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/lit/ - Literature

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11982616 No.11982616[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does your girlfriend read?

>> No.11982621
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>> No.11982631

Every text from every other guy

>> No.11982637

everything by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.
I'm not joking

>> No.11982642
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>> No.11982648

She really likes Chuck Palahniuk. Other than that, she reads mostly sci-fi.

>> No.11982649

The second canto (your favourite) from Pale Fire that I have tattooed on my back as she fucks my ass.

>> No.11982651

My gf broke up with me on the 19th..
What she read was/is exclusively Eastern but predominantly Buddhist shit.

>> No.11982660

...and nothing of value was lost!

>> No.11982663

I'm single now, but when I had a gf she would exclusively read
>univeristy stuff
>text messages
>social media feeds
>some cringeworthy, edgy "lifestyle" blog

>> No.11982668


>> No.11982683

good god, I want to live on those soles

>> No.11982685

my diary desu

>> No.11982704

My wife reads stuff by fellow bitches like Lydia Davis and Lorrie Moore.

>> No.11982716

Lydia Davis is based. Have you read her Swann's Way translation for Penguin?
no gf btw ;)

>> No.11982721

Yeah. It was a problem.

>> No.11982735

My last girlfriend only read fanfiction.

>> No.11982745

what was it like dating a brainlet? i was super into a girl who only read transformers fanfic. looking back on it now i'm glad she wasn't interested.

>> No.11982762

When I had one, she read:

>Bronte sisters (everything by these gals, loved them to death)
>Edith Wharton
>Nathaniel Hawthorne
>Chapman's Homer, other translations of stuff conflated with Elizabethan poetry
>Mary Wollestonecraft, Simone de Beauvoir
>Jane Austen (w/ commentaries by her contemporaries & by modern scholars)
>the letters of Abigail Adams

she was a perfect mirror of everything I see in gynocratic academia - a re-evaluation of traditional gender roles combined infused with a wistful lamentation of the "good old days" when women were women. super insecure about her looks, always afraid that i was more interested in another girl, lacked any confidence in herself whatsoever.

>"Try being with somebody that wanna be somebody else." - Drake (that boi as far as I'm concerned)

>> No.11982795

>Exclamation marks

>> No.11982843

Donna Tartt

>> No.11982844
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how to have an affair without getting caught

>> No.11982883

I don't have a girlfriend and she doesn't read

>> No.11982893
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>> No.11982895

a bunch of garbage YA and middle grade fiction. but she's a middle grade author, so i cut her some slack.

>> No.11982915

My girlfriend has pretty eclectic tastes - she really likes Updike (lmao), Anne Carson, Laurens Van Der Post, Carson McCullers. Weird stuff like medical non-fiction. She's real well read in classics. Right now she leans towards reading essays and lighter fiction to chill tf out, but she's definitely better read than me.

She only wrote back because I mentioned Celine on a dating app : >:3 <3 <3 <3

>> No.11982933

Ex read modernist bullshit like Camus and Beckett

I'm a Russian lit guy, so to find out that "I like to read" on her profile meant "I read only useless wankery and hate everything else" was v depressing

Find a chick who likes the stuff you like, y'all. "Opposites attract" is a meme

>> No.11982951

Yeah, her translation is superior to the old Moncreiff one. But have you read her short stories? I swear to god she's autistic af.

>> No.11983067

The true purpose of this thread

>> No.11983124

Used to be into Jojo Moyes, now she only reads instagram posts.

>> No.11983130


Social media

>> No.11983162

she was a victorian lit phd student

>> No.11983172


>> No.11983176

who gives a fuck

>we're driving on a highway near Austin
>i'm DDing, she and all her friends are drunk
>black guy cuts us off
>sticks her head out the window like the retard female idiot she is
>"Fuck you you fuccken nigger!"
>rolls up the window with the "did I do that" face
>he follows us for 20 miles
>conspicuously showing the gun the whole way
>she and her friends are loudly crying, holding each other, praying unintelligibly
>he finally takes the next exit to our collective relief

but she's hot, so i put up with it like the fucking cuck that i am

>> No.11983179

>autistic af
Is she, dare I say it, our girl?

>> No.11983185

My wife is a big fan of Henry Miller, Melville, and Nabokov. I guess I'd throw Mary Gaitskill in there for good measure as well.

>> No.11983214

My latest gf and I broke up last week, but she never read anything besides facebook, instagram, and snapchat. I gave her my copy of East of Eden to read because I think it's a really captivating and accessible book (who cares if she didn't get all the Biblical allusions, they're easy enough to look up) and I believe she read two chapters of it and never picked it up again.

Also, that reminds me. She still has my fucking copy. Guess I need to get that back now.

>> No.11983225

Yeah you're a cuck for putting up with that.

>> No.11983293

Biographies of famous people, books of poetry I've bought her, poems I've written for her, short stories I've wrote for my own amusements, and anything I read out loud to her while we cuddle on the sofa.

>> No.11983316
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She doesn't really, but I don't mind

She did give me pic related to read when we first started dating but I never got passed the second chapter

>> No.11983324

>im a russian lit guy
honestly just kill yourself

>> No.11983334

hentai mags 2bh

>> No.11983358

My gf doesn't like fiction which is too bad but she does like history books.

>> No.11983478

I bet soon if not already she'll be getting dicked down by another guy. Just imagine her getting railed by him and drinking his cum, and then laughing about how much better he is than you.

>> No.11983531

My most recent ex read whatever her college made her read and was insufferably pretentious about it. She graduated as an English major, got her degree, became an administrator at the school and in the remaining couple years we were together, never lifted a fucking book again.

Her passing let me know everything I needed to know about grade 13 level schooling.

>> No.11983547

Actually she lives with her grandparents, her 82 yr old grandad broke his hip about 2 wks ago and will be getting out of rehab at the end of the week so aside from working 60 hrs a week she'll be doing her bit looking after him. But youre correct in the assumption that she's pretty and youre also right, sooner or later, etc. etc. BUT I'm pretty much over it, knew it was coming (I suggested it myself 2 wks ago) and, ultimately, whatever. I'll live.

>> No.11983590
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My gf just told me she works so much because she doesn't have to talk to me while at work. We are no longer together haha

>> No.11983593

idk if it counts but every girl I had a crush on read lots of genre fiction, Murakami and stuff like A Fraction of the Whole.

>> No.11983596

imagine having a gf lmao

>> No.11983600

Could be worse tbqh

>> No.11983632

She obsessively reads and rereads Tolstoy’s bibliography

It’s pretty /lit/ tbqh

>> No.11983697
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>> No.11983872
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>> No.11983876

Medical journals and Wal-Mart tier trash

>> No.11983902

she left me 2 weeks ago. i used to try to get her to read entry level stuff, she hated it lol. i miss her

>> No.11983914

Damn. A Tolstoy girl. And if her looks suit (you) congratulations. I knew one once but we never dated.

>> No.11983916


>> No.11983933

im with ya buddy. this sucks

>> No.11984336

Yukio Mishima and Georges Batailles
She's a monster in the sac

>> No.11984361

what does my who?

>> No.11984458
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>tfw your gf reads classics and loves russian literature
>tfw she recommends you books and poets that are good
>tfw she listens and patiently waits as you explain parts you found interesting, to respond with her own opinion

>> No.11984474

based haha poster. haha

>> No.11984475

Ishi, some picture book of Hindu avatars and Guns, Germs and Steel.

>> No.11984541

You type like an art fag

>> No.11984548

sure she did

>> No.11984560


>> No.11984602

Unironically, Machiavelli and Thomas Hobbes.

>> No.11984724
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>anon went to a shit school
>shit school is shit and doesn't teach anon to think critically
>thinks all schools are like his shit school

>> No.11984858

My ex-girlfriend almost exclusively read contemporary poetry (I didn't think her favorites were very good but obviously didn't tell her), so as part of her gifts I got her books by Robert M. Drake on occasions like her birthday or Christmas. She always seemed to love them and read them often, but I left her last year and I later heard that she burned them, not sure if true or not.

>> No.11984867

>James Joyce
>Virginia Wolfe
>Emily Dickinson
>Sylvia Plath
>Julio Cortazar
>Hilda Doolittle
Stuff like that

>> No.11984921

Don't have one.

>> No.11984977

I don't have a girlfriend but she does read

>> No.11985054

Stephen King :/
and Anne Rice

>> No.11985165

I don’t care, I don’t talk about books with her, I just fuck her and go to restaurants and bars and chill with her in the park in the summer.

>> No.11985177

Post a pic

>> No.11985178

Lol i know anon

>> No.11985181

Then imagine her grandad railing her and her drinking his cum

>> No.11985183


>> No.11985380

>on the 19th
Blood-sucking niggers get off my board REEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.11985504

imagine having some level of choice in whether to have a gf
imagine knowing how to talk to people

>> No.11985514

camus is shit but beckett is great you mong

>> No.11985670
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you have problems

>> No.11985693

my kinda-ex likes literature and fiction and stuff it's why i don't like her :/

>> No.11985697

>bullshit like Beckett
>I'm a Russian lit guy
>"Opposites attract" is a meme

>> No.11985705

Dosto and Marx, fuck....

>> No.11985707

she reading BK rite now but mostly lit top 100 stuff. we read french books together. fellas just go to clubs join organizations to find a gf.

>> No.11985711

She reads a long lullaby.
I imagine my soulmate was aborted. Women who remain don't click with me. Regardless of whether or not I want to hug or strangle them.

>> No.11985717

>Thinks there are non-shit schools
I'm sorry to tell you this, but the control grid is loose and out of control. They feared a coup and let worse and worse people inherit the positions.

>> No.11985737

Christian, strict education means she read Tolstoy, Dosto, Balzac, Dickens, Thackeray etc. while growing up. Reads Miller, Nin, de Sade and Bataille to the point of obsession (buying multiple biographies, rare collectibles, out of print, first editions etc.).

>> No.11985756

would an elle fanning, emma stone and margot Robbie

although to be honest blond white women really look very similar when you get them together like that

>> No.11985760

No it couldn't. Even Twilight its better.

>> No.11985764

Damn this is fuckin horny

>> No.11986068

she's a big faulkner fan.

>> No.11986090

I don't know.

>> No.11986112

I am 27 and single.

>> No.11986120

Did she think Dosto agreed with communism?

>> No.11986133

Nabokov right now

>> No.11986138

I once dated someone who studied Ancient Civilisation and loved LotR (she wore a replica of the one ring).

>> No.11986139

My boyfriend doesnt read.

>> No.11986141

Directions of the mac and cheese box

>> No.11986142

She’s currently reading In Dubious Battle by Steinbeck, which I lent her.

>> No.11986166

Geez, anon. In a not so common way I think youre trying to help. At any rate it's an absolutely ridiculous image. Thanks. I guess..

>> No.11986174

Actually youre on my board, boyo. Reeeeeeeead a fucking book, reeeeeetard.

>> No.11986179

Thanks, m8.

>> No.11986199
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>> No.11986208

The gf in my mind exclusively reads religious Spanish poetry from the late medieval/early modern period, and Lorca

>> No.11986267

my imaginary gf mostly reads history but read through the russian classics in her late teens (first language speaker)
she also has some knowledge of mostly forgotten socialist realist literature from having spent some time taking care of her grandmother in some rural place with a library that hadn't been restocked since soviet times

>> No.11986295

She mostly reads uh Emma Stone's plump ass. What were we talking about again?

>> No.11986336

Mark Leyner pomo shit.

>> No.11986346

She sounds lovely

>> No.11986354

My gf reads every now and then. She has read The Republic by Plato tho

>> No.11986377

Do you incels really have imaginary gf's?

>> No.11986385

I'm not an incel, I don't hate women.

>> No.11986417

based Ovid gf

>> No.11986430

Yes, I like to think about little imaginary stories of what I'd do with a gf like her. Going to the movies, talking about books, living together, cooking together, holding hands and going on walks by the river when the sun is coming down. The conversations I imagine are super nice to think about. I usually think about it when I'm in bed.
Sometimes she leaks into my dreams and when I wake up I move to hug her as if she were by my side.

>> No.11986432

Darynda Jones.

>> No.11986438

I'm not an incel but I do hate women.

>> No.11986439

Unfortunately no one cares

>> No.11986444

I know.

>> No.11986448

You're what's known as a weak minded pussy.

>> No.11986456

Harry Potter and Sidney Sheldon

>> No.11986460

the ingridients of a shampoo bottle while taking a gargantuan shit on the loo

>> No.11986465

What's so weak about judging large swaths of people based on gender alone?

>> No.11986497

It's weak to get triggered by women and hate them. Nothing more pathetic than a man losing his shit over women.

>> No.11986510

I'm fairly composed, I think. It's not a crusade, more a guideline; Women suck at most things I need them not to suck at. This isn't exactly the best kept secret. I find it more pathetic the men tolerant of women based on what they are rather than who. At least I'm being up-front about the issue.

>> No.11986514


>> No.11986523

i care about that because i have an imaginary gf too
get rekt loser your petty attempt at an argument has been invalidated
imaginary perfect gf gang 1 you 0

>> No.11986581

>tfw no sexually repressed gf making up for lost time
the world is a vale of tears

>> No.11986638

texts from chad

>> No.11986657
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>Ex old lady
>Foster Wallace (Only person I knew to read the entirety of IJ at the time I met her)
>Italo Calvino
>Jane Austin
>García Márquez

>Soon-to-be Ex
>Harry Potter

>> No.11986796


>> No.11986820

no, really man, she did

>> No.11986948

Since you have such shit taste I think I'll go find your ex and fuck her.

>> No.11986958

>imaginary perfect gf gang 1 you 0
kino post

>> No.11986968

>caring about the fact other people don't care
The ultimate blue pill

>> No.11986970

This is bullshit

>> No.11987028

You('*)re retarded

>> No.11987045

Yeah I guess. >>11985760 isn't me, I personally believe that most Zafon books are 2 degrees above Twilight-tier. Some of her friends, even smart ones, have read very little beyond mainstream YA, so she's great in comparison. She's also liked Lolita so I believe that I can get her to read some high literature as long as it isn't very dense and has some fancy prose.

>> No.11987079

Leave that dog of a woman

>> No.11987085

My imaginary gf hasn't read anymore. One day we'll get to that point. She's a rather undeveloped tulpa

>> No.11987098

Read her Keats. Even imaginary bitches love Keats.

>> No.11987243

Joyce, Pynchon, DFW, the list goes on

>> No.11987252

There is a girl like this in one of my classes. We always smile at each making eye contact other when the professor says something funny and talk in the beginning. But I don't think she likes me, she never hangs around or waits for my afterwards. She is probably the smartest girl I've met in my life and I'll never have her.

>> No.11987278

Been single for awhile now but my ex used to read low-hanging pity literature about evil corporations, injustices and miserable lives written by second-hand or ex-3rd worlders. That and lifestyle bloggers and the occasional genre scifi/fantasy if i managed to convince her.

>> No.11987295
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Well i introduced her to "better" literature e.g serious stuff and not harry potter.
She is reading the Apology of Socrates, Stoner and German Poetry (schopenhauer, kant, schiller, goethe).
Her last book that she finished was Siddhartha, which made her fall in love with Herman hesses books.
Did i do remotely good? I guess it could be much worse and i'm also really proud of her to show interest in such stuff. At least now i have someone to discuss literature or poetry with, which is really heartwarming

>Pic related

>> No.11987300

>the Apology of Socrates, Stoner and German Poetry (schopenhauer, kant, schiller, goethe).
Now that is one fucking BIG Apology, where can I read that?

>> No.11987305


>> No.11987307

De profundis

>> No.11987311

Only the german version sadly, but i can look for the english translation too.
I know you're memeing and you made me laugh, but asking just in case you're, or anyone is interested. I have every important greek book as pdf

>> No.11987417

Fantasy, mostly

>> No.11987478

So she can escape the awful reality of you?

>> No.11987494

My ex read mainly psychology books and poetry.

>> No.11987570

As Greek pdf or German pdf? Link it either way but if you give anon the full Loeb library of Greeks you'd be a god, anon.

>> No.11987659

What type of psychology? Behavioural? Psychoanalytic? Mainstream?

>> No.11987679

I want to lick her feet.

>> No.11987680

I don't allow her to read

>> No.11987700

My wife read alot when we were dating. Now she's to busy and stressed from her job to read much. Makes me sad

>> No.11987715

maplestory guides on how to kill pink bean

>> No.11987716

Cyclonopedia and Consolation of Philosophy

>> No.11987723
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Yesterday, she read a lot of Nigerian fiction. She loves Okey Ndibe.

Today, nothing. Because three and a half years ended yesterday.

How can I be loved, totally and unconditionally, and still not be happy, /lit/? Am I fucking broken?

>> No.11987724

>his wife is working instead of birthing babies and staying at home
Guessing your wife already has a son.

>> No.11987731


Omar and Giselle.

>> No.11987764

my wife is obsessed with a guy called robin cook, she has read every single fucking book made by that guy (or at least she claims she has)
I don't understand why.
she always talks about how amazing the man is for being both a doctor and a writer.

>> No.11987788




>> No.11987802

sounds like you haven't properly analyzed your subconscious yet

>> No.11987812

You should make her read Chekhov then. At least then she'll be reading something worth reading.

>> No.11987813
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>> No.11987868

>tfw she's dyslexic :(

>> No.11987891

What kind of names are those, anon?

>> No.11987905

The names of my children

>> No.11987925

you are gay and you deserve to lose such opportunity, you fucking gay twat

edit: grow some balls

>> No.11987996 [DELETED] 

Every day I am punished for not killing myself.
I got a qt schizophrenic gf though. Now I wait to find out how she fucks me over, or more likely how I fuck myself over.

>> No.11988010

Othello. Not sure why she only reads it.

>> No.11988023


La sombra del viento y El juego del ángel were pretty good. Then something happened.

>> No.11988068

Did you father them?

>> No.11988071

No our bull did

>> No.11988080

This was humorous and all but I was joking around I’m not the original guy

>> No.11988095

When I had a girlfriend she read facebook and instagram statuses. I bought her the complete works of HP lovecraft, and the brothers karamasov but she didn't like them.

>> No.11988112


>> No.11988152

I'm always disheartened by these kinds of post. Why would someone do this? Just go and lie on the Internet?

>> No.11988159

Imagine being this guy...

Sucks but move on and distance yourself from her as much as possible.

>> No.11988163

Ask her out.

I mean what do you really have to lose?

>> No.11988187

Her favourite author is Calvino.

>> No.11988608

Or Keats, who had been heading in that direction, and died at 26 as a result of having solely nursed his consumptive (and doomed as well) bro.

>> No.11988634

Been there, an extremely hard place to be. Spinoza's motto is Caute. Employ it.
>beware the reservoirs of guilt just waiting to receive and perhaps drown you
i.e. if youre married; if not, get out

>> No.11988733
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Whatever I tell her to.

>> No.11988797
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Leave and never return

>> No.11989095

It's been a long time since someone memed this

Fpbp btw

>> No.11989151

It's on /sp/ just about every other day lad

>> No.11989273

I never go to /sp/ so didn't know that, nice tho

>> No.11989303

My ex read young adult shit, and I’m pretty sure she mainly got the restraining order because of my constantly letting her know what a pleb she is. Another ex had more /lit/ type shit on her shelf, but admitted she hadn’t read most of it. A girl I had a fling with was a big tiddy jewess who was really into WWII and claimed to read a book a week, but I never got to find out what exactly because we were busy fugging and using each other as emotional tampons.

>> No.11989393


whats a sensible footwear policy for girlfriends whose qt feets would distract your literary energies? I try to impose a "no barefeet" during nanowrimo, so shes always in socks at least.

>> No.11989402

and i thought im emotionally unstable

>> No.11989412

sheer black thigh highs

>> No.11989415

neck yourself, freak.

>> No.11989447

My ex-gf liked Jane Austen but after we broke up she became a lesbian wackjob and has renounced her.

>> No.11989459

To be fair Jodi Picoult was her favorite author and she would be mad for hours whenever JK Rowling came up.

>> No.11989625

Mandatory 6-inch stilettos at meal times.

>> No.11989666

Hitchcock was married, anon.

>> No.11989673

>mass replying
>telling other to fuck off, while also breaking the rules

>> No.11989822

Still incel, they only fucked once.

>> No.11989835

>breaking the rules
Ohhhh nnnooo. Not the rules.

>> No.11989900

You realize you’re on a literature board? We can come up with characters at the drop of a post

>> No.11989936
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Dickens (and brit-lit more broadly) mostly, but she's branching out because she knows I like the American 50s and 60s. She constantly shits on Salinger even though she knows he's my favorite. She also pegs me regularly.

It's heaven.