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File: 128 KB, 350x330, homestuck_book_one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11975486 No.11975486 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11975489

Absolutely nothing.

>> No.11975494

I've never read it and I don't intend to

>> No.11975797

I was under the assumption homestuck was a /co/ thing

>> No.11975879

problem sleuth was better

>> No.11975882


>> No.11975900

Very influential for a generation, although not as widespread as the shit of Harry Potter or some other traditional published books. Still, it is radically innovative and of a much higher artistry. Actually, it is unironically great. Will be a milestone when it gets the appreciation it deserves.
Don't know if better but more concentrated.

>> No.11975946
File: 428 KB, 900x995, C23906AF-1F9C-483E-94B4-E0A32F6C8573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could have great, but turned into a weak fart at the end.

Jade still abest.

>> No.11976233

Literally what is it.

>> No.11976240


>> No.11976244
File: 51 KB, 324x419, 1538992037303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11976318

Sort of a webcomic, originated from a style of quest that actually came from old 4chan where 1 picture accompanied the text of the post describing the situation and awaiting the player's decision out of a selection of options or as an originally suggested act

It starts out in the format of one picture per page that describes the scene and while it was going it waited for the players to suggest the progression. I heard on /co/ it updated hourly in the beginning.

Later when the story got cringified (it stops being kino after act 4 don't listen to the act 5 shills) he was writing it all by himselfr

Uses tunes interactive flashes and animations with comfy kino music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOSnen64a7M

>> No.11976334

By the way, what does "kino" mean? I have been out of this loop.

>> No.11976341

>out of this loop
would have told you if you didn't use this normalfag tier buzzphrase fuck off

>> No.11976356

"of the highest caliber"

>> No.11976364

It was kind of neat, but weebs ruined it and the fanbase is pure cancer. Simply never look up anything about it otherwise its disgusting.

>> No.11976365

rus word for film
flick < movie < film < cinema < kino

>> No.11976383

>castigates someone for using a buzzphrase

>calls that same person a “normalfag”


>> No.11976405

normalfag actually means something while :out of the loop" can be substituted for many semblant idioms

buzzword doesn't mean "used too much" if the word has an identifiable definition. Going on that criterion "onions" isn't a buzzword while "NPC" kinda has become because /pol/ ruined it.

I expect all of that to go over your bugperson head what a fucking useless paragraph I wrote

>> No.11976434

Breddy good up to the end of act 4, story begins to disintegrate rapidly into a long mess afterwards.

It is, but /co/ mods delete it on sight. I'm not even sure if there is any place left to discuss it.
Finally, someone else who appreciates the comfiness of act 1-4

>> No.11976445

Most of the music after the first few (chip?)tunes in the first two acts actually sucks shit (is just boring, "okay") but there are a few gold nuggets


Patricians of /lit/ ask any questions so we can convene the estates plebeian and estates patrician together this momentous day

>> No.11976449

Wrong link
This is what I wanted to post

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goD3YZJjccs&t this one isn't amazing but it's a great chill 2000s techno track

>> No.11976463

I don't know what this is, and I don't care.
Seems like some dumb yankee shit.

>> No.11976473

This is sort of one level above and below genreshit simultanously, it's supremely surrealist and postmodern, you won't enjoy it if you don't have a taste for that.

>> No.11976478

I downloaded the entire soundtrack
Help me /lit/

>> No.11976490

like all the 500 fucking songs dude?

>> No.11976495

Yes, right after the webcomic ended

>> No.11976497

Problem Sleuth is good and you should read it if you haven't. Homestuck act 1 is good then it goes to total shit.

>> No.11976499

There's like 50 good ones onl tho

>> No.11976506

>it will never be the 2000's again
>the internet will never be a cool thing of unlimited potential again
>it's only going to get worse
it's not fair, how the fuck have we got to the point where borderline ludditism is the only sensible path?

>> No.11976511

What makes it turn shitty after that? I'm reading act 4 right now. So far it's okay but I can't see why it has a crazy fanbase

>> No.11976516

You'd say normalfags happened but even they don't stand for this shit and would fucking eat newgrounds up if you repackaged it to them (it was sorta replaced by other websites fulfilling fragmentary purposes of it but the feel of it would have been neat to them, I have sort of a social life to cite)

It's all big business sucking out the SOUL of everything and making it SOULLESS

Jews or no jews the problem is the monopoly of these stifling proggie-liberal (marxian definition) companies

>> No.11976517

The trolls. They are introduced in act 5.

Also it turns to WORDSWORDSWORDS and it's not like you're reading victorian flickkinos with fancy prose this is all the ramblings of teens as seen by a then-boomer for thousands of pages

Quoth schopenhauer with not needing to ready anything shitty

>> No.11976520
File: 90 KB, 682x1171, Vriska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Vriska.

Part 4 was when it got good tho

>> No.11976527

Anybody who likes Act 5.1 but Act 6 especially is a fucking gigaincel waifufag just look at this shit >>11976520

Don't listen to their lies

>> No.11976547

I side with this guy.

>> No.11976659

Gamzee is still GOAT.

>> No.11976740

Crazy clowns are like ice cream sandwichs. They're always nice.

>> No.11976818

t. Upset that Rose died

>> No.11976876

>the waifucel's brain is so rotten with waifufaggotry that he cannot comprehend there are some nonwaifufags

I never read act 6

>> No.11976929
File: 87 KB, 209x345, 1489982566147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The quality dips considerably during and after Hivebent, but Eri and Caliborn are based enough that it's worth the trouble reading just for them.

>> No.11976948

You're a fucking retard

>> No.11976967

never watched it

>> No.11977005

t. "words change le meaning over time" brainless fleshbot

>> No.11977018

How would reading act 6 but skipping every single page with only trolls in it affect my comprehension of the story if I was going off just by the pics

>> No.11977033

I quite like the first few acts with the kids and the Midnight Crew intermission and the mailman. The later stuff is largely shit, but he still did some really cool stuff formally. The time shenanigans with the passwords was especially cool.

>> No.11977042

It was an enjoyable experience that I felt was satisfying overall, though I had some gripes about the ending.

The overzealous fans celebrate the throw-away aspects that indulged their fantasies, as with every other franchise, and the overzealous critics focus too heavily on the weak social constructs, as with every other franchise.

I enjoyed reading Homestuck and will re-read it at another point in time.

>> No.11977101

Pretty fucking badly, as painful as the dream bubble stuff can be to endure. But I think the two Meenah flash games are safe to skip since they just introduce a bunch of irrelevant dumb characters.
The last great scene with trolls in it is when Eridan goes full Day of Retribution.

>> No.11977486

bullshit jargon for just saying something is good

>> No.11977586

It started off incredibly promising in act one. After that the quality dipped a fair bit, but not enough to be problem. Shortly after Hussy self inserted everything went down hill real fast and I couldn't care enough to look for updates. I stopped shortly after the parents got introduced and the original kids and trolls were on an asteroid just doing nothing. I really wish it continued to be great instead of turning into the cancer it is now.