

you sound like you’ve overdosed on idpol

>> No.11991241

Edith and Cathy are not /lit/.
Wtf are you faggits babbling about?
Just because sone women are more toxic than others doesn’t mean I want the slightly less toxic ones involved in my life.
It’s like saying to a gril, ‘you should date an alcoholic. At least he isn’t a junky.’

>> No.11991263

intellectualism is a evolutionary dead end

>> No.11991298

>differing opinions from me
doesn't compute

>> No.11991320

Im 21, he's 20, we've been living together for a year now and he moved countries for me. But I like both. I really like talking about cooking and baking, for example. And I gym a lot so I enjoy talking about nutrition and fitness stuff. It's just, simple conversations don't really count as talking, to me, and I feel pretty lonely.

I have a master's degree in economics and he never went to university because he thought it's a waste of money. He isn't interested in science. He does programming and I did take a 3 month programming course and asked him some stuff but he wasn't too keen to explain stuff to me because I wasn't very good at it.

Break you? How do you mean

He was pretty weird. He was the only one who didn't drink alcohol. I asked him what he wants from life and he said 'power'. He was going through books on his phone and that impressed me because he read a lot of complicated things. I really liked listening about that.

>> No.11991342

>How do you mean

which country are yuo from?

>> No.11991345

>Im 21, he's 20
Yeah, this is not a serious relationship and you are both pretty dumb and clueless.

>> No.11991355

You're probably right but your point is irrelevant

>> No.11991363

You are a silly child.

>> No.11991370

Just because the relationship hasn't yet lasted 10 years and we're not married with children, means I shouldn't treat it as something I'd want for life? I don't understand where you're coming from. Are you suggesting that I don't try to work on our issues and just assume I'll move on to a different man at some point in my life?

>> No.11991402

>I constantly improve. Every day I know more, I can do more.
A redditor sounds like a good match for you.
"computer science" is not science
"software engineering" is not engineering

>> No.11991404

>Cathy are not /lit/
Hahahahahahahahahahahahhshshshhshshwhwhahahahahaha just because you're fat doesn't mean you're Harold Bloom you dumbfuck. Go try and re-write canon on a fanfic page, it's banned here

>> No.11991408

Drop that negro
He’s fucking useless, I’m surprised he even left his Mom’s basement

>> No.11991410

>I'm a Normie NPC and would like a gf to suit
You're welcome to the many women with no opinion and friends of similar calibre. It's not like anon's going to stage an intervention for you and force you to circulate in higher culture.

>> No.11991414

What do you even like about him because you seem to be complaining about everything?

>> No.11991417
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>> No.11991420

Cathy is not a /lit/ gril.

Not East of Eden is not lit.

>> No.11991424

Sorry anon, Elliot was enraged by women having opinions and free will, so he was after the same pool of women as you not me. You're not going to face competition from him though unless you want a gf with no opinion who has a thing for necrophilia. Then you might have to kill yourself to compete.

>> No.11991426

Well I can't complain irl so I have to do in on here. Hmm. Well, I liked what he said he wants from the future. He said he's planning to get rich and he does stock stuff, he is 6ft 4 and goes to the gym with me 3 times a week and he wants many children, which I do too. I thought he'd be dominant but the longer we're together the less of that he seems. I liked the idea of cooking him 3 meals a day and preparing his protein shakes and listening to his stories.

But he is currently a neet so I cook 3 meals a day, I clean the house, I work, I invite us to political meetings because Im involved, I introduced him to people I know so he'd get some friends and I feel like I'm just doing both of the gender jobs. It wasn't meant to be like this :c

>> No.11991431

second reply was meant to >>11990911

>> No.11991433

>Cathy is not a /lit/ gril
Cathy has archives that put anon's /lit/ romancing to shame. How ever many pictures of Katie you have, CathyKate has more.

>> No.11991440
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If this is real, which it probably isn’t to be honest, then I might have to rip my fucking eyes out and live as a monk or something. Some useless sack of shit scored an intelligent, athletic, and caring girlfriend just because he’s 6’4.

>> No.11991453

Well no, I was actually pretty against his height at first because I'm 5ft 4. But when we met he told me a lot of extreme opinions and he seemed caring and nice and then when we spent time together he was really loving and I just really like being cared for. I have attachment issues and I need attention 24/7 and he gave me that. But now more often than not he just sits in the same room as me and considers that attention given. Same with the dominance stuff. We used to spend a lot of time alone and of course he's dominant with me. But then we started going out together into social settings and I end up being the one asking people things, starting conversations, paying for bills, etc. It was definitely not his height that made me like him. It was just the persona and vision for the future, which I wanted to be a part of.

>> No.11991466
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Then leave. It’s not like you are actually attracted to him, you only fell in love with the idea of him you made in your mind. I still don’t believe this is real though, or I’m at least 45% sure it isn’t.

>> No.11991480

>I'm so enlightened, so superior to those low cultured swine. Oh, I am so great!!! Truly, I am magnicifient.
In reality you're no better than the so called low culture people, you're simply regugitating the thoughts of others, just like they are. You are incapable of being original and you will not be remembered. Climb down from your little tower and face reality.

>> No.11991484

I would prefer to work on the relationship than leave him. I have many times told him my frustrations but it only seems to make him sad when I do. I don't want to leave because of many reasons. Mainly because I believe in commitment. Secondly because I don't want to go through the whole process of getting close to someone again. And because maybe he'll be everything I thought he would be. I'm planning to just wait out this sadness and give him more time to sort his own mind and life and goals.

If this wasn't real then I wouldn't get so emotional and complainy about it. Sorry Im typing all this out btw, I don't really like telling real people my personal mind problems. Better to tell strangers who don't know me

>> No.11991498

This is 4chan, all we do is complain or pretend to complain to set up a joke.
You need to hit this fucker with a chair to get him to sort his shit, he’s reminiscent of londonfrog but slightly more social from what you’ve described.
LARPing as a woman isn’t beneath 4chan, no matter how elaborate you make it.

>> No.11991516

what do you think the first two letters stand for?

>> No.11991561

>gf whose taste and opinions differ markedly from your own
Had that already. We argued a lot and she eventually broke up with me over it. Would not recommend.

>> No.11991567
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>tfw the closest you've got is a faux intellectual girl who talks all holy but is a bad person in all actuality and not intelligent at all and borderline retarded

>> No.11991583
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>> No.11991595

Dude, something out won't stop Elliot from writing a whole manifesto about that shit. The women you and he want are the same and nobody is stopping you from getting some dumb NPC bitch who will never read a book. That doesn't mean I have to want to wife her. In fact, it makes your odds better than they already were. We're just into different shit and you would be bored shitless if you had to listen to a chick talk about plagiarism in German phenomenology while I'd pay money for that shit. If you really want to be part of the bookish crowd, you'd need to read that kind of book, and bawling about that won't change shit.

>> No.11991599

Lol sperging out, not something out.

>> No.11991644

1st one. I'm tired of dating girls whom I have absolutely nothing in common with. Better to disagree on the particulars than to have no shared base at all.

>> No.11991657

This is probably copypasta/bait but it's exactly how I feel towards my gf, except there aren't any wacked-out art hoes to talk with here so the only person whom I can have intellectual conversations is an old friend of mine.
Maybe i'll go gay.

>> No.11991689

Had a cutie who might end up being a good mom. But, she wasn't interested in discussion at all. Just cuddling; it began to feel like smothering and stifling suffocation.

Smartie > sexy desu

>> No.11991709


It doesn't matter since women mimic men in general and their owners in particular.

>> No.11991721

based and redpilled, accurate analysis

>> No.11991727

Yeah but what about boys though? Do you really think that all genes for brain development lie on the Y-chromosome? Honestly doesn't get much dumber than this.

On second thought, I wouldn't worry about it too much, I think you're gonna have stupid children regardless of who you fuck.

>> No.11991788

I'm feeling this right now. With a girl with an unending maternal spirt of care and love, but I don't feel that spark with her. I guess it's my narcissism or something, but I don't feel rivaled or even equaled by her. I feel she's just there, with her devotion to me and my active indifference.

>> No.11991793

People on 4chan have been using LARP like that for ages. Just look at /biz/ and how often they accuse "business insiders" of larping/being larpers.

>> No.11991796

It's your faggotry. You secretely want cocks.

>> No.11991817

Breeding is cope for mortals.

>> No.11991845

I don't have opinions on matters of high culture. I imagine a gf who did wouldn't want to date me (or any woman for that matter, but that's beside the point). So I guess I'll echo some other people here and say I'd go with hot and "dumb", as long as she's kind, doesn't need to be Christan though.

>> No.11991881

womemen are NOT supposed to be your friends, friends are supposed to be your friends

>> No.11991892

hahah, yep

>> No.11991972

>/biz/ in charge of language

>> No.11992076

>your local slang's misuse of this word is a misuse of this word
thanks for the heads up

>> No.11992087

Currently have the former, it's great.

>> No.11992152

Feels like that's the decision I'll have to make soon
One is a philosophy interested university student, the other an I don't actually know what who shares literally every single one of my non-lit hobbies

There've been some anons in here saying they regret going with the dumb one, but can anyone talk about having gone with the former and regretting it?

>> No.11992745

If I have boys, I will see to it that they have extensive education. Like many scientific researchers and sociologists, I am not entirely convinced that intelligence is "genetic", so as far as I am concerned, your post's argument is based off conjecture and unproven a priori assumptions.

>> No.11992758

>Would you rather have a cute and intellectual gf whose taste and opinions differ markedly from your own

right wing "women" are very rarely attractive or smart........or even have reasonable personal hygiene

>> No.11992772

implying it isn't the complete opposite

>> No.11992773

Innteligence is everything bruv. Youve obviously never interacted With 100 IQ People. Anything under 130, and you have People who most likely will abuse their children out of sheer incompetence caused by retardation

>> No.11992805

>he moved countries for me
what a cuck