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/lit/ - Literature

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11967829 No.11967829 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.11968129


>> No.11968147


>> No.11968321


>> No.11969035


>> No.11969159

So listen up. There's this one pige, who lives as a pige, surrounded by pige, and all he knows is pige. However, he believes he may not be able to stand up to the ideal of the Pige. Therefore he is fraught with anxiety and sadness by his possibly unfulfilled life. He comes to terms with his pige-ness when he accepts that there is nothing that he can ever do better, or worse than anyone else, an that since he is an individual being, he needs not aspire to become the Pige physically represented, but instead to remain satisfied with being a pige.

>> No.11969170


>> No.11969174

A skeptical woman begins to question her sanity after she starts seeing paranormal phenomena.

The twist: some of them are hallucinations, but some of them are actually real

>> No.11969175

stupid animal

>> No.11969201

A 20-year-old skater named Jonae Jervis finds out that his mother is a scat pornstar. At the same time, his mother finds his batman porn. They both decide to run away from each other but they end up meeting in a motel in Utah. As Jonae is telling his mom not to ever contact him again, she takes off her mask and reveals her true identity: she's Mario Batali. After Jonae's mom died because of him, Mario couldn't help but feel sorry for her son.
Jonae remembers all the good times he had with his mom, the way she always took care of him. In the end, no matter if your mom is a scat idol, or if she's Mario Batali with a mask; love is the only thing that matters.

>> No.11969219


>> No.11969250

That's just my diary desu

>> No.11969255

pige get eate

>> No.11969282

This thread will never get anywhere.

That being said, a bowling pin technician from Florida gets hunted by an interstellar assassin in a case of mistaken identity.

>> No.11969719
File: 1.48 MB, 1502x3076, 37D69411-FC6E-4BB3-ADC3-AA4B1EB802E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the distant future, mankind lives away from Earth within the utopian space station, Algo. With all their needs and wants care for by a “Mother” an advanced A.I. And The Forever Society, an order of super scientists which created all of it, the lives of those aboard the megastation are existences of abundance and chemical inebriation. The main character, a girl named Luma who races jet packs for sport begins to suspect things aren’t right behind the veil of the perfection.

When forces beyond her control draw her into the dealings of the Forever Society, Luma will find herself set on an adventure across new worlds and dimensions to protect Algo and those she cares for.

6 chapters in

>> No.11969931

A movie design/prop artist works on a life-size replica as a personal project. He becomes obsessed and begins going to absurd lengths to make it as realistic as possible, eventually removing his hair, nails, teeth, and skin to be prepared and used in the replica.
As he devotes all his time to the replica and becomes emaciated and disheveled, he has to continuously update it to reflect his new look, causing him even more stress and pain.
He begins hallucinating and conversing with the replica, which acts as an idealized version of himself and convinces him to continue physically harming himself, resulting in the artist beginning to work on a perfect replica of his organ systems, some of which he'll replace with his own and use as the centerpiece of the reworked replica, which will breathe, move, and circulate the artist's real blood via complicated mechanics inside.
He dies before finishing but it's left unclear whether the replica communicating with him was due to psychosis or demonic activity.

>> No.11969940


>> No.11969946

What the fuck is going on with these "pige" posts, it used to be "What's that fucking thing? I hate it."

>> No.11969949

SOmeone kill this stupid thing already

>> No.11969956

Bring back hating whatever that fucking thing is 2018

>> No.11969993

The POV is that of an asshole god that Groundhog Days people for fun. He waits until the person does some really horrible shit and ruins their life by lifting the curse and trapping them in that time line.

It'll be maybe 10,000 words.

>> No.11970084

/an/ meme

>> No.11970091


>> No.11970481

The galaxies worst criminals are sent to one of the planets the galactic federation uses to dump all their trash.
Similar to Australia.
The pollution of the planet also affects the ecosystem in a positive way, forcing the plant life to adapt and the entire food chain as well.
The characters live in a small village unaffected by the pollution. The main character eventually meets someone that shows him a beach made entirely of cigarettes.

The ending is five chapters of prose describing how a space marine from Earth fucked an alien and made a half-breed that will attempt to help the people living on the garbage world in the sequel nobody will ask for.

>> No.11970782

Can someone explain this to me? Why is it always a tapir? I've seen this shit every single time I've come here since I started browsing /lit/

>> No.11970803


>> No.11970824

How does one pronounce "pige"?

>> No.11970832

pige...easy on the nose

>> No.11970841


>> No.11970846


>> No.11970858

Bige :DDD

>> No.11970936

A fantasy world where the civilization has strong beliefs about dreams and uses rituals to alter them.

>> No.11971146

A middle-aged married couple goes on vacation away from their children (mid-late teens). While they are gone, one of the kids commits suicide. It is mostly from the point of view of the parents (probably the father), but will also have a section from the point of view of one of the kids in the aftermath of the suicide, including his contacting his parents.

Thematically I hope to tell how dangerous it is to be parent passively rather than actively, to allow children to basically do whatever they want rather than put them on a path leading towards something, anything.

>> No.11971399


>> No.11971402
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sounds nice anon

>> No.11971406
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I think there is already a book right this except instead of suicide the kid locks his entire school in the gym and shoots them all with his BOW

>> No.11971570

that's not a twist, that's literal psychosis.

>> No.11971574


>> No.11971595

A psychiatrist develops an addiction to dreaming.

>> No.11971606

This is good, except
>demonic activity.
ffs no

>> No.11971622
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A group of climbers get caught in a snow storm near the peak of a mountain during a particularly dangerous climb.

They are saved from freezing to death when they find something that is very out of place; a hot-dog stand such as you might find on the streets of a city.

As the climbers take shelter from the snow, they get to learn the circumstances that brought this very peculiar man to set up a food stall near the peak of a mountain.

>> No.11971683

It's a YA novel but people act like 19 year olds instead of 15 year olds,everyone has read one book of philosophy and can quote only Greeks and the main protagonist accidentally kills half the population.

>> No.11971690

A retarded NEET slowly going mad while wallowing in his depression while in constant isolation, wastes his time on porn and shity vidya, he either over eats and feels like shit to vomiting or raving diarrhea or he undereats and his stomach hurt from starvation and dehydration. NEETs only contact with people, ,aside from the guy that delivers ordered food and supplies, is 4chan where he goes on /r9k/ to blog about his conditioning. First he gets emotionally upset when anons call him faggot so he begins cutting himself, then he finds company of same miserable idiots that have a tournament on who is more fucked in life. He slowly degrades and his sexuality end up being /d/ and /b/. Due to developing fetishes autogynephilia start kicking in and he want to transition, there his fake dysphoria and lack of money kick in as his mental state degrades even more with being regularly on /r9k/. One day, he spent all his money his parents sent him, he realizes he now has to take things in his hands and change himself. It's hard for him as he is too deep in shit. Though contrary to his expectations, he managed to force himself to do minimal exercise through great effort. He starts to change his mindset and for a few moths you would never believe what he was. But then, it all crumbles, his impulses that defeat him make him visit /r9k/ again, returning him to old habits.
In 2 years he repeated dozens of failed start ups, until he lost hope... now he returned to everything he did and even worse, without trace of hope until death takes him away, as he is tying the noose.

>> No.11971705


Read any Harry Potter lately :))

>> No.11971831


>> No.11971838

like liege

>> No.11971852

I had an idea for a book called “The Great Filter,” which is about humanity colonizing a distant planet. A thousand years later of very little contact both human civilizations split and the Earth civilization succumbs to global warming and a Third World War which basically destroys the planet, forcing the now globalist and communist Earth government to flee on spaceships to forcefully colonize this distant planet.
The book basically follows the war between the Earth government and the more primitive united city states on the planet, ending with a shared nuclear exchange that destroys the Earth fleet and basically turns the planet into radioactive rubble (akin to what Earth was at this point).
It’s basically about if humans can adapt to their technology and if they can survive to become a spacefaring race (they can’t).

>> No.11971919

I think someone once posted an idea about a protagonist who at night discovers a food stall in a park that is ran by person that later turns out to have been long dead. Was that yours?

>> No.11972162

Write what you know ay anon?

>> No.11972171

There’s a reason some people separate the e from pig e.

It’s pronounced piggy

>> No.11972195

Super nutshell version: A.I Singularity but it's created by and for anarcho-capitalists

>> No.11972225

the porcine demon haunts my sleep, i pray to god for respite

>> No.11972264

No. The Anon you were responding to is correct. It is pronounced like "liege". Please learn the basic rules of the English language before posting.

>> No.11972280

I'm pretty sure "pige" is pronounced like "pie-g" or like pike but with a g instead of k. If it was pronounced like "liege" you would have to spell it piege.

>> No.11972319

Keep up the writing Anon, I remember the first time you posted this and her name was Bethesda

>> No.11972326

Like "pig"

>> No.11972335

Actually it's pronounced "Riyeh" as it would be in his native Ukrainian. The "g" is a silent character like it is in Turkish and comes from when the Ottomans controlled Crimea.

>> No.11972339

pige is the rightful Vizar of the Tartar Khanate.

>> No.11972364

That sounds so funny it makes me giggle

>> No.11972377

Wtf, what book is that?

>> No.11972384

Borges + Pitchfork

>> No.11972389

Can you link which idea here is yours? If you haven't posted anything, can you do so now? I want to know what novel ideas elementary schoolers can think of.

>> No.11972412

Is this EVA?

>> No.11973109


>> No.11973110

Pig e

>> No.11973292

Make a character study about someone who has deprrssion, yet has absoloutly no reason to be depressed. Loving family, healthy, some friends, and enough money. This ungratefulness makes them spiral further and further into their depression, because they know they have no reason to.
To cope, they do things that completly detstroy any sense of self worth to try and make people laugh, yet regardless of if they do or not keeps getting them lower and lower.
Maybe they find a love intrest, maybe not, but in the end we finish the same way we have started. We learn about their self destructive tendancies, and know how they could fix them, yet also know why they wont, leaving them to repeat this cycle until they either mature or give up on life.

At least I was going to do this, until I saw Inside Llywen Davis. Mostly similar, and while it is my favourite movie, the Coen Brothers used my idea I had three years after it wad released. So fuck me, right?

>> No.11973374

Pige gives a man a box. Inside the box shows you what your life would have been had you never looked.

>> No.11973899

Nope, not me.

>> No.11973985

Maybe demonic is the wrong word, but I was thinking of little things like the mechanics inside the replica working with far better efficiency than should be possible, or it displaying primitive senses of balance/perception- though none of that is ever explained, and it would be left up to the reader whether that unnatural stuff was just more hallucinating.

>> No.11974158

who was the box?

>> No.11975487
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>> No.11976236

Thanks. Yeah I wasnt married the name so I wasn’t hung up about holding on to it

>> No.11976298

Sounds like the kind of thing id enjoy reading, keep us posted anon

>> No.11976407

Stealing this

>> No.11976414

Sounds like something Junji Ito would write, I like it

>> No.11976424

I like unreliable narrators.

>> No.11976435


>> No.11976443
File: 48 KB, 702x557, FF5271A9-AFA0-40B2-8A1B-C69842FD6B93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black law student at Columbia university has to complete tasks for a drug dealer in order to keep getting Ritalin to study for his upcoming bar exam.
An abridged version of Hercules’ 12 labors that literally started from a title that I thought was provocative and cool.

>> No.11976448

A detective hunts a group of murderers that kill by forcing their victims to play russian roulette with them

>> No.11976461

I can’t tell if it would be an easy case to solve or a hard one

>> No.11976503

an erotic novel about a nigger winning the lottery, buying a remote house in West Virginia on a large amount of alnd, and bringing his white girlfriend to fuck her all day every day for a whole winter after they get snowed in. fuck writing interesting stories, make your money first then you'll be able to write whatever you really want

>> No.11976555

There is a small section of the population that would even like that anymore. Just be honest to yourself and admit you’re a cuck and that’s why you’re writing this


>> No.11976559
File: 132 KB, 570x421, 1516318225856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no one acknowledges your novel idea

>> No.11976574

>furry fetish artists like the furry porn they draw, and not the huge amount of money that comes with commissions

>> No.11976583

I think we should all admit that is for the most part true as well

>> No.11976598

What you're doing is different though
Furry artists get a specific request and then draw it, but you've came up with a cuck fantasy from your own imagination and are now working on it

>> No.11976793

actually sounds very cool, whats the title

>> No.11977246

We Need to Talk About Kevin

>> No.11977258

which is?

>> No.11977259

Ritalin whiplash

>> No.11977273

Are you personally black? I ask because if you are you can get much more easily into the perspective o a black person which would give a nice touch and pshycologycal spin to your really interesting idea.

>> No.11977280

I like it; it may be a pseud opinion, but I love the juxtaposing myths with contemporary occurrences.

>> No.11977282

A modern day allegory to the Anabasis in the same way Ulysses is to the Odyssey

>> No.11977366

The Fool travelling through the entire Major Arcana with each card having its own encounter. Each one would be in a different medium, style and/or genre (an encounter in the form of an epic poem, an encounter in the form of an aria, an encounter in the form of a prose piece, an encouter in the form of a vlog ect.)

>> No.11977391

God falls asleep and dreams about being a Jewish girl who runs away from home

>> No.11977990

The man with the golden gun but not boring

>> No.11977995


>> No.11978068

Another misanthropist tale. le everyone dies the end, why not turn man into singularity hivemind in desparation destroying humanity by corrupting concept of it or let remnants of the war reform society completely restarting human civilization from the scratch as the few man that survived on new planet got major amnesia or something, and their memories they interpret as vision from God/Gods.

>> No.11978140

I like to make small tales and here's an idea I had some time ago:
A stranded 19 person is found in a deserted island, he has been there for twelve years and he doesn't even know what are humans, including himself he has been living alone with no company for all that time, after they find him and put him in a mental institution (as he can't talk nor communicate with people) the authorities try to identify him and find out why he was there. He starts regaining sense as the investigation progresses and reveal that he had a lot of mental issues, all caused by the parenting he received, in the end , when they finally unveil all the story he strangles himself until he dies.

There's much more concepts in the tale, but that's the summary.

>> No.11978149

Correction: 19 years old male

>> No.11978180

Heart of Darkness but set in Roman times

>> No.11978192

After an entire town is struck with migraines simultaneously an agent from the apartment of interal affairs is sent to a nearby military research facility focused on psychology and neuroscience to uncover any corruption. He eventually uncovers a rabbit hole of delusional paranormal research and becomes involved in the experiments himself.

>> No.11978243

Inspired by a dream I had:
Sheltered 14yo takes a vacation with his family to visit their rich relatives at their southern estate. He takes a liking to their 20yo son, who talks to him about sex/cool/taboo stuff and gives him alcohol, since he never had a younger brother of his own. At some point he gets to briefly hang out with the 20yo and his friends at a get-together (the expectation being that he'll leave shortly), and accidentally drinks a spiked beverage and spends the night wandering the property seeing a whirlwind of strange scenes (surreal at first, then horrifying as the night goes on). When he wakes up, he remembers some vague/strange things the family had passingly mentioned, and wonders if/how much of what he saw was real.
I don't actually know much about drugs, what would produce a long swirl of surreal hallucinations? PCP? Ket?

>> No.11978247

A hit of weed straight to the dome

>> No.11978248

no but i'm poor so maybe that helps

>> No.11978277

Horror-noir about a fish demon which lives in a lake, which has a hotel/bar overlooking it. A wedding is taking place at the hotel and the fish beast is feasting. It's like an Agatha Christie novel, but with a sea beast. The narrator is an old man who as a child saw a woman fall into the lake and never return, nobody believed him, and he's been trying to figure it out ever since.

>> No.11978283

watch Britannia

>> No.11978331

I would recommend not mentioning what drug it is. Regardless of how much research you do there will always be that one guy that says "nah dude that's not how GHB/weed/PCP/whatever works", and if you actually do insufficient research you will look like a moron to everyone.

>> No.11978344

Pretentious trash, and I love tarot allegory. Read Murphy by Beckett to see the Fool's Journey done up right

>> No.11978349

Just go on erowid.

He ate some datura seed. There you go

>> No.11978569

Nobody would spike a drink with datura at a party

>> No.11978578

How do I be original?

>> No.11978625

Dragons arguing.

>> No.11978636

It's cheesy sci-fi taking tons of references so bear with me

Alien race, born in a solar system with 2 inhabited planets fairly close together. At some point (not sure what technology would be needed yet) the two planets realize that the other is inhabited. This revelation sparks huge societal changes on both rocks as they decide how to proceed. This shoves them forward a few hundred years by putting emphasis on inter-planetary communications, efficient exchanges of knowledge, general curiosity of meeting others/exploring another planet, etc.

they're eventually able to establish a decent travel-way between worlds, which pushes their technology and research further. lots of room for details of physical appearance here that could have interesting implications.

this could be its own story, or it could just be background to a much larger story. but as usual, i've got a trillion ideas and offshoots for every little detail, but settling on a central theme is...

>> No.11978641

No pige?

>> No.11978829
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Plz don't steal. So there's this State/Empire. It exists I guess in another world. Not really Earth. It is the strongest/most prosperous nation in that world. Although there is a nominal civilian government it is mostly governed by its military headed by the marshal of the army. But to its own benefit, the state is not super brutal and opressive or anything. There is a Royal family and a very young empress, traditionally in power but their power has diminished and they are essentially just figureheads at the present time. Two of the main characters are the marshal and his daughter. The marshal is loved by the people almost mythically because of his exploits in battle and his charisma, along with his physical appearance--he is handsome, incredibly tall (like 6'8 tier) and athletic, is shown hunting/boxing/etc. Kind of like Putin.

Daughter is 16 or so and goes to an elite prep high school with other rich and powerful people's kids. Daughter has a kind and gentle personality, but she finds it hard to have meaningful or authentic interactions with others because being the marshal's daughter most people tend to engage her with vaugue awe or apprehension, or else in some way try to suck up to get in the good graces of power. She is also incredibly tall and athletic (like 6'3) but unlike Dad this doesn't do her any favors and just compounds her awkwardness. Her oldest true friend is a nerdy "weird" girl who plays TCG with boys, etc. kek.

>> No.11978834


Anyway, the main kind of macro conflict in this story begins with with the Empire's prized mining colony. This colony is a moon (with atmosphere) nearby the main world. The Empire controls this moon which is rich in a valuable mineral, and this is a big source of the Empire's wealth. But they are in basically a constant state of light war over this moon which is constantly raided by pirates and more recently a war of revolt among some of the colonists has been ongoing. The fighting is inevitbly a quagmire because it is taking place right on top of the Empire's own valuable resource, so only bare minimum engagements are usually made, like brushing away flies to risk destroying a source of their own wealth. At some point the Marshal makes the decision to crush the rebellion. It succeeds but a decisive attack inevitably damages a lot of the resource and there are attendant consequences (plummeting stocks, etc.).

There are various factions at play in the state that start to move after this incident. One prince of the royal family, who is a lieutenant in the army, is disillusioned by the Royals' diminished significance and resents the Marshal's popularity and status. After the rebellion he asks Marshal to marry Daughter in a kind of can't beat them so join them powerplay. Marshal knows its a powerplay and also considers his daughter's aversion to such a thing and rejects the prince, which is a massive taboo traditionally. Prince relents quietly but plots his next move. He will try to mobilize Royalists who wish to see the Monarchy regain real power.
Another faction involves disillusioned ex soldiers. One consequence of the incident is that given the strained economic situation after defeating the rebellion, pensions for many soldiers are reduced and it is also more difficult for them to find new jobs after service.
Besides the bigger political things, the story also focuses a lot on the daughter and her daily/school life and her relationships with friends/her father/her brother (also a military officer).

That's my autistic idea. Ex Army officer who watches too many Chinese cartoons, sorry.

>> No.11978847
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I want to write a stage play about sam hyde committing acts of mass atrocity but getting away withit because of the media 'catching on' to the long running HE CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT MEME.
Video and photo proof of samm killing people is dismissed as trolls and memes so Sam just keeps getting away with it!

>> No.11978946

Handmaid's Tail:

Basically a book to piss off anyone who liked a Handmaids Tale. It's about a slutty maid who uses sex to get what she wants, and crushes the hearts of men who think they see value in her by using them for her own self interests while complaining to others about being oppressed.

>> No.11978956
File: 397 KB, 519x467, 434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vampires arguing

>> No.11979018

Say more.

>> No.11979048
File: 13 KB, 228x239, chen_hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds pretty generic, sorry to say anon. Though, sci-fi generally isn't my favorite, so I don't know (arrogant progressivism, materialism and repetition/lack of variety are why I don't generally like most sci-fi).
>ffs no
>muh "demons aren't real; I know better than 10,000+ of human existence"
Interesting, but in the same way American Pyscho is, i.e. "good" in the same way Death Grips is "music"—thrill/novelty/cheap lasting impression over completeness/genuine lasting impression.
Nice, will probably be forgotten in a few years after making the news, likely less.

>> No.11979053

looks like hollebecque survived falling into the volcano at Mordor

>> No.11979060

>inb4 it's about a chunni that actually gets powers and fucks up big time, a lesson in the dangers of hubris

>> No.11979062 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.11979102
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>who watches too many Chinese cartoons, sorry.
Fascinating that I guessed that before I read that line.
Miyazaki was right.

>> No.11979109

Her face makes me laugh. It's ridiculously cartoony.

>> No.11979121

god how i hate that loony lesbian bitch

>> No.11979126

Is she really a dyke? Explains the rape face, then.

>> No.11979130

Toaster with a little window so you can see how it's coming along
Self-cleaning soap
A peeler designed specifically for bananas
Little sheet for your computer so you can forget it exists
I think these are pretty novel, opinions pls

>> No.11979134
File: 230 KB, 500x329, CarlosNowThisIsMeming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prolly would turn it into a graphic novel, which is a visual medium? No bully because then U wood bee teh dum-gummies, 'cause its liek compassing applets two oh-rangers! Did ya catch that.
Carlos! Get out!

>> No.11979150

So, this guy is from a guard that protects what kinda is the embodiment of ancient goddess in the body of a 15 year old girl. The MC has to scort her somewhere for a diplomatic mission, she scapes because MC is a stupid guy. He tries to find her and protect her from any other god that tries to hurt her. He later realises that may be he's just a regular dude and not a hero and that he's getting into a big problem that doesn't matter to him and just is a puppet for gods' plans.

>> No.11979154

oh, yes. Not a joke- she's a total lesbo. I hadn't seen her face, but yeah I laughed as well.

>> No.11979161

I feel bad, then. There's a high chance she was molested/raped when she was young, whether she remembers it or not, and that she isn't just a sex addict. Oh well.

>> No.11979167

yeah, it is unfortunate. Especially since her shitty book raped the minds of millions at this point

>> No.11979185
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I'm afraid it will be stolen so here are mere elements:
>in teh fruiture, roughly 1,000 years post-Current Year
>competing magical societies
>Bane, sort of but not really
>Julius Caesar, sort of but not really
>Optimates and Populares, sort of but not really
>literal Hitler worship
>Napoleonic warfare
>invading empire of sneering imperialist lolis with early-WWII technology; think Girls und Panzer in regard to how they view the sexes, for simplicity's sake
>attacked by rockets from abandoned moon base, accidentally fired by the Imbeerium of Spurdogind :-DDD, which will build a supah sekrit underwater Arctic base, and somehow activate SS robots from WWII in a bunker in Antarctica
Or something like that. Whole thing is just wacky fun, but there is heart. I just think it would be better as a comic than a novel. Anyway.

>> No.11979193


>> No.11979194

**also, CIA is sort of but not really, or maybe the CIA somehow survived as a faction of sorcerers?

>> No.11979200
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Why would anyone steal this?

>> No.11979206
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I don't know. I was just worried. You never know.
Also, I regret making the post now for some reason.

>> No.11979215

retard apu

>> No.11979228
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>> No.11979229

man anime really rots the brain, some kid actually thought that was a good idea lmao

>> No.11979238

I don't watch anime though. GuP is the only one I am familiar with.

>> No.11979244


>> No.11979254

did you just samefag yourself for samefagging- this is like- samefag-ception.

>> No.11979260

>writing with lower-cases and no punctuation on a literature board
It's scary to think that the brainlet Apu-poster can write better than you.
Yes. Are you 12? This site is 18+, you know.

>> No.11979279
File: 775 KB, 1011x1362, Schopenhauer_books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, obsessing over anything without having a frame of reference will "rot" your brain. Miyazaki was right when he said otaku learn nothing. Same goes for /v/ideogamers, /co/mic book readers, etc.
Also, 4chan is a weeb site.

>> No.11979280

Well, I was joking, you know. I didn't think it'd go so high over your head you'd not notice it at all, but I guess I've assumed to much about a stranger on the internet. Since we're here- what's one of your favorite books or authors?

>> No.11979285

>Also, 4chan is a weeb site.

thats why 4chan will always be inferior to reddit, if u think reddit sucks, this place is reddit with cartoons, 4chan is a soi product

>> No.11979288

unfortunately there is utility in reading what is bad- it's so you can recognize it when someone tries to bullshit you.

>> No.11979290

Shit bait.
And how do you know I wasn't joking as well?

>> No.11979294
File: 68 KB, 923x713, 1539745892636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to go back.

>> No.11979301

I don't? But it's such a common thing to say on here- especially when someone says something extraordinarily retarded, that it doesn't seem like a joke a first glance- but earnest in it's statement.

>> No.11979302

what and miss out on all of your great ideas for novels lol

>> No.11979304

I've not posted one yet, actually.

>> No.11979323
File: 11 KB, 442x430, hurrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Posted too soon:
After all, obviously someone made the ones that weren't samefag'd.
My favorite author? Hard to say.
But one of my favorite books, if you can call it that, is Beowulf. There is something pure in it, and most modern literature discussed here doesn't compare, and feels soulless.
Yes yes.

I remember one big reason I left 4chan for as long as I did—that terrible Jewgle captcha. This is one thing 8ch did much better.

>> No.11979342

Me too, but those kinds of stories have been done many times. Most of them seem to presuppose that either fantastical phenomena are 100% fake or 100% real, or we can never now, but either way myths and miracles cannot coexist side by side.

My idea is to write a "deconstruction" (for lack of a better word) of those stories by having a RELIABLE narrator tell a story of how a real ghost or alien would deal with a crazy person seeing fake ghosts or aliens. I have no idea how that would actually go, though.

>> No.11979348


>> No.11979357

So do you like Beowulf because of the aesthetic, or some sort of muh heritage based reaction? Not that I don't really enjoy the story as well- the idea of the sheer evil presence that graphically murders at the start of the book is so well written it's crazy.

I found 8ch to be too boring for some reason. I use two other chans besies 4, but they're beyond niche.

My favorite book is hard to say, but I did really enjoy Treasure Island. It's the raw spirit of adventure.

>> No.11979360
File: 446 KB, 650x650, sad_cirno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11979380

What's wrong with English heritage? You jealous?

>> No.11979388

Nah, got it myself. But I think the ideas of a book>aesthetics of a book.

>> No.11979415

>or some sort of muh heritage based reaction?
Anyone who practices figurative-blood worship I have trouble respecting. "I worship Odin because I'm Swedish!" Then you don't really "believe" in Odin, if your faith is based on what is ultimately a form of materialism. There is nothing wrong with respecting your heritage, however. Why would I say it's my favorite story, then? I like Gilgamesh a lot, too. It's the high-idealism and simple-living espoused that I adore.
Aesthetic is nice too, but shouldn't be a reason for why something is someone's favorite, when we are speaking of stories, at least. Assuming I know what you mean, a story for the sake of aesthetics is pathetically shallow.

Why? What is the point? 8fag does a 24-hour captcha, and it's not by Google, so Google doesn't know you post there, whereas every time you post here, Google knows. So why can't gookm00t do it the same way?

>> No.11979459
File: 98 KB, 400x300, 1447055263805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, daily reminder that T H I S was used because writing A E S T H E T I C S that way is appealing, depending on the font, anyway. It's not just for emphasis, as many normalniggers will do. I hate Internet-meme "culture", ruined as a brat might destroy a priceless vase. I bet the average normalfag would tell you "meme" means something different in the context of the Internet, which goes to show the lack of intelligence among the Plebs. No wonder peasants were trampled on by Caesars—they deserve it.
It hurts.

>> No.11979654


>> No.11979749

I- I actually can't tell if you're serious or not

>> No.11979796
File: 328 KB, 835x491, toolate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could have been rich anon
it sells for over 370 dollaridoos

>> No.11979801

stupid toast.

>> No.11979805
File: 57 KB, 565x425, 1540265779634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think the toast invented it.

>> No.11979816

BASICALLY yeah it's like yeah basically well kind of like a well yeah but no however yes it's similar to no not quite

BASICALLY about a man who follows everything adverts tell him to do
So magin like that ol cave analogy and that or something yeah well basically a man comes up out of the cave n' that and enters the world with gleeful excitement and the naivety and openness of a child but with the temperament of a fully grown man and he sees adverts telling him to do X or Y and so he takes them all literally and does everything the modern world in 2k18 tells him to do with full dedication and perseverance and well yes if I see this or you copy me I will sue you


>> No.11979948
File: 41 KB, 555x553, images (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could I improve it

>> No.11981519

A recently married young woman falls pregnant, and she struggles to comes to terms with the notion of motherhood, and has fears whether she will be a good mother.

>> No.11981606


>> No.11981629

Tales of targeted individuals, meth addicts, and demonic possession.

>> No.11981637

a privately atheist faqih is pursuing an illicit homosexual affair with a university student
the student becomes pregnant.