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11941787 No.11941787[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what is a good argument against antinatalim? I have never come acroas a good argument against it

>> No.11941805
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>if, stance = true, 'counterarguments' = false. Output, <<"Conclusion, all counter arguements are invalid">>
>I have never come acroas a good argument against it

>> No.11941811

I can't control muh dick, that's, meat portals have the numbers so is loss anyway.

>> No.11941832

the npc: posts npc meme no matter what context anybody cares about
the non-npc: actually responds to conversation sincerely

>> No.11941854

If you unironically have never "come across a good argument", you are already biased. Even if you disagree with counter arguments, you often find good ones. You're someone who reacts emotionally and discounts things when he shouldn't.

>> No.11941877

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

>> No.11941887

that is just a myth that is used to justify breeding. post an actual argument.
post an argument

>> No.11941895

The Bible

>> No.11941954

life aint that bad

>> No.11941986

Spreading your gens, the only reason for your existance. If your gens make you think you should not breed, they are probably fucked, so stay that way. The eugenic society says "Thank you".

>> No.11941993

Life isn't that bad for most people. It's not for you to decide whether a person should live or not. If a person doesn't like life he always has a way out.

>> No.11942009

The goal of every living is immortality, breeding is just a cheap cope.

>> No.11942015

Life isn't bad, yet, continue to breed and you'll see.

>> No.11942022

the only good argument is for good looking and intelligent people. im sorry anon, you are being discriminated against by your own brain. on the upside, you'll forget about it in a few minutes.

>> No.11942054


>> No.11942058

>The goal of every living is immortality
Cringe. Immortality is counter evolutionary, you retard. You have to die so better copies of yourself can live otherwise the world would be shat up full with eternal amöba.

Every living thing has the goal to reproduce, not live eternally. You can't accept this because even the basic fact of your existance disqualifies your antinatal nonsense. Speak about cope, my Kerl.

>> No.11942073

>The word of God is just a myth.

>> No.11942079


>> No.11942110

Well, if you call biological facts and religious justification cope, it's pretty clear that you don't really want explanations why anti-natalism is but a mental disorder and natures way of culling the weak.

>> No.11942141
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Is pretty obvious you post this >>11942073
so there's no point discussing it further, you are some pathetic "white" boy, kissless and hugless that think being christian will make him "based" and "redpilled", you don't go to university because you think is "commie propaganda" and you just parrot some pseudo science cope for your inherent inferiority.

the demiurge is a nigger.

>> No.11942153
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>Is pretty obvious you post this >>11942073
Wrong, pic related.

>you are some pathetic "white" boy, kissless and hugless that think being christian will make him "based" and "redpilled"
Wrong, I'm a married slavette agnostic.

>you don't go to university because you think is "commie propaganda" and you just parrot some pseudo science cope for your inherent inferiority.
Wrong, I studied molecular biology.

Just accept that you're biological waste.

>> No.11942160

Point proven, fragile masculinity.

>> No.11942161

Suffering is good. That is all.

>> No.11942170
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>those are the people advocating and living the unreproductive life

>> No.11942228

You can’t know whether or not the baby in question would prefer to never have lived at all.

>> No.11942231

unironically this

>> No.11942232

Isn't about morals you curtain.

>> No.11942240

Life denying garbage to cope with their shitty life thus other lives will be shitty. Or they unironically buy into the overpopulation meme.

>> No.11942242

ahyuk ahyuk

>> No.11942249


Kek so butblasted over litteraly truth, you have to start with the insults. Kind of pathetic

>> No.11942255

you tell them cletus

>> No.11942263

>but I can know the ohter way!
Antinatalism may be unjustified shite but so is popping out children. The strongest live beyond their mere genetic links (thats what I tell myself constantly so I dont lose it from the retarded urge to mate)

On the real though i cant wait to laugh sadly at you all when you start complaining yet again

>> No.11942320

>what is a good argument against antinatalim?
Everything good that can be experienced by a human.

>> No.11942325

Epic cringe

>> No.11942330

You can't consistently defend antinatalism without defending suicide. Then all of the arguments against suicide apply, though I can think of none.

>> No.11942505

>buying into the materialist jew god when even the NT says to renounce all of this

>> No.11942530

>You can't consistently defend antinatalism without defending suicide
Commiting suicide to escape suffering is just submitting to the will to life which is causing the very suffering you are trying to escape. You can live without adding more suffering to the world.

>> No.11942554

Multiple ways.
First is the afterlife, if you don't have kids that don't have any chance getting into it.

Second is choice, if someone really dislikes life they can always commit suicide.

>> No.11942563
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TrueRationalAtheistGamer is really schooling us with real science and atheism guys.

>> No.11942565

Stopped reading there.

>> No.11942569

>video games
point proven.

>> No.11942571

The other way gives people a choice, you fucking retard.

>> No.11942574

What's wrong with suicide?

Why should you care about the suffering of the world?

>> No.11942576

Antinatalism presupposes two things: that suffering is bad, and that suffering is inavoidable.

>> No.11942577

>denying a noble truth

>> No.11942588

Surveys show that the majority of people are generally happy with the conditions of life, despite the inevitable suffering they face at times. Just because some depressed philosophers going through existential crises see no positive value in existence, it doesn't mean that the average joe feels that way

>> No.11942600
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Hmm I've never had to think about this before, lemme collect my thoughts and...



>pic related

>> No.11942604

>the majority
Point proven, the majority doesn't know

>> No.11942610

No I think he's really just autistic.

>> No.11942612

There is no goal. Just that the genes that pass themselves on were passed on. Stop trying to jump the is ought gap so flippantly.

>> No.11942623

Looks like natalist bros don't really have an argument beyond muh dick and muh demiurge told me so.

>> No.11942635
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You ignored half the arguments.

>> No.11942636

>It's not for you to decide whether a person should live or not
Not exactly a natalist argument...

>> No.11942641

>i-isn't really that bad tfw no trad gf

>> No.11942649

If it's so bad why not kill yourself?

>> No.11942661

Why are you taking heed to something a goat herder wrote like 2000 years ago? C'mon.

>> No.11942676

Why do you believe in Ecuildian geometry if it was made by some guy 3000 years ago.

>> No.11942680

What are your arguments against suffering=bad? Before any other argument against natalism or antinatalism can be addressed, the concept and qualities of suffering have to br defined first.

>> No.11942688

If nothing is tying you down besides your will to live, you're not living much of a life either. Plenty of reasons someone would go on living even when they feel life isn't worth living

>> No.11942696

You don't need belief for that

>> No.11942698

>Plenty of reasons someone would go on living even when they feel life isn't worth living

Like what exactly?

>> No.11942699
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>> No.11942704

Prove the parallel postulate

>> No.11942711
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>There no good arguments because I ignore the good arumgents.

200000 IQ

>> No.11942713

You can't disprove it though. The foundation of anti-natalism is that life isn't worth living and that's incorrect for most people.

>> No.11942716

Family and friends you'd hurt, people you need to provide for or haveany sense of responsibility for

>> No.11942717

I'm solipsistic btw so your (mine) statement is true.
Wrong, but I'm not going to explain myself.

>> No.11942723
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>Wrong, but I'm not going to explain myself.

>> No.11942731


If you family and friends want you to have a kid, do you have a moral imperative to do so?

Even so, why should you care about the suffering of your family and friends?

>> No.11942737

That's not what solipsism means you retard.

>> No.11942744

It was unrelated to my post, I'm also an ascetic hedonist btw (this is also unrelated).

>> No.11942745

Those are accepted as postulates or axioms within his theory and the theorems derived from them are true without the need of belief. I'm not a mathematical realist, which would be something requiring belief. Some phenomena are better described using hyperbolic geometry, so what? Still the same axiom and theorem shit. Euclid is "right" not because you can use his geometry to model our world but because of his method of proof.

>> No.11942747

Reposting what I said in a similar thread on r9k.

It doesn't make sense to reason about the suffering/happiness of guaranteed non-existent people, such as the ones you are "sparing" by not procreating.

I say "guaranteed" non-existent people in order to pre-empt the objection that we routinely make moral considerations for non-existent, namely future generations affected by climate change. The difference is that although those people don't exist yet, we can be reasonably certain that *some* people will exist in the near future, and that their basic needs won't be radically different from our own.

This kind of reasoning is altogether different from talking about the lack of suffering caused by not having children. Suffering only matters because it's happening *to* someone. It has no significance outside the context of the being experiencing it.

That said, I have no plans on having children. But not because it would be some horrible moral wrong to inflict existence upon hypothetical potential children.

>> No.11942752

This is ignoring the fact that meat portals are not real, I'm an eunuch btw.

>> No.11942765

Caring for your loved ones doesn't mean you have an imperative to follow any of their wishes just to make them happy, obviously

>> No.11942777
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So if you agree that is case, why not commit suicide?

>> No.11942782

I'm asking you to prove the postulates, I don't care if they're accepted.

>> No.11942784

I just told you "ANY" of their wishes. Don't you have common sense, like anyone else? You'd run an errand for your mother, right? Would you also rob a bank? Do you think the pain of losing a brother or a son is anywhere near the pain "oh gee I wish you had a kid, anon"?

>> No.11942788

Why don't you ? if you support the idea of natalism ?

>> No.11942793

Are you retarded? Are you saying you need faith to accept axioms and do math from there?

>> No.11942799
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>Why should you care about the suffering of the world?
The more the world suffers, the more you suffer. If the possibility of avoiding suffering in life exists and you kys anyways to give up you are just a little pussy bitch boy quitter. Real men commit suicide to deny the will, not submit to it.

>> No.11942804

>I have never come acroas a good argument against it
This is how you spot a pseud. Claiming that you've never heard a good argument for something is a clear sign that you're either lying or have done no research on the topic in question.

>> No.11942812

Common sense is an illusion. But I'll let it slide for a sec. Do you plan on killing yourself the minute your close family dies?
Why do people who value living not want to commit suicide? Are you retarded?

>> No.11942822

What do you think a postulate is?

>> No.11942824

There's no need to argument against a truth, post body.
>valuing life
That's like saying you are fond of your gnome yet ingesting shit ironicallyt, posting body.

>> No.11942827

Why should I even care about personal suffering?

>> No.11942834

>That's like saying you are fond of your gnome yet ingesting shit ironicallyt, posting body.

What the fuck are you even trying to say, this is like trying to translate retard into normal english.

Did you know what people wanna make more of the things they value, it's a big shocker you inhuman baboon.

>> No.11942844

Projecting you meat portal ? post body.

>> No.11942864

At this point I don't know if I'm talking to someone who's underage or just a lost cause. I'll spell it out for you: we both know that postulate can't be proven and that there are other mathematics that don't use his postulate, which we would today call an axiom. That doesn't mean you are reading someone who is out-dated: Euclid is interesting as a mathematician anyway, because of the rigour of his proofs. You don't need belief to read mathematics

>> No.11942870
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This is advanced autism.

But sure, now post yours fatty :)

>> No.11942877

The point is, why should you trust axioms. They are, by defintion, improvable.

>> No.11942881
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Morality is just 'muh feels' and feelings are not truth-apt.

Antinatalism is ultimately dependant on the feeling that life is not worth creating and natalists feel differently.

>> No.11942903

Aww is tons of fun scared.

>> No.11942905

There is no 'knowing' subjective value judgements. If some pleb thinks his life is alright that is the same as his life being alright, even if some Jewish professor screams at him that it is not because of sophistry.

>> No.11942935

My bmi is actually 16 sweatie, I have bullimia ;)

>> No.11942972

Post it :)

>> No.11943003


I should paste the same reply every time:

Antinatalists are only against life inasmuch as it hurts, but otherwise affirm life's neutral or "good" aspects, and would wholly affirm all of it if their lives or life in general only consisted of them. They think life is bad because of work or disease, instead of correctly ascertaining such things as mere byproducts of life's categorical evil.

>> No.11943013 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11943053

>what is a good argument against antinatalim?
Open individualism. Your existence was inevitable and the extinction is impossible, so even if AN is true on an ethical ground - it is vacuous

>> No.11943066

Most of these are arguments against sad boys who might take up this position not antinatalism

>> No.11943113

I don’t need a rational argument to have children

>> No.11943248

why would anyone want kids and bring them up in this world anyway?

>> No.11943254
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I don't know every antinatalist talking point, but here are my answers to some of them.

>Life isn't exclusively suffering, and even so, there is meaning to life beyond sensations such as pain and pleasure.

>Evolution is a framework within which there is a capability for success or failure resulting in a muted immortality of genetic legacy.

>Objective, but non-absolute morality is derived from evolutionary viability of actions and traits.

>Eugenics can vastly reduce inheritable diseases

>Antinatalism is only appealing to those intelligent and/or sad enough to get past the "yuck" factor of taking an anti-life position, so in addition to not being actionable on a large scale, it keeps said intelligent people sad, if they were sad to begin with, by denying them families and descendants, which are usually powerfully emotionally positive and life-stabilizing, if the person can keep his or her family together in the current shitshow of familial destruction.

>Antinatalism is dysgenic with regards to intelligence (although possibly eugenic with regards to vitality) and self-defeating - because it decreases the fertility of said intelligent people and ensures that a smaller portion of the population would be interested in antinatalism with every passing generation.

>> No.11943263

Mortal cope

>> No.11943386
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Mortality isn't as big a deal as people think it is.

>> No.11943400

>Life isn't exclusively suffering, and even so, there is meaning to life beyond sensations such as pain and pleasure.
I think this is a straw man of antinatalist arguments. They never say that life is exclusively suffering, just that humans have a propensity to remember and be affected by negative experiences way more than by positive experiences. Basically the bad outweighs the good

>> No.11943407

Post it

>> No.11943529
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The "life is exclusively suffering" could maybe be a strawman. I didn't intend that, but I am under the impression that antinatalists generally think life is meaningless except perhaps for the considerations of physical and emotional sensations antinatalism is based upon.

People can more easily recall negative experiences, but that's not the same as actually having negative experiences, and with a good sense of humor a lot of negative experiences can become funny and take the edge off of the negativity of the memory. Extreme trauma is a bit of a different animal, but those are by definition exceptionally negative experiences. Causing negative experiences is disincentivized socially with punishments such as social ostracization, imprisonment, or death. If a person thinks that there is still too much negative experience, advocating for more severe laws and punishments makes more sense than trying to convince people to give up on reproduction - because it has a better chance of working and it is less of a burdensome position to hold, if holding an antinatalist position causes social ostracism and mental suffering, which I believe it does.

>> No.11943586
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I’ll give the patrician answer, pay attention now boys:

Antinatalism is based on the flawed assumption of becoming.

>> No.11943637

Seriously dude it makes no sense at all

>> No.11943652

are you being sarcastic

>> No.11943654

having kids and a loyal wife leads to a happier life.

there's a point where conservative christians live happier lifes filled with meaning, but atheist live solitary lives of misery until they commit suicide.

having a kid and raising it is the purpose of life for a male, while spending time on garbage like games, anime and materialism leads to a vapid life without meaning and only leads to suffering.

anti natalists suffer because they contradict what it means to be a human.

>> No.11943662

So this is how it ends, not with a bang but with a fap

>> No.11943663


>> No.11943671

I don't like niggers, but I hate Jews more.

>> No.11943680
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Very nearly based.

>> No.11943687

>conservative christians
my family is filled with these types and they are paranoid, controlling, and have beaten their wives.

>> No.11943699

Becoming is an illusion and being can’t become non-being and non-being can’t become being.

Antinatalism is founded on incorrect ontology.

>> No.11943732

Most women understand that they deserve to be beaten from time to time. How else could a wife be punished? I suppose you could lock them in a cage or something, but that's also illegal.

>> No.11943782

Anti natalism is a spook made for self defeating men

>> No.11943828

Anti natalism is gay

>> No.11944603


>> No.11944609

unironically this

>> No.11944627

Because kids are a good way to give your life meaning and purpose

>> No.11944640

t. sad dad

>> No.11944955

We usually just prefer to let you sort yourselves out with time, one way or the other.

>> No.11944960

t. sadder kid

>> No.11945157

Post your body

>> No.11945498

there is none, because it would have kept you from being born.

>> No.11946352

The core premise of antinatalism is that the world is primarily based on suffering, so not helping in the process of creating a child is a selfless act. But you're basically allowing the abstraction of suffering that prevents you from creating life. In a non-memetic way, the view that life is suffering is a spook and prevents you from enacting your ego. Children are essentially a direct method of leaving a legacy of your values through your genes and teachings. So even if you agree that life is terrible and not worth experiencing, there is no reason not to condemn another person to that fate if you choose to do so.
And if you disagree that life is suffering, that you can achieve happiness while alive, you have no reason to think you're condemning a person to suffer. Then it becomes an argument for not having children since they take a lot of effort to raise. There's no reason to assume that reality is just suffering as an excuse to avoid raising a child.